Entry 1 (Thursday, Morning)

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Dear Diary,

My mom told me writing in a diary would be good for me since I left all my friends behind in Atlanta, Georgia. I'm shy about meeting new people, you know. I think you and I are going to be best friends, Diary.

Anyways, I guess I should tell you about myself. I now live in Berkeley, California where I attend college. I haven't really connected with anyone there and I'm kind of a loner. Don't get me wrong, I have people I hang out with, but it's just not the same as home. Nothing can replace the hospitality of home.

Before you ask, no, I don't have a significant other. Not even here in California. There was only one person I ever loved, but he found that he loved another woman. He was the sweetest guy, always smiling, and happy most of the time. I loved him with all my heart and cried for days when he told me he didn't love me as much as he had thought. See, he had started getting to know Krista, who was a good friend of mine in high school. She had even told me she had a crush on him for the longest time.

I was happy they found love together, really, I was. I suppose somewhere in my heart I knew they belonged together, but I had decided to ignore it out of my own selfish desire. Maybe that's part of the reason I cried so much afterwards.

Anywho, back to my current life, I go to college a few days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Today is Thursday, So I'm off all day. I usually stay in my apartment and lounge around, because I don't have much else to do, but today I'm taking a train ride. I figured I'd get out and do something different, you know? Get my mind off things and quit stressing myself out over school.

I'm leaving soon, so I'll write later.


Cratey R. 

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