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I tell bedtime stories to my children every night. Sometimes, they're happy, sometimes, they're sad. Tonight, however, was different. Tonight's story was tragic.

There once was a Gengar who lived all alone. He had no name, but the other ghosts called him Texas. Texas was always alone. Unlike the other ghosts, he had no scare group.

Texas desperately wanted a friend. However, this proved to be a problem. No Pokemon wanted to be his friend.

One night, Texas stumbled upon a human. She was alone, walking in the rain, a hood obscuring her face. Texas could see the silky red bow in her hair, however. Texas drifted closer, curious as to what this human was doing on such a night like this one.

The girl, no older than 17, screamed as the Gengar appeared in front of her. Her hands went to her phone, which she almost dropped due to the violent trembling of her hands. Whether from the cold or the scare, Texas didn't know. It was November, after all.

Texas covered his eyes as the girl brandished her phone's flashlight. The Gengar sank back into the ground. His eyes thanked the darkness for existing. The girl resumed her walking, albeit faster than before.

Texas followed her. This was the one. This was the human he wanted to be his friend. But, as he had learned, the feeling was not mutual.

Texas was never a fan of the "Gengar Human Code", as the other Ghost-types called it. It was apparently the name for the event in which a Gengar took the soul of a human. Texas's brothers, all Gengars, had all taken a human's life. They had all earned and enjoyed the praise of their parents. They had all been assigned to a scare group.

Texas had always felt he could never take someone's life. But here he was, following a human, ready to make her a friend. He kept telling himself, 'I am not a monster. I just want a friend.' These words reassured the Gengar.

Finally, the moment had come. Texas copied the girl's shadow. The girl shivered as a sudden chill ran up her spine. She eyed the trees. They showed no sign of movement, obliterating her 'It's just the wind' theory.

She looked back. Her shadow was abnormal. It was still her shadow, but she could barely make out two red dots. She blinked and they were gone.

Texas, meanwhile, sighed in relief. That had been close. If she knew what was up, he'd never have a friend. Texas prepared himself for his second-worst fear. The girl inserted her house keys into the door.

With one swift motion, the Gengar stole the girl's soul. She dropped to the ground, death greeting her. Her body hit a glass jar, knocking it over. The noise cut through the night. Nearby, the houses of the girl's neighbors lit up as curious souls emerged to investigate.

Texas, meanwhile, found himself disgusted at the satisfaction that flowed through him. He had done it. He had taken someone's life. He could practically hear the praise from his parents., practically taste the joy Ghost-types got from scaring. It was bittersweet.

When Texas arrived home, he found another Gengar there, waiting for him. This one was female. She was dubbed Dakota, as she couldn't remember her name from her time as a human. She wore a red silky bow on her head.

When asked, the ghosts will tell you about Texas and Dakota. They apparently went off to make more friends over 2 years ago.

There has been a rising number of Gengar-related deaths since. No one can seem to figure out why. Authorities have deemed it to be nothing but "the work of a serial killer". But no human can manipulate shadows. No human can snatch one's soul. No human has red eyes and sends chills upon arrival. No human can anonymously kill 15 teens in a single night.

It was no longer appropriate to refer to that Gengar as Texas. He had been given the name due to his loneliness. Now, he had anything but. The local Ghost-types, however, honored the lonely Gengar and the name stuck.

It is said that no one knows about the deaths. However, the ghosts know. They know it is no human causing these deaths.

They will give you one piece of advice if it is ever mentioned.

Ask Texas.   

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