Icy Dance

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Duh Duh Duh, Duh Duh Duh, Duh Duh Duh.

I feel the beat of Ed Sheeran's Shape of You as I stand with my arms crossed at the edge of the dance floor In my strapless blue formal dress. My body wanting to move to the beat of the song but my subborness won't let me. I can't show I am enjoying myself at all this night.

I am at this event with the horrible Mark. I just can't stand being in his presence since our last encounter. And I'm defiantly going to show no reason for him to act that way towards me again, even if that means saying only one word to him the whole evening.

Speak of the devil... Mark comes up to stand next to me at the edge of the dance floor.I ignore him and admire everyone dancing on the huge magnificat dance floor with a huge glass window acting as a wall on the other side looking out unto a lake. It was beautiful, I had to admit.

Mark held out a drink of what looked like punch to me, while I just looked straight ahead ignoring him. I knew I had to acknowlegde him sometime so I looked to the drink, my eyes never once looking to his face. I stared at the drink thinking if I should accept it. After a long hesitation I took the drink from his hand with a sigh. I went back to looking out onto the dance floor ignoring his ignorant butt.

He didn't seem bothered also looking out onto the dance floor standing next to me. He took a drink of his punch.

"Do you want to dance?" He had the nerve to ask. I would laugh in his face if I wasn't brought up properly. No way I would give him a chance anywhere close to my body. No telling what he would try.

Unfortunately I knew I had to answer this pig, "No thank you." I said straight. Still no eye contact made. You just have to make it through the night Chesa, I say to myself.

"Come, there are people I want you to meet." Mark literally grabs me by the waist and pulls me to the people he wants me to meet. I grind my teeth together to not say something that I will regret. Mark introduces me to a couple which I politely make social conversation with and the evening continues on like that. Mark taking over and me just standing there looking pretty.

As it gets later in the night Mark starts hanging out with some work buddies while the party starts to wind down most couples leaving and the dance floor is pretty much clear except for a few drunken fools. Which discusted me out since I'm sure most of them weren't legal to drink yet, at least in a America. I was even more disgusted that Mark was amongst the guys cheering the guys foolishly dancing. I have a feeling they had a different kind of punch. I was sitting slouched in a seat at our table just wanting to go home.

I was busy thinking of how I would enjoy being in my bed at this moment when I heard my name.

I look over to see Mark attention on me with some of his other buddies also looking my way.

"Chesa! Baby!" Mark says way more enthousatic then normal Mark. Oh no, I think, I do not know how to deal with intoxicated people.

He starts to make his way towards me and I try to ignore him. He comes to stand in front of me and grabs my hand.

"Dance with me!" He says and even though he is intoxicated he pulls my dead weight up to him. His unexpected strength catches me off guard as I am flinged into his arms.

He laughs and with my face inches from his mouth I can smell the alcohol clearly making me turn my face a cough from the fumes.

I try to pull away but drunk Mark doesn't like that and keeps me close. So next thing I do is try to reason with him.

"Mark I'm in no mood to dance. I just want to go home." I say in all seriousness. Intoxicated Mark is not fazed as he against my will pulls me on to the dance floor.

"Nonsense! I'll put you in the mood." Mark replys. His friends seeing he pulled me onto the dance floor cheer in their drunkness. I am starting to get uncomfortable with how Mark is not loosening his grip.

Mark puts his hands on my hips. "Mark." He pulls my body close to mine as I squirm. "Let go." With our hips plastered together he starts moving them together. "Stop." I push my hands against his upper body trying to get out of his deathing grip. "Mark!" He just keeps moving my body with his no matter how much I reject. His friends cheering in the background. I had enough.

SMACK! I slapped him. He stopped in shock but still didn't let go so I shoved my knee up.

"Ahhh!" Mark screams as he finally lets go of my hips to hold his probably throbbing groin. I warned him. I turned around grabbed my bug and rushed out of the building. His buddies saying, "oohhhh" the whole way.

