~ You're Supposed To Be Dead ~ {T}

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" she was the girl who died for you "

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❦   c a u t i o n   ❦
☆ Adult situations
☆ Excessive religious mentions
☆ Excessive blood/gore
☆ Excessive violance
☆ Excessive fighting
☆ Excessive death
☆ Betrayal

❦   t i m e ⋆ p e r i o d   ❦
September 14, 2018

❦   f u l l ⋆ g o v e r n m e n t a l ⋆ n a m e   ❦
Aster G. Kordelia

❦   g i v e n ⋆ n a m e (s) ❦
☆ Ast
☆ Ms. Kordelia
☆ Star

❦   g e n d e r    ❦

❦ s p e c i e s   ❦

❦ s e x u a l i t y   ❦

❦ n a t i o n a l i t y   ❦

❦ a g e   ❦

❦ e x a c t ⋆ h e i g h t   ❦

❦   e x a c t ⋆ w e i g h t   ❦
102 lbs.

❦   b l o o d ⋆ t y p e   ❦

❦ b i r t h d a t e   ❦
October 7, 1992

❦ o r i g i n ⋆ o f ⋆ b i r t h   ❦
Artaile, Kentucky

❦   s e a s o n ⋆ d u r i n g ⋆ b i r t h   ❦

❦   s t a r ⋆ s i g n   ❦

❦ a f f i l i a t i o n   ❦

❦ o c c u p a t i o n   ❦

❦ r e l a t i o n s h i p ⋆ s t a t u s ❦

❦   s t r e n g t h ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   s p e e d ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   e n d u r a n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   a g i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   r e f l e x ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c o m b a t ⋆ a b i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   i n t e l l i g e n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   a r t i s t r y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c h a r i s m a ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c o n f i d e n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   p o p u l a r i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   i n s a n i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦ d o m i n a n c e ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦   s u b m i s s i o n ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ e y e ⋆ c o l o r   ❦

❦ h a i r ⋆ c o l o r   ❦
Dark Brown

❦ s k i n ⋆ c o l o r   ❦
Pale Tan

❦   i m a g e s   ❦

❦   f a c e ⋆ c l a i m   ❦
Crystal Reed

❦  a p p e a r a n c e ⋆ d e t a i l s   ❦
Aster is a beautiful, tall and thin young woman with pale white and lightly freckled skin, curly dark brown hair, and brown eyes, giving off a similar resemblance to Snow White. She is fond of pairing feminine doll-like dresses with more masculine and military-styled jackets and boots to add practicality to her outfit. She typically wears her makeup in a clean and simple style, and she rarely wears jewelry, though she will sometimes be seen wearing a ring wrought in an infinity symbol on her left hand.

❦   p e r s o n a l i t y   ❦
Aster is a very loyal, independent, and strong-willed woman. She is a girl who believes in fighting for herself, and helping those who can't protect themselves. She is very close to those that she loves, especially her old pack mates. She wouldn't hesitate to give her life for a single person that was worthy of fighting for. The female can become rather weary of strangers, and at times she closes herself off from certain people. She doesn't like conflict within the pack, and often does her absolue best to stop fights rather than stop one. Aster is incredibly brave, diving headfirst into danger. She's extremely capable of holding her own, but sometimes it proves to not be enough. Nevertheless, Aster proves herself to be an intelligent young woman with a good heart. She would do anything for the person she loves, and extends acts of kindness towards others. She's very sweet and gentle when she needs to be, and enjoys being close to others.

❦   a b i l i t i e s   ❦
Typical werewolf abilities.

❦ e q u i p m e n t   ❦

❦ s t r e n g t h s ❦
☆ You
☆ Her abilities
☆ Intelligence
☆ Diligence
☆ Kindness
☆ Gentleness

❦ w e a k n e s s e s ❦
☆ You
☆ Silver
☆ Wolfsbane
☆ Mountain ash
☆ Mistletoe
☆ Significant wounds

❦ f l a w s ❦
☆ Worries easily
☆ Can shut herself off
☆ A bit weary of newcomers
☆ Can be snappy
☆ Doesn't think at times
☆ A bit clingy

❦ L i k e s ❦
☆ You
☆ Being in a pack
☆ Protecting herself
☆ Being with others
☆ Laughing
☆ Using her wits

❦ d i s l i k e s ❦
☆ Being underestimated
☆ Yelling
☆ Fighting
☆ Seeing others hurt
☆ Blood
☆ Hurting others

❦ t u r n ⋆ o n s ❦
☆ Gentleness
☆ Cuddling
☆ Nibbling on her ear
☆Sweet whispers
☆ Passionate kissing
☆ Gentle hair pulling

❦ t u r n ⋆ o f f s ❦
☆ Roughness
☆ Harshness
☆ Pedophilia
☆ Anything gross
☆ Strange fetishes

❦   l o o k s ⋆ f o r ⋆ i n ⋆ a ⋆ p a r t n e r   ❦
Someone she can fall in love with.

