~ Do As I Say ~ {C}

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" he was the boy who was familiar "

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❦   c a u t i o n   ❦
☆ Adult situations
☆ Excessive religious mentions
☆ Excessive blood/gore
☆ Excessive violance
☆ Excessive fighting
☆ Excessive death
☆ Betrayal

❦   t i m e ⋆ p e r i o d   ❦
May 27, 2019

❦   f u l l ⋆ g o v e r n m e n t a l ⋆ n a m e   ❦
Akito Sangū Kakiuchi

❦   g i v e n ⋆ n a m e (s) ❦
☆ Mr. Kakiuchi
☆ Sir
☆ Boss

❦   g e n d e r    ❦

❦ s p e c i e s   ❦

❦ s e x u a l i t y   ❦

❦ n a t i o n a l i t y   ❦

❦ a g e   ❦

❦ e x a c t ⋆ h e i g h t   ❦

❦   e x a c t ⋆ w e i g h t   ❦
142 lbs.

❦   b l o o d ⋆ t y p e   ❦

❦ b i r t h d a t e   ❦
November 25, 1991

❦ o r i g i n ⋆ o f ⋆ b i r t h   ❦
Chicago, Illinois

❦   s e a s o n ⋆ d u r i n g ⋆ b i r t h   ❦

❦   s t a r ⋆ s i g n   ❦

❦ a f f i l i a t i o n   ❦
Kakiuchi Enterprises Holdings Inc.

❦ o c c u p a t i o n   ❦

❦ r e l a t i o n s h i p ⋆ s t a t u s ❦

❦   s t r e n g t h ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   s p e e d ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   e n d u r a n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   a g i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   r e f l e x ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c o m b a t ⋆ a b i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   i n t e l l i g e n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   a r t i s t r y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c h a r i s m a ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c o n f i d e n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   p o p u l a r i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   i n s a n i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦ d o m i n a n c e ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦   s u b m i s s i o n ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ e y e ⋆ c o l o r   ❦

❦ h a i r ⋆ c o l o r   ❦
Dark Red

❦ s k i n ⋆ c o l o r   ❦
Light Tan

❦   i m a g e s   ❦

❦   f a c e ⋆ c l a i m   ❦

❦  a p p e a r a n c e ⋆ d e t a i l s   ❦
Akito is a tall male with a thinner build, but with strong muscles that are toned and fit. Akito has light tan skin and dull brown colored eyes, with medium lengthed windswept hair that is a light brown color. He has a sharp jawline and has a well muscled chest and arms. Akito wears glasses from time to time, but mainly uses his contacts, which brighten up his eye color. He also has a piercing in his left earlobe, in which he constantly wears a small silver earring. Akito's wear at work consists of a business suit, and at down time around the workplace, he wears a vest and dress shirt with dress pants and shoes. He also always keeps a silver watch on his left wrist. While at home, Akito sticks to white t-shirts and black sweatpants, and mainly wears his glasses when he is at home.

❦   p e r s o n a l i t y   ❦
Up front, Akito seems very forward and extremely serious about his work, which he is. He is determined and hard headed, once his mind is made up it is near impossible to change it. Akito is also very driven and ambitious, and knows how to work with people to get his way. He also is extremely intelligent and calculating, nothing seems to get past him. When out of work, Akito becomes a completely different person. He becomes a bit wreckless and very cocky, not hesitating with any action he makes. He is very full of himself at times and has a huge ego, which is very apparent if you look for the right signs. Akito is also very dominant, and likes to be in control of situations. He can become very seductive and sensual when he chooses to be. He loves to be a tease and sarcastic, and won't hesitate to push your buttons. But behind all of that, Akito can also be a bit possessive over what he believes to be his. He can also be quite sweet and thoughtful, which isn't always seen by the majority of people.

❦   a b i l i t i e s   ❦

❦ e q u i p m e n t   ❦
Work Computer
Work Phone
Silver Watch

❦   s t r e n g t h s   ❦
☆ Intelligence
☆ Work ethic
☆ Healthy ambition
☆ Willingness to work with people
☆ Being in charge
☆ Getting people to see things his way

❦   w e a k n e s s e s   ❦
☆ Talk of his parents
☆ Blood loss
☆ Feeling wronged
☆ Feeling betrayed
☆ Poisons
☆ Weapons

❦   f l a w s   ❦
☆ Can be very cocky
☆ Can get very teasing
☆ Knows how to push your buttons
☆ Harsh and rude at times
☆ Very sarcastic
☆ Will throw himself into danger

❦   L i k e s   ❦
☆ You
☆ Pushing the limits
☆ Whiskey
☆ Working
☆ Strategizing
☆ Trying new things

❦   d i s l i k e s   ❦
☆ Being challenged
☆ Rudeness
☆ Disrespect towards him
☆ Having his trust betrayed
☆ Business meetings
☆ Failing

❦   t u r n ⋆ o n s   ❦
☆ Roughness
☆ Earlobe biting
☆ Neck kissing/biting
☆ Hair Pulling
☆ Loud verbal words
☆ Innocence

❦   t u r n ⋆ o f f s   ❦
☆ Pedophilia
☆ Necrophila
☆ Being submissive
☆ Rape
☆ Unwillingness
☆ Fetishes

❦   l o o k s ⋆ f o r ⋆ i n ⋆ a ⋆ p a r t n e r   ❦
Someone he can be dominant over.

