Sometimes all you can do is cry

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"Chesa, honey get out the old photo album while I show these fine gentleman around." My mom says as she gets up and leads dad's important business colleges to show them our fine house while we wait for dad to show up.

"Sure mom." I smile and I feel someone rub their fingers on the back my hand that he's holding onto. I feel my smile staying forced on my face as I sit on the love seat squished up against Mark. Since dad had important people coming over I had to invite my "boyfriend" over (or should I say he invited himself). After a tortured half an hour of pretending to be in love with my "boyfriend" which meant sitting close, hand holding and pet names, I literally lept away from him as soon as my mom left the room. Getting off the coach I shake my body of its feeling of being so close to such a creature.

"I see you are getting withdraws of being away from me." the monster dared to say about my shaking to trying and get the feeling of him off.

I mumble, "More like withdraws of freedom."

Suddenly I fell warm breath behind my ear that makes me shiver in disgust, "Is that any way to treat your boyfriend." I feel his arm move up to the side of my waist then lightly grabbing the back of my arm.

I quickly step away, remembering he has leverage, I smile his way and make an excuse, "Need to get those albums for my mom."

I hurry to the cabinet with the photo albums and take out the ones I know mom meant to show the guest. As I get up I hear the garage door open. A few seconds later my father emerges with his briefcase and a paper in hand. He walks towards me looking at his paper.

"Hi Dad." I say.

He distractedly looks up, "Hey Sweety," He kisses my forehead.

"Your guests are here with mom." I say though his attention has turned back to the newspaper he is reading.

"Hmm." His head looks at me before his eyes, "Great." He starts walking away and I thought that's all the attention he was gunna give me but then he stopped in his tracts and looks at me, "I talk to your coach and he says you aren't giving him one hundred percent. Chesa, we talked about this. You either show me results or things are going to get a lot tougher around here." With that, he gives me one more look before leaving the room.

I sigh as my shoulders slump. Of course, the only thing he would talk about is my skating. It seems he only thinks about what would benefit him.

As for coach... My faces scrunches just thinking about it. The truth was I wasn't giving my best to my coach but that didn't mean I wasn't giving my best to my skating at all. That just meant when  coach wasn't around I would actually practice. I would practice when I knew there wasn't going to be any negative force pulling me down, making me fail. I decided when I was with coach I would just put up a steel barrier and not let anything he says get to me but that also means time not caring in his lessons. The sacrifice was worth it.

I have slowly made my way back to where Mark was waiting for me. I walk into him sitting on the love seat with his arms and legs spread out in the most ungentlemanly way. I know my face has a look of disgust as I drop the albums down on the table in front of the coach then take a seat, far away from Mark.

Mark starts picking something out of his teeth. I look away disgusted but have to look back when he addresses me, "Chesa so I have us booked for a couple of events over the weekend. Plus next week some dinners and of course you can introduce me since these are all family friend's of yours."

"What! Mark, I have a life!" I argue back.

"Don't worry it's around your skating and school schedule." I don't even want to know how he got that.

"So I get no free time? I have things I do and friends I see."

Mark suddenly sits forward, "You better not be seeing lover boy." He says I a deep scary voice, "Because I will find out."

My heart skips a beat but thankful my voice is as strong as ever, "No! Of course not. I know the agreement. I just meant my girlfriends."

Mark relaxes and sits back into his relaxed position, "Honey I'm the only friend you need. Plus you are the one stuck in this position so I suggest you just stay quiet before I decide to spill the beans."

The scowl on my face is not going anywhere but my voice disappeared not wanting to risk Kace's career. I sigh as I realize my life is not going where I wanted it too.



My phone makes a noise on my bedside table as I throw my towel into the hamper and twist my wet hair into a bun. I am tired from the fake display I had to carry on that night with Mark. It takes the effort to be fake. I seriously don't know how those girls who are fake to everybody have enough energy for that.

I slowly make my way to into my bed and lean over to get my phone but honestly, I was to emotionally drained to talk to anyone. I lean back into my pillows and open the text from Kace.

K: Hey :)

C: Hey

K: What's up?

C: Just Tired. :/ You?

K: :( From what? Oh, and I'm babysitting my sis at the mall. Wish you were here <3

I sighed. She wishes she was there too. Life sucks.

C: Mark was here (roll eyes)

K: Again? Can't he lay off a little?

I could feel myself getting a little angry. Did he think I wanted to hang out with Mark so often? Did he think I like hanging with that jerk?

C: No he can't because if I don't do what he says he can get your scholarship lost.

K: Hey I'm not the jerk in the situation so don't turn on me. Plus I didn't ask you to put up with that jerk for me. That was all you.

C: Well I wouldn't be a decent human being if I chose my own emotions over a struggling students education.

K: Oh now all I am is a struggling student? Thanks. I can see you think a lot of me. And I was doing just fine before you came along.

Ouch, that hurt.

C: Thanks.

K: ....

K: Look, I'm sorry, okay?

C: Okay.

Chesa rubbed her hands over her face. She knew they were both being a little irritated and emotional with each other. Their relationship has been strained over the last few weeks.

C: I gotta go to bed. Skating early.

K: Okay :) See you in the morning?

Chesa's heart ached when she tiyped her answer.

C: Actually no since my original rink got fixed. :(

K: Oh... well, I guess that's just another sign that we should maybe see less of each other. I guess I'll see you when I see you. Bye Chesa

I read that text again. And again. And Again. CI never had someone break up with me but in that moment as I read that text something in me broke. My chest had this aching pain like it was breaking and if that isn't what a break up feels like then I don't what was.

That night I lay in bed clutching my heart crying. I didn't hold back. I cried for every time Mark treated me like I was his property and I couldn't say anything. I cried for the times my parents made feel like I was nothing. I cried for when my coach would make me feel like the worst student on the planet. I cried for the boy who I gave my heart and still had. I cried because that's I could do in this moment. Cry. 

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