Friend's Forever? TaengSic

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â??Jessica are you sure you are ok with usâ? Yuri 

asked worriedly, looking at her best friend and former lover. All Jessica did was give her a smile and hug, which surprised both of them. 

â??Yuri-ah it is okay, I want you to be happyâ?¦you will always be my best friend even though we were aren't togetherâ? she said very softly

â??Really?!â? she questioned, only just to truly confirm a second time what she already knew. Jessica nodded and smiled, even though it had been a while since Yuri and Jessica had talked to one another, Yuri was still the only person who could make Jessica smile and laugh. The two best friends and former lovers had only just broken up 8 months ago, the relationship only lasting for 5 months, it had ended on really bad terms for the both of them and Jessica with her heart ripped apart and broken by Yuriâ??s betrayal. 

*8 months ago*

â??Yoona, why Yoona?!!!! Of all the people in youâ??re life why her?â? Jessica screamed

â??I donâ??t know, I think deep down Iâ??ve always felt something for her, not sureâ? Yuri cried

â??And what about me? What was I to you? Huh, did I not mean anything to youâ? Jessica was now turning red and purple, her face bloated and tears running down all over her cheeks

â??Of course you do, donâ??t say that, it is just thatâ?¦.I think you were looking for something deeper and meaningful. And lets be honest sica, I am not like you. I cannot sit still or stay at one place for too long. I think we both knew that I wasnâ??t ready to have a serious relationshipâ? she became more quiet

â??Yuri it isnâ??t about the fact you like to go screw around with any girl you see, it is about the fact you betrayed meâ?¦MEâ?¦youâ??re best friend andâ?¦.â? Jessica burst into more tears. Yuri wasnâ??t sure what to do anymore, it was true she did ruin the only stable relationship she had ever had and all for what?!â?¦a one night stand? All Yuri could do was mentally smack herself for ruining one of the most precious relationships sheâ??s ever had


â??Yuri, you were right, our relationship though as friends will last forever. Our love-ship wouldnâ??t have. It took me a while to realize that but I did and I am happy for youâ?¦and Yoonaâ? Jessica still finding it hard to say Yoonaâ??s name because it still brought on some of the worst memories Jessica had in her life. Yuri understood and hugged her tightly in her arms.

â??Sica you will always be someone I love and someone who is important to me, never think that it isnâ??t true, especially during the times when I will make mistakes and do bad things. Friends forever, like we both said back in elementary schoolâ? Yuri whispered into Jessicaâ??s ear.

â??Friends foreverâ? was all Jessica could say.

Chapter 1

It was an end to a friendship, well…not exactly the end but our once unbreakable bond, did sort of fade away as Yuri’s and Yoona relationship began to go deeper and become more of a serious stable love relationship that I never thought could happen with Yuri. 

It was hard to constantly be battling out who gets Yuri when and what day, because when you’re in a relationship despite all the promises you make to you’re friends and to yourself you still in the end will choose the girlfriend or the boyfriend. So as weeks past I soon gave up on trying to spend time with Yuri, instead of me going to her, I made her come to me. 

I mostly spent my days with my other best friend Taeyeon, she too also gave up on trying to spend time with Yuri because we both know who she would choose. We both still loved her though and did talk to her everyday. 

It was the summertime and the school year had ended exactly one week ago. Like every Sunday my family and I would attend church. My family being very affluent due to my father’s line of work, so growing up I would attend the biggest events and met some of the most important figures in the world. Of course I also attended one of the most prestigious high schools that South Korea had to offer. 

I marched my way inside and plopped my body onto one of the back seats waiting on Taeyeon who though didn’t much believe in the whole institution of religion or the church she attended because it made her family happy as well as me and she knew if she didn’t show up, I would kill her. 

“Sica” she got up from her seat and began to wave walking to me “Why are you sitting all the way back there” she questioned with her big dough eyes

“hmm…just not in the mood. You can go sit with you’re family, I kind of want to be alone” I said

“Sica I hope you’re alright” she gave me a pat on my head and walked away. That was one of the reasons why I loved Taeyeon so much, she knew when to push an issue and when not to…sigh. “Unni I love you”

As church started everyone got up and began to sing. But since I was in no mood to be here let alone want to sing I more less just decided to sneak myself away from the crowd and make my way up stairs into one of the church towers. I loved going here whenever I was angry or sad or just wanted a nice peaceful nap. 

I finally had reached the top and leaned my body onto the ledge. At this height you could easily see everything. My gaze immediately was drawn to the park, one of the best views I thought to myself. 

Looking around you could see the gorgeous gardens that had blossomed, children and families playing or enjoying a sunday picnic. “I wished I had that” I sighed and was about to turn around when I saw a soccer ball fly through the sky, I noticed there was a group of boys who were playing and screaming. I just smiled remembering some of the best moments during the school year. 

I loved the sport of soccer and watching them made me jealous. I instantly got an idea and decided that I didn’t care if I got caught, it was worth the risk. 

Moments later…

I quickly scurried across the street from the church and made my way to the park where the soccer match was playing. I wanted to get a closer view, and if I was brave enough, ask if I could join. As I got closer I noticed the small group of friends who were playing, the field was dominated by boys but as I got closer I could see two girls running along side of them, showing how skilful they were. All the while there were three other girls sitting there watching and cheering the fellow females. 

I sat down at the bench and observed the joy that came out from kicking a simple black and white ball. The boys were good but the two girls were even better. One who had short hair and at first glance would assume was a guy was definitely athletic; she moved swiftly but was very aggressive if you got in her way. While the other female player was softer and flowed…I would describe her as water she moulded her way through the offense and defence of the boys in order to score. To bad those girls didn’t play at our school then we would have won for sure the championship final, I remembered sadly a painful memory where my high school soccer team lost 2:1. 

“Oh Lookout!!” someone screamed, I looked up and was smacked right on head with a soccer ball. 

“Oww” was all I said, suddenly within barely 20 seconds I was surrounded by a group of strangers who had a concerned look. I shyly looked up to all the staring faces

“whoa she is hot” one of the boys with half of his hair said who judging by the way he dressed wouldn't think would be into playing soccer rather doing something more artsy. 

“Ji Young shut up” said a young girl who seemed to be younger then most of the group and who had big mandu cheeks?

“Are you ok unnie” a young girl with front bangs and long hair said with a happy smile. I looked at her and just nodded, I wasn’t sure how to react

“Everyone get out of the way, give her some space to breath” a voice from behind the crowd said, and almost immediately all of them in unison said 

“Yes Umma” groaning as they kept backing away from me. I quickly looked up to see who was this mysterious voice...

And there she was standing in her big soccer jersey along with wearing a pair of short soccer shorts 

“are you okay” she smiled, her eyes literally turned into half moons and her cheeks puffed out even more. 

“I am ok, it was my fault” I said, slowly getting up and dusting the dirt off of my dress. 

“Omona! Look at her dress it’s so gorgeous” three of the girls began to squeal, while the two just stood there laughing at them. 

“Wow where did you get it, it looks so expensive.” one of the girls asked fascinated

“I would guess it’s in the 1000s” one chimed in

“Are you serious Ye eun-shi” she just nodded a yes

“Hey you three listen to umma and back away from the poor girl” the short haired girl said, wow her voice is quite manly i thought, sort of sexy. 

The girls then backed away and I felt my hand being grabbed onto by whom I guess is what the group called umma? she led me away from the group who were now going back to playing.

“Ah sorry for hitting you, it was my fault. I shouldn’t have kicked it so hard, I was definitely off” she smiled while embarrassingly brushing her banks. I kept on staring at her, for some reason, she made me feel so nervous inside, no one had made me feel this way in so long, I was unsure how to react. 

“Jessica is that you” a voice said from behind in a Californian accent. I turned to see who it was and

“Tiffany, unnie” I yelped and ran into her arms we both hugged tightly. For an instant I totally forgot about the mysterious soccer player and I turned back to see her gone, she went back to the field running straight into the arms of the tallest male there, who then proceeded to kiss her on her forehead. At that moment my heart felt like it broke. I had no idea why but seeing her with him, was bringing me pain. 

“How could I feel like this when I don’t even know her” I said to myself

“Huh, what did you say unnie” tiffany asked.

Chapter 2

It was a month into our two month summer vacation when the old crew of friends had finally been able to get together. Those being:

Jessica aka me


Tiffany who came back from the US

Yuri who somehow pried herself away from Yoona

Hyo who finally come back from dance camp

Seohyun who was Yuri’s baby sister and the girl who I dub as my girlfriend (hehe, she is always my date whenever Yuri and Yoona wanted to hang with me)

We walked into the restaurant ready to grab some lunch when my eye quickly noticed the large group of friends. It was them; I immediately thought remembering back to that one Sunday. They’re were all cheering and laughing so loudly that everyone took noticed even my friends did. Suddenly she walked past me and yelled at them

“Aish shut up you guys, the deal was I let you eat but you have to shut you’re mouths” she yelled into the room and walked out, she instantly drew her eyes towards me and looked at me with a big smile and waved hi, she was now walking forward.

“Harro” she said, in what seemed like her bad attempt at English. Cute was the only thing I thought. I just giggled at her, trying to hold it in, usually I was good at holding my emotions in but ever since meeting her I’ve become more open about my emotions.

“Do you remember me” she continued “I’m from soccer field…you know” she started to do the motions, she mimicked that she was kicking a ball. Taeyeon just tapped me and I turned, taeyeon being known for her bluntness mouthed to me “WTF”, I told her to go get us a table and I will join you as soon as possible. 

As she continued on I finally decided to end her embarrassment in front of a restaurant full of people. 

“I can speak Korean” I said, smiling while still trying to with hold laughter. Her eyes widen and her face began to blush

“Oh I thought you didn’t know how to really speak much, considering you barely responded to us and then your friend showed up speaking in English” she said while she embarrassingly began to brush her hair.

“Nervous” I said staring straight into her eyes, which caught her off guard making her become redder then before. 

“Anyways im sorry for being such a…loser and for hitting you in the head, but hey order anything you want, you’re meal is on me ok…my name is Sun Ye” she said

“Jessica but you can call me sica if you want” I said nervously. She smiled and mouth Jessica instead and continued to walk to the back of the kitchen. My smile was wider then it ever had been, I slowly walked back and sat down beside Taeyeon who noticed the sudden change in my behaviour and looked at me oddly, she whispered in my ear

“New girlfriend?” she questioned. i just laughed

“No, just someone” I said

“****” taeyeon fired at me, my mouth dropped and smacked her arm

“You know I would never cheat on you” I said and gave her a kiss. 

As I did Sun Ye had walked by and gave us a shocked expression, then shyly turned away towards an older couple to take their older. I instantly regretted doing that, 

“Aish, look at what you made me do” I scolded Taeyeon who looked at me innocently

“Who me” she pointed her eyes widen. Just want to smack you’re stupid aegyo. 

For the rest of the meal Sun Ye and I had just looked at each other, I kept staring not even bothering to participate in the crazy antics taeyeon and yuri were doing. 

I couldn’t take my eyes off of Sun Ye for the rest of the night. When it came time to pay I quickly grabbed the bill and proceeded to walk to the register where sun ye was now taking payments. I took out my wallet and slipped in the money, she grabbed it counted it out and handed me some of it back.

“Like I said, your meal was on me” she smiled and looked down to count the money again

“You don’t have to, it’s okay” I said and handed it to her again. She grabbed onto my hand and pushed it away. she slammed on the register door and said

“See, too late, already cashed out” and handed me the extra change. She then proceeded to wipe her area, silence filled the air

“Um Sun Ye what you saw between my friend and I was nothing, meaningless” I said, hoping she would understand me. She looked up and then just nodded but she didn’t say anything. After a couple of more mintues of standing in silence

“I understand” she smiled and we both instantly felt the tension decreasing between us that was until…

“unnie, my lover time to go” taeyeon said as she smacked my ass

“Yes my favourite lover, time to go” tiffany then added and also smacked my ass

“come join us honey” yuri then touched my shoulders along with Hyo who gave me a kiss on the cheek. What in the world were they all doing? They all know I can kill them with just one look and my pinky

“You’re mine unnie” seohyun said nervously as she then squeezed my boobs in front of the girl I had a huge crush on. My face was red in embarrassment and in shame.

Sun Ye was a bit in shock and wasn’t sure how to react. All I could do was laugh like it meant nothing, “im going to kill them” I said to myself

“I guess you better go, you’re friends or lovers want you outside’ she turned looking at them, pushing there faces into the window or blowing kisses and making heart shapes. I just slowly backed away and said

“just friendly fun, HA! HA!” and said goodbye. Once I got out of the restaurant I screamed

“TaeYeon-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh” she began to run, along with the rest of them, I charged my way knowing who the ring leader of that whole scene was. 

‘Seohyun-ahhh, how could you, you are my girlfriend and you went along with them” I screamed at the little one

Chapter 3

It had been days, since I saw Sun Ye, I was anxious to go back to the restaurant, but no one seemed to want to, they know I wouldn’t want to go alone and therefore spent my days pining away. Not even Seohyun who usually would say yes to me, was saying no to everything i asked for her to do. The girls must be holding something against her I thought, the only thing that popped in my mind was holding keroro captive. That did remind me of seeing something green stuffed in between the mattress of Yuri's bed. 

