Chapter 17: Safe?

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Loki's POV

The entire room paused as soon as Sammy finished her explanation. It sure seems like Kanom was proven wrong, in fact, terribly wrong. Sammy did indeed know what she was talking about during the entire trial...I just wish someone in the room would take it more seriously.

"Yup, yup, yup! You finally got it right!" Aubra's body jittered in seemingly excitement.

"How the hell are ya so happy about this? You're gonna die..." Sherwood boldly replied to the Absol, who only gazed back at him.

"I'm not scared! I know a part inside of me is...but that doesn't matter!" Aubra smirked widely, causing Laker to frown.

"What could you possibly mean?" Laker inquired, his confident attitude being thrown to the side. This is a type of Laker I've never seen before; he seems way less cocky and more concerned than before.

"Heh, you really don't get it, do you?" The Absol tilted her head slightly to glare at the Weavile.

"If I just lie to myself, I can hide any feeling!"

"I'm not surprised...isn't that what every serial killer is supposed to do?" Kanom lightly shrugged before turning his attention to Sammy. " did okay, looks like I was wrong."

"Urgh! This boring conversation makes me want to go hang in a house fire! Are you all ready to vote now?" Sam tapped impatiently against her throne.

"Why does that line sound so familiar?" Kanom placed his claw against his chin in a thinking position.

"I don't care what you think, just vote already!" Sam hissed loudly, causing everyone's preparation in voting.


"And, of course, the killer is actually..." Sam's voice trailed off.

"Loki!" My heart dropped as soon as those words escaped the Braixen's lips. "Just kidding, of course, it's Aubra! Wow, you guys are getting everything right, aren't you?"

The words that Sammy's sister spoke caused her to scoff in annoyance.

"Enjoy your time here while it's left," Sammy grimaced at the evil counterpart of hers.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's give what 'they' want, it's..." Sam chuckled softly. "I didn't think I'd get to say it again so soon..."

"It's execution time!" The room had shifted into a dark abyss.

"I'm sorry..." A soft, high pitch mumble caused everyone in the room to lock onto the nearby sound. Nothing resonated after; just pitch black and deafening silence.

The execution was quick to start. The once dim and moody lights we're now replaced with florescent, plasma beams. However, these lights only illuminated a large box, which had replaced the center of the trial room. We were no longer going to watch on the television...

We were now going to see it directly in person.

The collapsed Absol in the center of the box had now woken up to find herself in a box. Distressed, her real emotions began to show.

"Please! I'm sorry! I said it!" Aubra cried from inside the transparent room. Somehow, we managed to hear the sound, possibly resonating from a speaker. The Absol then backed up away from us and roughly clawed against the glass. Giving up, she left the wall alone without a scratch. Something told me Aubra could not see me...or anyone for that matter.

"Aubra the Absol has been found guilty! And for her punishment..." Sam's voice crackled from an intercom. "With many voices!"

The name of the execution was stated, and the Absol collapsed against the ground once more. She was still conscious, but something about her emotions told me it was true. It didn't take long for me to realize that there were many speakers inside of the glass box.

"You're nothing!" A voice spoke out from the speaker at extremely loud decibels, causing everyone in the trial room to flinch in reaction. Aubra—who heard the sound vibrating inside of the box—jerked to her feet in absolute terror.

"Stop!" Aubra cried back at the voice. The speaker directly behind then screeched in its loud sounds.

"You should just die!" The speaker—wired to constantly play negative, loud, and consistent noises—had now gotten the Absol in utter distress. I'm not sure how long she can last with all that this point...

"No one likes you!" Another voice screeched from her left.

"You've faked everyone out, monster!" The speaker called.

Without any period for breaks, the speakers in the glass box constantly grew louder.

"Die! Kill yourself!" The fragile ears of the Absol had now begun to bleed violently.

"No one cares!" The sounds have now begun to vibrate against the glass box, I'm surprised the glass hasn't shattered by now. Something told me that wasn't glass—it had to be something entirely different, something out of my league of knowing.

The frequencies grew—and with more blaring loud negative noises being thrown at the Absol—she began to grow weak to her elbow and hocks.

Aubra gagged, vomiting blood against the rumbling glass. She tried to stand up against the constant sounds and negative emotions...but she failed. Her legs gave in to the powerful pressure, and she quickly caved in to the vibrating glass. The sounds came to a pause, and our ears were able to rest...except for one person, Aubra.

