~ The Clash of the Angels ~ {C}

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" he was the male who had fallen "  

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❦ c a u t i o n ❦
☆ Adult situations
☆ Excessive religious mentions
☆ Excessive blood/gore
☆ Excessive violance
☆ Excessive fighting
☆ Excessive death
☆ Betrayal

❦ t i m e ⋆ p e r i o d ❦
April 9, 2019

❦ f u l l ⋆ g o v e r n m e n t a l ⋆ n a m e ❦
Human Name : Rhett Aiden Pérez
Angelic Name : Adonis

❦ g i v e n ⋆ n a m e (s)   ❦
☆ Rhe
☆ The Player
☆ Fallen Angel

❦ g e n d e r ❦

❦   s p e c i e s ❦
Assumed : Human
Real : Fallen Angel

❦   s e x u a l i t y ❦

❦   n a t i o n a l i t y ❦

❦   a g e ❦
Assumed : 24
Real : Unknown, a few thousand at least

❦   e x a c t ⋆ h e i g h t ❦

❦ e x a c t ⋆ w e i g h t ❦
168 lbs.

❦ b l o o d ⋆ t y p e ❦

❦   b i r t h d a t e ❦
Assumed : July 30, 1996
Real : Unknown

❦   o r i g i n ⋆ o f ⋆ b i r t h ❦
Seattle, Washington

❦ s e a s o n ⋆ d u r i n g ⋆ b i r t h ❦

❦ s t a r ⋆ s i g n ❦

❦   a f f i l i a t i o n ❦
University of Seattle Washington

❦   o c c u p a t i o n ❦
College Student

❦   r e l a t i o n s h i p ⋆ s t a t u s   ❦

❦ s t r e n g t h ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ s p e e d ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ e n d u r a n c e ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ a g i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ r e f l e x ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ c o m b a t ⋆ a b i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ i n t e l l i g e n c e ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ a r t i s t r y ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ c h a r i s m a ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ c o n f i d e n c e ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ p o p u l a r i t y ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ i n s a n i t y ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦   d o m i n a n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦ s u b m i s s i o n ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   e y e ⋆ c o l o r ❦
Dark Brown

❦   h a i r ⋆ c o l o r ❦
Dark Brown

❦   s k i n ⋆ c o l o r ❦
Dark Tan

❦ i m a g e s ❦

❦ f a c e ⋆ c l a i m ❦
Eduard Torres

❦ a p p e a r a n c e ⋆ d e t a i l s ❦
Rhett is a tall male in his early twenties, well muscled and rather strong in his own right. His skin is slightly dark tan in color and his eyes are a beautiful dark brown, and if you look close enough you can see golden flecks within their depths. He has long, slightly curled, dark brown hair that is normally kept in a natural position swept back. Rhett has some facial hair which he will grow out from time to time, though he never does fully shave it off, leaving him with a stubble and a bit of a rugged appearance. He's usually seen wearing plain, long sleaved shirts with sleaved that cut off halfway down his forearm. Dark blue, grey, or black jeans are what he normally is seen wearing as for pants, and he will occassionally wear combat boots or black shoes and running shoes. The color for his wardrobe could be described as somber.

❦ p e r s o n a l i t y ❦
Rhett is a smart, intelligent young male, attending the University of Seattle Washington with a full ride scholarship and top grades. He comes from a family of wealthy business owners, and always seems to be two steps ahead of what's thrown at him. The male is exceedingly charming, and he can be rather cocky and smart mouthed from time to time, but never really in any sort of bad light. Due to his dashing good looks, he's seen as a bit of a playboy, always seeming to have some girl barking up his side of the tree. Rhett is teasing and a bit of a jokester, and he can be rather cheesy at times, but he won't admit it. Rhett can be a real sweetheart, and he can be very soft and gentle, with a heart of gold. He only shows his gentle side from time to time around those he takes a liking to, or those he trusts. However, despite seeming rather perfect, Rhett does have some anger issues, often breaking items in a fit of rage. Where this anger and frustration wells up, he doesn't know, but it always gets to him sometimes.

❦ a b i l i t i e s ❦
Angelic Life : As an angel, Rhett is able to live for a millennia without aging, however, this is only in his angelic form, and does not accommodate to his human one.

Advanced Strength : Rhett is stronger and has better agility than his human counterparts.

Eye Shifting : Rhett's eyes glow amber when he allows them to. This usually only happens when he is out under a great amount of stress.

Other abilities are to be revealed.