"Those evil people" i shook my head

Well today instead of pining away I decided to man up and made my way down to the restaurant. I looked into the window to check to make sure I didn’t waste my time. I knew exactly a minute later I arrived that my trip down wasn’t a wasted one. 

I watched Sun ye clearing away tables, her hair was tied back today and she seemed to be wearing baggy jeans and a oversized t-shirt. She flashing her signature smile, made me blush every time.

“Hey you” I heard a voice behind me; it was the girls from the field. Sun Ye’s friends who all stood in front of me

“Are you going to go in and eat” they asked all cheerfully. I slightly nodded a yes 

“We are to but waiting on Sun Ye.” Ye eun, if I remember correctly said

“Yes, unnie promised to make us meat, and to be honest sun ye makes the best meat, no top chef or street vendor is able to beat her” one of the young ones said. Ye Eun was now beginning to rub her stomach, 

“Ah just thinking of the delicious meat got me hungry, how am I going to survive waiting for Sun ye to finish work.”

“Ye Eun control you’re stomach” the short haired girl said “Besides we should all formally introduce ourselves…the name is Yoobin” she then bowed

“Oh my name is Jessica” I bowed to everyone, they all smiled

“Oh the one with big cheeks is So hee, big eater over there is Ye Eun, and the jumpy one is Sun Mi” 

The door had opened and Sun Ye stood there, telling her friends to come in and sit, she then saw me and to signalled for me to join. I hesitated but soon found myself being dragged in by Yoobin and Ye Eun who held onto my arms bringing me inside with them.

“Yea you should join, you will not regret tasting the delicious meat” Ye Eun was beginning to salivate

Sun Ye led her friends into a small room and told them to stay put.

“I still have couple more tables to clear but it won’t take me long and I will bring everything out.” She said and stared at me

While Sun Ye continued on clearing tables: that left me and her friends alone to chat. In the beginning I thought it would be awkward but it wasn’t. 

Ever since I was a kid I’ve always found it awkward to make new friends, most of the time people were afraid of me because half the time I was either sleeping, eating, or giving everyone death glares. But with these groups of girls I felt like I was hanging with Taeyeon, or Yuri and Hyoyeon, my gang. So I felt easily accepted. The whole conversation was going perfect but that was until...

“So Hee did you talk to Ji young” so hee’s face turned sour and scoffed

“Ye Eun lets not talk about our boyfriends tonight” she stated

Sun Ye then had entered in bringing in everything, ready to cook meat. She had sat down beside me and smiled

“Hope you will like it” she said and handed me a plate. I just smiled, but inside I was saddened to hear the word boyfriends. My mind flashed back to Sun Ye running into the arms of one of guys on the field and he kissing her head. 

“Why not, the whole point of girls time is to gossip” Ye Eun stated

“Ah it is but it is also to get away from our boyfriends and that means talking about them” sun mi interrupted. I looked at her; she seemed so mature with that statement.

“Unnie open you’re mouth and eat the meat” Sun Mi then took the chopsticks picked up piece of sauced meat and placed it in front of my face, like she was ready to feed me. I opened my mouth to take a bite, i was pleasantly surprised to learn that she was right, the meat was good. Actually better then anything I’ve tasted before. 

I turned to watch Sun Ye cook some more, she seem so concentrated on the cooking that she didn't even noticed me stare.

“It is delicious” I said smiling at everyone “thanks for inviting me.

By the end of the night, the girls were waiting outside, Sun ye finishing up cleaning the restaurant while the girls sat outside waiting on there boyfriends.

“Unnie you sure you don’t want to come join us singing” sun mi asked. I nodded no, besides it was real late and knowing my parents would already be sending out the driver to come fetch me home. And as soon as I looked up at the blaring light I was right, the limo had pulled up and my body guard and driver had arrived. 

“I couldn’t even if I wanted to” I said as I pointed at the two men, standing, and waiting for me. The girls instantly understood. 

Just then a group of males on bikes pulled up, the girls instantly got on. Sun Ye then pushed out and stood at the front of the door and turned to me

“Hey I am happy you liked the meat, I wrapped extras that I made for you to take home.” She handed me a lunch box wrapped in a beautiful floral pattern fabric. She then hugged me goodbye and ran towards the same male on field and smacked him as she got on

“Seriously though she is hot” So Hee this time hit her boyfriend on the side of his stomach, 

“Shut up” she said, giving him this look

“What? you know I love it when I see you jealous” he smiled at her, I couldn’t help but laugh and envy how happy they were together

For one last time they all turned and waved goodbye, and wished to hang out again as they began to drive off.

As I watched them, my body guard then motioned for me to get into the limo which I did. My body seemed to drag as I got into the vehicle.

The next day, I opened my eyes to see none other then my cousin Soo Young, who was chewing on something, as I looked at her, I could smell the aroma that was very familiar to me. That scent I thought…

“Hey my meat, don’t eat my meat” I yelled. She started to eat more and more, she had a plateful in her hands as she sat on my bedside.

“Was I not suppose to eat it, you’re mother told me I could” besides you’re lucky I did, if you’re parents saw the note that was left in it they would’ve sent you away. I turned away yawning

“What are you talking about” I glared

“This” she held up and threw it at me “you’re boyfriend has nice girly handwriting’ she winked and walked out of my room. 

I quickly sat up and peered at the letter


Hello Jessica, it is Sun Ye. I hope you like the meat, I made sure to put a couple of extra more in the lunch box, so sorry if they looked all squished. Just return it when you’re done, so we can go do something together ok?

Xoxo, M.S.Y.

I stared stunned at the paper for about a minute, and then I burst out of my room cheering. Soo Young who was in the living room watching the cooking channel. She quickly became annoyed at my loudness and started to throw the couch cushions at me. 

“wow he must be one very hot pretty boy” soo young said laughing.

“Who is” my mother interrupted. We both stared and replied

“Just some celebrity” I then ran upstairs back into my room. I grabbed a hold of the letter and kissed it. What was written on the letter made me so happy but in the end I remembered that Sun Ye has a boyfriend and this was just two friends meeting. 

Chapter 4

I let a couple of days passed before I went back to the restaurant to return the lunch box. This time I was less hesitant and not anxious and or nervous. I decided that I needed to get over Sun Ye because for one she wasn’t like me, so it’s not like it would be any use in liking her. 

I walked in and headed straight to the cash, sun ye was busy with a customer but noticed me and smiled happily. She told me to wait a moment. She finished up with a customer and signalled for someone to take over. 

“I am happy you came back” she cheered, I just smiled, I thought the best way to end my unrequited crush on Min Sun Ye was to just be her friend and think of nothing else beyond that. I really felt a connection to her and was content with being a friend.

“Hey do you want to go to the park or something, and just sit and talk” she asked. I didn’t say much just nodded.

As we both began to make our way down the street it was hard not to notice the sexy and cute physical features sun ye had. Such a nice petite body, she was fit for sure. Not a mascular fit but she had somewhat of a toned body which made her even sexier. How can I get over her? I sighed to myself. 

I think the sigh didn’t go unnoticed considering I suddenly felt Sun Ye’s arm around my shoulder; she leaned and whispered

“Are you ok? You haven’t been talking” she asked pouting. I looked at her 

“No I’m fine” I said and continued to walk on. 

When we arrived at the park, we both plopped our bodies down onto the ground; we stared looking forward to see the clouds cover the sky. It was silent for a very long time. I had peeked over to see that Sun Ye who now had her eyes closed. I then also closed shut my eyes thinking sleep was a good idea. 

“Tell me about yourself” sun ye asked, I opened my eyes once again staring straight at the sky, dark grey clouds were beginning to cover the blue

‘nothing much to tell, my name is Jessica, I have one sister and a cousin who lives with us, two parents a dog and…” I trailed off

“You’re lucky, I wish I had a big family…” she sighed “do you all get along well?”

“depends, if you consider barely seeing you’re father, you’re mother always off shopping, you’re younger sister always playing dirty tricks on you and a cousin, well I actually quite like her except when she eats my food” I giggled slightly, she turned to look at me, 

“Sounds like you have a family” she stared into my eyes as we were now on each others sides facing each other.

“Well what about you?” I asked staring into her, I instantly saw sadness glaze over, and she looked away for a second but stared right back into me.

“I don’t have anyone really, no siblings, parents it's just my grandma and I, and some distant relatives” she tried to smile. 

“oh, im sorry” she touched my hand and held onto it 

“You didn’t know its okay, besides I don’t go around publicizing about my childhood, so how could you have known” she kept on holding onto it. I looked down to see our two hands intertwine with each otherd, she was playing with my one hand, she seemed to notice the ring i had on and kept ammusing herself with it.

“Well at least you have good friends and a good boyfriend” I said, she let go and looked at me strangely

“Boyfriend?” she chuckled, “who is my boyfriend” she asked

“Um, the tall dude, you both seemed really close and…just assumed” I said shyly 

“You mean…Seung Hyun better known as my cousin?” she began to laugh lightly “Besides even if he weren’t my cousin he definitely wouldn’t be my type…trust me” she smiled and looked at me again

“Oh you're cousin, sorry didn't know" i looked away from her

"It's alright, we are close, he and i are always together so it is easy to assume things like that especially if you don't really know who we are. we both just laugh, the conversation was awkward now, all thanks to me.

"Well…ah…who is you’re type” I nervously blurted out; I was scared but began to feel a warmness rise in me. 

She looked taken off guard and seemed to not know how to answer it, but i watched her mouth open. As she was about to answer when suddenly rain began to fall down on us along with a loud crack of thunder filled the air. We both screamed and decided to just make a run for it trying to look for shelter. 

But that didn’t do much considering it was hard to see through the rain. So we stopped trying to find away to keep us dry, and ended up running and dancing around in the rain instead, 

Sun ye and I played for who knows how long, we were two caught in the moment to noticed anything, we saw on lookers pass but they would move on quick. Sun Ye and began to hold onto each others hands and turn around in a circle, we both kept that up until we broke apart turning away from each other.

“Jessica” I turned around to face her, I smiled but then suddenly I saw Sun Ye collapse, right in front of my eyes. 

I ran to her as fast I could, I tried catching her but failed, I sat beside her to pick her up and wake her but she didn’t move. I yelled out screaming for help, trying to stay strong and hold back the tears and fear of losing the person who I wanted to protect and cherish the most. 

Chapter 5

Weeks went by, I wasn’t sure how many, all I knew was I was back in school, sitting in my desk with my friends who were all laughing at Yuri’s imitation of her pet dog. 

I leaned onto the window and looked out, to see a large field, my mind quickly flashed back to the first day I met Sun Ye, her smile radiating and her touch so soft like a feather. “I miss you” I sighed lowly to myself while closing my eyes wanting to shut out the whole world. 

“Jessica….Jessica” was all I heard now, I tried ignoring it, not wanting to acknowledge it. It was all in my head, her voice. I kept my eyes shut hoping to ignore the pain.

“Jessica…Jessica….Jessica” the voice kept on repeating and repeating my name

“Jessica...Jessica…essica…Sica…Yo Sica!!” I finally opened my eyes and yelled 

“Leave me alone” i stopped myself from continuing as I had realized now that it wasn’t Sun Ye’s voice that I was hearing but Taeyeon who now looked like she was going to cry. I bowed my head and apologized to her and turned away, looking straight out of the window again. I knew what everyone was thinking but I just ignored the tension in the room, I hoped it was settle if I just stayed silent. 

Taeyeon, whose eyes were still on me, was debating whether or not to ask me what was wrong or ignore me. Instead what I got was a hand brushing the length of my hair comforting me. 

“Unnie, this is why I love you” I told myself “You’re the best Taeyeon”

Class had ended by the time I woke up from my nap, I’ve been so tired, more so then usual as of late I had found myself falling asleep during school more often then I had before. I slowly let my eyes open, I noticed Taeyeon trying hurriedly to scribble something down onto her pad of paper. 

I guess it was quite obvious that I had woken up because Taeyeon immediately turned staring straight at me, sticking out her tongue with a smile. She then went back to what she was doing. I lifted my head and watch her some more, I had finally realize that she had been drawing a picture of me sleeping. 

“it’s beautiful” I whispered, she I guess finally realizing that I had took a peek at it, quickly covered it and went back to writing, pretending as if nothing just happened. 


I had been sitting beside Sun Ye’s hospital bed for the last week and half, ever since she was first admitted to the hospital. Everyday when the hospital would allow visitors I was the first and last one there. Watching over her, to make sure she was being taken care of and wasn’t in any danger. Over those couple of days I had met Sun Ye’s grandmother who was shocked by my constant need to be there but never questioned me or refused my need to be there for her. She had revealed to me the truth of Sun Ye’s condition, her only living family besides her son and his family was her granddaughter. She told me Sun Ye had a hole in her heart and was dying due to it.

