Owlflight: Rating

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Name: Owlflight
Gender: she-cat
Clan: Frostclan, Clan in the northeastern parts of the island; located around a rocky moor and high cliffs. In the fall and summer, the moor is very misty and frost is covered in everything. There is a low chance that it rains here though, sometimes droughts will occur.
Role: Deputy
Age: 18 moons
Appearance: Owlflight is a white she-cat with light brown splotches and flecks, she has big amber eyes and a thick pelt. She is originally slim and semi-broad but her fur hides it.
Mother| N/A
Father| Unknown
Adopted Mother| Poppyspot- bronze brown she-cat with bright blue eyes
Adopted brothers| Blackkit, Elkcall
Attitude: Owlflight is a very hot-headed, loner, loyal type of she-cat. She can be very complicated and overprotective when she is around her clanmates and has full trust over them. She doesn't let words affect her, she sticks up for her clan when they need her, and will put down any cat who snaps at her
Likes: Leaffoot for sure, Thunderstorms, apprentices, The ocean, sunsets, independence, and Loyal cats
Dislikes: foli, lazy bums, unnecessary arguments, loudness, sparrows, and death, she can't stand it.
Extra: Owlflight is mentally traumatized; due to the death of Leaffoot, she had become depressed and tends to push others away. She also just had a hard life.

Names: 10/10. Creative clan name! I think Owlflight fits her appearance very well. PoPpysPOt is soothing. Blackkit, I'm guessing your dead, R.I.P- also... nice prefix? Lol. Elkcall! THIS NAME IS PURE AWESOME NO MORE NEEDS TO BE SAID. Leaffoot- I sorta dislike how there's two f's together, but the name sounds nice out loud! Also, R.I.P. 

Appearance: 10/10. Like I said, her name fits her appearance very well! I can imagine this cat in my head. I love it! Pleaseeee let me make this and put it on hereeee

Attitude: 9/10. Welll uh, it just doesn't really make sense that she doesn't let words affect her, but then she'll put any cat down who snaps at her. I like how she has full trust over her clanmates! 

Other: 7/10. In the future, if you do this for another rating, please include more info about Leaffoot. Was he a medicine cat? Did he know Owlflight liked him? And other questions. Also, 18 moons. Uuuuhhhh kinda stretching it because when you become a warrior, you're normally around 12 moons. Then to be deputy, you have to have mentored an apprentice. 1. It normally takes 6 moons... 12+6=18... I suggest changing either the role or bumping her age up a little. 2. Since she had to have mentored an apprentice, you should include if she had an apprentice or not. Maybe she was chosen to be deputy in a way that broke the code (ex: Bramblestar). 

Overall- Great job!!!!!

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