Yandere Bf x Pico

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I don't know why people like yandere shiz so much but who am I to judge.

Tw! Injury, attempted murder/assault, successful murder and weapons. Tell me if you want me to add any tws on any chapters btw!

563 words


"There you are Pico," Bf sighed in relief of finally finding him. He smiled at Pico looking down at him in the dark room. It was almost midnight, the only light was coming from the hallway in which Bf entered from. Pico quickly backed up against the wall. He knew that there was no way out of this. There was only one door in the room that Bf was blocking and that there were no windows In the room either. 

He looked so scared, terrified even, Bf felt a little bit of pity towards Pico. "Oh don't be scared Pico I'll keep you safe," he told him. Pico was crying and shaking now he was curled up in a ball on the floor. Bf stepped towards him which is when Pico saw an opportunity. He might get hurt in the process but it was worth it to get out of the grasp of him. Pico quickly scrambled to his feet before running past Bf. 

Bf had a knife in his hand and attempted to swing it at him, it cut through his shirt and left a nasty scratch on the side of his belly. It hurt, sure but his adrenaline was pumping so he didn't feel it too much. Bf quickly chased after him. Pico started just screaming, he wanted someone, anyone to hear him. He needs someone to save him for once. Tears dripped down his face as he slammed the door at the end of the hallway open. 

He saw somewhere to escape bf, the window. Without much thinking he threw himself out the window causing it to shatter and him to collapse on the ground outside. I mean it's not the first time he had jumped out a window before and definitely not the worst injuries he's had before either. He quickly got up, it wasn't too bad since they were on the first floor but he still had cuts on his body from the glass. "Help! Anyone help me! Please!" He screamed pleading for help as Bf continued chasing after him. Nene didn't live far from here, only like one block so he decided that. 

He would have done one of the neighbors but there was no way to be sure that they were actually home. Plus if Bf god his hands on him there's no knowing if he'll survive. What the hell happened to him? He used to be so sweet now he's this monster of a human. But no time to think about that while Bf is a few steps away from murdering him. He continued running and running until he got to Nene's and Darnell's house. When he was getting closer he started to scream their names hoping that they would hear him. 

"Darnell! Nene! Help!" He screamed as loud as he could. Darnell Opened the door to see what the hell the ruckus was all about, Pico practically ran past Darnell into their house. Darnell instantly noticed Bf holding a knife, good thing Darnell had a gun in his hand. He was the god damn same as Pico with his weapons, almost never seen without some sort of weapon on them. He put up his gun towards Bf and just like that he was gone. Darnell slammed the door not paying any attention to the soon to be dead body outside of his front door. 

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