There she laid, in a pool of her own blood...deceased.

"S-She's dead...that was..." I softly murmured to myself in disbelief. How was all of that possible? The glass didn't have a single shatter mark at all!

"Oh boy, it sure sucks to leave this place I lovingly call home...but a week isn't too bad!" Sam smirked from her throne, softly placing a microphone against the arm of the chair. "Well, Gengars!" She called into the air.

About three dozen of Gengars phased into existence and perfectly grouped around her in a circle.

"Instead of stopping them myself, I'll be leaving the mansion for the week. If any of you try to commit murders, you'll be assured that my little friends here will stop you immediately," Sam softly smiled, possibly the least amount of evil I've ever seen her have. "So long..." She gave a small wave to her sister, who grimaced.

With one last wave to everyone, Sam was clutched against her shoulder by one of her Gengars and teleported out of the scene.

"We'" Leon softly murmured from his pedestal.

"Yeah," Sammy cleared her throat, assuming the role of leader for everyone. "Everyone! We have one week to enjoy without any murder, despair, or hatred. Please, let us do our best to cherish and savor this moment!"

Grace, who was a fountain of tears currently, mouthed a thankful message to the Braixen.

Softly, I managed to approach the elevator entrance. Everyone entered right after me. Leon sighed heavy enough for everyone to hear, and Sherwood gave him a kind stare. Alice stumbled her way, completely filled with tears of relief. It seems like she couldn't hold her balance any longer; the Ninetales was entirely exhausted. With good reflex, I stepped ahead to place my arm around her wobbling frame. Alice softly placed her head against my shoulder and trudged the same pace I was going in.

"C'mon...let's get the hell out of here..." Those were the final words I spoke in this cursed trial room.


Sammy's POV

The sounds of my footsteps were as quiet as possible. With absolute care, I paced through the mansion and eased my way outside. Everyone was supposed to be asleep by now, so I managed to sneak through the exterior and into the garage. I tapped around in the darkness until reaching an indentation on the wood. Clicking against it, the frame of the wood shifting into the ground, revealing an underground passageway.

The eyes of another creature met mine, a Gengar.

"I'm not allowed in, am I?" I softly mumbled to it, and before I could even speak once more, the Pokemon levitated the wooden piece of the door. This caused the trapdoor to shut directly in front of my face.

I sighed, turning to leave the area.

"I wonder, I wonder. Where could Sam's former ally be going in the middle of the night?" Kanom stood directly in front of me with a stern look and utter disgust in his voice. "Directly back to betray us once more."

"N-no! If you think that I would ever betray you after sacrificing my power, y-you're wrong!" I stepped back, glaring at the Toxicroak.

"Spare me the fuckin' small talk, lady. I know that if you weren't denied in there, it was over for the life of someone in here."

"Why do you care about the life of people here so suddenly, huh? Weren't you a selfish bastard when you came in here?" I hissed.

His expression distorted, his legs shifted to dash directly in front of me. I couldn't move. Gasping, I felt the pressure of a toxic move slice against my gut. Is this what it feels like to be hit with a poison attack? It feels horrible.

"Stay down," Kanom mumbled, his stare leading down to my fallen body. I wretched in pain from the poison, and gazing down at my bleeding stomach. Something was different; the poison had luckily oozed out because of the bleeding. It still hurt terribly, however.

"" I had barely managed to mumble out. I was terrified; the thoughts of dying at this very moment was overwhelming.

"There's a big flaw with this whole 'murder-less break' idea, heh. It wouldn't be Sam if she didn't add some cruel factor to it." Kanom smirked down at me before turning around and walking outside of the garage. "You won't get stopped for hitting or cutting..."

"It's the killing blow that matters to the Gengars..." The words trailed off silently.

A new pair of footsteps approached me. I felt a pair of claws carefully curl under me, causing me to turn to their direction. My face turned, my gaze meeting someone new.

"Laker?" I muttered.

"Yeah, don't be too loud or he'll hear ya."

"He really beat ya up, huh?" Laker sighed. "Hey...if it makes you feel better, we're on the break."

"We're still at risk...I thought you should have known this by just looking at me." I mumbled. "Kanom was right..."

"I knew Sam wouldn't have left without placing her mark."

𝓔𝓡𝓐 3: 𝓔𝔁𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰

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