❦   e q u i p m e n t ❦
Hunting Rifle
Pocket Knife

❦ s t r e n g t h s ❦
☆ Intelligence
☆ Quick witted
☆ Is rather tolderable to pain
☆ A good planner
☆ Reliability
☆ A good listener

❦ w e a k n e s s e s ❦
☆ Talking through anger
☆ Some communication
☆ Religious mentions
☆ Any heavy wounds
☆ Sickness
☆ Poison

❦ f l a w s ❦
☆ Anger issues
☆ Can become cold
☆ Very protective
☆ Can be possessive
☆ Has a bit of a cold shoulder
☆ Can become a bit overwhelmed

❦ L i k e s ❦
☆ Problem solving
☆ Helping others out
☆ Making a life for himself
☆ Challenging himself
☆ Teasing
☆ Playfulness

❦ d i s l i k e s ❦
☆ Failing
☆ Being hurt
☆ Unaccountability
☆ Being late
☆ Harshness
☆ Yelling

❦ t u r n ⋆ o n s ❦
☆ Moaning
☆ Slight dirty talk
☆ Breath play
☆ Closeness
☆ Neck hickies
☆ Back scratching & hair pulling

❦ t u r n ⋆ o f f s ❦
☆ Daddy kink
☆ Foot kink
☆ Bad breath
☆ Playing dumb
☆ Necrophilia
☆ Excessive tongue kissing

❦ l o o k s ⋆ f o r ⋆ i n ⋆ a ⋆ p a r t n e r ❦
Someone he can be compatible with.

❦   f a v o r i t e ⋆ t i m e ⋆ o f ⋆ d a y   ❦

❦   f a v o r i t e ⋆ s e a s o n   ❦

❦   f a v o r i t e ⋆ m o n t h   ❦

❦   f a v o r i t e ⋆ k i n d ⋆ o f ⋆ f l o w e r   ❦
Sweat Peas

❦ l i v i n g ⋆ r e l a t i v e s   ❦
Alessandro Pérez ~ Father

Alyssa Pérez ~ Mother

❦ d e c e a s e d ⋆ r e l a t i v e s   ❦

❦ s i d e ⋆ c h a r a c t e r s   ❦
Azrael ~ Head Angel

❦ t r a u m a t i c ⋆ e v e n t s ⋆ a s ⋆ a ⋆ c h i l d   ❦
Unknown event that brought about anger issues.

❦ p a s t   ❦
Will be revealed in roleplay.

❦ s c e n a r i o ⋆ m a i n ⋆ i d e a  ❦
What if the life you thought you had, wasn't really your life at all?
What if everything you had ever lived, or thought you lived, was a lie that you were unbeknownst to?
Could you be able to get through it?
Or will you fall prey to the angels above who laid out the tragic path in front of you?

You thought to be just like any other girl, going to college and hanging out with friends, partying by night and having a few explicit nights.
But what happens when you catch the unexpected eye of an infamous playboy at your college?
Or, is it really so unexpected?

❦ s c e n a r i o  ❦
The world above.
Heaven, as they so call it.
Or, is it all really it is knocked up to be, by the humans down below?

You were an angel, created by God.
A beautiful being, with angelic grace and heart, a good soul.
A being that was good by will.
Well, good for as long as you could be.

Up in Heaven, the above world was divided into two sections, which were never to be crossed or intermingled.
Both sections was made to create utter harmony and peace within the above world, perfectly designed by the supreme being.
You, saw no problem with being unable to mingle or even speak with the angels from the other section, as you had only ever known your own place, with the angels you had been residing with your entire existence.
And as far as you knew, it was a good life. Everything was always good, harmonious, as it should be.
You were in the section of Illuminating Light, opposite to the section of Dawning Creation.

The angels in the section of Illuminating Light were known as the purposeful, artistic beings. They were refined in the fine arts, and all had very playful and generous personalities. They were seen as the good angels, always perfect and never seeming to have flaws, though of course, everyone had their own thing. They were gentle, light appearing beings that all seemed soft in appearance.

The angels of Dawning Creation were seen as the heavyweights. They were the angels that were bold and daring, loving to test the limits and be joined in comradery. They were seen as the free willed spirits, who laughed and had slightly more chaotic lifestyles. These angels were more rugged in appearance, more well muscled and sharper.

The thing was, not many angels knew what was the cause for the separation of the two sections in the first place, and, nobody questioned it, because everyone was happy. Everyone lived perfect, angelic lives, as did you.
Seemingly perfect.
But you had no idea of what was going on in the higher ranks, the ranks that actually had the knowledge of what the opposite sections were like.
Unknown to you, and everyone else, there was a storm brewing between the sections.
And you had no idea what it would get you into.