The operation was doable and her condition could be cured if she only had surgery but considering it was only Sun Ye and her grandmother she couldn’t afford it. So Sun Ye went on with life as if nothing was the matter, she would work everyday as if she was any normal girl rising money to buy clothes but instead of something so materialistic she was saving money for her heart surgery. 

It was that moment that I had decided I would get Sun Ye the surgery; I ended up begging and begging my father for the money. He was at first reluctant to do it but after a week he finally gave in to my request, well after I had promised him something….

Once the surgery was underway I sat there waiting for the surgery to be over, I guess I had fallen asleep because by the time I woke up, the surgery was done. 

I was happy to know that but when I woke up, Sun Ye’s grandmother was sitting beside me, watching me while the big group seemed to have disappeared somewhere. 

“Well did the surgery go alright?” I asked, still waking up. Sun Ye’s grandmother burst into tears

I knew the instant that something terrible had happened

“No, no, no, she is not, she can’t be….no….no…NO!” I said out loud, screaming, her grandmother reached over and hugged me tightly, I collapsed in tears, confused and in pain at the news. 

My thoughts went back to the day Sun Ye collasped "I killed her" i repeated in my head


The class was over and everyone decided to file out, Taeyeon and Yuri had stayed back to wait for me. Ever since that day, the day Sun Ye left me my two best friends were constantly there for me. But I think as time passes I find or I feel as if they want me to move past it, but for some reason I can’t I’m just stuck, stuck in some trap or bad dream that won’t let me go. 

“Yuri how is Yoona” taeyeon asked

“Oh she is good, we’re having a bbq, where we want to introduce all of our friends together so I hope that you both will make it” Yuri said as she slowly turned to me, hoping I would to. I just nodded, even though I was in no mood to be hanging out with a crowd of people. I wouldn’t abandon a friend, no matter how much pain I was in. 

Yuri separated from Taeyeon and I again, leaving just us alone. She wanted to go and spend some alone time with Yoona before lunch was over. 

“Sorry Tae” I said, looking at her

“for what?...for the leave me alone act in class?” she said, pretending as if it didn’t hurt her

“Yes, i never meant it, just,,,” I just gasped trying to remember what I was trying to tell her

“No worries, Sica. It is ok" she said with a big smile, flashing her pearly whites at me. "Sica, i have a question though are you going to visit her this week” she asked gently. 

Every two weeks I would go and visit sun ye’s grave and place fresh new flowers for her grandmother who I knew had found it hard to visit her granddaughters grave, the pain still being raw. So taeyeon and I would go instead, we would go in the honour of her grandmother until she was ready to say goodbye to Sun Ye.

“No, she said that she was going to be visiting, it’s the first time since the service she was visiting”

“That is good to hear….but that doesn’t mean you can’t visit her?, if you need too.” She went silent for a second “And I don’t think her grandmother would mind as well I’m sure sun ye would like that” she said softly

I stared straight into Taeyeon’s eyes, tears were rising, I looked away and just nodded yes.

“You know me best” I gave out a light chuckle. But Taeyeon you don’t have to come with me, you’ve already done so much, I am sorry for burdening you” I said trying not to cry 

“You’re my best friend, I am always going to be there…like a annoying bug that sticks to you.” She started to sound all nasally like a fly. I looked at her and my tears instantly disappeared, I smiled walking down the hallway together. Taeyeon though kept on talking in that a annoying voice

“Oh god, you’re so embarrassing” I laughed while I tried swatting her away. 

“See” she said and began to chase me down the halls of the school

Chapter 6

Taeyeon and I were spending more and more time together, along with our families as well. It seemed as if Taeyeon’s father and my father had become best of friends over the past months. But in reality all I knew was there were just doing business together. 

Personally I didn’t mind much considering Taeyeon was my best friend and why wouldn’t I want to hang with her all the time. She was really the only person who was able to let me forget about Sun Ye longer then just a minute. 

“Unnie” she said lying on my bed with her feet up touching against my wall

“Yes Nuna” I giggled as I came out of my washroom

“Hey!!!!!!!” she just gave me her look, the look she always gave me to know not to mess with her. I just pushed her aside giving me more room, to lay beside her on my bed. 

“How are you now?” she asked becoming all serious

“I am ok, better then I was a few months ago.” I told her

“Do you still feel that way?” taeyeon getting quiet. I turned to look at her; I scooted closer to lay my head on her shoulder

“She will always be someone special...” 

“No that’s not what I meant, I mean do you you still feel that way?” she asked

“Taeyeon, let's not talk about me and my sad story, what about you...anyone special?” I wanted to avoid unnie's question because it was quite obvious that i still blame myself for causing her death, if only we found shelter i thought. She just watched me, and I slowly looked up and nodded a yes to her to answer her quesiton. 

The room was silent for a couple of minutes, this conversation between Taeyeon and I was nothing new, from time to time we would talk about what happened, it was my friend's way of trying to get me to open up and move on. Most of the time if i was Tiffany or Hyo, usually I wouldn’t be able to, I would often begin to cry and taeyeon would then hold me but today this was the first time I hadn’t felt any tears rise within me, nor felt alone, something was different. 

“Unnie….nothing new with me” she lightly smile along with placing her hand on my hand to change the topic

“Lies” I joked back, giggling and inside thanking her for moving on

“There is no one, only you, you’re my wife” she said smiling at me. I just laughed at her, 

“Seriously tell me, I want to know if there is anyone, we always talk about me, never you” I whined, I began to poke her trying to get her to confess 

“As well you never told Yuri or I why you broke up with Junsu in the first place. To be honest I was surprised considering you both seemed so in love, well at least what I got from Junsu” I said as I appeared serious in front of unnie

“Ah, its nothing big, we broke up…the end” she was trying to avoid the topic and I wasn’t about to let her get away with it so easy

Taeyeon’s POV

“Ah please don’t ask anymore” I thought to myself

“Tell me! Tell me! Tell me” Jessica began to beg. I knew she wouldn’t stop it, because knowing Jessica once she has a goal she tends not to give up especially when she knows she can have it

“Fine I’ll tell you” I said out loud, I thought to myself what would be a good reason, I wasn’t going to let her discover the real reason why I had broken up with my first and only boyfriend, Junsu. 

“Well he…ah…oh…a cheated” oh crap I immediately thought, what did I just do, sorry junsu, please do not kill me. 

“He what?! unnie are you serious, and you kept this information from Yuri and I…why?” she looked angered as she now was sitting up.

Nope she looked like the devil now. “Oh god what did I just do’ I said to myself scared at Jessica

“I am going to kill him, Taeyeon how could you keep this to yourself, oh my god, come here” Jessica then leaned forward and grabbed a hold of me bringing me into a tight hug. 

All I could do was take it in, I was scared at what she and Yuri were going to do now that they think Junsu cheated on me, but in reality he never did. In reality we broke up because I was in love with someone else and we both knew it, he knew it before me, Junsu was the one who pushed me into realizing it. But it had took me two years to and when I had realized it, I could do nothing about it, the person was already taken away by my best friend Yuri…”Jessica I love you” I whispered to myself. 

“I love you to” I heard a voice, I leaned away staring straight at Jessica, shocked at what she had just said

“Did I just hear right?” I said

“You’re my best friend Taeyeon of course I love you” she smiled and hugged me again.

Two days later

I was sitting at my desk alone wondering where Yuri and Jessica were at; when suddenly I saw changmin fly into the classroom, struggling to get to my desk

“Taeyeon we need you’re help” was all I could understand from changmin’s gasping from being out of breath.

“Huh why, whats wrong” I said confused

“It’s…it’s Yu…ri….and….Jes…ica, Junsu is DANGER!” he said, he then began to get up and motion me to follow. I instantly got up and began to follow. 

When we arrived out into the soccer field, all I saw was the soccer net which held Junsu up. 

“Oh god, I am going to hell” I said, looking up to the sky and praying for what I did “even though I didn’t believe in it”

“Stop lying to us” Jessica yelled

“We know what you did, and don’t think for one second we will forgive you for what you did” Yuri screamed. 

Suddenly I saw tiffany carrying a big bag of soccer balls and soo young who btw was holding a huge sign and swinging it around. 

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH STOP IT” I screamed charging down onto the field, I began to yell at my friends who were getting ready to kill Junsu. I ran over to him and quickly started to untie him. Changmin had untied the other boys Jaejoong, Yunho and mickey who were Junsu’s bestfriends. 

It was obvious they had tried to protect him but judging by the brusies and the fact that they were tied up together it was obvious they failed. They were all crying, scared at what the girls were going to do to them after they finished with Junsu. 

I looked at Junsu with sympathy in my eyes, as well begging for forgiveness at the lie I told about our past relationship. But being the good guy he was and the best man in my life, he immediately knew and gave me a smile

“You better treat me like a king from now on” he said to me and he got up to run towards his gang. All the while the girls were giving him a stone cold stare down

“Hey Taeyeon why you do that” soo young said as she threw down the sign. I turned to her and looked up at her

“Why are you asking, can’t you see, if you hurt him then that means you guys will be in trouble and hunted down too” I said never backing down “Besides Junsu didn’t cheat” I sternly said

“What?! but Sica said” Yuri mumbled 

“I lied, I lied because I didn’t want to say the real reason why we broke up” I scolded, I began to walk away from them embarrassed at their actions but more or less my action of lying to Jessica and not being able to tell her the real truth. 

Chapter 7

Jessica Pov

â??I liedâ? those words kept playing in my head for the past three days I was still pondering why Taeyeon would lie to me, she never did at least thatâ??s what I know and thought. 

After Taeyeon admitted to lying, the first thing we did was go and apologize to Junsu for letting our tempers get out of hand, so everything was basically back to normal well sort, Junsu and the boys were keeping theyâ??re distance from us along with Taeyeon. Ever since she had admitted to lying to me, things between her and I was still a bit off. She seemed to be avoiding me, not in a literally sense because weâ??re always together and talk but she seemed to be close but yet so far away, there was a distance between us which for the first time Iâ??ve felt and noticed. 

â??I wish I could read her mind, I want to take care of herâ? I sighed

â??Take care of whoâ? a voice said from behind, I didnâ??t recognize it at first but when I turned around I saw that it was choi seung hyun, sun yeâ??s cousin.

â??Nothingâ? I said â??Helloâ? I added surprised by his sudden appearance

â??Hey, I am not sure if you remember me but I am Sun Yeâ??s cousinâ? he stated unsure of himself

â??I know who you areâ? I said

â??Ah, good, so you must be wondering why I am here? Well I just wanted to thank you, well everyone wanted to thank youâ? he said and handed me an envelope 

I looked down and decided to open it up; inside of it was at least 500 dollars in it

â??Well the gang wanted to thank you but also try to pay you back, I know that 500 dollars isnâ??t enough but we will be giving you more every month. At least we will try toâ? he gave out a nervous chuckle. I stared straight at him, un-amused by the action and I quickly pushed the money back into his hands 

â??Why, I never asked for moneyâ? my voice becoming more agitated and frustrated

â??Sorry, itâ??s just it was the only thing we could think of on thanking you for trying to save Sun Yeâ??s lifeâ? he said looking away

â??Save her? It was my fault she died in the first placeâ? I said out loud, not knowing what I was doing. The guilt I felt ever since her death was pushing itself back up, tears were beginning to appear falling down my cheeks

â??What do you mean, you didnâ??t do anything. You helped herâ? he said confused and hurt at the same time

â??It is my fault, if we both didnâ??t stay out in the rainâ?¦maybeâ?¦maybe she wouldnâ??t have collapsed and gotten sickâ?

â??Jessica!! It is not youâ??re fault! She, Sun Ye was already sick to begin with and you did nothing to cause it. You just brought her more happiness into her life by being a friend. From the moment she met you, she cared a lot about you. She talked about you, wondering who you were, and if you were okay because she still worried and felt sorry for hitting you on the head. She even made us run around town the next day, looking for you so that we could bring you some herbal medicine she got from our neighbour. You gave her something that everyone she loved dearly gave her and that was happiness never think anything else. Do not blame yourself.â? He said sternly. â??You do not understand how grateful everyone is; especially Sun Ye and my grandmother was to you for paying for the operation and not asking for anything in return. Sun Ye told me shortly before the surgery that there was a reason why god made sure our family met you. She knew from the first time she saw you, that you were truly a good person and that she cared deeply from the moment she looked at you. I donâ??t know how to say this but she loved you dearly in the very short time you had togetherâ? 

Chapter 7 part 2

After the conversation I had with Seung Hyun, I decided that I just needed to go home and sleep; it had been a very emotional night. I told Seung hyun if he or his grandmother or his friends needed anything just to give me a call. 

I stepped inside of the house still thinking about the conversation I just had when my thoughts were interrupted by aâ?¦

â??Yo Jessicaâ? I heard soo young holler from the living room as I entered. I walked pass and looked inside to see the gang siting in a circle in their pjs

â??whats going onâ? I asked curiously

â??What does it look like my sweet ice princessâ?¦slumper party!â? she said giving me a dopey look

â??SLUMBER PARTYâ? all the girls said in unison. Taeyeon who was trying to hide herself within the large bowl of popcorn gave a late cheer, everyone laughed at her. 

