~ Beware Of The Others ~ {C}

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" she was the girl with a sense of survival "

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❦   c a u t i o n   ❦
☆ Adult situations
☆ Excessive religious mentions
☆ Excessive blood/gore
☆ Excessive violance
☆ Excessive fighting
☆ Excessive death
☆ Betrayal

❦   t i m e ⋆ p e r i o d   ❦
December 5, 2093

❦   f u l l ⋆ g o v e r n m e n t a l ⋆ n a m e   ❦
Cassiopeia L. Sullivan

❦   g i v e n ⋆ n a m e (s) ❦
☆ Cass
☆ Cassie
☆ Sullivan

❦   g e n d e r    ❦

❦ s p e c i e s   ❦

❦ s e x u a l i t y   ❦

❦ n a t i o n a l i t y   ❦

❦ a g e   ❦

❦ e x a c t ⋆ h e i g h t   ❦

❦   e x a c t ⋆ w e i g h t   ❦
102 lbs.

❦   b l o o d ⋆ t y p e   ❦

❦ b i r t h d a t e   ❦
March 30, 2076

❦ o r i g i n ⋆ o f ⋆ b i r t h   ❦
Brunswick, Ohio

❦   s e a s o n ⋆ d u r i n g ⋆ b i r t h   ❦

❦   s t a r . s i g n   ❦

❦ a f f i l i a t i o n   ❦

❦ o c c u p a t i o n   ❦

❦ r e l a t i o n s h i p ⋆ s t a t u s ❦

❦   s t r e n g t h ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   s p e e d ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   e n d u r a n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   a g i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   r e f l e x ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c o m b a t ⋆ a b i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   i n t e l l i g e n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   a r t i s t r y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c h a r i s m a ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c o n f i d e n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   p o p u l a r i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   i n s a n i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦ d o m i n a n c e ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦   s u b m i s s i o n ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ e y e ⋆ c o l o r   ❦
Chocolate Brown

❦ h a i r ⋆ c o l o r   ❦
Pale Brown Faded To Blonde

❦ s k i n ⋆ c o l o r   ❦

❦   i m a g e s   ❦

❦   f a c e ⋆ c l a i m   ❦
Alissa Violet

❦  a p p e a r a n c e ⋆ d e t a i l s   ❦
Cassie is a breath-taking individual. Definately not the type of person at first glance you would have expected to survive this long. With a curvy, lean and taller frame, Cassie seems to be the diamond in the rough. A rather medium sized bust and a small waistline are her main noticable body features. Her jawline is a bit sharper than other girls have. Her full and dark tanned lips and enchanting dark brown eyes seem to draw those in that notice her. Her hair is of medium length, brown at the base and fades into a beautiful golden blonde. Her long lashes hide her sometimes downcast eyes, giving her a rather mysterious look. She wears an old blue hoodie, sports bra, jeans, and tennis shoes.

❦   p e r s o n a l i t y   ❦
Cassie can only be described as a sharp and witty individual, one with plenty of sass. She's extremely keen to pick up on little things that most wouldn't see at first look. Cassie can be more than sarcastic, seeming to know just what to say to push your buttons in almost any situation. A hard shell surrounds her, one that's more than hard to break through. Hardly anyone has gotten through it, and you should consider yourself one of the lucky few if you get through it. She's a complete hardass, one that you should tread lightly around if you anger. She has the stubborness of a raging bull, and once her mind is made up, there is no changing it. No chance at all. If she makes a promise, she will keep it until her last breath. Trust is more than just a big deal to her, it's a huge deal. It's what all of her relationships have been built on. Once you get past her complicated personality, she mellows out into a fairly peaceful person. Becoming a gentle tease and a girl who loves to cuddle, bringing down her walls transforms her into a completely different person. She shows utmost affection for those she loves, and would give the world to make her loved ones happy.

❦   a b i l i t i e s   ❦

❦ e q u i p m e n t   ❦
Sauer 202 Avantgarde Grande Rifle - A sleek, black and brown rifle that Cassie recieved from her father. It never leaves her side, not once. On the side her initials are engraved into it.

Army green backpack - Within the contents of this bag is a picture of Cassie's family, medicine, food rations, a small sleeping bag, a pocket knife, ammunition for her rifle, a worn teddy bear, and an extra set of clothes.