You were near the border, that separated your section from the other at a joining forest. You were sitting on the limb of a tree, humming softly to yourself as a small bird perched on your finger, and you watched the little creature happily, your wings folded softly at your back.
That's when you felt as though you were being watched, by something, someone.

You turned your head, and found your eyes glancing across the border and catching the eyes of a male on the other side, sitting with his back pressed up against a large boulder behind him.
When your eyes met his, you felt, well, a tug.
Something that made you curious, wonderous to that stranger across the border. You had never before seen anyone across the border, and he was an eye catching angel indeed, with his sharp jawline and slightly rugged appearance. He was unlike any angel you had ever seen before, and he captivated you, just as you captivated him.

You didn't do anything, though.
The sections weren't meant to intertwine.
You thought you would see him once, and that was all. A chance encounter.
But you found yourself, more than just a few times, going back to that same spot and seeing him right across the border.
You both would steal glances at each other many times.
You both felt that impervious tug.
The tug towards each other.
And soon, neither of you could hold back.

You would never forget that first night of contact, where under the cover of darkness, you both found yourselves standing at the border. You stood there, gazing at him, before he smiled slightly and spoke.
His voice was music to your ears.
He introduced himself, telling you that his name was Adonis. And you told him yours.
It was only a matter of moments before the two of you became swept up in conversation, but kept to your respective sides of the border.

You laughed and talked for what seemed to be all night.
And those conversations would continue on for many more nights, where you would talk about what it was like to live in your seperate sections, the things you had done those days, memories of the past.
You found him so interesting, so unlike anyone in your section, and you were completely drawn to him. You met up in that same spot at the border for a few months.
Both of you were soon catching feelings.
Feelings that were forbidden in the above world.
Yet you didn't seem to care. All that mattered was talking with Adonis, being there in his presence.

Each night, you would both sit there, no more than a foot apart, on that border. You smiled as you gazed across at him and listened to his voice.
That was when it happened.
The night of contact.

You were both talking, facing each other, when suddenly Adonis's eyebrows furrowed as he gazed at you.
"What is it that makes it so bad for us to even speak with each other? I don't understand it," he murmured, biting his lip lightly before he let out a soft breath and tipped his head to the side. "Why can't we just coexist? Together?" He murmured.

You just sat there, gazing at each other for a few moments, before Adonis suddenly raised his hand and held it up, right against that invisible border. You felt your heart suddenly begin to beat in your chest, before you found yourself hesitantly raising your hand up, and felt your hand finally make that contact with his.
You felt like sparks ran through you as you felt his warm, gentle hand against yours, as the two of you sat there, just keeping your hand pressed up together.

That first night of contact, led to something you couldn't imagine.

You would meet up many nights after that, and would just press your hands up against each other's in that same way.
It only went further from there.
Soon your hands would venture across that border into each other's, and before you knew it, you were both fearlessly crossing that border, and you were swept up in his warm embrace.

You would sit there, in the embrace of Adonis.
Talking and laughing, laying your heads together and laying next to each other, gazing up at the stars.

There were many moments when you both would find yourself gazing at each other, getting lost in your gazes, and would find your faces drifting together.
But you both would always pull back.
For a few more months, you both were seemingly content with not taking it any further than being in each other's embrace.

But that contentment soon began to ebb away for you both.
You wanted something more with Adonis.
You wanted to be with him, completely.

On that fateful night, you were standing at the border in wait for Adonis, when you saw him approaching through the trees. You looked up at him as he walked towards you, and you could see the fierce emotion in those brown eyes as he suddenly walked up to you and caressed both of your cheeks in his hands, and leaned down as he crashed his lips upon yours.
You nearly felt your heart stop.
And you gave into that kiss, kissing him back as you wrapped your arms around his neck and basked in that connection.
You both had it raging inside of you, and the kiss turned more passionate, with more feeling before the time seemed to go by so fast. You soon found yourself laying there in his arms, naked in his embrace as he gazed down at you with a smile, his own bare body pressed up against yours.

You then knew that what you had with Adonis was exceptional.
And you never wanted it to end.
You loved him with a ferocity you couldn't describe.

It was you and him against every rule you had ever known, and both of you were powerless to stop it.

This secret relationship continued on for many more months, and never once were either of you worried about someone finding out.
You were both terribly naive, and refused to see the fault in breaking the ancient rules set by the god above.
Because to the both of you, there was no fault, only love for each other.