â??Well have funâ? I said, trying to escape the crowd 

â??Hey! No, come sitâ? soo young then pulled me down to her and wrapped her arms around my waist so I wouldnâ??t escape. â??Youâ??re going to sit and have fun with usâ? she demanded or else, she gave me a evil look

â??Fine, what are we doingâ? I said giving up on trying to escape from miss monster eater. 

â??Itâ??s a debate between spin the bottle, Yuriâ??s suggestion or truth or dare, Soo Youngâ??s choice. And I suggested scrabbleâ? taeyeon softly added, slightly peeking up at me through the popcorn bowl. I gave her a sweet smile, always trying to make me laugh

â??I choose spin the bottleâ? yuri smiled staring straight at yoona. Everyone gave a barf sound

â??Why donâ??t you just combine the two gamesâ? I said making everyone go silent. 

â??Sica-effectâ? Taeyeon screamed out loud, making everyone laugh, even allowing me to see Taeyeon smile at me, she really did have a cute smile. 

â??Ok so we combine the two. When the bottle lands on you, you either chose a kiss on the cheek by that person, a dare, or a truth question. Oh and you can only chose one each round, once every girl has gotten to spin then we start a new round.â? soo young stated. The girls all cheered except Taeyeon and I who rather much play scrabble then this childish game. 

â??Who wants to startâ? tiffany asked 

â??I willâ? yuri put up her hand, she then clasped onto the bottle and gently pushed it so it would spin. We watched it slowly land ontoâ?¦

â??taetaeâ? the girls all screamed, Taeyeon became tense and just sat there waiting for what her fate brought her

â??I chose truthâ? she stated

â??Are you sureâ? Yuri asked â??You donâ??t want a kiss from meâ? she then began to pucker up her lips. Taeyeon began to back away scared

â??Fine I get it, I see when I am not wanted. Ok lets seeâ?¦hmmmâ?¦oh I know. Why did you lie about junsuâ? she stated, surprising everyone including me by her question. I could tell taeyeon had immediately regretted on choosing truth just now, she looked sad, her eyes becoming wet.

Taeyeon along with the rest of the room was silent awaiting her answer....

â??Because I am not ready to tell you guy the real reasonâ? she said softly looking down at the bowl. 

â??And what would that reason beâ? Yuri added trying to press harder for answers

â??Thatâ??s enough Yuriâ? I shouted, everyone looked toward me in shock by my sudden angered outburst â??Ah! Um Yuri...gets one question, and she already answered it. No need to ask moreâ? I said trying to play it off to ease the tension

â??She is right, itâ??s in the rulesâ? soo young said â??Ok itâ??s youâ??re turn tae, spin itâ? who was also helping to ease the tension. Taeyeon gave a gentle push, you could tell the mood in the room was awkward and depressed. As I had expected the bottle had landed on me, I looked up debating on which one to chose, going with the good oleâ?? truth, the one I always chose or the convenient kiss on the cheek, since it was only Taeyeon, who I often would kiss on the cheek. And last but not least dare the one I tried to avoid, I hated doing dares. 

Yet again the room was silent awaiting my answer...

â??Dare meâ? I said teasing taeyeon, who was shocked at first. 

Tiffany then went on to whisper something in her ear, when the two were done they both had a mischievous expression across theyâ??re face. 

â??Hey you canâ??t help give her ideasâ? I yelled, pointing at tiff. 

â??Nothing in the rule books against helpâ? Soo Young said

â??Screw the rule bookâ? I glared at my cousin

â??sorry sicaâ? taeyeon said worried, I guess this one is a big one. 

â??Just say itâ? tiff was pushing her to blurt it out, all the girls wanted to know too as they leaned in closer. Taeyeon was still not saying anything, I guess she was debating whether she should say it or not.

â??Run around youâ??re lawn in nothing but a bra and panties!!â? tiffany happily blurted out. All the girls screamed

â??DO IT, DO IT!!!â? was all they chanted

â??NOOOOO! I change my mindâ? I whined â??I chose kiss, taetae give me a kissâ?¦I want a kiss, I donâ??t care that kiss is for 30 secs, as long as I donâ??t have to do thatâ? I pleaded. Taeyeon looked at me oddly but then nodded a big No with a evil smile

â??Sica would never do that, besides her parentâ??s will kill her if they find out she did that....good thing that her parents and her sister aren't here.â? Soo Young evily laughing

â??I want a kissâ? I said and got up to chase her, she ran upstairs to trying to hide from me. All the girls were laughing at us. 

I ran up and began to look into all the rooms; the only room where I knew she would go was the bathroom closes to my room. Ever since we were little, whenever we would play hide and seek she always hid in the closet in the bathroom underneath the towels. She was so tiny that she still could probably do that still. 

I opened the bathroom and slowly crept to the closet door, I then opened it seeing taetae trying to fit within the towels. I burst out laughing thinking how adorable she is, 

â??Cutie I want a kissâ? I whined, leaning forward about to plant a big wet one but was stopped when taeyeon stuffed one red lace bra and boxer shorts for me to wear. 

â??There you go, happy runningâ? she smiled and snuck underneath my arm. 

â??We will all be waitingâ? she laughed as she went back down.

Taeyeonâ??s pov

A few minutes later, everyone was waiting still wondering if Jessica would finally show herself. I heard light footsteps; I knew full well that it was her.

â??She is arrivingâ? I said all the girls began to clap and whistle as they saw Jessica shyly and nervously walking down the stairs in nothing but her bra and panties

â??So Sexy sicaâ? Hyoyeon who just arrived a few minutes before Jessica decided to come down.

â??it sexicaâ?? tiffany hollered, the girls then decided to chant that. Jessica who was now giving them all glares to shut up. I laughed inside at the whole scene. 

â??So 15 secondsâ? she stated looking at me, I just nodded and held up my power ranger watch she got me for my birthday last year. 

â??Well hurry up and time me because I am going now!â? she scream flinging open the door and running outside her front lawn. All the girls were screaming. Tiff then leaned in and whispered

â??I hate her, she has such a hot body. If I were a guy I would be all over that in a secondâ? she said and giggled.

I tried to ignore the statement but for some reason it kept bothering me, guilt inside of me had struck and I found myself looking away. 

â??times upâ? soo young screamed to Jessica who then came running in. 

â??There I did it, happy.â? She said and she began to walk away, she suddenly took a hold of my hand and dragged me upstairs with her.

â??Where we goingâ? I said wondering why she was pulling me away 

â??Where do you think dum dum, to my room so I can changeâ? 

â??Why do you need meâ? I asked startled

â??Because you need to shut upâ? Jessica said

She then pushed me into her room. I stumbled to the floor

â??Ouchâ? I said rubbing my foot. I watched her walk past me, I kept staring not realizing my face was becoming red at how hot she looked. She then got behind her screen and began to change, she walked out wearing her wonder woman pjs, I just laughed. Remembering the time we spent together trying on pajamas at the mall. 

â??we match nowâ? she said, pointing at her pjs. I was wearing batman pjs, because well because batman is just cool. She then gave her hand to help hoist me up and she walked me over to her bed. I sat down beside her

â??Why are we up here, lets go backâ? I suggested, she just pushed her finger in front of my lips 

â??No I want to talk, just usâ? Jessica smiled happily, a smile that I hadnâ??t seen in such a long time, a smiled that disappeared during the whole Yuri heartbreak. 

â??Ok, well what you want to sayâ? I questioned

â??I just want you to know itâ??s ok that you arenâ??t ready to tell us the truth about you and Junsu, I just want you to know I am here as a friendâ? Jessica told me. I stared straight into her, knowing full well what I wanted to sayâ?¦â?No I donâ??t want you as a friendâ? I thoughtâ?¦

â??I know sica, you will be there, and donâ??t worry you will be the first to knowâ? I said

â??Shhâ?¦donâ??t promise me something that you canâ??t keep, tell me when youâ??re readyâ? she said, she leaned closer and kissed my cheek â??Thank you for taking care of meâ? she said softly into my ear. She then walked downstairs.

All I could do was watch her, I questioned myself, wondering what had just happened. As I watched her, I felt my cellphone vibrate. I got a text from none other then Junsu who asked to get together. I texted him back saying ice ccream parlour in 10 mins. 

I walked downstairs grabbed some clothes from my bag went into the washroom to change into them. 

â??guys I have to go somewhere, I need to grab something, so I will be backâ? I said and rushed out the door.

â??What was that Taeyeon-ahâ? ttiffany screamed

Chapter 8 

Tayeonâ??s pov

I kept on running until I saw the ice cream parlour on site; I rushed through the door and immediately collapsed my body onto the seat in front of junsu who looked up, with a ice cream dripping from his mouth

â??Eww Junsu, I swearâ? I leaned in and wiped the ice cream wit h an napkin off his face

â??Ha, sorry! They make the best ice cream here and you know how much I love strawberry ice creamâ? he laughed and continued to eat. I sat there staring how disgusting he looked while eating, I thought to myself how did I ever think he was cute. 

â??Ah oppa why did you want to talk aboutâ? I said, trying to give him a second to breath from his inhaling of constant ice cream

â??Oh yea, I just wanted to know how are things with you, we sort of stopped talking recently and then the whole tying me up at the soccer net thing happened I just wondering if things are ok, or is there something wrongâ? He said 

â??Everything is fine, nothing could be better, Jessica is getting so much better, she is recovering so much faster then the whole Yuri situation. She is smiling more and talking a lot like she used toâ? I said

â??I asked about you not about Jessicaâ? he stated

â??Everything is fine with meâ? I said, I knew what he was thinking

â??Are you sure, you worry about everyone else, youâ??re family, friends but never ever stop to think about you and how you feelâ? he said sternly

â??Well, ah thatâ??s because I have you oppa. Youâ??re always thereâ? I said trying to avoid the issue

â??I wonâ??t always be there, Taeyeon, Iâ??ve met someone else and we are together now. My heart and worry will be with her all the time now, I canâ??t always be thinking of you as much as I did in the past.â? He said, I was a bit surprised but not fully considering Junsu was a very popular guy in school and a great person, he was bound to meet his match sooner or later

â??I am happy for you, what is her name and when can I meet herâ? I asked, he gave me a look

â??See stop trying to avoid the issue Tae, I want you to realize youâ??re need, I donâ??t want you to be lonely anymore. People may not see it, Jessica obviously doesnâ??t. Youâ??re so lonely but I do and I want you to open yourself and deal with it head on.â? He stated sternly but suddenly perked up again â??And her name isâ?¦Jang Ri In, she is so prettyâ? he began to giggle the instant he mentioned his girlfriends name. 

â??Taeyeonâ? he composed himself once again â??Youâ??re still in love with Jessica, and I doubt you will ever get over her, unless you actually do something about it. I do hope you tell her before itâ??s too lateâ? he said. I sat there staring, at him as he finished eating his ice cream, we both parted ways. 

He paid and left me alone to ponder what I should do. I admit about everything he is right, I am lonely, and I am still and forever will be in love with my best friend. But he was also right about moving on, it was time for me to move or at least try to find happiness with someone elseâ?¦

â??Taeyeon, if you wanted to get ice cream we couldâ??ve gone togetherâ? Soo Young said standing there, already halfway through her cone. I looked up in shock and worried

â??How long have you been here watching meâ? I asked

â??Ah for a while, after you ran out the door I decided I was hungry and so I offered to go pick up some nice tasty treats for the girls while we wait for you to comeback.â? She said munching on her cone

â??Oh and if youâ??re wondering about the fact I know youâ??re in love with my cousin, donâ??t worry I wonâ??t tellâ? she said and began to walk out

â??What, Soo Youngâ? I ran out to catch her â??You cannot tell her, promise me you have toâ? I pleaded

â??Taetae like I said I wonâ??t you can trust me. Besides I feel for you considering that Sica will only ever see you as her best friendâ? she stated coldly, but also truthfully.

â??I know and that is why you canâ??t tell her, if you do I will make sure you will never ever be able to take a bite from black bean ice cream againâ? I threatened, she definitely was prepared to obey me now. 

We decided to walk back to the party together; we talked more about me and my unrequited love for Jessica. Questions like when did I know, or how do I know I am and so on. Soo Young then stopped me and spun me in order to face her

â??Taeyeon, I think I have a way to get her into falling for youâ? she said

â??I donâ??t want that. Besides like you said she wonâ??t ever feel the way I do, Junsu and you were right, I admit it. Can we drop it now? Iâ??ve realized I will never have a chance to be wit...oh hey Jessicaâ? I said trying/hoping she did not hear what Soo Young and I were saying.

She just ran up to me then looked deep in my eyes, then quickly snatched the bag out of my hand that had her favourite ice cream in it. I had offered to hold it because I knew by the time we walked back the ice cream would be gone because Soo Young would have eaten it all. 

â??Thanks unnieâ? she then ran inside, where I could hear a room full of girls scream of joy and happiness because of the ice cream. 

