🥀(angst) || Yandere! Whitty × Hex

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Ah, yes. Mechanical Love fanfiction time. Yes that's there ship man imo. Whitty is gonna be very ooc for this 🤧✋ but I'll try my best to keep him as in his character as I can. The person who requested this will be mentioned at the bottom of the fic!

I low-key made him more of a stalker- soooo- sorry about that.

Please enjoy!


It was a weird feeling that sparked one day while Whitty and Hex departed ways after hanging out for the day. Night had fallen and both decided to say their goodbyes. When Hex gave a cheerful smile, along with a simple but effective wave while he left the basketball court was when it happened.

Whitty didn't really know what to think about it- or how to feel about it for that matter. Watching the small TV-head walk away shouldn't have been a sad as it should've, right?

After thinking about it, for a few weeks, still completely baffled by this new feeling, Whitty decided to seek out somebody he hated with a burning passion, but was certain could help.

Whitty looked out of the seemingly very convenient alleyway, the darkness swallowing him whole, his firey amber eyes glowing slightly.
Whitty stepped back slightly, quiet as ever when he heard voices coming near his hiding spot. 'Maybe is this isn't as good a hidin' spot as I thought.' he took another farther step back. Narrowing his eyes.

Two figures walked passed, he recognized them both instantly. The tall- though not taller than him- red haired demoness, Ruby. She looked happy, very happy. Her mouth was curled into a wide, bright smile, her cheeks dusted with a deep red blush as she held Keith's hand.
The image of Hex flashed before him, the tall bomb-headed man smile, his chest grew light, flutter-y almost, and he couldn't help but smile at the new feeling.
Whitty blinked the image away before calling out to the two. Keith's attire was different, as was Ruby's, the two were both dressed for a bit of the colder weather. Both wearing hoodies, similar to his.

"Psst! Oi! Keith!"

The cyan-haired boy stopped, flinching slightly as he looked around, looking a bit frightened.
"Behind ya', you short idiot."
Keith whirled around, stepping back, looking surprised as he had to look all they way up at him.
"Man, I did not miss this."
"Whitty!" Ruby gasped, looking cheerful as ever. "What are you doing here?"
Whitty rubbed the back of his neck, feeling awkward. "Em' I was here to, uh, ask ya's a few questions."
"New dialect, nice." Keith smirked.
Whitty glanced over at Keith, then back at Ruby. Ruby was holding her hands together.

Her hair was tied by neatly in a ponytail, and she was wearing some red-and-pink like makeup. Different shades of it too, but Whitty couldn't be bothered to learn then entire rainbow again.
All he needed to know was that red was first and that purple was last. It didn't matter which order they went in anyways... At least, that's what he just assumed.

"How can we help you?" Ruby asked, Keith squeezed his girlfriend's hand tight. Looking bold.
"Yeah, you need some tips on how to get back into the music industry? I can help you, if you want!"
Whitty blinked before shaking his head. "N-No. No, I'm done with that path. Still on the run, ya'know."
The blue boy shrugged, "eh, whatever."
"Okay, well. How about you come inside my parents house? None of them are home, don't worry. My mom dragged Luis to the shopping center, they'll be there for a while."
Whitty hesitated, he knew he could kinda trust Ruby. She wasn't like her old man or mom at all. But then again, she didn't stop her boyfriend or help him from almost letting him turn the neighborhood he was hiding in, into another version of the Grand Canyon.
'Hex would've helped stop. He would've helped cool me down...' he smiled at the thought, Hex and him. Alone maybe. But, it was odd.
He stopped smiling, frowning slightly. He still couldn't pin point anything he was feeling.
He was beginning to feel frustrated.
What if Ruby and Keith didn't know? He crossed his arm, furrowing his brows. What if he had just wasted all his time for nothing? Sneaking around, ducking and hiding from strangers.
Whitty suddenly wondered how Hex did it. Making friends with passing strangers? Had nobody betrayed him yet?
Anger bubbled inside him at the thought, 'nobody will hurt him.'

"Umm, W-Whitty?" Keith's high pitched, almost annoying, sounding voice broke through his thoughts.