No way I was going to stay there and accept that treatment no matter how important that boys father was. I am a lady and should be handled with care like a lady should be. I walk to a bus stop and get on a bus. I didn't want to go home at this moment so I ended up another place I found is my home.

I got to the outside of the rink and sighed at seeing a familiar place. I didn't know what I was going to do now since it was eleven at night and not open. I didn't really think this through. Oh well, I might as well see if any doors are open. After pulling all the main doors and having no luck, I try one last maintenance door.

*click* It opened. I cautiously step inside, afraid I would set off an alarm or be jumped at from a crazy person.

I see a light coming from down the hall. This must be the back of the rink I never get to see. I slowly walk to the lighten room. I hear a melody coming from the room.

The door is practically open and I take slow steps to the door and move it so I can poke my head inside. The sight I see is quite surprising. Kace is an office type room with music playing but that isn't the strange part. The strange part is he is doing an air guitar solo quite hecticly. His eyes are closed and he is passionaly strumming his fake guitar. I try to contain my laugher but as he goes down on his knees at the hectic guitar part I can't help but let the giggle come out.

Kace eyes open and his head snaps to me while he is still in the kneeling position of his passinate guitar solo. He gets up, obviously confused, and turns off his music.

"Chesa?" He questions. I am as bit as surprised to see him here as he is to see me.

"Every Rose Has it's Thorn?" I question with raised eyebrows.

"It's a classic." He shugs and suddenly gets shy. I realize he probably is embarrased about him being caught in the heat of being a fake rockstar.

I smile at the memory, "Well you preformed it well." Did I see a blush on Kace's face? I think I did.

He leans against the desk for once actually taking in my apperance. I must look strange in a fancy dress appearing at the ice rink late at night. But I mean the same could be same for him. Well not the dress part.

"Has Cinderella come to collect her sho.. I mean skate?" He apparently has recovered from the embarrasment from earlier and is back to his quick witted self. He gestures to my dress. I look down at my blue strapless dress.

"It's kind of fitting, isn't it?" I say not really in the mood to give a witty comment back. I walk over to lean against the desk next to Kace.

Kace looks confusly at me, "You okay?"

I smile in myself. Of course he's notice.

I look over to him beside me and give him a weak smile, "Just a hard night. Didn't want to stay and didn't want to go home." I look at the floor in front of me.

"Oh." Is all Kace says. His focus also shifts to the floor in front of him.

It's quiet while I think to myself whether I should tell Kace or not. I decide why not.

"Do you remember Mark?" I turn my head to look at Kace. He looks up and gives me a slight nod. "And how I said my parents like him for me?"

Kace give affirmation and I sigh before I continue, "Well, he seems to always find a way for me to have to spend time with him by showing up at my house, ambusing me or inviting me to events with parents right there. And that's what happened. He invited me and my dad accepted before I had a say and if my father says I'm going, I'm going. Anyway it was one night. I could get through one night right?" I question Kace even thought the question was for myself.

"I'm guessing tonight was that night?" Smart boy.

"Right. And it went horrible. First of all Mark has deplorable manners. He ditched me as soon as I got there, not like I want his company, but still I didn't know anyone. But fine, I stayed to myself watching the other people dance and mingle waiting for the night to end. Mark did eventually come and introduce me to people but they didn't make conversation with me. I feel like I was there to look pretty. When most everyone left the party I sat to wait for Mark to finish "fralicking" with his guy friends. I finally thought this nightmare was going end when Mark stumbled over to me, probably having a few drinks, grabbed me pulling to the dance floor. He pulled me to him and started touching me..." I trailed off not knowing where to go. I massaged my forehead fulling a head ache coming on, "Anyway I had enough and stormed out of there. Not really wanting to go home and explain so I ended up here." I shug my shoulders and look to Kace giving him my explanation. "And apparently came just in time to see a show." I joke bumping my should into Kaces. His conserned face turns into a small smile when I mention his performance.

"I'm sorry your night was so stressful." Kace quietly offers, "And for this Mark dude, he obviously doesn't know how to treat a lady."