â??So what are you going to do about itâ? Soo youngâ??s voice interrupted my train of thought

â??Do what?!â? getting frustrated 

â??Uh you trying to get over my cousin duh, can I set you up?â? she asked bluntly

â??Noâ? I fired back

â??Come on please, I know the perfect girl for you, actually I know so many considering I seemed to have so many female friends who are into girls themselves, please. I promise theyâ??re arenâ??t ugly. I admit I would go for them if I was into that stuffâ? she said pleading

â??Nooooooo!!â? I said running into the house

â??YAH! Taeyeon stop being such a boy and running away from relationshipsâ? she screamed out loud

Chapter 9

It had been a couple of days since the slumber party and the discovery that Soo Young now knows I am in love with Jessica. And ever since then she has spent most of her time pimping out her friends to me.

“See look at her, she is gorgeous” I tried not to look but it was hard to considering Soo Young had her pictured plastered in front my face. I took a quick peak and she was right she was gorgeous

“What is she, a model?” I said sarcastically

“How did you know, did you see her in some of the mags, that is how I met her we did a photoshoot together” I had forgot that Soo Young when she wasn’t staying at Jessica’s house she worked as a part time model, she travelled to many parts of Asia to do photoshoots. 

“Most of the girls I know are models, so taeyeon you won’t be disappointed in that department” she said

“I told you no, and I repeat it again” 

“here take a look at this one” she shoved another one as I was about to say no but stopped, I was stunned by the picture

“Shhh,…shh,,,she looks fa…” I barely could say anything

“She is beautiful, I know. Everyone wants her, and judging by you’re reaction you do to” I looked at soo young, and smacked her

“Shut up” I said looking away

“I found a winner, I’ll set it up” she said as she began to dial on her phone

“Set what up” a voice from behind said, we both knew who it was

“Ah nothing sica, just that Taeyeon is going on a date” soo young began to laugh

“No I am not, I never agreed” I scolded her

“A date, you never said anything about wanting to go out on a date or dating in general for that matter” Jessica said with a confused expression

“I am not going on a date. Jessica I am not, tell her I am not” I began to repeat

“All done, everything is set up, I hope you know that you’re date was happy to see that you wanted to meet. One time I was showing pictures of my friends and family and right away sh…I mean you’re date noticed you right away and wanted to know everything about you. So I am happy that you agreed to this” Soo Young cheered happily “So just be there at the theatre at 8 ok, everything is on me” she again was cheering happily

“What?! tonight, you can’t be serious” I yelled

“I am sorry but sh…I mean you’re date is only here for a short period of time, tonight sh…you’re date has free time. Besides you can show he….errr around” soo young trying to make sure she didn’t reveal the truth about my sexuality to Jessica because I had yet to come out to even my own family let alone my friends. 

“I hate it when you play match maker Soo Young” Jessica said coldly and walked straight upstairs most likely heading straight to bed. 

“Someone’s jealous” soo young giggled. I looked at her and smacked her in the arm

Later that night…

“Put me down Soo Young” I yelled, trying to wriggle my way out of her hold

“No, not until I see you and my friend go into that theatre together” she said

“Geez how did you get so strong, you’re so skinny” 

“Taeyeon, unlike you I never skip a meal, unlike you I never skip taking my vitamins, unlike you taeyeon I always drink my milk and milk does the body good” she said staring straight up at the sky with her hand pointing up upwards

“Are you practising trying out for a milk cf or something?” I laughed

“mung taeng shut up” she barked at me as she finally put me down “We’re here, so all we got to do is wait for her to arrive” the wait I must admit didn’t take long, as we waited on the street, it was hard not to immediately notice a girl with long black hair and gorgeous legs wearing a nice short dress with a grey cardigan over it to keep her warm walk our way, because at the moment everyone was staring. 

“Yeon hee-sshi” soo young cheered as she ran towards the very tall girl. I looked away wondering if it was a good time to escape, I was about to sneak off when I quickly felt a tight grip on my shoulder

“Don’t think about it” soo young threaten, she was giving me a glare as I tried to play innocent by pouting, I noticed right beside her the girl whose name is Yeon Hee had the most angelic smile I’ve ever seen. 

“Soo Young leave her be” she said sweetly as she smiled and stepped forward to introduce herself

“Hi Taeyeon, I am happy to see you” she said shyly looking at me. My face did a “Huh” look.

“You wanted to meet me” I asked shocked because this girl must be insane, she looked away and nodded cutely a yes. “What’s wrong with you” I said bluntly, I immediately felt a hard smack on the back of my head from Soo Young who glared at me, wow she even possessed a death glare similar to Jessica, It must run in the family I thought. 

“It’s okay, um soo young everything will be alright you can go now” Yeon hee politely suggested. Soo Young soften a little and whispered something into her Yeon hee’s ear and then turned to look at me one last time, she motioned her two fingers to her eyes and then pointed them at me warning me. I stuck my tongue out at her not going to her bullying. In the background I could hear Yeon hee’s laughter, “You two are very cute with each other” she said, we both stared at her 

“Ok it’s time for me to go, bye.” Soo young said waving away as she skipped across the street, leaving Yeon hee, who was a model who I was told has done cfs and magazine shoots and me, who was known as the teenage mutant ninja turtle by her classmates as well given the title as umma by everyone who knows her

“So let’s just end things here…” I was about to finish but was interrupted

“You don’t remember me do you?” she blurted out

“If I said no would you hurt me like Soo Young” I said jokingly. She looked hurt by my statement; there was silence between us for a bit as we stood in front of the theatre

“Look I am sorry but I don’t really recall ever meeting you” I said to break the tension

“It’s okay, we haven’t seen each other in how long.” She then proceeded to pull something out of her bag

“You brought a book” I asked questioning it, she just nodded as she opened the pages, I went closer wondering what she was doing

“You brought you’re year book” I said

“See look, here” I quickly skimmed it, these pictures seemed familiar I thought. 

All throughout the pages as she hurriedly flipped though had signatures beside the pictures, none of them really meaning much; other then have a great summer, congrats on graduating and I think I saw a couple that wrote “who are you” when reading that I felt guilt and sadness. 

I looked up at her, watching her face as she continued on looking for something, as I looked at the pages I saw old picture of Jessica with a message that read “Get lots of sleep during the summer, sleep is good” I chuckled at it and then as I looked downward I saw a message with Yuri to that read “the black pearl is jealous of you’re snow white skin, keke, have a nice summer. 

She then turned the page one last time before she proceeded to tap on a photo, a photo of me. It had my signature and an old message written by me,

Yeon Hee, 

Sorry we didn’t get to really know each other all throughout these years, but truly do wish you a great summer. And I hope whatever high school you got into you will continue on to shine like the real star I know you are. Like the S.E.S song Dreams come true. keke

P,S, here is a rice cake from you’re science lab partner

I just stared at the message, and the little doodle of deformed dancing rice cake beside it. It was unbelievable, how could I not remember a thing, especially how bad my drawing skills were back then. I looked up at her and this time Yeon Hee had put on a pair of thick rimmed glass that made her look like a bug

“Noooo it can’t be you” I gasped at my realization. She blushed and nodded “You look so different” I backed away still trying to put two and two together. I grabbed the book and looked at the front cover

“Min Young middle school” I began to laugh “It can’t be you…you” she nodded and smiled widely

“Grew up” she giggled 

“you looks so amazing and tall. You’ve become so beautiful and tall!” I said

“I hit puberty” she joked as she then gave me a light punch on my arm

“I want to hit puberty” I whined looking up at her. “I am even wearing 3 slip soles and you still tower over me unnie” 

“Taeyeon you’ve never changed” she laughed.

We began to walk down the street together, totally forgetting about the movie and was more interested in catching up on what was going on in our lives. 

2 hours later…

“So tell me about Jessica” Yeon hee asked as she surprisingly linked her arm around mine

“She is good, we’re still best friends” I wasn’t sure how to answer that question

“Nothing more” she asked, I stopped and looked at her oddly

“What are you trying to get at” I asked bluntly

“Come on Taeyeon, it was quite obvious that you were in love with her during middle school” she stated

“What are you talking about” I said avoiding her eyes and letting myself walk a little ahead

“You’re still in love with Jessica Jung, after all these years you still love her”

“is it that obvious” I said looking down as I stood in one spot, I felt her place her hand on my back and closely whispered a “yes”

“I must seem so pathetic” I sighed

“No you’re just in love” she tried to consol me 

“In love with someone who will never love me back” I said as I then began to proceed to walk ahead

“look at me” she said, I turned to face her and was about to question her but was stopped when I felt her lips on mine, she began to kiss me deeper, emotions ran inside that I’ve never felt before, it was hard to tell whether it was a good thing or bad, I was confused by it. I kissed her back for a second but pulled away realizing that I shouldn’t do this, I couldn’t. I looked away again, tears were rising and starting to pour out of me

“It is ok taeyeon, I know what you’re feeling” she paused “Sorry, but I want to be the one you’re in love with” she stated. I stood there stunned not knowing what to do or think.

Chapter 10

Jessica’s Pov

“mmmm such a good idea soo young, I forgive you now for setting Taeyeon-ah up without my permission” I said as I let the chocolate and strawberry ice cream melt in my mouth. I looked up to see soo young with her mouth open, I just laughed and waved my cone in front of her but oddly no reaction

“Soo young what is wrong, what are you looking at” I questioned I looked to see what she was staring at and I was shocked at what I had just witnessed.


“What Junsu” soo young then came back

“Who is Junsu holding hands with, look that girl” I pointed

“I don’t know, anyways Sica it’s time for us to go” Soo Young then grabbed a hold of my hand and began to drag me away from the scene

“Soo Young, let me snoop” I yelled

Soo Young Pov

“Did I just see what I thought I saw” I stood there in shock, I can’t believe Yeon Hee and taeyeon were kissing. “I am so good, match maker Soo Young strikes again!” I congratulated myself. But immediately remembered that my cousin was beside me, “oh crap if she saw it, then I’m in deep poop, meaning bye bye red bean ice cream” 

“Junsu” Jessica said. I drew my eyes away from taeyeon and yeon hee and saw Junsu and a mysertious girl walking hand in hand together. 

“What Junsu” I said, thanking inside what a good oppa he is always having Taeyeon’s back whether it be on purpose or coincidence

I have to get sica out of here, taeyeon and yeon hee were walking closer towards us, I did what I only knew best and quickly grabbed her and sped walked my way out of there. 

“Soo young let go” she yelled

“No we can’t we should go home, I heard that it was going to rain tonight” I tried to make an excuse

“Why you acting this way….do you like Junsu or something?” I quickly stopped in my tracks and spun around “How did you ever know” I said sarcastically, “me like junsu? I don’t think so” I thought to myself

“Well im going to go tell taeyeon now” sica had squirmed her way out of my grip and started to run

“Yah!! Where are you going, it’s going to rain” I held at my cousin

“Tell mom that I am sleeping over at taeyeon’s house tonight” she smiled “And coz I saw today’s weather report it said no chance of rain” she smiled and ran further away

I watched her, “Cousin I hope one day you see Taeyeon-ah is not always going to be there, when will you wake up” I sighed and walked home alone. “At least I still can have red bean ice cream” I sighed happily

Chapter 10 part 2

“I hate Soo Young” I said coldly, my body shaking from sitting on the roof of taeyeon’s window, the rain was never going to end I thought. 

“Where you are Taeyeon ”I said, my eyes then saw a figure fast approaching“ unnie is back” my spirit had energized itself.

“Unnie” I yelled to her, she looked up at me

“Are you crazy Jessica, it’s raining. Why are you here? Did something terrible happen?” she yelled

“No, I just wanted to talk” I said, she looked at me with concern and disappointment, she then quickly ran into her house and as soon as I knew it, the lights in her bedroom were on and she quickly opened the window to let me in.

“You’re crazy, seriously. You know how sick you can get and you’re lucky it wasn’t lightening out there!” she was scolding me

“Well what about you, why are you out in the rain, you can get sick and all that” I said innocently pouting

“What is wrong with you, this is not a time to be innocent and sweet Jessica, do you want to die” she screamed at me

My eyes immediately flooded with tears, she looked at me regretting what she said

“Sorry Jessica, I didn’t mean to…” she then wrapped her arms around me and held me tight “It’s just I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, it’s dangerous…what you did” 

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to see you” I felt her warmth and immediately the tears, pain and the coldness went away. 

“You should take a bath” she told me, “I’ll go get you a towel and some clothes to wear” 

“You should take a bath to, it’s you’re bathroom, you should first” I told her worried

“you’re my friend and guest sica” she gave me a “shut up and just do what I tell you look”

“Oh I know we can share a bath” I stated, in an instant unnie’s eyes bulged out and she had a freak look

“I am just kidding” I giggled, she gave out a “har har” and walked away. 

As I undressed myself and dipped my cold body into the hot water, I felt the stress of life instantly melt away. I laid my body and closed my eyes. I could hear the sweet and gentle voice of Taeyeon’s mother, the two were laughing, and she went into her room to scold her daughter but ended up poking fun at her instead.

Growing up I was always jealous of Yuri and Taeyeon’s family and home life. If you compared it to mine they’re life was always and is constantly filled with warm and happy feelings while mine was more filled with emptiness and icy coldness. 