"H-huh?" Confused he looked up to see a confused and scared looking couple, Keith and Ruby. "Are... Are you okay?" Ruby's tone dropped to a concerned whisper.
"You where just mumbling about, um, Hex?"
Keith nodded, his golden eyes suddenly flashing with a worried look, "is something wrong with him? Another glitch!" His voice dropped to a whisper, eyes wide.

"Is that why you came to find us?"

Whitty shook his head, suddenly feeling scared. What if something has happened to Hex!

"N-No! I mean... I don't think so..." His mind began to wander, straying far and wide.
What if he was being bullied!
What if he was being harassed!
Then a horrifying thought crossed his mind, his chest twisting with a painful feeling. His frown dropping even lower.
What if he was being killed?

"Hey, come on. Let's go an sit down. Okay?" Ruby took a few steps towards him and began to slowly guide him to her parents house.
Whitty moved away, flipping his hood up in the process.
"Yeah..." He looked down, "I still need to tell you guys something."



Whitty was in love.

Madly in love at that.

Before the bomb even realized it, he was slowly becoming obsessed with the TV-head.
At first it was thinking about him all the time. Day and night.
Then, it was just wanting to hang out with him more. Being together made Whitty feel like the happiest he could ever and had ever been. High off the joy Hex effortlessly provided.
Secondly, it was when they were hanging out, it be the contact they'd make. Maybe they're hands would brush slightly when Hex would hand him the ball, or asking for a hug when they where about to leave each other. Whatever it was, it didn't seem matter because Whitty would feel his heart skip a beat.
Next, would be the compliments the both of them wound give to each other. Whitty would feel all flustered and such when he was complimented by Hex. But it made him feel so happy. So very happy.
Before long, Whitty would just watch Hex for hours on end. Not even bothering to show himself, just sit in his conveniently placed alleyway and watch the basketball course with Hex being himself.

His-adorable, handsome-self.

It wasn't weird right? Many people did this, it had to be normal. It had to be.

Carol had noticed his sudden change in literally everything he did nowadays. She never commented on it though, but it wasn't long before she made her concern more open.
Whitty didn't know what her problem was. She was doing her own thing, working and playing golf, so why even worry about him? He was still acting like his normal self. He was just in love. So very in love.

It couldn't hurt anybody, the way he was feeling.


"Wow! That was one amazing game, Player!" Hex smiled brightly.
Player chuckled, taking a swing of whatever was in their green water bottle, though hence the name, it was assumed to be water.
"T-thanks." Player smiled, face red from running around and... With a hint of blush. "Hex, say, are you free tomorrow?"
Hex blinked, before his beautiful smile returned, "oh! Why yes! I will be! Though, I'm certain my friend Whitty might stop by..." The tall TV-headed male paused for a few moments, tapping his chin with a finger.
Player blinked, wiping the sweat off their brow. "Oh..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound to disappointed!" They apologized, smiling nervously.

"But, after today, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out. Just us." Player quickly followed up with, "if not! That chill too! I just wanted to get to know you more. You seem really nice, Hex."

Whitty glared from his spot, his hand clutched in a tight fist. His knuckles turning pale. He didn't like a single word this thing just said. 'Them and Hex alone? As if. Hex would never-'

"Gee, Player! That actually sounds like fun! We could go and bake! You like baking, right?"
Player paused before guiltily shaking their head. "Actually, I've never tried it before. Maybe, you could teach me?"
Hex laughed excitedly, nodding and clapping his hands. "Of course! We can try and make cupcakes! Oh! Pardon that, but I know a great recipe to make banana bread!"

The conversation made Whitty freeze. Not in fear, not in panic, but in anger. He could feel his string lighting, hissing. He quickly took a deep breath, thinking of Hex's smiling face.
He felt more a peace, calmed. As he put his string out.

But still angry.

Hex was his

No one else's.

He would make sure of it.


Whitty stepped back, wiping the small amount of blood off his face as he stared down at the corpse of Player.
A growing puddle of crimson blood growing slowly and slowly around the head of his victim.