My heart sores with Kace defending me. It makes me really shy and I don't want to trust anything that comes out of my mouth. I stick with something safe, "So why are you here so late?"

"Samething I guess." I look at him confused. He sees and explains, "To get away."

"Oh" I give him the same answer he gives me. He catches that and sends me a half smile then goes back to consintrating on the floor. I wonder if he is going to explain or am I going to have to come up with more small talk. I really wasn't prepared for that. Luckly Kace decided to continue on.

He sighed, "My father left about 5 years after my sister was born, which actually okay since he wasn't the greatest of guys. We may have been better as a family without him but financially we weren't. My older brother of sixteen at the time had to go out and get a job to help my mom with providing for the household. Eventually he had to quit high school to take over a full time job. My mom didn't take my dad's leaving and taking over the household responsiblies well. She kept reminding us how much she had to give up for us and how miserable she is. It took a toll on my brother. Though he would do most of the work to keep the family afloat my mom would blame him and the rest of us for her miserableness. My brother eventually became distant, not really getting involved in any of our lives but pay for the bills, and he would nag on me and my sister as my mom did. When I was old enough, I started to work but unlike my brother I kept up in school. I did so well infact I was top in my class. I actually started to have hope of going to college and making something of myself, to make decent money."

Kace paused momentarily out of his memories. I was just trying to absorb it all. He glances over at me. I keep his eye connect telling him to take his time and I'll wait.

"Unfortunately my mother wasn't as thrilled about my new come dream. She didn't like the idea of me leaving her for school and contributing nothing when she did so much for me. My brother also thought I should quit school and get a job like him to contribute to the family. I finally stood up for myself refusing to give up my dream. Here I am still in school for now but every once in awhile a heated conversation comes up and I just have to get out of the house. So I come here."

Kace sighs deeply as he finishes his tale. We sit in silence. I try to think of something to say to help him.

As I say something Kace looks at me derectly, "I know I can't understand your predicament much at all but I think it's admirable that you are following your dream despite what basically everyone you love is telling you."

His eyes hold mine as if trying to see into my soul.

"And I believe you can do it."

His mouth twitches with a smile. Suddenly he gets to his feet grabs the device that was playing music and takes ahold of my hand.

"Come with me." Excitement dances in his eyes as he pulls me along. The rink is dark because of it being late hours of the night. We enter the where the ice surface is. I shiver at the sudden cold air. Kace stops for a second and lets go of my hand, leaving my standing there while he runs off somewhere after saying, "Be right back."

All of a sudden I wasn't in the dark anymore. The rink lights came on and it was lit like it always has been but it felt different. It was only me and Kace.

Kace comes running back in from where ever he ran off to. He takes his music device out and fiddles with it before putting on a Every Rose has it's Thorn song then sets it on the barrier. Though music device was small the song filled the arena. He then looks at me. I give him this confused look while he takes both my hands and pulls me towards the ice.

"We shouldn't waste such a beautiful dancing dress without dancing." He states as he pulls me onto the ice. I look at him unsure. Sure I can dance on the ice with my skates on but with heels? He gives me a look saying trust me. I grip his hands a little tighter as we make it to the middle of the ice. We stop when we are in the exact middle.

Kace lets go of my hand and bows as he asks, "May I have this dance my lady?"

I giggle and try my best to curtsy on the slippery surface, "You may."

He takes my hand with his hand then puts his other hand around my waist pulling me ridiculously close to him. I smile as I look into his face forgetting the bad memories of earlier in the night. I can feel his chest move in and out with every breath he takes. I can feel his breath on my face since we are only inches apart. I practically feel the happiness rolling off each other as we look into each others eyes smiling not only with our mouths but with our souls.

I know he isnt a prince dressed in a dashing suit, rather just a boy in jeans and a T-shirt. We aren't dancing at a grand ball room but rather in the middle of an ice rink. We aren't perfect people with a perfect pasts but that didn't matter. To me this was perfect. And all he is and isn't didn't matter because this boy is the boy that has my heart. 

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