Entry 10 (Saturday, Late Afternoon)

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Dearest Diary,

I'm so happy! Byron was here and he has his own place to stay that we could share for a while. So, I'll be staying to watch the filming of Dukes of Hazzard for a while, and he said after I get settled in, I can go meet the rest of the cast!

Anywho, when I got here, security escorted me in and over to Byron's place. I knocked, then waited for a moment. Soon, Byron came out and smiled bright. It was the brightest smile I had seen since I moved to California. I smiled back, and he pulled me into a tight embrace, picking me up and spinning me around. We laughed and talked for a moment, and he said he didn't expect me this early. I laughed a bit, and explained I was going to college in California now. He apologized for the letter to Atlanta, but was glad I got it anyways.

He offered his arm and we walked around the place for a while, talking about the past few years. I told him about college and my classes and how I was overjoyed when I got his letter. I also mentioned almost choking on my popcorn last night, which made Byron laugh. Dukes of Hazzard is my favorite show, but to see one of my favorite people on it, I nearly died.


Anyways, after the tour and talk, Byron and I circled back around to where he was staying. "Mi casa es tu casa." He said to me. He took Spanish in high school, but I took German, so I didn't quite understand what he was saying. He laughed and told me it translated loosely to "my home is your home." He's so sweet.

So, right now I'm unpacking. I didn't pack much in the first place, but Byron said we could go get whatever I needed tomorrow, seeing as my apartment is only an hour and a half away. He said tomorrow they weren't filming anything, so we had the whole day to ourselves.

I'm so excited! I wonder if we'll meet up with Krista. I know I would feel a little bit like a third wheel, but they would make sure I was comfortable. They're really sweet like that, you know? Besides, if all else fails, I can always hang out with a cast member or something. I'm sure I'll click with one of them. Honestly, I hope it's James Best. He's like... Well, he's the best!

Wait... I just realized Byron hasn't mentioned Krista at all! Maybe he's just doing it for my benefit. I'll ask about her maybe later or tomorrow.

Well, I've gotta unpack.


Cratey R.

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