Entry 17 (Monday, Evening)

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Well, I've screwed up. My life is over!

My only friend in the world, and he thinks I hate him or don't love him because I tried to do the right thing. I keep regretting it, but it was the right thing!

...Wasn't it?

Sorry I didn't write earlier, but you'll understand. Ugh, here's the play-by-play.

So I joined Byron for lunch. He was happy that I had changed my mind. I had planned what I wanted to say, then finally worked up the nerve to say it near the end of lunch. His face fell. That beautiful smile of his was gone within a second. His eyes went from sparkling to dull, and I could see his heart sink.

It hit my heart with such a pang that I tried to take his hand in comfort. Unfortunately, he was too upset and pulled away immediately. He pulled out some cash and laid it on the table, and said "for the bill." Then, he got up and left me alone in the restaurant. It wasn't a big scene, but I started crying. I fumbled with my wallet and left some more money on the table, chasing him out of the restaurant.

He was gone. As if he disappeared. Tears streaked down my cheeks as I looked everywhere for him. I wondered if I was welcomed at the studio anymore, but by then I had to get going back to college for the rest of my classes. I spent the entire walk thinking about if I did the right thing. All of my classes, I couldn't focus, and I had to regain my composure multiple times. One of my acquaintances asked if I was alright, but I dismissed him. I didn't want to talk about it. He rubbed my back a bit, but didn't want to draw attention. Instead, he put his left hand on my right one whenever I would get worked up. (I'm left hand dominant by the way.)

He talked to me alone after college, walking me outside. He offered to get me coffee, so I scanned the street for Byron. Sure enough, he kept his promise and was there to pick me up. I told Malachi that it would be nice to get coffee sometime, but I had to go. He seemed alright with that and watched me get into the car.

Actually... I never realized how considerate he's been until now...

Nevermind, it doesn't matter. Right now I have to focus on Byron... He's locked himself in his room and won't come out, no matter how hard I try. Considering he brought me back to the studio, I'm assuming I'm still somewhat welcome here...

Anyways, I'm going to try to talk to him again. Reason with him. Apologize over and over again...


Cratey R. 

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