Chapter 5

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"Alright, I will admit. There was something very bad with that meat..." Tiberius was saying when he noticed that all eyes were on him. Seeing the dogs who had gone on the dog walk that morning, he remarked, "You guys are back early. Must've been a short walk." No response greeted his words. Norman was about to wave to his best friend but Chloe stopped him. There was an eerie silence in the apartment as everyone stared at the old red tailed hawk. They all could see the blood on his talons and beak. His feathers bristling a little as he began to feel uncomfortable, the hawk asked, "Is there something I need to know about or-" He ended with a screech when Sweetpea, now wide awake, zoomed across the room and struck him in the head with his little beak.

"Sweetpea!" Mel and Buddy shouted, rushing forward and grabbing the tiny parakeet. Being pulled away, Sweetpea started chirping and tweeting in a high pitched harsh tone. Rubbing his forehead where he had been pecked, Tiberius snarled, "Hey! Do I insult your mother?!"

"You got some nerve coming back here after the stunt you pulled off," Duke growled, his fur standing on end.

"Yeah, I might be rude to everyone but what you did is just... I can't even," Ozone stated.

Sweetpea was chirping a barrage of harsh words in parakeet to the point where Pops covered Norman's ears.

"How bout you go find something else to kill?!" Chloe hissed.

"What the heck are you guys even talking about? I just had a squirrel, okay?!" Tiberius retorted, his bloodstained talons scraping across the floor. Hopping up onto the coffee table, Snowball shouted, "QUIET!" Getting everyone's attention, the white rabbit muttered, "Now that we're all not going for each other's throats, how bout we explain the situation?! Got it?" The ones who didn't join in the arguing nodded their heads while those who did made no response. Sighing heavily, the white rabbit glanced over at Max, his eyes begging for help. Seeing that his friend was too frustrated to talk, the Jack Russell terrier joined him on the table. "Okay," the small dog began, "I know we were all shocked by the attack over at the dog park-"

"Because of a certain eagle amongst us!" Chloe interrupted.

"Chloe, really?! Right now?!" Max barked. Glancing to his left, Snowball questioned, "Hey, where you think you're going?!" All eyes turned to look over at the open window. His light brown eyes flashing red with anger, Tiberius growled viciously, "I can see that I'm not wanted around here. Oh, and by the way Chloe... I'M A HAWK!" Without another word, the old hawk left before anyone could stop him. Seeing that he had gone towards the rooftop, Gidget quickly made a beeline for the fire escape and began the long climb up.

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