Senpai x Pico Again (part 2)

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He wasn't so excited to meet this new Senpai dude. He definitely couldn't trust Bf's judgement, he rap battled a dude that was singing about eating his damn girlfriend after all. He hoped the dude wasn't too horrible, even him being half decent would make him happy. His phone rang and he took it out of his pocket to see who the hell was calling him. It was bf of course, he decided to answer. "We're waiting for you Pico, we're just outside the apartment complex," Bf informed him.

"Alright alright I'm coming," he replied. Pico put on his socks and shoes before exiting his apartment, making sure to lock the door behind him. He went over to the stairs and started quickly running down them, until he got to the bottom. He would have taken the elevator but someone broke it, again. Plus he wasn't that high up anyways so it wasn't too bad. He quickly went out of the apartment complex after he finished walking down the stairs.

In front of the building was Bf's car, it was a Chevy Spark that was bright cyan. Pico noticed that someone had taken the front seat next to Bf. The person had sparkling blue eyes along with blond hair. He had a light blue shirt on along with a pink tie, the dude was probably the Senpai guy Bf mentioned. They locked eyes as Senpai noticed him, Pico opened the back door and jumped in. "So this is the Senpai guy you were talking about?" Pico questioned as he sat in the middle of the back and leaned up to see both of their faces.

"Yup," Bf replied. Senpai's leg was bouncing rapidly up and down, he then accidentally hit the dashboard with one of his legs making a loud bang. "Sorry, sorry," Senpai quickly apologized as he forced his leg to not go as high after that. Pico giggled and sat back in the backseat. Senpai's face turned red, he wanted to just curl up and die right then and there. It had been forever since he had talked to a living, breathing human being.

He was making a fool of himself in front of the first people he's met in a long long time. He hoped that didn't ruin his impression on Pico. Bf talked about him a bit while they were in the car before he joined them. He looked much better than Bf described him. pretty bright orange hair, freckles and pure white eyes. He was so pretty, before Senpai noticed they were at Darnell and Nene's house.

Darnell opened the car door and quickly got in, slamming the door behind him. "Hey Pico! I'm fucking starving so let's get goin," Darnell chirped. Nene got in on the other side of the car. "who's that?" Nene asked, pointing at Senpai. "Oh that's Senpai," Pico replied introducing him. Senpai was regretting even offering to come, this was horrible.

Why did he ever think this was a good idea? Senpai combed through his hair trying to calm himself. "Senpai you alive up there?" Pico questioned him. "Oh uh yeah, sorry," he replied. He was continually reminded how horrible he is now at interacting with people. In the horrible game everything was predictable, the same everyday.

It was horrible, but since he'd been in there so long real conversations were now a stranger to him.

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