My father barely ever there, and when he is, he is locked up in his office and on the phone. My mother to busy with her own life and friends to care what her two daughters were up to, I sighed. I was even jealous of Taeyeon’s house, even though taeyeon’s family was rich her family strongly believed in modest and humble living and didn’t need to have a huge mansion like my father needed to feel important. Everything about her house was perfect. 


“Yea unnie” I said startled by her interruption

“I am going to go use my parent’s bathroom, do you need anything or will you….a…ah..ah-chuuu” I heard her say outside the door. I quickly got up and wrapped the towel around me, I opened it and took a hold of her hand and then placed my other hand on her forhead.

“Unnie are you ok” I said feeling guilty at taking a bath first

“No I am ok, just sniffles…nothing serious” she smiled 

“well I am done, you don’t have to disturb you’re parents sleep” I said

“Ok, but no offense Jess, I don’t want you’re dirty water” she began to cover her mouth as she started to laugh uncontrollably 

“I am not dirty, I always smell good and I am clean…just because I sweat easily” I was mad and pouted angrily at her “Besides it’s tiffany who is the dirty one” she continued on laughing at me, barely breathing anymore, i admit she was so adorable whenever she laughed like that and I to found it hard to resist on joining in with her. I started to turn red and began to laugh at myself. 

No one’s pov

As Taeyeon finally finished her bath, she opened her door to see the beautiful ice princess peacefully sleeping in her bed; she smiled quietly and tiptoed her way to the right side of her. She then leaned in closer to get into bed comfortable but inadvertently brush her body up against Jessica in which taeyeon felt Jessica’s arm wrap around her, snuggling herself against her body.

“Ah Jessica” she said whispering, she then shook her friend to wake up “Sica wake up” she said out loud

“No taeyeon-ah” Jessica mumbled. Taeyeon gave up and watched her for a bit, she noticed how Jessica moth kept moving and her body would twitch. 

“Jessica are you having a bad dream” she asked

“Don’t leave me” Jessica kept mumbling

taeyeon smiled and slowly began to lean her face closer to Jessica’s head, she then began to gently place a light goodnight kiss on the sleeping beauty but backed off, hesitating “I shouldn’t do that” she said to herself. Just then taeyeon heard her cell vibrate against her night stand; she tried to manoeuvre her body to grab it. As soon as she could she opened it to see a message from Yeon Hee

“I still want to wait, just like you” was all it said, Taeyeon had sighed at it, she hoped after the long talk she had with her, Yeon Hee would realize that Taeyeon was in no place to be with anyone, especially since she was still in love with Jessica. 

“Who is the late message from” Jessica yawned as she then finally let taeyeon out of her hug, taeyeon turned to watch her

“Ah nothing important” she tried to play it off. 

“Was it from you’re date, how was it by the way” Jessica murmured, she was battling between keeping awake or falling back to sleep

“It was interesting date” was all taeyeon could think of

“Are you going to see them again” Jessica’s eyes widen, looking up at her friend

“I don’t think so, I am not sure” 

“You can’t, you’re not allowed to” Jessica then suddenly sat up,

“Huh, why not” taeyeon stuttered

“Because this person needs to go through me, before they can see you again. As best friend I have to approve” she said nodding knowingly

“Go to bed Jessica” taeyeon said she pulled the covers over her

“Taeyeon-ah im serious” she whined but all Jessica heard was taeyeon snoring.

“Taeyeon!!!” she let out

Chapter 11

It had been weeks since Yeon Hee and I had seen each other, after the night we kissed and I turned her down we still had remain friends, well I think? 

Despite the fact Yeon Hee did wish for more but told me she rather have me as a friend then nothing at all. We went to dinner, the movies and to the arcade on those three occasions where she had time but once she had to go to Hong Kong for a photo shoot and no more contact during those weeks where she was gone, it seemed as if everything was going back to normal. Well that was until Monday hitâ?¦and class was back onâ?¦

â??What do you guys think I should get Yoona for her birthday?â? Yuri looked at both Jessica and I.

â??What does she likeâ? I said

â??She likes everythingâ? Yuri replied

â??Gee that helpsâ? Jessica glared. I couldnâ??t help but giggle

â??Excuse the interruption classâ? Mr. oh said, grabbing everyoneâ??s attention â??today I would like to introduce to you a new studentâ? he seemed like he was blushing

â??Pst taeyeon is our teacher shakingâ? Yuri and Jessica asked looking at me. 

â??I think he might be?â? not sure myself

â??Whatâ??s with a new student, the term is almost up? Why now?â? Jessica pondered

He then began to walk towards the door to motion the person in, the second the new student stepped in, I could hear some of the male and female students begin to squeal and gasp at surprise of who it was, I looked towards the door and was stunned who I found standing in front of our homeroom 

â??Yeon Hee?â? I lowly said, at that second, she looked at me and gave her signature perfect cf smile, all the boys and girls went crazy.

â??Oh my gosh, is that Lee Yeon Hee cf model?â? Yuri said

â??It isâ?I I said as I turned to look away

â??Why is she here?â? Jessica wondered

â??Um I donâ??t know to learnâ? Yuri joked, both Jessica and I glared at her. But I had the same question as Jessica, why was she here?

â??Lee Yeon Hee, Iâ??m pretty sure she went to our school middle school?â? Jessica said as she looked at both Yuri and I

â??Really I donâ??t remember, no offense but I would remember if a girl like her went to school with usâ? yuri said as she was now thinking in her head but a couple of seconds later Yuri finally put two and two together

â??Oh my gosh it is her! Now that you mention it, there was a Lee Yeon Hee in our class but no, it couldnâ??t be herâ?¦noâ?¦.NO! that canâ??t be her Yeon Heeâ?¦Taeyeonâ??s science lab partner during senior year? The girl who would always bump into everything? The girl who looked like an insect? it canâ??t be her, Yeon Hee cf model is too gorgeous and graceful. It canâ??t be her, itâ??s just not humanly possibleâ? Yuri said still doubting

â??I think it is Yuri, anyways she is walking over here, we will know in a secondâ? Jessica said

â??Taeyeon can I sit with you?â? the statuesque girl smiled down at me, I looked up trying to give out my best fake smile and just nodded a yes

â??Thanks there is no available desks right now so he said to sit anywhereâ? she smiled

â??So it is trueâ? Jessica said lowly, I turned to look at her, she seemed to be thinking she was now staring off

â??You can sit beside meâ? Yuri said, I turned to scold her with my eyes. Yuri always trying to flirt

Yeon Hee didnâ??t know how to respond so I quickly got up and gave her my chair as I went to go to grab another one at the back corner where all the extra chairs were. As I walked back I pictured Yeon Hee, me, Jessica, and Yuri to a desk. 

â??Great one big happy familyâ? I thought grinching at that thought

â??Hello everyoneâ? she said, Yuri then put out her hand to introduce herself

â??Yah when did you become Americanâ? I told her, Jessica laughed 

â??I am just being niceâ? Yuri whined

â??Or a flirt, doesnâ??t matter who it isâ? Jessica mumbled lowly

â??Taeyeon-ah did you miss meâ? Yeon hee said as she grabbed onto my arm and sat her head on my shoulder

â??You two still talk?â? Jessica looking at me surprised â??Why didnâ??t you tell us that she would be transferring to our school?â? she now had an unreadable expression

â??No, we met again recently, and I didnâ??t know she was joining our school, she never said ANYTHINGâ? I said eyeing Yeon Hee who now was playing with her hands. 

â??Class letâ??s start todayâ??s lessonâ? the teacher said, grabbing everyoneâ??s attention away from Yeon Hee and up at him

â??What are you doing here and why are you doing this to meâ? I leaned in closer to Yeon Hee

â??Because even though I said I wanted to wait, It didnâ??t mean I wasnâ??t going to fight for you, Besides when I went to Hong Kong, I missed you and wanted to be with you, is it a crime to want to be with the one you loveâ? she smiled and turned her attention to Jessica now who was looking at us suspiciously 

â??You guys seemed to be very friendlyâ?? Jessica glared at me

â??Of course weâ??re close, closer then you might thinkâ? Yeon Hee said as she then again held onto my arm

â??Oh gawd what am I going to do, I have to talk to Yeon Hee and tell her to leaveâ? I said to myself or else my life is going to be ruined if she doesnâ??t. 

â??Okay class well letâ??s start a new project, everyone please partner upâ? the teacher interrupted

â??Taeyeon lets go together like old timeâ? yeon hee, as soon as she said that I could hear the class groan

â??Umâ?¦umâ? I looked around, the whole class was watching us in silence, I couldnâ??t say no or else. I turned to see Yuri who was mouthing â??Noâ? so she could partner with her. Then I turned to Jessica who I couldnâ??t read, she neither was smiling or frowning she was just watching waiting for me to give my answer

â??Um yea, sureâ? I said and everyone groaned more, except Yeon Hee was cheering and Jessica who was still silent, I hated it when she was like this, she was putting up walls again

For about three weeks, things like this were happening left and right, Yeon Hee seemed to have found herself in every class I was in, except for one and that was art class, I thank the lord for that because art class was my solitude, a place where I found peace and quiet as well it was the only class where Jessica and I were in together alone, where none of our other friends were with us. It was where we could just be ourselves together. 

Though it sucked because our teacher caught Jessica sleeping again, she was made to sit at the front where our teacher could keep an eye on her. But that didnâ??t stop us from talking to each other from across the room during class. However, it did call for lots of detention. But to be honest I didnâ??t mind it at all, it gave me time to be on my own now and think to myself as well, and I admit I enjoyed watching Jessica as she slept or as she interacted with other students in the class. I loved watching her mannerisms or behaviour with others. 

â??Yo taeyeonâ? Jessica said as she plopped her books right beside me

â??Huhâ? I said lost at what was going on

â??Arenâ??t you happy I am back?â? she said frowning her eyes at me

â??Of course I am, just wondering why? Didnâ??t the teacher and I quote Ms Jung you will never sit in the back again as long as I am youâ??re teacherâ? I laughed

â??Yes but I struck a deal, I told him I would get a autograph from Yeon Hee for him if he let me sit with youâ? she smiled innocently, knowing full well that it meant that I was going to have to ask for it. Jessica made it known she didnâ??t like Yeon Hee, well at least to Yuri and I who could tell whenever she hated someone, she never had to tell us we just knew.

â??I am happy youâ??re stalker isnâ??t in our classâ? she said, I turned to her not paying attention to the teachers lesson

â??She isnâ??t my stalkerâ? i said ignoring her statement 

â??Are you blind? The girl follows you everywhere, she is so in love with youâ? she turned to stare at the front of the class

â??No she isnâ??t, she is a friend. Weâ??re just friends.â? I was getting defensive

â??Itâ??s obvious that youâ??re not just a friend to her, to bad she is wasting her time considering you like boysâ? Jessica said

â??ha, ha, hah, yea boys, of courseâ? I smiled â??I forgot about themâ? I said lowly

As soon as class was over, Jessica and I were about to go to her house to study but of course was interrupted by Yeon Hee 

â??Taeyeon, do you remember you promised to go to my photo shoot after school with meâ? she said

â??I did?â? not remembering at all

â??Yes, it was in gym classâ? she said pouting

â??Really, didnâ??t I get hit by a volleyballâ? I said, frowning because I couldnâ??t remember at all

â??Yes, so letâ??s goâ? she said grabbing onto my arm and beginning to drag me away. I looked at Jessica who looked as if she was about to blow, i had to do something.

â??Yeon Hee, do you really need me? I was going to go and studyâ? I said

â??Yes, you make me feel more confident and comfortable, are you going to break youâ??re promise?â? she became sad, looking away and pouting

â??No, just let me talk to Jessica for a minuteâ? I ran over to Jessica who had her arms crossed and the cutest frown in the world

â??Sorry Jessica, can we delay our plans till later?â? I asked sincerely

â??How later?â? she said putting up walls again

â??Iâ??ll be over by six, I promise and I will bring you some cheese cake, youâ??re favouriteâ? I smiled pleadingly. She peeked at me and then looked away giving me her cute ice princess act.

â??Okay I guess you can bring me some cheese cakeâ? she then turned to me pointing her finger â??But I will be waiting and you better be there at sixâ? she said, I smiled and told her I promise and began to walk away with Yeon Hee to her shoot. 

So it turns out that Yeon Heeâ??s photo shoot was really a ploy for her to get me to go out with her. We both were walking around in the mall, 

â??thanks for coming with meâ? she smiled happily, I just frowned at her. She knew I was upset with her

â??Come on taeyeon, im sorry but I had to lie in order for you to come play with meâ? she leaned in closer

â??Doesnâ??t matter, what you did was wrong.â? I scolded

â??Why is it, because you didnâ??t get to spend anytime with youâ??re precious Jessicaâ? she said looking hurt

â??No, because you made me spend two hours on nothing, when I could be studyingâ? I yelled. 

â??I am sorryâ? her eyes getting wet

â??Itâ??s not enoughâ? I turned away. I could feel eyes were on us now, we were drawing a crowd

â??Fine then let me make it up to youâ? she then grabbed a hold of my hand â??I am going to treat you to the best rice cakes everâ? 

