Promised Kiss

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I enter the rink with a relief. These past days I have been suffocating. My parents have hardly left me alone. With congratulations, interviews, preparations for my future I haven't been able to breathe. All I wanted was to skate, relaxed and in my own time. Finally, I was able to after four days of me being home. Not in complete peace though. My mother decided to come watch, which she never does, so I'm suspecting my father either wanted her to keep an eye on me or she finally wanting to be the supportive mother. I'm guessing the first. My parents have some crazy idea that their restriction on me had something to do with my bronze medal at sectionals. So now it's 'Watch Chesa all the time'. Yay me.

I get congratulations as I walk in the rink. I smile and be polite. Goodness, you only have to win a medal around here and you are popular. I warm up totally focused and defiantly not keeping an eye out for a certain someone. Millions of thoughts run through my head. What if he isn't working today? What if he thinks I'm ignoring him because I am not answering my phone? What if his mom died and he had to take care of his little sister so he got fired cause he was late to work and I will never know because he had to sell his phone to make ends meat?! Okay so the last one was a little overdramatic.

I was putting my boots on when I got my first sighting. Kace was on the other side of the rink carrying some odd thing. I smiled in his direction and gave a quick wave to get his attention. His eyes eventually met mine and his face lit up. He couldn't wave because of the object he was carrying. We both understood the other was busy. I quickly tied up my boots and stood up looking around to see where he might have gone.

I was busy looking around when I heard,"Come one Chesa stop dawdling. Just because you won a medal doesn't mean you need to slack. Next time it's going to be Gold. At nationals. " I see my coach ready to torture me on the ice. I got on and warmed up.

I was breathing hard and could feel my muscles tired from being work. I just finished an hour lesson with coach. Is was the good kind of torture. That's why he is the best. He knows how to get you to work really hard and leave you aching. Unfortunately, that might be the only thing he is good at.

I get off the ice and see Kace five feet in front of me. I go to talk to him but my mom is suddenly in my view.

"Chesa, you just go an interview with a local sports magazine. I had Drake get you some clothes. Go shower and get dressed, my superstar!" My mother says excitedly. She pushes me into the direction of the change rooms. I pass Kace on the way. We give each other looks as we pass but I know my mom is watching me so too risky. Ugh, why does it seem like we can't seem to see each other?

I get dressed into dress suit. I defiantly feel like a business person with my pencil skirt and tight blazer. I roll my eyes at my mom's choice in outfits. I pair it with heels which I had to be careful in since I am not used to walking in heels. Seem though with all the interviews they have become part of my wardrobe, per my mom's request. I leave my hair down knowing my mom would not have it any other way. I sighed walking out of the change room so not ready for this interview.

As I exit the change room I see Kace slip through one of the back doors of the ice rink. I look around and make sure no one is looking and slip out the same door Kace did. I see him move something somewhere his back faced to me. My heels make a clattering noise as I step closer.

"So we finally get to talk." I say to get his attention.

His focus from the object in front him changes as his eyes turn to search for the source of the voice. His confusion turns to recognition as he sees me standing there, "Finally."

His eyes widen as he takes in what I am wearing. He looks me up and down. I'm sure I must defiantly different to the skating tights he is use to seeing me in.

I explain, "I have an interview with a local sports magazine."

He puts his hands in his pockets as he faces me entirely. Kace clears his throat, "So I'm friends with some popular sports person now?"

I set closer, "Hmm I guess so but that was partially your doing."

"I guess it was. I think I shall be a sports inspirer." Kace joked.

"I don't know. I might be the only one it works with." I joked. Or flirted? I couldn't tell. I don't think he could either.

Somehow we have gotten closer like a magnetic force was pulling us together.

"And I don't think your guy clients would be agreeable with the payment deal." I sucked in a breath as the words left my mouth. I mentioned the promised kiss. He looked surprised I even remembered it. The truth was it was all I could think about.

"I feel like some of the guys around this rink wouldn't mind." Kace responded almost automatically while his eyes were still studying me. The air turned from humorous to very serious. The sexual tension was obvious though both of us were not addressing it.

I didn't both to laugh at his lame joke. My throat made a strange noise in response but eyes were focused on something else entirely. I flickered down to look at his lips then back into his intense eyes. Both of us unsure of the others next move.

"Speaking of debts, where is my promised kiss?" Kace joked standing there all in his beautiful glory.

I don't know what came over me but in that moment I was brave. Sometimes all you need is a few seconds of insane courage and something great can come of it.

In less than a second, I closed the distance between us and had my lips on his. My sensitive lips felt every bit of his soft warm inviting lips. I feel like the first time in ever, I shocked witty sharp Kace. Heck, I even surprised myself. After a few seconds of pure ecstasy of being lip-locked with Kace. I pulled away. Now my insane courage was over I feel the embarrassment and insecurity of what I've done hit me full force. Taking advantage of a stunned Kace I quickly rush to the back door that led to the rink.

As I was halfway through I heard Kace confused voice, "Chesa?"

He was still stuck in the same spot looking lost. Poor boy.

I turned to look over my shoulder saying, "Bye Kace." And I winked before disappearing behind the door. I WINKED. I turned around a corner inside the rink that was empty. I leaned up against the wall putting a hand over my racing heart. I don't think my nervous system could take any more of my spontaneous actions. I can't believe me, Chesa, kissed and winked at a boy all in a spanned of a couple of minutes. Who was this girl that was taking over?  

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