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ t i m e ⋆ o f ⋆ d a y ❦

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ s e a s o n ❦

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ m o n t h ❦

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ k i n d ⋆ o f ⋆ f l o w e r ❦
White Roses

❦   l i v i n g ⋆ r e l a t i v e s ❦

❦   d e c e a s e d ⋆ r e l a t i v e s ❦
Both mother and father

❦   t r a u m a t i c ⋆ e v e n t s ⋆ a s ⋆ a ⋆ c h i l d ❦
The death of her parents.

❦   p a s t ❦
Aster had a rough past as a child. Her pack was taken down by another, and it resulted in the death of her parents. Forced to flee, she lived as a lone wolf up until she was seventeen. Then, she met you, her mate. And she ended up giving her life to save yours.

❦   s c e n a r i o ⋆ m a i n ⋆ i d e a ❦
You found your true love in a girl that was an angel.
And then one day, she took flight and flew away.
But what happens, when her wings are clipped?
Does she fall back down to you?
Or will everything fall apart?

"Please, please! You can't, don't do this to me!"
"I'm sorry, my love..."

❦   s c e n a r i o ❦
Life was never normal.
How could it ever be?

You were born a werewolf of the supernatural world.
Life was bound to be a struggle.

You were born at a crisis time.

Packs from all over were in an all out war that lasted ten, long years.

And you were caught right in the middle of it.

Your mother died for you, saving you from an alpha of a different pack that was out to destroy your own pack.

You learned to grow up fast.
There was no time for being a child.
How could there be?

Fights raged on, and on.
It seemed like it would never end.

But it did.
At age nine, the wars ended.
Life retreated back into peace.
And you were thankful.

Your father became the alpha of the pack after the wars, and you were finally able to live out pack life to the fullest.

You grew into a strong, fine young man.
You were expected to soon be the new alpha in the coming years.

What you didn't see coming, was your mate.

You were walking among the forest, and you stumbled upon a lone wolf that had strayed past the boundary lines and got into your territory. She was in her human form, but you could tell she was a wolf by her scent.

But, she was hurt. Long gashes scraped along her stomach and sides, and she was covered in blood. She looked to be in a daze, as if she didn't know where she was. Just as you walked into view to offer her help, she glanced over at you, before she exhaled shakily and fell to the ground in a heap, passing out from blood loss.

Alarm went through you, and you ran over to her, grabbing her shoulder gently to try and shake her, when you froze as you gazed down at her, taking in her features.

Even in the horrid state, she was beautiful, a young female, about your age. The girl had long, dark lashes, and unkept brown hair covered in twigs and leaves. She was wearing rags for clothes.

The sparks traveled through you as you gazed at the unconcious female, and you knew.

She was your mate.

Snapped out of your trance, you brought her back to the pack, and explained the situation to your father. She was taken to the pack healer, and was cleaned and bandaged up.

You were allowed to see her when she woke up the next morning.

That started the beautiful story of love between you and the lone wolf.

You learned that her name was Aster.

Apparently, during the war back when you were a child, her entire pack was wiped out, and she was the only survivor. She had no choice but to fend for herself and live on her own. She had lived alone ever since then.

The reason you found Aster all banged up was because she had gotten into a fight with a larger male wolf from a different pack, and she ran off and ended up stumbling upon you before she passed out.

Aster was rather hesitant around you at first.
She had lived her whole life alone.

But soon enough, she warmed up to you, and decided to join your pack.

You found real happiness with Aster. Once she opened up to you, she was a beautiful girl with a god-given laugh.

She was sweet, and kind, and caring.

You helped her adjust to the pack life, and it didn't take her long. Soon enough, everyone was in love with the girl that had once been a lone wolf.

And you grew to love her more than anyone else in the world.

You remembered talking runs through the woods with her, playing like children in the rivers that ran along the pack house.

It wasn't long before the two of you were completely, and utterly in love with each other.

You couldn't get enough of her.
She was your entire world.
And you were hers.

The three years you spent with Aster seemed to fly by.
Through passionate nights, sweet mornings, and everything inbetween, everything was perfect.

The pack lived in peace.

Then, that peace, became an utter nightmare.

Hunters of the supernatural had found your pack.
They were out for blood.
For everyone's head.

And it wasn't long before the killings began.

Pack members would turn up dead in the woods.
Fights would break out between the pack and the hunters.

And after a few months, a battle came.

But Aster wasn't scared.
She stood by your side, and vowed to protect the pack that had taken her in.
Her pack.

You were proud of how far your sweet mate had come.

But at the same time, you were terrified.

It all happened in a flash.

The sound of guns, howling, and screams, and growls all mixed together on one fateful night.

The night that the pack planned to put an end to the hunters.

The battle was brutal.
The smell of blood, death, and gunpowder filled the air.

Your pack fought hard.
Many had fallen, but nobody gave up.