â??Noâ? I told her â??I am not going anywhere with youâ? I was angry. She stopped and looked at me

â??I promised to go with you to youâ??re photo shoot, but turns out you lied. I went with you to the mall because I figured I will be nice. Now you assume that you can apologize to me with rice cakes and think what you did was rightâ? she stood in silence â??youâ??re very selfish, and I am going to go to Jessicaâ??s to study nowâ? I began to walk away but was held back by Yeon Heeâ??s hand and her tears

â??Taeyeon, I am sorry. I didnâ??t mean to. Justâ?¦please donâ??t goâ? she began to cry harder. I turned to look at her, and gave her a hug

â??Stop crying, I will go get ice cream with you, just stop crying. I will forgive youâ? I told her, I regretted my actions but the person in me hated seeing someone hurt and crying especially if I was the one to cause it. I looked at my watch it said five, so I at least had time to spare. 

That was what I thought, it didnâ??t take long for Yeon Hee to become all cheery and happy again. We sat down eating together, she kept on trying to put her head on my shoulder but I was not having it.

â??So happy you decided to stay with me instead of going to Jessicaâ??sâ? she said as she licked the ice cream

â??What are you talking about I have timeâ?? I said, pointing at my watch

â??No you donâ??t it says 6:15 over thereâ? she pointed to a clock that was on the wall on one of the stores

â??Please tell me that clock is wrongâ? I looked at her standing up, she laughed innocently

â??I wish but I canâ??t, itâ??s right. Let me see your watchâ? I handed it to her â??Youâ??re broken, itâ??s not even movingâ? she said. I sighed heavily, I was angry and frustrated now

â??I have to go, sorry but I have to apologize for breaking my promise to Jessicaâ? I said, and began to walk away and once again was held back by Yeon Hee

â??Donâ??t go, why do you have to. Talk to her tomorrow, explain to her tomorrow. Stay with meâ? she said sternly

â??I canâ??t because she is my best friend and I made a promise to her. I am goingâ? I ripped my hand out of hers and began to run as fast as I could. 

At Jessicaâ??s House

I knocked on her door repeatedly but no answer.

â??Psstâ? i heard, i looked around confused at the noise

â??Psst Taeyeon-ahâ? I heard again, I looked around once again still confused

Suddenly I felt something hit my head, I looked around again but noting. I was beginning to get mad. I knocked on the door again but was now being pelted by paper balls

â??Who the hellâ?¦â? I said angry

â??Owwwwww!!â? I screamed

â??Taeyeon sorry, I was trying to get youâ??re attentionâ? the voice said

â??Where are you? Who are you?â? I said out loud

â??Itâ??s me Soo Young, Iâ??m over hereâ? she said

â??Soo Young, where?â? I looked around, and then saw a long arm flail around

â??What are you doing?â? 

â??I am hiding from Jessica, you made her mad and now she has gone mad. She isssssâ?¦Ahhhâ? she went silent

â??Soo Young are you okayâ? I said, no response â??soo Youngâ?

â??Taeyeon-ah run!!!â? I heard a scream from inside.

â??Soo Young? Soo Young? Are you okayâ? I yelled, nothing. I was getting frustrated more, I decided to do something, in order to save Soo Young as well make amends with Jessica

I walked over to the side of the house where Jessicaâ??s balcony was. I grabbed a couple of small stones and started to throw them to her balcony doors. I could tell Jessica was looking at, she was still sort of hidden but I could tell there was someone there. So I decided to what anyone person would, well not really but I knew that she would laugh at this and it would make her happy, me making myself look like a fool in front of her neighbours.

â??Jessica please forgive meâ? I said as I watched her walk away from my view. 

I got down on one knee and began to recite words from her favourite play, and her favourite scene from Romeo and Juliet. 

She speaks:

O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art

As glorious to this night, being o'er my head

I could see Jessica come closer to her balcony doors, I decided to go on.

As is a winged messenger of heaven

Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes

Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him

I could tell she was intently listening to me, along with some of her neighbours who were outside of the house watching me now. 

When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds

And sails upon the bosom of the air.

I had finished up my line, waiting for her response. In the play I wouldnâ??t be able to continue without Jessica, it was Julietâ??s line. I needed Jessica to respond or else I kneeling down looking like a fool would be pointless. But all I was getting was silence, except from the whispers I was getting from her neighbours who felt bad for me or wonder what the heck I was doing

I didnâ??t know how long I was waiting but decided to take one last stab at it.

â??Oh Jessica, my sweet Jessica, please forgive meâ? I said one last time, I waited but still nothing. 

So I decided to just give up and let her be angry at me, I deserved it, she would forgive me when she wanted to. I was walking away I thought I spotted Soo Young peeking through one of the living room windows, she had tears in her eyes but I highly doubt it was from feeling bad for me, rather it was tears of laughter at what I did. I then saw her hold up a sign

â??Thanks for laugh Romeoâ? she then pointed at me and laughed again. I ran toward her with my fist up, but then I heard her voice, which made me stop and turn to look at her balcony

O Taeyeon-ah, Taeyeon-ah! wherefore art thou Taeyeon?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name;

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,

And I'll no longer be a Jung.

I walked closer and now saw her standing outside her balcony leaning on the ledge of it. I smiled immediately, she had a smiled to

â??I am sorry Jessica, it is my fault and I was stupid. I lost track of timeâ? I said looking at my foot

â??Itâ??s okay, I forgive you. Doesnâ??t really matter nowâ? she said. I stared up at her

â??stillâ? I said

â??Taeyeon-ah, Iâ??m okay with it, you made a promise to her firstâ? she said â??Anyways, Iâ??ll talk to you tomorrow, I am tired and I sort of want to go to bedâ? 

I smiled and nodded â??Do you forgive me?â? I asked one more time, she turned and laugh

â??Of course Romeo, how can I notâ? she smiled and was laughing as she walked inside. 

Two days laterâ?¦.

Jessicaâ??s Pov

Things seemed to be going back to normal, though there was that problem of Yeon Hee but I was beginning to bare it. I decided that I needed to apologize to Taeyeon for being such a selfish friend. Of course I did have a right to be mad, but after she left that night I thought over my relationship with Taeyeon and was has been the most loyal person Iâ??ve known and I thought why not do something special do for her. She deserved it.

I opened the door and no one was inside, I opened my bag to look at what I brought. I wanted to do something real special for her, I was about take everything out when I heard voices approaching

â??Ah donâ??t want anyone to see me do this, especially if it s taeyeon or the teacher, he will kill meâ? I quickly scrambled onto the floor not knowing where to go, I decided to hide in one of the closets. So I got up and ran to the one in the corner. I listened to the door open and I heard two voices. I peeked through to find Taeyeon and Yeon Hee together 

â??What do you wantâ? taeyeon seem angry

â??To apologize for my behaviour. I donâ??t act like that, just I got jealousâ? yeon hee said

â??Apologize for whatâ? I thought

â??No need, I am not mad at you. Just mad that I ended up hurting Jessicaâ? taeyeon said

â??I know, but I feel responsible for what happened to you, but here I want to give you somethingâ? she then pulled something from her bag â??here hope you like itâ? she handed taeyeon something, I couldnâ??t see it

â??I canâ??t accept itâ? was all tae said

â??Why not, itâ??s a nice watch, designer and even has diamonds in itâ? she smiled innocently â??itâ??s to replace the broken oneâ? 

â??I donâ??t need a new watch. Itâ??s not broken, just needs a new battery and this watch is special to me. Jessica gave it to meâ?

I begin to blush at her statement, â??So thatâ??s why she lost track of time, aw unnieâ? I sighed happily

â??Taeyeon, when are you going to move on, seriously. Jessica will never notice youâ? Yeon Heeâ??s voice rising

â??Notice? What is she talking about?â? I know she is short but she isnâ??t that short, I thought 

â??Youâ??re wasting youâ??re time on someone who will never love you back.â?

â??I know that already, why are we even talking about this, I thought you wanted to apologize.â? Taeâ??s voice rising

â??Itâ??s hard not to, considering that everything you do is for Jessica. Jessica this and Jessica that. I thought you said you were going to move on and get over this great love for Jessica and wake up from itâ? yeon hee voice becoming agitated

I sat there stunned â??love, what?â?

â??Yeon Hee, I understand what you want from me, but I canâ??t do that. This is not about Jessicaâ?¦well it is but itâ??s about you and me to. I know you want to be more then friends with me. But I canâ??t do that to you, especially since my feelings belong to another. I would feel like cheating on you every time we were together. 

â??Feelings, what is going on here?â? I began to slide against the back wall of the closet, not believing in what I was hearing. 

â??Taeyeon, I texted you that I would wait, just like how you have been waiting for Jessica to realize that youâ??re in love with her, I donâ??t care if youâ??re still in love with her. Just as long as I can be with you, I am perfectly fine with that, I can wait. To tell you the truth, Iâ??ve been waiting silently. Once middle school ended I thought my feelings for you did, like the saying goes out of sight, out of mind. But when Soo Young showed me youâ??re pictures it all came backâ?¦I want to wait till one day you will wake up and realize nothing will happen with you and Jessica and that there is someone waiting for youâ? Yeon Hee was crying. 

â??Thatâ??s too much pain, you think you want that. But you donâ??t, that is something I can never allow anyone to feelâ? taeyeon was beginning to cry to, 

â??Iâ??ve never seen taeyeon so emotional before.â? I sighed stunned at what I was hearing

â??What about you, are you different then anyone else? Why are you putting yourself through so much pain? Pretending as if you donâ??t love Jessica when you do, being her best friend when you donâ??t want toâ? Yeon Hee pleading

â??Youâ??re wrong I want to be Jessicaâ??s best friend, I am her best friend. I know that Jessica will neverâ?¦but that doesnâ??t mean we canâ??t be friendsâ?¦itâ??s the reason why I donâ??t want you to wait for me. I know what it is like to wait for someone, which is why I refuse to let you wait for me. It hurts so much, everyday, even every second. I donâ??t want you to feel that pain Yeon Hee, itâ??s very lonely.â? She stepped closer to Yeon Hee

â??I donâ??t want you to feel that either! I am going to tell Jessica!â? yeon hee then ran toward the door but taeyeon immediately reacted and was able to grab a hold of her, she now was hugging a crying Yeon Hee from behind, holding her tightly and letting Yeon Hee collapse in her arms.

â??Please donâ??tâ? she was crying â??I will never forgive you if you do. I will never want to see you againâ? she told her

â??Why, why canâ??t Jessica know that youâ??re in love with her, that you been in love with her for yearsâ? Yeon Hee composing herself again

â??Becauseâ?¦because she is my friend, my best friend and we promised each other friends forever. Yuri, her and I promised each other friendâ??s forever. I refuse to break that promise, no matter how much it hurts me.â? Taeyeon letting go of Yeon Hee, the two facing each other now, â??I am a strong person; I can take care of myself just fine. But Jessica is sensitive, and fragile, sheâ??s been hurt and has gone through a lot. I know that If she finds out the truth that it will break her heart especially if she doesnâ??t return my feelings. I donâ??t want her to lose another best friend like she did with Yuri. It took those two how long to repair that friendship but even then? The two arenâ??t as close as they once were, there are feelings that you canâ??t just get overâ? she cried out loud

â??Jessica doesnâ??t deserve you, neither do Iâ? yeon hee said calming down and standing straight â??I will leave you alone, I will try to forget youâ? she was about to walk out

â??We can be friendsâ? taeyeon said holding onto her hand

â??I donâ??t want to be friends with you.â? Yeon Hee now looking away from taeyeon and her eyes staring at the ground, â??Unlike Jessica, I want to be more then friends.â? She walked out leaving taeyeon and I alone in the room. 

I was still hiding in the closet stunned and upset but I did not shed any tears I was still in shock at what I had just heard. I stood there watching taeyeon as she stood there alone, her head down. 

â??Jessica cannot know, it will ruin our friendship. The one relationship that is more precious to me then life. I will never let it breakâ? she said out loud. She wiped her tears and took couple of minutes to make sure she looked half decent then she walked out slowly. 

I climbed out of the closet and picked up my bags and ran out of the art room. I didnâ??t know where to go but all I knew was I had to leave. 

Chapter 12

“Yuri have you talk to Jessica lately?” I said turning to stare at her

“Um, not really I talked to her yesterday, she said that she is still feeling ill and won’t be coming to school today” she answered as she continued on answering while texting

“Oh, okay” I sighed

“Is something the matter” she asked looking towards me concerned

“No, well I don’t think so. It’s just…it’s just that every time I call her house, I get Soo Young or her sister Krystal. Just weird that I haven’t been able to get a hold of her” I told her, she just pouted

“It’s okay, I think you’re over analyzing it, besides I didn’t talk to her for long, just for 10 minutes at most. I think she isn’t feeling too good, she sounded upset about something” she placed her arm around my shoulder bringing me closer to her “You got me tete” she winked, I immediately frowned and couldn’t help but laugh at Yuri’s cute attempt to cheer me up. One thing I could always rely on was Yuri being the person who could make me smile or laugh if I was feeling down about anything, including Jessica

But even though Yuri helped take my mind off of Jessica for a couple of minutes I still wondered what was wrong. Jessica no matter how sick or upset she was always took my calls or let me know how things were with her. It was strange, but I could tell that something was up and I needed to find out. 