❦ s t r e n g t h s ❦
☆ Her survival instincts
☆ Shooting a gun
☆ Adapting to change
☆ Sense of connection
☆ Traveling long distances
☆ Keeping her emotions in check

❦ w e a k n e s s e s ❦
☆ Talk of her past
☆ Talk of her parents
☆ Her younger brother
☆ Being human
☆ Wavering thoughts
☆ Hesitance

❦ f l a w s ❦
☆ Very sarcastic
☆ Quite snappy
☆ Always has a smart remark
☆ Can be harsh
☆ Often says things she shouldn't
☆ Has a bit of a sailor's mouth

❦ L i k e s ❦
☆ Memories of before the first wave
☆ Warmth
☆ Feeling safe
☆ Being able to relax
☆ Summer
☆ Nature

❦ d i s l i k e s ❦
☆ The "Others"
☆ Feeling tied down
☆ Overly needy people
☆ The thought of the coming 5th wave
☆ War
☆ Being around too many people

❦ t u r n ⋆ o n s ❦
☆ Body Heat
☆ Gentle touches
☆ Someone who can understand her
☆ Closeness
☆ Cuddling
☆ Having her face peppered with kisses

❦ t u r n ⋆ o f f s ❦
☆ Teeth grinding
☆ Foul smells
☆ Anything gross
☆ Strange fetishes
☆ Tongue Kissing
☆ Going too fast

❦   l o o k s ⋆ f o r ⋆ i n ⋆ a ⋆ p a r t n e r   ❦
Someone who she can trust.

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ t i m e ⋆ o f ⋆ d a y ❦
Early Morning

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ s e a s o n ❦

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ m o n t h ❦

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ k i n d ⋆ o f ⋆ f l o w e r ❦
Muscari Dark Eyes Flower

❦   o c c u r i n g ⋆ f r i e n d s ❦

❦   l i v i n g ⋆ r e l a t i v e s ❦
Sam Sullivan ~ Younger Brother

❦   d e c e a s e d ⋆ r e l a t i v e s ❦

Valarie Sullivan ~ Mother

Nathan Sullivan ~ Father

❦   t r a u m a t i c ⋆ e v e n t s ⋆ a s ⋆ a ⋆ c h i l d ❦
The arrival of the "Others".

❦   p a s t ❦
Cassie always grew up in a very close family. A deep bond of trust between those she cared about, and a little brother she adored more than anyone else in the world. One year ago, during the arrival of the others, Cassie's life fell apart. As the billions of people in the world faded to nothing, the only thing that kept her going was her little brother, and ever since he was taken, she will stop at nothing to find him.

❦   s c e n a r i o ⋆ m a i n ⋆ i d e a ❦
At the arrival of the "Others", the entire world changed. It all happened in waves, and wave by wave, the world's population went from seven billion to maybe a million worldwide. You were one of the few lucky ones to have survived. You keep living though, knowing that's what your family would have wanted. And when you find a girl, passed out and bleeding heavily from a gunshot wound in her abdomin, you can't help but follow your instincts and help her. Who knew that the girl you found on the road would turn your world upside-down, and warm your heart like no other with her sarcastic comments and sharp tongue?

"You better tell me where the fúck I am."
"Because if you don't you'll have bullets in your body."

❦   s c e n a r i o ❦
You had always lived a rather peaceful life. As the oldest of your six younger siblings, it was your responsibility to take care of everyone. Well liked at school, and with good grades, you thought you were heading to a good place in life as you knew it.

Who could predict that you were so utterly wrong?

It started with the first wave.

It was just any normal day in your small town of Ohio where you lived. You were in school, boredly listening to one of the teachers lecture a misbehaving student. Suddenly, the lights started flickering, and then, the power went out all at once. Everyone was startled, nobody knew just what was going on, and then one of the girls in your class pointed out the window.

You would never forget what you saw in the sky. A large, grey ship that seemed not from this world.

It was a large scale EMP strike. Planes fell from the skies, electricity all over the world stopped, cars and trains no longer worked. The entire world seemed to be in panic for the rest of that month.

Then, the second wave came in.

