Flamepaw(Flamefoot)- OC Maker

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So @Snailwhisker wanted me to make them on OC. This is what they gave me:

Hi, I was wondering if you could make an OC for me? Gender is no biggie but I'd love for it to have a name based of their looks. Ex: Stoneclaw for his stone grey pelt, Firestar for his flame colored pelt. And I'll @ you because I do plan on putting this character in my story. If you don't mind, I'd love a personality, pelt and eye color/design, and family tree (along with pelt and eye colors as well)! I'd like the Clans to be Canon and they'll be an apprentice at the moment but a future warrior! Tehe, have a goodnight/day!

Welp, here ya are!

Name: Flamepaw
Clan: ShadowClan 
Gender: she-cat
Personality: Silly- kinda flirty. She tries to impress everyone, from the cat she has a crush on(Icemoon) to the ShadowClan leader(Cinderstar).
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor: Spiderleap, black tom with gray eyes
Pelt: firey orange-ish red. Black spots along her face, amber eyes.
Mother- Liongaze, orange she-cat with green eyes
Father- Firepool, red tom with amber eyes
Sisters- Rustpaw(Rustclaw) and Echopaw(Echoflame)
Rustpaw is basically a mini Liongaze. Echopaw is orange and red with black stripes on her underbelly and brown eyes.

Other info: Rustpaw's mentor is Poppyflight(she-cat). Echopaw is training to be a medicine cat, and her mentor is Nightear(tom). Liongaze became deputy after the old deputy died of old age, when her kits had just been made apprentices. Rustpaw, Echopaw and Flamepaw are 8 moons old. 

How did I do?

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