Chapter 4: Investigation

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Once again, the video shown before this chapter is very important, so please watch it...


     Leon's POV

     My eyes were scarred, glaring at something I never thought I would have seen. As I grew sicker, an alarming screech startled me.

     "VINCE!" I heard Loki scream at the top of her lungs as she sprinted full force to the corpse. At this point, slowly but surely, everyone awakened with the same reaction to the body. Loki sobbed as she curled her arms under Vince's head.

     "W-What h-h-happened? This is impossible!" Loki babbled until an arm was placed over her shoulder.

     "Get away Loki, the killer is in the room. I'm lookin' at you, Leon..." Sherwood glared at me in disgust. There's no way he actually believes I was the killer...

     "Are you serious? Isn't it too early to just blame someone for a mu-"


     A sound rung around the entire area, before seemingly Sammy's voice rang around the entire building.

     "A body has been discovered...everyone please meet in room number five..." Sammy's voice calmly ran around the room through seemingly an intercom we all didn't even notice.

     "Who...who could have done this?" Grace's words were taken into mind by everyone in the room as people began thinking of possible suspects. Nearly all of us jumped at the sound of the door knocking before someone entered.

     "Hello?" A Braixen called before a large rock was launched in her direction. It was almost scary how quickly she glared at the object before swiftly catching it.

     "Isn't it suspicious to act violently against someone...especially after someone has committed a murder?" Sammy stared blankly at the one who threw the attack...which in this case was Lancer. The mid-night Lycanroc shook in fear for a while, before retaliating.

     "You monster! You're fooling nobody with that stupid alter-ego! Sam is nothing but an excuse for your reason to be evil! How dare you!" Lancer yelled out with all his might as the Braixen tossed the rock aside.

     "Believe it or not, she only awakens at twelve in the morning...which is what I was warning you about," Sammy sighed out calmly, before glaring at Vince's corpse.

     "Absolute fucking bullshit! No one is going to believe that, you just ruined your reputation you asshole!" Inu blurted out with her vulgar mouth as Sammy groaned in anger.

     "I can believe you guys have already started murdering before I could explain the rules, now everyone has to investigate..." The Braixen muttered.

     "Investigate? What can you possibly mean by that?" I began to inquire as her glare focused on me.

     "Every time a body has been discovered, a bell will ring and I will call everyone to meet in a specific area. After that, you are supposed to investigate for clues on who could have committed the murder. Once the time limit has expired for investigating, you have to attend a murder trial. You will all prove and explain the evidence you have collected during the investigation to prove the killer guilty..." Sammy explained as her face grew duller before she continued the last statement. "And the one proven guilty will be...executed..." she continued as our faces were drawn with surprise.

     So...if you kill die for it? Then what happens if...

     "What would happen if we can't prove the guilty person...well...guilty?" Galant spoke from behind me, practically continuing the words from my mind.

     "Everyone except the killer dies...and the killer...gets to leave out of the mansion," Sammy glared at Galant once she spoke before the Gallade grew with total silence. It seems like he has something on his mind, and I don't like how quiet he is being. I predicted he would act defiant or something similar...but now he's just acting plain suspicious.

     "What? That's so horrible!" Loki spoke out, rising up and wiping fresh tears off her cheeks.

     " tell that to the killer once you have proven them guilty...but for now..." Sammy spoke out before turning around.

      "It's investigation time..."

      Absolute silence, once more. It was quite normal at this point.

      "I can't look at the body anymore," Lancer roughly gagged, before rushing out of the room. Aubra began to sob, following Gruta's comment.

     "How can...person kill? Gruta no believe person here evil!" Gruta the Machamp murmured before he shuffled out of the room in denial. I sighed, glaring at Sherwood, who was glaring at me.

     "I sensed you would be glaring at me, don't point fingers until you actually learn the truth," I spoke out before the Sceptile shook his head. It was a flash, a flash I couldn't react too, even with aura. I was clutched by the neck.

     "If it really was you who killed em', I'll kill you before Sam can, aight?" He sluggishly said, clutching me harder until suddenly he dropped me...

     I stared up at him, he seemed to be glaring up. He was staring at Talus, the broken Talus. I'm ashamed I did not notice him at first, but it seemed like he had been keeping quiet for a while. Some sort of comfort should have helped earlier on. Both of us shifted our attention to the midday Lycanroc.

     "Why..? Who would do this?" Talus silently spoke to himself I frowned.

     "We have to start investigating before time is up, I'm going to...I'm going to go now," I almost regret saying that statement, but I continued on forward.



     Galant's POV

     I can't believe it, everything was just fine a few hours ago. We all agreed to stay in the same room to be safe, we all agreed to not kill, we were so hopeful for the future. I keep staring at the body from time to time, Vince was slumped over on his side, his eyes seemed peaceful when he passed...

     I began getting curious...he seemed to have no stab wounds on the front, other than a slight cut on the arm. I curled my blades under his body, before rolling the Greninja over on his front. I gagged but got over it immediately. A large, deep wound was prominent from the top to bottom on his back, about seven inches in length. So he was stabbed from the back? Then where did that cut on his arm occur from? Was he aware, and did he try and evade it by any chance? I should keep a note on this...

