Chapter 10

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"Alright, I'm glad that we're all here in PEACE and HARMONY," Snowball declared, adding emphasis on two words as he shot a glance towards one side of the room. The apartment was divided in two, everyone taking a side. Gidget at his side, Max had a deep scowl on his face as he glared at Duke. His brother returned the gaze evenly. Leonard and Pepe couldn't meet anyone's eyes, staring at their paws. Ozone and Chloe had their noses in the air. Sweetpea stood on the windowsill with a look on his face that made Mel and Buddy sad as they watched him. Pops quietly looked over at Norman and Tiberius, who was shaking.

Shaking with fear.

As one whole month rolled by, the attacks were beginning to escalate. They occurred during both day and night. The victims could be anyone from the tiniest hamster to the largest police horse. There was always at least one dead body at every scene, laying in a pool of their own blood. And the animals weren't the only ones afraid. The humans were becoming worried for their pets, always keeping a window shut tight. A few had actually been attacked, especially if they had their pet with them. The animal was usually killed while the owner was bloodied up. But there were times where a human might be alone and they were viciously attacked. Those were usually small kids. So far, only three kids were sent to the hospital. One never came back out.

By now, everyone was pointing their fingers at Tiberius. The old hawk fitted the description of the attacker perfectly. Many knew that he was large for his species and that he was a domestic, so he was used to being around other pets and humans and showed no fear towards most of them. They also knew about his fierce temper, his superb intelligence and, worst of all, his 'killer instincts'. The most important part of the whole description that set the hawk apart from other possible suspects was his red tail. Now wherever he went, he gained new enemies and was often attacked. Just a few days ago a group had thrown a bunch of glass bottles at him while another had stabbed him with a fork. He still had the bandages on from that attack. Even a few members of the gang lost their trust in him.

Hence why a meeting was about to take place at the moment.

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