Chapter 22

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The whole apartment was dead quiet. It gave the atmosphere an eerie feeling. Sure, there was some noise. But that was merely a few pets crying. Not just Gidget and Norman. A few others were shedding tears of their own, if not all of them. Mel and Buddy were obviously among the ones sobbing their hearts out but Chloe also had tears in her eyes. Duke had a few running down his face and so did Snowball. Max was shaking a little as he hugged Gidget and cried. Nuzzling the Pomeranian, the Jack Russell terrier whispered, "It's gonna be okay Gidget."

"How could you guys?!" Norman cried out, his eyes already bloodshot and his face soaked in his tears. His paws were stained from Tiberius's blood from when he was cleaning the old hawk's wound earlier before Benedict and his team showed up. All eyes turned towards the young guinea pig. Wrapping her tail around him, Chloe meowed quietly, "Norman, we didn't have a choice. You saw what he did to Gidget and all those animals at Pops' place. We can't have him going around on a killing spree like this-"

"IT WASN'T HIM!" Norman protested, practically screaming at this point. It startled everyone in the room so much that Sweetpea actually fell off Mel's head. Luckily, Buddy caught the small parakeet before he could hit the floor. Seeing how stressed out Norman was at the moment, Gidget and Max quietly padded over to him. Lowering his head to the rodent's level, Max spoke calmly, "Norman, please calm down. Tiberius is in good paws." Nodding her head, Gidget added on, "He's gonna get more help than we could ever give him with situations like this." She shuddered when Norman glared at her. Shock on his face when he heard that, the young guinea pig shouted, "We're his friends! We were able to help him through this!"

"We didn't have a choice Norman, he attacked me and the others. We could not help him."


Her heart already shattered into pieces, Gidget felt her legs give out from under her. Crumbling to the floor, she bawled her eyes out while she covered her face with her little paws. Max and Chloe went to her side, trying to soothe her. Meanwhile, a very depressed Norman quickly ran to the air vents and raced inside before Snowball and Ozone could stop him. "Norman, wait!" Snowball cried, trying to call the guinea pig back. That obviously didn't work. Sighing heavily as he got ready to head back to his alley, Ozone murmured, "He'll calm down eventually. He just needs time to get adjusted to this."

All the while, Max and Chloe were doing their best to comfort Gidget, who was now merely a shell of herself and nothing more.

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