He didn't feel guilty.
Not at all actually.
He felt, rather... Glad.

The problem was gone. It was gone and delt with and if Hex was sad about his "friend" not meeting up with him, he would be there.

He would be there to help his beloved Hex.

Whitty grabbed Player's hand, glad he was wearing gloves as to not leave finger prints, and placed the gun in their grasp. He placed their hand down, adjusting their legs to make it look like is was a suicide.

He paused, staring solemnly down at the body. It wasn't his fault. It wasn't. It was theirs, they had gotten in the way. And now, they were dead.

Thank god for that.

Whitty stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked off, it was night. Though he did the killing in the most sketchiest of places, he was actually surprised at how gullible they were.

'If they where this gullible to follow me here, what would they do if Hex was like me?'

The thought made Whitty pause,

What if he was like me? The question replayed and replayed and replayed over and over in his mind.

It wasn't long before the next morning rolled around, Whitty was hanging out in his alleyway, hiding in the shadows and watching the basketball court.
He had a plan, and all he need was Hex to do it.

He was planning on confessing to him.

It would have to work out.
It would just have to be.
If it didn't Whitty wasn't sure he'd be able to handle anything at that point, but he knew it would be.
The two would be perfect together, formerly best friends, now lovers. It was just a perfect set up.

Whitty waited until it was early afternoon, watching as Hex entered the Basketball court and began to play ball by himself, he celebrated when he made another shot in the hoop, Whitty adjusted his hoodie strings. He would need to emerge eventually.

This was the perfect time.

"Hex! Hey, how are you?" He greeted, stepping foot onto the brightly colored floor.

Hex looked over and up, "Whitty!" Hex greeted cheerfully.

Whitty felt his heart skip a beat, feeling a small smile grow on his face. He was so cute...

"I'm doing wonderfully! I was just waiting for a friend of mine! We were planning on going out and baking some yummy banana bread! I know an amazing recipe as you know!" Whitty nodded, he could listen to Hex's voice all day, and he had. It was almost like yesterday, maybe because it was yesterday.

"Really?" He acted- no, he didnt have to act interested, he already was. What he did have to do, however, was not let Hex suspect anything was wrong.

Hex hummed, grabbing the basketball and dribbling it a few times before holding it. "Oh yes! We said we'd meet here today, they're a really nice person, Whitty. I'm sure you'd love to meet them!"

"Cool, cool."

Before long to two played a quick game, he had obviously won due to his height and him being rather quick on his feet. Hex still smiled, even though he had lost.

"That was a great game, Whitty! Though, they should be here now..." Hex looked around, scanning for the person that didn't even exist. Not anymore at least, thanks to him.
Whitty placed a hand on his shoulder, the touch sent a quick feeling of thrill through him. "Maybe they've changed their mind?" He suggested, trying to look empathetic. Hex sighed, looking downhearted, "maybe. But I really thought that I'd have had some sort of friendship with them. That's really disappointing."
Whitty's heart ached, he hated- despised seeing his beloved looking like this.

"You can teach me how to bake?" He suggested. "You've never taught me that before, your an amazin' person so I have absolutely no doubt that your bakin' won't be the same."
Hex seemed to be more up beat by his compliment. He laughed, back to being all smiles, "okay, Whitty! That sounds like a perfect plan!"

Whitty smiled, he would have his chance to confess soon enough.
Before long, it would just be him and Hex. Facing the world together, forever, and nothing would keep them apart. Whitty knew it.


"Haha! You got batter on your face, Whitty!"

Hex's laugh filled him with a tingly feeling, one which he knew well, love. Keith and Ruby had told him so.

Whitty wiped the batter off his face before licking it off his finger. It tasted sweet.
"Oops... My bad."

Hex only laughed again, "here! Let me show you how to do it." Hex (somehow) took his hand and stirred slowly, "you only stir a bit faster when there are little to no banana chunks left in the batter. Okay?"
Whitty couldn't speak, they where close and touching each other.
Whitty could only nod, trying to force out a few words, but alas nothing came out.
Hex let go of his hand and began to work on  buttering the pan.