You fought your heart out, but soon, the hunters pulled a trick that could put an end to you all.

They threw cans of gas that contained oils of wolfsbane, which prevented everyone from being able to go back to their shifted forms.

The pack was forced to retreat and regroup, while the hunters took advantage of their time.

You were patching up your wounds with Aster after you had both gotten clothes on, quietly speaking with each other.

You didn't know that would be your last conversation with her.

The battle resumed, and the pack was forced to fight in their half-shifted forms, with only teeth and claws.

You were ready to do whatever it took.

The fights were heated and up close, but it didn't stop you.

And it didn't stop your pack.

And soon, the battle was won.

By some miracle, the pack had emerged victorious.

Everyone was beginning to pick themselves up, and you glanced around in a daze.

You didn't see what was coming.

A hunter who had kept to the shadows, armed with a pure silver sword, aiming with the intent of killing the next alpha of the pack.

All you remembered in that blur of a moment, was Aster screaming your name before you were pushed roughly out of the way.

You turned just in time to see Aster's horrified face as the sword plunged through her gut, impaling her.

Immeadiantly you went to her aid and killed the hunter, but it was no use.

You took Aster in your arms as you cradled her injured body on the ground, her face twisted in utter pain. Blood soaked through her clothes and was soon covering you.

She gave high pitched pants as she looked up at you, sorrow and love in her eyes as tears streamed down her face.

She was dying.

The silver on the sword had eaten away at her flesh, leaving a gaping hole through her body.

You tried to talk her through it, comfort her, tell her everything was going to be alright, that she would be okay.

But Aster knew better.
"I-I'm sorry..." she whimpered out, her body trembling weakly.

"Please, please! You can't, dont do this to me!" you cried back as you held her close.
It was no use.

"I'm sorry, my love..." Aster whispered, smiling weakly.

You broke down as you held her, sobbing your heart out. The love of your life, your mate, was dying in your arms.
And there was nothing you could do.

The surviving members of the pack had gathered around, and Aster was surrounded by the love and care of her pack as the light faded from her eyes, and she died in your arms, her head resting on your chest as her eyes slowly closed.

You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces as you felt her leave you. You had felt no greater pain in your life.

The pack gathered the dead, and headed for home. You were given no choice but to follow, carrying your beloved's body in your sheltering arms.

You didn't want to let her go.
But she was already gone.

You brought her body out beside the river once she was cleaned up and prepped for burial.

And you then laid her in the ground and placed a white rose over her heart.

When the earth had taken her body, you sat next to the grave, and sobbed for hours.

You felt as though your heart had been ripped out of your chest, and then was crushed underfoot.

Aster was truely gone.
And she saved your life.
Yet you would never forgive yourself.

Life was forced to go on.

The years seemed to drag by slowly, but in time, it got better.

You would visit Aster's grave every day for the past three years.

You could never go a day without visiting your love.

She may be gone, but your love for her remained.

And then, disaster hit the pack.

In the middle of the night, the pack house had caught on fire. Twenty members died inside the flames, and you were forced to watch as the building burned to the ground.

Only seven survived, including yourself.
Your father died inside the fire.
And now, the pack looked to you, for what came next.

You were their alpha now, and you almost winced at the red glow that overtook your eyes afterwards, signifying you as the new alpha.

You didn't have a choice.
It was time to leave.

You visited Aster's grave one last time, and smiled sadly before you placed a white rose on her grave, saying goodbye.

You took the pack and left, traveling for weeks before you arrived at the rocky outcrops of the Black Mountain in Kentucky.

This, would be where your new home was.

The pack house was built on the tops of one of the lower peaks of the mountain.

Life went on.
A whole three more years passed on.
You were the alpha of your pack, which had grown exponentially in size.
You were a brave and passionate leader.
Yet the dull ache in your heart from Aster's death never once left you.

It was now fall in the Black Mountains.
A dark, cool night fell upon the forest.
You had decided to go on a walk.

As you walked through the forest, your shoes crunching the leaves beneath your feet, you sighed as you glanced around, running a hand through your hair.

You had wandered far out into the territory, and glanced about, before you looked up ahead and froze, seeing a woman stumble out from the bushes.

She was barefoot, in a ripped black dress. She was drenched in water, her hair falling around her. She was shakey on her feet, and you froze as she turned to face you once she had caught sight of you.

Your breath caught in your throat, and you stiffened.
The female turned her gaze up to you, her eyes glowing a dark, crimson red color.

It was Aster.

What do you do?

❦  o t h e r ❦
Based off an idea.

❦   s o n g ❦
Ment to Be by Bebe Rexha

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

❦  r o l e p l a y ⋆ v i d e o ❦

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

❦  r o l e p l a y ⋆ r e q u i r e m e n t s ❦
☆ Must be male
☆ Must be an alpha werewolf
☆ Must be age 26-27
Must not be innocent or shy
Must have past according to scenario

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