Entry 32 (Friday, Late Nighttime)

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Dear Diary,

Malachi fell asleep with his head on my lap, so I'm writing to tell you what's happened.

Malachi and I sat on his couch and talked for a while, then watched the newest episode of Dukes of Hazzard! We both got really excited over the Duke's scheme to make Boss Hogg think they were rich. I loved Byron's outfit in that scene, and Chris wasn't looking too shabby either. I adored watching Sonny drool over Cathy's dress, and Sorrell and Rosco die to find out about where the gold was coming from. Cooter as the chauffeur was hilarious!

Anyways, it was over soon. Malachi and I started talking again, but after a while, I got curious. I asked him if he knew he had cancer before this ordeal. To my surprise, he nodded. He said that he couldn't afford treatment because of college fees. If he didn't pay off his college fees, who knows what might've happened to him. I told him his life was worth more than his college fees, but he shook his head. He told me his feelings for me. He said college was worth more to him because that's where I was.

I asked him how his classes have been working out for him, but he shook his head again. He said that he couldn't focus anymore. His vision sometimes blurred and his head always hurt. I frowned and gently took his face in my hands. He said he loved me a whole awful lot and that it didn't matter if I loved him back.

I didn't know what to say to him, but I knew one thing, I loved him. I loved him more than words could express. I didn't know how to tell him, so instead I gently pulled his face towards mine and kissed him. I felt love that I have never felt before, not even with Byron.

True love.

I loved Malachi. I searched my feelings and knew it to be true. Although he may not have long to live, I don't care. We'll make the most of it. I know we will.

And with that, Diary, it seems like I'm running out of pages...

I suppose I've learned a whole bunch in this past week. I mean, I went from being a nobody to everyone to being a somebody to some people. I went from loneliness to love. It was a tough road, but the straight and narrow isn't always the easiest path. I made some mistakes, especially around Byron, but he still loves me (as a friend). What more could I ever ask for? I've found my true love, someone who I will never betray, not even after death. I will never love another as long as I live, and that is a promise that I will keep, no matter how lonely, painful, or sad I am.

With that, I think I'll say my goodbyes to everybody.

Byron Cherry, thank you for everything you've taught me. I can't wait to see you and Krista together again. I love you, my best friend in the whole world. I hope we can still hang out, maybe even have some double dates soon. I can't wait to make more memories with you, brother.

Malachi Tomkins, I love you with all my heart. I will love you truly and fully, with everything I have for the rest of my days. Thank you for always being there for me, even when I haven't been there for you. I will never love another.

Diary, thank you for being my friend through all of this and listening to me. You've been a true friend, and that's all I could ever ask for.

Hopefully, my happy ending will last a while.


Cratey Reggalo

~Attached at the end of the Diary are pictures of Cratey, Malachi, and the cast. There are pictures of just Malachi, along with pictures of Byron and Krista. At the very end of the journal, a picture is pasted on the inside back cover. It is of a tombstone that reads, "Here lies Malachi Tomkins, who would do anything for love." It has a heart separating the words and his date of birth and death, "1955 - 1982"~

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