     His expression seems to calm for someone who got stabbed in the back. I flipped him back over and noticed something else. It was so minuscule, almost like a small particle of green color. It seemed odd to see specifically on his face, this could be important...

     "Hey, guys? Take a look at this," I heard Aubra call from outside before I shifted my attention. I stood up, luckily without being stained with blood as I walked out. I saw the Absol glaring in a direction, so I followed it and...

     A bloodstain, randomly just on the hardwood floor. I was the first to approach it and kneeled down as I examined closely. It kind of seemed, dry..?

     "The blood is dry, no clue how it managed to leave out of the room, but that is a useful discovery, thank you, Aubra." I rose up as I smiled at the Absol. She seemed to blush and nodded her head promptly.

     "You're welcome! Just call me if you need anything!" She talked in excitement, in which I didn't get.

     "I managed to see something, can you check it out?" I heard Leon call from beside me as I turned to him and nodded.

     "You're speaking a bit more, understandable to us, that's a nice change," I spoke out as I began following the Lucario. He chuckled, before answering.

     "Is that a compliment, or an insult?"

     "Both," we both laughed at my comment before we arrived at the kitchen.

     "It seems that two knives are missing from the rack, specifically two of the smaller ones. But, I also checked around for longer until..." Leon began stating as he shuffled his way over to a cabinet. He pulled it open, revealing a large trash can. I made my way over to him to see what he meant, and I was shocked. A knife, a bloody knife stored in an empty trash can. With Psychic, I levitated it into the air and examined it. It seemed to be still fresh. But it was only one of them.

     "Now that I think about it, you did witness dry blood just sitting on the ground, correct? This could be where the knife was dropped," Leon muttered out as I shook my head.

     "There would be more blood if the murder scene happened outside the room, it's merely a small stain. The real amount is in the room, so I'm not sure what happened, maybe we should investigate it more..." I huffed out as the Lucario nodded at my statement, before being the first one to begin walking.

     "-Wait, Leon!" I called out as he froze. "You were the first one to wake up, right? What did you see?" I spoke out to him.

     "Darkness, the lights were off. I was woken up by the smell of blood, however," he spoke back to me and frowned, before walking back to the room.

     This is very strange, how could the blood outside the room be dry, but the blood puddle in the room moist? The most important question has to be the knife, too. There is one missing knife, and this knife was completely fresh. I should most likely begin the investigation in the dry puddle...

     I made my way over to the stain once more, before realizing something. There seemed to be a crack in the wall. This heavily concerned me, so I rushed over to the other side of the room. I completely ignored Vince's corpse as I crouched down. I could see completely to the other side of the room through the hole.

     "If there is a puddle near this crack, then it can be affiliated with the murder it seems," I spoke to myself as Gruta spoke.

     "Oh! Gruta saw hole before murder happen!" The Machamp spoke in broken English as I shifted over to his direction.

     "Really, Gruta? You saw this before it happened? So I guess they could not have made it themselves. But I still believe they used it to their advantage somehow," I replied as Grace slowly wandered her way up to us.

     "Guys, I have some proof who could have been the murderer..." she spoke as we all snapped our heads to her direction.

     "Really? Then please do say so!" Loki spoke out in hope as the Eevee took a deep breath.

     "I suddenly woke up by the sound of a loud thud, and I saw Lancer rushing for the door. I called out to him, and asked him what was wrong...he said he was going to the bathroom." The Eevee nervously spoke and glared around, almost as if she did not want Lancer being around her to hear what she was saying. "...and I was trying to fall asleep again, but something happened that was very strange. I suddenly crashed asleep, even if my eyes were open. I was laid on my side, and I couldn't see the door in that I guess they somehow knocked me out," Grace spoke as I thought to myself, before speaking.

     "But, there are no injuries, other than..." I noticed something as I was speaking. The green dust! The exact green dust I saw on Vince's face!

     "Where did that dust on your face come from, Grace?" I spoke as if she was the suspect. She glared at me, confused for a while as she attempted to rub it off. A small speck of the green dust lightly flew to the floor, and it was obvious to tell that she noticed it. She froze for a second, before speaking in her defense.

     "Is this...the sleep powder from the garage? That's...weird..." the Eevee spoke in confusion as Inu laughed.

     "Hell yeah! We found the killer, right miss Grace?" The Infernape blurted out as Talus intercepted.

     "We do not know yet until we actually can find out the truth on what happened. Let us not choose too quickly...maybe the sleeping powder was used by the culprit on Grace as well...we never know," the midday Lycanroc bravely spoke out as we all nodded. That hope was soon be gone, however. The bell rung once again, and I was scared for what was next.


     "Investigation time is now over, please meet at the front door of the mansion, the murder trial will begin very soon," I heard Sammy speak calmly into the intercom as her voice disappeared.

     No, I didn't have enough time. I don't know what to do! I guess I have nothing else to do...

     It's time for the trial...

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