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ t i m e ⋆ o f ⋆ d a y ❦

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ s e a s o n ❦

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ m o n t h ❦

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ k i n d ⋆ o f ⋆ f l o w e r ❦
Breckland Thyme

❦   l i v i n g ⋆ r e l a t i v e s ❦
Reo Kakiuchi ~ Father

❦   d e c e a s e d ⋆ r e l a t i v e s ❦
Airi Kakiuchi ~ Mother

❦   s i d e ⋆ c h a r a c t e r s ❦

❦   t r a u m a t i c ⋆ e v e n t s ⋆ a s ⋆ a ⋆ c h i l d ❦
The abuse from his father behind closed doors.

❦   p a s t ❦
Akito has a past that he would prefer to keep on the down low. As a child, his father was always a bit of a deadbeat. When he became a teenager, things became worse and his father became abusive. Akito's mother, Airi, defended Akito and ended up being murdered by Akito's father, who quickly fled the scene. Akito then went to live with his aunt and uncle at the age of sixteen, and inherited his uncle's business, which he now runs and is the CEO of.

❦   s c e n a r i o ⋆ m a i n ⋆ i d e a ❦
Best friends often think that they will endure through everything together, and be together forever.
Fortunately, that's not exactly how most things work out.

You were best friends with a boy ever since you were a toddler, and when he moved away due to circumstances that were unknown to you, you were distraught.

This boy was more than a best friend to you, but it had never gone further than that.
You grieved for the missed opportunities, before it was time to continue on with your life.

You never thought you would see him again, until a fateful encounter, twelve years later.

❦   s c e n a r i o ❦
You were the age of three years old when you met Akito, in preschool.
Akito found you crying in the corner of the classroom before recess, and he made you feel better.
You were mystified by his kindness and willingness to help you.
From then on, the two of you were inseperable.

You grew up with Akito by your side, constantly. You couldn't really remember a time he wasn't there for you.
Over time, he became more teasing and cocky, and he had a bit of an ego, but it was all in good fun.
And as the two of you grew up, something else grew as well.

Your feelings for your best friend.

You knew Akito better than anyone else.
You had been with him through it all.
And you were falling for him.
Sadly, the feelings were never manifested.

Akito has always had a bit of a troublesome relationship with his father, and was rather close to his mother. You had seen this as rather normal, the way things had always been in Akito's household.
You thought you knew what was going on, but you didn't, really. Akito was too good at hiding things, even from you.

One day, Akito told you that he would be moving out of state, to go and live elsewhere. He wasn't giving out many details at all. But that didn't matter. You were distraught.

The one person you thought you would always have at your side was being ripped away from you.
The two of you spent the rest of that day together, until he left for the airport, leaving you alone.

Akito's family had always been rather poor, so he never had a cell phone. There was no way for you to connect. When you saw him leaving in that car for the airport, you were positive it would be the last time you would see him.

You grieved for your friend, for a long time. But, life goes on, and you were eventually forced to go with it and continue on. You missed your friend dearly, but as the years passed by, he seemed no more than a distant memory.

You made new friends, new connections. You were happy again. Soon, Akito was pushed to the back of your mind, and you hardly thought of him. You had too many other things to worry about.

Soon, you had graduated from college. You bounced from job to job, but you could never really seem to keep ahold of one. You didn't know what was wrong with you. You wanted to succeed in work, you really did, but, nothing ever seemed to work out for you.

And not being able to hold a job, you bounced from city to city, finding yourself moving from apartment to apartment all the time. Soon, you landed in Aberdeen, Washington. Quite a long way away from your birthplace in Chicago.

You applied for a job at a place known as 'Kakiuchi Enterprises Holdings Incorporation'.
You had landed a job as a customer service specialist. You actually enjoyed your job working there, and made friends with your peers. You had heard talk around about the CEO of the company, Mr. Kakiuchi, who was apparently very well known and talked about by a lot of people. But, you took no interest. You were just content with your job and friends.

You had been at home when you received a letter from the incorporation. You were dismayed to find out that you were being layed off at random with many others due to job inflation. You couldn't believe it. Just your luck, to be picked at random to be fired.

You finally thought you had found your place in the company, and were quite furious.
You were not going to take this so easily.
In fact, you weren't going to take it at all.
You weren't going to be fired when you had finally been doing so well for a change.

So, through extreme persistence, you somehow managed to get a meeting with the CEO of the company, Mr. Kakiuchi. You could hardly believe your luck, but you were going to take it, and fight to get your job back.

Three days later, you were scheduled to have a forty-five minute meeting with Mr. Kakiuchi.

You were extremely nervous, and came dressed your best. You had to make a good impression if you ever hoped to convince the CEO to let you keep your job.

That morning, you were led by an assistant to the elevators, where you arrived at the top floor. You stood in that elevator with a pounding heart, knowing that when the doors opened, you would be in the presence of the most powerful man in the entire company.
You almost thought of chickening out, before the doors opened to a large office room.

You stepped out of the elevator slowly, your eyes drawn to the desk at the back middle of the area, where a tall male sat poised, writing off on some papers.

You swallowed hard, before you began to make your way over to the male as he set down his pen. "Mr. Kakiuchi, it's a pleasure-" you began, but swiftly cut off as the male's dull brown eyes went up and met yours.

You felt flashing images going through your head, back to when you were a child. Images of playing in the city with your best friend, roaming the school halls and talking playfully.

You felt almost faint.
It couldn't possibly be...
The CEO of the company was Akito.
After twelve years of separation, here you were, suddenly back in his presence.

What do you do?

❦  o t h e r ❦

❦   s o n g ❦
High For This by The Weeknd

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

❦  r o l e p l a y ⋆ v i d e o ❦

❦  r o l e p l a y ⋆ r e q u i r e m e n t s ❦
☆ Must be female
☆ Must be a human
☆ Must be 24-26
☆ Must be innocent but bold
☆ Must have past according to scenario
Must not be very shy or unsure of yourself
☆ Must have feelings for Akito

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