Admitted Crush

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 I shiver, not because of the cold but because I'm trying to get the images of Mark from yesterday out of my head.

I take my snack to eat while sitting in the lobby of the rink in between skating sessions. There weren't many other skaters here but the few that were were at separate lunch tables doing school I'm guessing. I look down at my school work that I usually get down quite quickly but today I was having trouble. I couldn't focus with recent feeling of Marks tongue on my neck. I shiver again willing my body to forget. I didn't know what to do and that really freaked me out. Not to mention I can't get any work done. Thanks Mark.

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard a squeal, "Eeeekkkkk!"

I look up to see Kat. She's rushing towards me in her perfect outfit of fitted blue jeans, a white frilly top, and a very expensive looking handbag. That's my best friend, always standing out.

I looked at her confused, "Kat?"

She came over and squeezed my head and shoulders in a hug before I had a chance to get up.

"Chesa! I missed you so much. It sucks that we are training at different rinks so we can't see each other but I convinced daddy to let me come visit you." Kat babbles as she takes a seat next to me.

"I'm glad to see you." I say back in response.

Kat looks around the lobby of the rink and wrinkles her nose in disgust, "Why did your dad choose this place for you to train."

I know for growing up rich taste like Kat she can't help but think that way about this rink. Sure it wasn't in a very good area and looked a little run down but I've come to like the place quite a bit. So to answer Kat I just shrugged my shudders up in a "I don't know" motion.

"Anyway, sooo much has happened since you where gone. Linda got injured." Kat started to talk like her usual self.

"Oh no." I pretended to care about these peoples life as much as Kat did.

"Ya but that's not the best part. They say that it wasn't an accident..." But unfortunately I wasn't able to hear to what happened to Linda as my attention was distracted by a certain boy who just came in carrying boxes. My eyes followed as he lowered the boxes beside the front desk and said something to the receptionist. The receptionist disappeared behind the door while Kace put his hand in his pockets and waited. While he waited he eyes wondered around the room until the came onto me. Once his eyes met mine my head heart pounded. He gave me a small toothless smile and a small wave of his hand. I smiled and waved back. He looked back to check the door receptionist went into and when the coast was clear he started coming my way.


"Hmm." My attention is back to Kat as she is looking at me confused, "Who you waving to?"

Instead of answering her my eyes go to behind her to where Kace is standing. This causes Kat to swing her head behind her to look straight at Kace.

"Morning Chesa." Kace greets me.

"Morning Kace." I smile.

And we are looking at each other until we both are interrupted by a, "Good Morning, Kace. I'm Kat, Chesa's best friend."

I look over at Kat once she speaks, forgetting she was even there. I see she puts her hand up to Kace. Kace takes her hand to shake.

"Good morning." he replies.

The door opens and the receptionist comes out. Kace glances back at the entering receptionist.

"Gotta go. Nice meeting you Kat." Kace says as he walks backwards. He looks at Kat when he addresses her and then he looks directly at me before turning around, "See you later."

My eyes can't help but follow him until he disappears. Once he's gone I feel Kat staring at me and turn towards her. SHe's giving me this knowing look.

"What?" I ask her wondering what that face is about.

"Who's thaaaat?" She raises her eyebrow as her voice goes an octave higher.

"Kace, my friend." I say to her but my tone didn't even fool me so I doubt it would fool Kat the queen of reading people.

"Just friend??" Kat questions but I know it's not really a question, if you know what I mean.

I just look down since Kat is staring at me really intensely. I look up and she gives me this look like 'You like him don't you'. And I know a blush is making it's way on my face as I sink down in my chair trying to hide which I know it won't from my observant best friend. Dang my easy to read emotions!

"Ahhhhhh! My best friend has a crush!" Kat yells out loud. Immediately my cheeks get redder.

"Shhhh!" I whisper yell to my friend as I look around to see who noticed. Thankfully no ones seemed to care.

Kat just giggles and I know I would not get away without a full run down.

"I might like this place more than I thought." Kat says with a different look in her eye.


"and we kinda just kept bumping into each other and... I don't know." I sat on my bed across from Kat as she listened intently, being silent for once.

"You started liking him." She threw in.

"I guess. I don't think I have even admitted it to myself."

"Well it's the first step of having a crush." Kat states.

"I thought that was for problems." I question.

"They are the same thing." Kat waves her hand like it was nothing. She was right though. This crush was turning into a problem, especially for these uncontrolling emotions.

I lay back on my bed pillow plucking at the one I'm holding as Kat processes this information.

"Well he likes you back." I look up at Kat after she states that so nonchalantly.

"You don't know that." I counter.

"Well with what you said the way he looks at you or reacts to you sounds like it." Kat counters back.

I shrug, "I could have just seen those things cause I wanted to because of the way I was feeling. You can't trust yourself under these hormones." I mumble the last part more to myself.

Kat looks me in the eye and smirks, "There's only one way to find out." 

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