Whitty stirred, just like Hex had taught him to do, though he couldn't hide the face he was casting small glances at Hex every few seconds.
Hex was looking so at peace, perfect in everything he did. Whitty began to stare, without realizing it. Only when Hex blinked up at him was when he broke his hypnotic like-trance.
"Whitty? Are you okay?"
"O-Oh! Erm, uh... Yeah! Yeah! Sorry about that, I didn't mean to stare at ya'..."
Whitty looked back at the bowl he was stirring, it still looked a bit chunky. Had he really spaced out admiring Hex? It had happened before but Whitty never thought it would happen while they were hanging out... He really wasn't embarrassed by looking, just more so that he even got caught.

"Are you alright?" Hex asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"Of course! Just eh- having plenty of them sleepless nights. Not unusual though, y'know that."

Hex nodded, "of course, Whitty! I was just wondering. You where staring at me, I was wondering if my antennas were looking off!" He chuckled, giving a close-eyed smile.

Whitty's heart ached at the sight. He was so precious...

Before Whitty realized it, he had blurted something out. Something he wasn't prepared to do until later.

"I like you."

Hex blinked, his screen flashing a confused expression. "You like me? Well, I would figure that Whitty! We're best friends!"

Whitty frowned, he didn't mean for this happen. And of course Hex used the one word he hated to describe the two of them. He didn't want to he just "best friends"
He suddenly felt a flash of anger.

"I don't want to be best friends." He spoke, accidentally adding a harsh tone.

Hex looked suddenly sad. "What do you mean by that?" He asked curiously, his voice cracked slightly.

Whitty felt guilty, many emotions running through him. He was feeling angry, guilty, frustrated, and in love at at the same time, it was making his head whirl.

He felt angry for the term used.

Guilty for making Hex feel this way.

Frustrated for everything.

And just...

So... very In love...

"N-No! Wait, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry!" Whitty fiddled with his hands slightly, moving to messing his hoodie strings.
"Then what do you mean by it? We are still friends, right?"

"I... I think I'm..."
This was it.
"I think I'm in love with you, Hex." He looked down, "I want to be together. Just the two of us! And we'd be happy together!" He looked up, smiling wide. Hoping to see Hex with the same expression but he was completely taken aback by what he was met with.

Hex looked surprised, staring wide eyes.

"Oh?" Whitty felt hurt. Did Hex not feel the... same?

"Whitty, gee— this is a lot for my processer to process, um." Hex rubbed the back of his neck shyly, on his screen it showed he was blushing. "You really feel this way about me?"

Whitty felt his heart skip a beat, he nodded. This would work! He knew it would!

"Oh, wow! This is surprising!" Hex chuckled, "but..."

"What? Are you saying that..."

"Oh dear... Whitty, I... don't... I see you that way."

Whitty froze. This time it seemed to be from panic. "You..."
His entire vision seemed to be ruined. The love his life, no- no! No no no! This couldn't be happening. He killed someone for Hex! Damnit this wasn't supposed to be this way!

"No... Nononono..." Whitty clutched his head. "This can't happen!"

Hex looked down, rubbing his arm. "I'm sorry, Whitty... I just don't feel that way about you. I wish I could, I want to be happy with you too, but I just, don't."

That's when Whitty blacked out. He didn't really remember much, he really wasn't sure if he even did anything, or said anything but all he did remember was waking up in an alleyway.
He seemed and felt much more tired than usual. He looked at his hands, nothing looked different. He looked outside the dirty alley, he was still hidden in shadow only his eyes glowing.

"What even happened?" He mumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

There was a hallow feeling in his chest, he felt empty. He was genuinely shocked at this discovery, he usually felt happy and giddy but... Then he remembered Hex.
He frowned.

Hex had rejected him.

Hex had rejected him and now he felt alone and depressed. More than he had felt. Hex used to be the light in his life, but now, it was gone and dead.


3235 words.

This took longer than I thought it would— 😭🤧✋

My hands just took lead— sorry if this isn't how you wanted it to end, dear person, but that's how it ended up as.

Yandere! Whitty is interesting to write lmao






~ Y/N & Yoko ~

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