Uh... friend

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I pull the pillow over my head for what felt like the millionth time and scream. I could not not stop thinking about those eyes. Or him. I am turning into a love sick puppy and I didn't know how to stop it.

I get up to go look in my mirror. I stare at the body that is betraying me with all these feelings. I look into my eyes.

"He's just a guy," I say to myself. "A nice, fun, gorgeous guy."

And just like that my tummy has butterflies. I groan and flop onto my bed.


"Come in." I say. I sit up as my nanny walks in.

"Ma'am, your father wants to see you."

That is strange, I think. I drag my body down stairs and enter my fathers office, basically his second home. His first home is his office.

My father is looking down at some paper. He is so intently focus I think possibly he doesn't notice me but that would be impossible. He notices everything.

"Take a seat Chesa." He states with only a glance my way.

He continues to shuffle through the papers and I sit there waiting for him to talk.

"How's skating?" He asks in a monotone voice and still his eyes never met mine.


Of course he talks about skating.

"Keeping up with your studies?"

"Yes Father."


He takes a deep breath and actually shifts his attention to me. I sit up a little straighter knowing I'll get to hear why he actually called me to his office.

"So you remember Mr. Jaskin, right?"

"Mr. Jaskin?" I asked slightly confused.

"Yes, the gentleman we had dinner with a few nights ago."

I clicked in my mind, Creepy Dude.

"Yes..." I say unsurely. Not sure why I need to remember him.

"He is Mark Jaskin Junior, Mark Jaskin Senior's son which makes him a very important person. And he has taken a certain interest in you."

"Me?" I squeak out. Why me? I groan in my head.

"Yes so you are going to befriend the boy and spend time with him." My father said nonchallant voice. Not like he was demanding me to spend time with a boy who I had no desire to spend time with.

"But aren't I too busy?" Trying my best to get out of it.

"Nonsense, I'll have your touter rearrange your calendar. That's all."

I walk out of the office slowly thinking about what just happened. Basically I am just being a pawn in my father's business plan. Good to know I'm good to him for something.

I groan at the thought of having to have a "friendship" with Mark Jaskin. This is going to be interesting. 


I pulled down my skirt for the millionth time While standing in the middle of the mall food court. I was defiantly not use to wear short skirts like this without tights and especially leather. I'm waiting at the mall to meet Mark for our friendship "date". My mother found out I was going out and decided since "I only know how to wear skating tights and PJs" she was going to help me pick an outfit. Which basically means I'm her doll and dressed in a mini leather skirt that flares out topped with a long sleeve cream v neck (too much V for me) top. She made me wear small heels and my hair down. I felt totally out of my comfort zone and was probably showing it with how I fidgeted about. 

I kept looking around for Mark so we could get this thing over with. Although I would be okay if he just didn't show up. Looking over the white tables and chairs, some filled with people some not, I didn't see a tall creepy dude. Well, my tall creepy dude. 


I hear a confused guy voice from behind me. I turn to be met with intense brown eyes that could only belong to one person. 

"Kace...Hi." I even felt more awkward now. I noticed he was standing with three other younger girls that looked about ten years old. Kace must have seen my eyes go to the girls with him because he makes introductions. 

"Chesa this is my younger sister, Beth and her friends, Amy and Morgan." He gestures to the three girls who wave shyly. 

"Pleasure to meet you." I smile at them. 

Kace rubs the back of his neck while an awkward silence comes over us. 

"So... Where are you doing here?" Kace asks awkwardly. 

"I'm..uh.. Meeting someone." I answer reluctantly.

Understanding reaches his eyes as he answers, "Oh." 

He must think I am going on a date. I quickly go to correct his train of thought when I feel a hand rest on my back.

"Chesa." I turn to see Mark standing closely behind me. Too close. "I'm sorry I'm late."

I take a step our of Marks immediate reach. I freeze in awkwardness from the situation that is in front of me, Not expecting this at all. They never gave a class in "What to do when the guy you think you like thinks your with a creepy dude but your not but before you could tell him creepy dude shows up".

 "So who's this?" Mark asks Chesa nodding to Kace.

Kace comes out of the awkwardness before Chesa and introduces himself.

Kace clears his throat puts his hand out for a hand shake while saying, "I'm Kace. I'm Chesa's... uh friend." 

Mark stares at him for a second leaving Kace just standing there with his arm out. 

Mark finally takes his hand in a handshake.

 "I'm Mark. I'm also 'Chesa's.... uh friend'." Mark states in a mocking tone which rubbed me the wrong way. 

They look keep looking into each others eyes almost like a challenge and didn't seem like they were going to break anytime soon. I clear my throat and the spell finally breaks. 

Kace awkwardly looks at his sisters then looks back at me and his eyes quickly shift to Mark before returning to me.

"So I should, uh, I should get back to taking my sister and her friends shopping." He stated awkwardly, "I'll see you Monday, Chesa." 

"Bye." I say quietly and make a small wave with my hand. My brain is still in overdrive to figure out what exactly just happened. 

I watch as Kace and his sister's walk away while I'm left with creepy Mark for the rest of the evening. 

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