But both of you knew what it could cost you if you ever were found out. Banishment, torture, maybe something all entirely worse.
It could be catastrophic.
But to be with Adonis was worth the risk.

But, soon it would be the time that both of you paid the price.

You hadn't realized, that a guard had seen you in passing one night with Adonis.
And that guard showed up the next night when you were to meet with Adonis.

The guard, overcome with rage, went after you when he had seen you. Knocked you to the ground and yelled at you in a rage for being stupid and foolish, breaking the balance set by god. You were terrified, and it was soon that he had you pegged against a tree and held a knife to your throat that dig into your skin, and made your skin bleed. You cried out in pain, before you heard a cry and saw Adonis grab the guard and rip him off of you. You were wide-eyed as the guard turned on Adonis and the two of them got into a rather heated fight, and it was clear that the guard was out for Adonis's throat, he was trying to kill him. Adonis was given no choice but to defend himself, and turned the knife on the guard when he got the chance and slammed it into the guard's neck, before he coughed and scrambled away. You quickly hurried over to Adonis and helped him up, and the two of you looked on in horror as the guard from your section succumbed to his wounds and died.

Adonis let out a shakey breath and looked to you with horror, before he shook his head and ran a hand over his face. "What are we supposed to do?..." he whispered, his voice faltering as he spoke.

You shivered and simply shook your head as you stood in his comforting embrace.
Everything after that happened very quickly.

You were standing there with Adonis, before you both heard yells from both sides of the borders. You both looked around in a panic as angels from both sides emerged from the trees.
It all happened in a panic as you and Adonis were ripped apart from each other, put into handcuffs. You were sobbing and overwhelmed with fear, and you could hear Adonis yelling for the guards to get their hands off of you and fighting against the guards grabbing him. He was pinned to the ground roughly and cuffed, and you felt tears running down your cheeks as Adonis panted in exhaustion and laid on the ground.
You were both contained and taken away.
You felt like everything was tumbling apart so rapidly.
You were thrown in chains and shackles, bound to a wall in a dark cell beneath the earth.
That, was when you first met Azrael.
The head angel of both sections, who was known to enforce the rules and keep the peace.

He first resorted to just talking to you, trying to get you to fess up about what had happened. But you refused to say a thing. You couldn't. You would not betray Adonis.

Azrael quickly became frustrated before he left. It was against the rules to hurt a female angel under question.
However, it wasn't against the rules to harm males under question.

You sat there in your cell, pressed up against the wall as you heard distant screams and cries out. They were from Adonis. You recognized his voice. And it pained you more than anything. You knew they were subjecting him to torture to get him to talk. The screams went on for what seemed like forever. Soon you couldn't stand it, and just wished that Adonis would give in and talk. You didn't want him to be hurt for all of this. He was your entire world now, and it pained you to think of him and hear him getting beaten and tortured for information.

Soon, the screams and cries stopped. You knew that Adonis had to have succumbed to the pain and given into talking. The silence stretched on into what seemed like days, before guards suddenly burst into your cell. You were roughly grabbed and brought to your feet, before one of the guards subjected a portal in the cell. You shivered, and had no choice as you were shoved through the portal. Before you knew it, you were stepping out into the light again, on a platform.

You suddenly realized what was going on as you glanced around. You were in a large building, standing on a platform. There was an empty platform to your right, and inbetween your platform and the other, on a higher up platform in front of you, stood Azrael, with narrowed eyes, glaring at you. Behind him stood many guards, and all around you, on two seperate sides, angels from both sections stood, watching with shocked, mixed expressions. You suddenly realized what all of this was. You were standing trial. You felt your heart race and you shivered, before you looked over as a portal appeared on the other platform next to you. Your eyes widened and you felt tears rise into your eyes as Adonis stepped out of the portal, with guards holding him in place. He was chained and shackled, in horrible conditon. His body was littered with burn marks and he had deep set bags under his eyes. He looked dull and defeated, and slightly out of it. They had tortured him to exhaustion.

What do you do?

❦ o t h e r  ❦

❦ s o n g  ❦
idfc (Tarro Remix) by blackbear

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

❦ r o l e p l a y ⋆ v i d e o  ❦

❦ r o l e p l a y ⋆ r e q u i r e m e n t s  ❦
☆ Can be male, preferably female
☆ Must be 18-23
☆ Must not have a damaged personality
☆ Must be playful and teasing
☆ Must have past according to scenario
Must not be shy or unsure of yourself
☆ Must have a more gentle appearance due to your section, and must have an angelic name that is seperate from your human one

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