Chapter 1; Hello, I'm At Another House.

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         My eyes flutter open, and they gaze towards the car window. My brown ombré hair tangled from sleeping like a freaking caveman is just bugging me. What's bugging me worse? Oh, heh...

I moved


            My dad and I have moved so much, I cannot count. Let's see..;
            I'll spare you the rest. But now - good ol, Virgina. My parents were born here, but I was born in France. Anyways, lucky me. I'm at another house.

        I slowly open the car door, holding my bag in one hand. My jaw gaped open as I stood in front of the house;

    I ran to the door happily, my dad chuckled behind me. "Belle, calm down. School does start tomorrow." His gruff voice cooed warmly as he opened the door. A smirk grew on my tan, part Hispanic face, " Oh papá, don't worry about me! Estoy bien(I'm fine)".I raced inside and heard my dad behind me. " Sometimes I wish you didn't know so many languages.."

N/A: Bonjour. Sorry this was short. I wanted to make it longer but I just woke up soooo yeah. Anywho, my family is military. Luckily I was born at the end of our many movings, and we're staying right where we are. But, we did move to japan, England, Nevada, Australia, Germany, California, and Texas. My family is French, Russian, Italian, and polish. My mom also said I'm the tiniest Hispanic, but I don't believe it. I was born in japan, got my birth certificate in Tokyo, but I was born somewhere else. That's just how I got my inspiration for this. Any suggestions? Please comment them!

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