The fault lines of the earth suddenly shifted, for no reason. Everyone knew it had to have been that ship in the sky. Tsunamis hit the shores of all seven continents, earthquakes shattered the ground, and fires raged on in the woods.

You were at home, aiding your terrified family. All you could do was hope and pray you would survive. With luck, you all did. But three billion of the world's population didn't.

Now, it was time for the third wave.

By now, you had a name for those up in that strange spaceship. They were known as the Others. And they crafted the perfect plan for the third wave. Plague spread spread like a wildfire through the earth. It was known as the Blood Plague, an airborne virus. First, it started out as a common cold, and got progressively worse from there on, until you were bleeding out of every place you possibly could and died in a series of screams and seizures.

This is what you feared most. One by one, the members of your family caught the virus. Months later, it was reduced to you and your now infected sister. She only lasted a week. You were left all alone. Everyone had died. You were all that was left.

It was estimated that ninety-seven percent of the earth's remaining population was wiped out with the virus within the following six months.

The only thing that fueled you to keep going were the last words spoken by your sister.
"Keep going... For me. Survive."

You knew what was coming next; the fourth wave.

That was when the Others came down onto earth, disguising themselves as perfect copies of normal humans, here to wipe out the remainder of the population. They were known to you as "Silencers". They forced humans to not know who was who, and brough everyone into solitude, so they could not retaliate in a group.

And it worked.

The fifth wave was coming, and you knew you had to prepare for it.

You had come across several Silencers over that next year. You had been forced to kill them all. You had no choice, it was either that or die, breaking what you had promised to your sister. It had forced you to adapt to life in solitude.

Luckily for you, you lived fairly out in the country, a few miles from a major expressway that led into the city, which you wanted to stay away from. It was infested with the virus, there was no reason to venture into that place.

It was a cold, early morning winter, a fresh frost under your feet as you walked in search of food. You didn't know why, but you headed off in the direction of the old expressway, hoping to maybe find a rabbit of some sort to shoot and cook for later.

Instead, you stumbled upon something you didn't expect.

She was a weak, unconcious female, curled in a pathetic ball in the bloodstained snow that surrounded her freezing body. Not far from her body was a backpack and a rifle.

Hesitantly, you walked over, noticing that she was still breathing, but barely. Her lips were chapped and bleeding from the cold, her skin frozen like ice. She gave small, violant shivers in attempt to shake off the cold.

A bullet had been shot through her abdomin.
For the girl, it looked as if this was it for her.
You weren't going to let that happen.

You picked up the girl's body and slung her backpack and rifle over your shoulder, shielding her small body from the cold. Her hair was a knotted mess, her skin dark with grit and dirt.

She really was a complete mess.

You did your best to patch her up when you arrived home, and laid her down on one of the empty rooms on a bed. You cleaned her up, tended to her wounds. Yet she remained unconcious for the two days that followed.

You made sure to keep her hydrated at least, and waited for the female to wake from her unconcious state.

It was late at night, and you walked into the house with a sigh, setting your gun down at the door. You had failed to bring home any meat, not that it mattered, since you had plenty of food rations.

Deciding to go and check on the girl, you walked to the room and opened the bedroom door, only to look up and freeze as you heard the cocking of a gun.

Your eyes met the girl who had once laid passed out on the bed, now awake and holding a gun pointed at your chest as she shook with anger and from the cold of the room.

Her locks of blonde hair fell over her shoulders and in front of her face, and for the first time you saw those angry, chocolate brown eyes that would soon change your life.

"You better tell me where the fúck I am," the female said shakily, though her voice had aa strength to it as she glared at you with those hateful eyes, partially hidden by her lashes. "Because if you don't you'll have bullets in your body," she snarled as she pressed her finger against the trigger to prove her point.

What do you do?

❦  o t h e r ❦
This is based off the novel, The 5th Wave.

❦   s o n g ❦
Wayfaring Stranger by Alextbh

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

❦  r o l e p l a y ⋆ v i d e o ❦

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

❦  r o l e p l a y ⋆ r e q u i r e m e n t s ❦
☆ Must be male
☆ Must be a human
☆ Must be 18-21 years old
☆ Must have the past according to the scenario
☆ Must not have an asshølish personality
☆ Must know how to survive on your own
☆ Must know how to shoot a gun

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