Jessica Pov

I looked into the classroom and just watched Taeyeon and Yuri for a moment, Yuri had her arm around Taeyeon, she was trying to make her smile. I already knew why Taeyeon was upset, it was because of me and the fact for past two weeks I had been calling in sick and ignoring her calls of concern or denying her visits. I had been for the past two weeks keeping my distance and it wasn’t because of finding out about Taeyeon’s feelings but rather a whole bunch of things. Like my father was now making good on the deal we made. 

I didn’t need to think when It came to Taeyeon, she was everything to me, my eyes had been opened to her and now I was finally seeing her. For the past two weeks I wanted to talk to Taeyeon about everything but I held back because I remembered what she said. The last thing she said had hurt me deeply, to know that I couldn’t see how hard Taeyeon went to protect our friendship, how precious it was to her. So I to made a promise to her and I promised myself I would protect it with my life. But sadly it seems as if I was ruining it instead. 

I slammed my head on the door, but when I looked up I saw my teacher and the whole classroom staring up at me. Yuri was laughing her head off while Taeyeon looked at me concerned, I immediately saw her sad eyes, the sad eyes and expression she always had when looking at me. 

I walked inside slowly as everyone still had they’re eyes on me, I could hear whispers and such but just ignored it and sat in the same place I’ve always have, which was in between Yuri and Taeyeon. 

“Hey what was up with that” Yuri questioned, I just stared at her telling her to shut up

“I’m happy you’re back Jessica” taeyeon smiled, she still had those sad eyes but it was hard to see because of her smile and her trying to hide it. I stared at her for a long minute and nodded and turned my attention to the lesson. 

What was I doing? I knew what I was about to do was going to hurt Taeyeon but I don’t know what to do, I hated myself for it but it was the only solution i could think of at the moment. It was harder for me to tell Taeyeon the truth then lie to her. I refuse to hurt her like that. 

“Do you guys want to come over and study” Taeyeon asked, looking at Yuri and I

“Sorry Tae I promised to study with Yoona, and after we’re going to her families BBQ. I would invite you two but having Yoona, Jessica and Soo Young, who would most likely tag along together, eating. That would mean no food for the rest of us. Just Kidding, it’s a family dinner, I am meeting the parents and her grandparents today” Yuri said sounding a bit nervous. Taeyeon just laughed but wished her luck; she then turned her attention to me

“Ah sure, of course Taeyeon you’re my best, why wouldn’t I want to” I said giving her my fake smile, she nodded happily and went back to her work. I watched some more and couldn’t help but notice her sticking out her tongue as she concentrated, I had finally realize that there was a lot of things I didn’t know about Taeyeon, about who she is, I felt frustrated and stupid for not realizing how truly genuine she was. 

Taeyeon’s POV

It was passing six and Jessica had yet to show up for our study session, I tried calling her but her phone had been turned off. I even called her house phone and all I got was Soo Young. 

“Where are you, you’re never like this” I said to myself as I stared at the ceiling. I heard a knock and heard my mother enter my room, she was dressed up, she seemed like she was going to go somewhere

“Hey sweetie, did you get a hold of Jessica?” she asked concerned. I sat up and just stared at her. She then joined me on my bed and hugged me tightly. 

“Maybe she is sleeping, I wouldn’t be surprised especially with a girl like Jessica and her habits” she giggled, my mother always trying to make me laugh. I nodded in agreement and hugged her back

“So what brings you here” I asked, knowing that she wasn’t here just to check up on her daughter

“What?! no secret agenda? Well okay maybe other then, do you want to go to get some groceries with me? It’s a special occasion” she smiled, she looked like she was keeping a secret

“Sure, considering that Jessica was suppose to be here an hour and half ago, why not. But one question what’s the occasion?” I wondered

“It’s a surprise” she got up taking my hand in hers. 

At the store

“Honey go get some milk for me okay” my mother told me, I sighed; there was no special occasion she just wanted me here to do the grunt work. 

“Go now” she smiled

I was walking slowly, didn’t really care how fast I was, beside’s I sort of wanted to wonder around. I love my umma but she was so totally in her doting mother moods, she kept pinching my face and ugh, one word “embarrassing” 

As I walked through the cereal aisle I could see the milk cooler and started to speed up, as I reach the end I instantly crashed into something, we both hit the floor

“Ouch” we both said, I looked up and saw none other then Jessica walking hand and hand with a mysterious girl, she was very pretty and tall. 

“Jessica, huh?” I said in disbelief at the fact Jessica who made a study date with me was instead here with a girl who I’ve never met or heard of shopping together…holding hands and playfully flirting with each other. 

“Ah I am so sorry, sorry, I always bump into everything” was all I was hearing now as I continued to watch Jessica laughing and smiling together with this girl. At the moment I wasn’t sure what I felt, of course I admit I felt sadden and jealous, I wish I made her smile and laugh like that but I also felt happiness for Jessica, that there was a possibility of her finding someone special again, someone who would make her happy. 

“Oh my gosh are you okay, I am so sorry” I finally looked away and noticed the person right in front of me. She was totally adorable, she had long straight hair, her banks were covering her face almost, she kept on bowing and apologizing to me. 

“It’s okay” I try to hide my giggle

“No it’s not, I am so sorry” she said, she finally looked up and had this weird expression on her face

“Ack! Kim Taeyeon!” she said loudly, I immediately covered her mouth hoping for her to not draw attention especially by Jessica because I didn’t want Jessica to know I saw her here. 

“Shush” I said “Quiet down” I asked her, she just nodded at me obeying my order. I let go of my hand that covered her mouth

“Kim Taeyeon, so happy to meet you” she squealed quietly

“Ah do I know you” I gave her a questioning look

“Oh you probably don’t remember me but we’ve met not too long ago, in the summer for the art competition as well Min Sun Ye's funeral, she was one of my best friends” she got quiet and looked down, she seemed sadden over the thought of losing her friend and the memories were flooding back

“I did? I am sorry I can’t really remember. Sorry” I apologized sympathetically, She quickly looked up and an instant smile appeared again.

“It’s okay unnie, but enough about thoughts like that. I just want to say congrats to you” she smiled happily, cheering

“What for, I don’t understand what you mean” I asked confused

“What? no one has told you yet, did you not get the package stating that you were the winner of this year’s competiton. You won first prize, everything.” She continued to cheer “ho ho ho ho, so happy for you” 

“What, I did? I didn’t get anything in the mail.” But my mind flashed back to the fact I’ve totally had forgotten about the competition and have yet to check my mail in weeks, seeing the huge pile grow in my room. “Aww thanks for your kindness, but you must be upset you didn’t win” not sure at what to say, I was still stunned

“Yeah of course but what are you going to do, I got second so I didn’t completely lose out. I got some nice pocket money I am going to use for university as well a whole bunch of art supplies for free as well gift certificates. But I sort of knew you would win.” She smiled. I thought how mature and sweet this girl really is

“What do you mean” I asked

“Um well as I was looking at other people’s artwork and no offense to not sound cocky I thought I had it in the bag. But then I came across yours and was wowed, literally awed by it. I love the title to your piece, Heaven and I, it’s simple and sweet. The way you captured the portraiture of that person was amazing” she had sparkle in her eye as she was embarrassing me with her comments. 

“By any chance are you Sun Mi? Sun Mi the girl who drew that amazing artwork called The Moons?” I asked. She just nodded excitingly

“Now you remember me! I feel so honoured” she then grabbed onto me and place me into a hug. I admit I began to blush due to her nature. 

“Kim Taeyeon” I heard from the behind, we both turned to see my mother standing there wondering what I was doing siting on the floor

“Umma” I said as I got up, I helped Sun Mi up as well and helped her gather her things.

“What are you doing, what happened?” she questioned me

“Ah I accidently bumped into a friend” I said looking downward in apology to my mother

“It’s okay, I can go get the milk. I hope you’re friend is okay though” she said peering towards Sun Mi who stood frozen, her bangs were covering her eyes and she seemed to be blushing. I nodded a yes and my mother moved on pass us to pick up the milk

“Sun Mi are you okay?” I asked worried

“Um um um yes I think so” she said nervously

“Are you sure, do you want me to help you with anything” I asked

“No I am okay, just I am touched you called me a friend” she smiled

“Well I do consider you one, I would like to be one” I said smiling happily

“Really” she perked up her eyes widen. I laughed 

“Here give me you’re number we should get together and practise on are techniques together” I said

So we both gave each other are contact info and said our goodbyes. I walked over to my mother who was now in the check out line.

“When were you going to tell me I won” I asked her

“Oh so you know” she smiled proudly at me

Next Day…

Jessica Pov

So I am just going to go into the classroom sit down, explain to Taeyeon the reason why I didn’t show and I am going to act as if I did nothing wrong, I sighed to myself. I slowly opened the door held onto my school bag tightly and sat down in between Yuri and Taeyeon. 

Yuri was busy texting again, while Taeyeon was also busy texting, she had a huge smile on her face today. Today there was absolutely no signs of her sad eyes. She turned to look up at me for a second happily, flashing a bright smile, which even showcased her bottom teeth. I giggled inside; I loved it when she smiled like that. Something good must have happened to her, I was kind of surprised though, I thought she would be mad at me for totally blowing her off yesterday.

“I am sorry about last night” I said turning to Taeyeon who looked up, she nodded letting me know she was okay with it then went back to texting. I stared at her, how come she isn’t scolding me, I deserve it. 

“Um I fell asleep as soon as I got home and by the time I woke up it was late” I said appearing apologetic. She turned to me and place her hand on my back

“It’s okay Jessica, I figured. No need to apologize” she smiled then quickly went back to texting.

“Shouldn’t you be mad at me, I totally blew you off” I continued to stare at her getting frustrated by the texting from both sides

“Ah Sica Taeyeon has good news, that’s why, you should be happy that she isn’t mad” Yuri chimed in

“News what news…and can I ask who are you talking to? I asked

“Um just a friend. But I want to ask you both are you two busy this Saturday?” she said shutting her phone finally. Both Yuri and I said no. Taeyeon smiled

“That is good because I want you guys to come over for a dinner party. To celebrate” she smiled at us both

“On what?” Yuri began to cheer

“It’s a surprise but you two promise me to be at my house at 7 ok?” she said staring intently at us “It’s okay if you bring people to” we both smiled at her and then looked at each other confused at what she wanted but we both thought free food is all good. 

Later on that day in art class…

“Class the final project is due in two days so please and I mean please get them done. I don’t care if you have to stay after school or what not. Just get them done. They account for more then half of you’re grade.” Mr. Kim said out loud to the class. 

I turned to Taeyeon who was busy sculpting out a shape. She again sticks out her tongue concentrating hard. 

“Taeyeon-ah can you help me” I began to pout.. she looked at me, her eyes seemed to be shining brightly as the day goes by. Whatever happened it was something big because for the past days remebering her face all I saw was sadness from them, even looking at old photographs of her I saw pain, all brought on because of me. 

“Jessica what is it?” she said 

“Um can you help me” I pouted some more 

“No” she laughed evily and turned back to her work

“Why not” I said widen my eyes

“Because first you say I need help with this, and then the next you will say I need help with that. You will keep saying that until I do all of you’re work for you” she scolded me jokingly by sticking her tongue out

“So no I won’t do you’re final project for you” she was laughing now. 

“Class by the way I would love to happily announce to the class that one of our own as has won a major art competition, Miss Kim Taeyeon so please applaud her for her work.” He smiled proudly and the whole class then began to whistle and clap for taeyeon. I stared at her she was blushing but bowed to everyone in thanking her. Always so humble and kind, “does she really know how amazing she is” I lowly whispered 

“I am so proud of you, when were you going to tell the gang about this” I asked her as she sat back down

“Well on Saturday, I still plan to as well I have something else to tell you all” she said

“Well how about we tonight go and do something, just the two of us.” I said

“Really?” she questioned she seemed surprised by my invitation

“Yes why not, you’re my best friend why wouldn’t I want to celebrate with you” I told her, placing an arm around her

“Well lately you seem distanced and well I would think you would have plans with someone else” she said asking me, I think she was trying to get at something but I just ignored it

“Kim Taeyeon, I am hanging with you tonight so lets meet up in front of the movie theatre and I will treat you to that movie you wanted to see badly” I told her. She smiled excitedly and we both went back to work. 

Taeyeon’s pov

We had made plans to meet at 8 but instead it was now 11 o’clock when I arrived at Jessica’s house. She had once again ditched me, she never showed up. I had waited for hours for her to arrive but nothing, not even a phone call, just me looking a fool.

“Is Jessica here” I asked 

“No she left at 9 with her…ah friend.” Soo Young replied quick;y covering her mouth

“Huh? What are you talking about, what are you hiding” I said

“nothing, I am not hiding anything.” Soo young seemed to be worried now

“Who is this friend” I asked her sternly

“No one really, just Jessica and her have been hanging out a lot lately. Well almost every night” soo young became silent 

I quickly checked my pockets to look for my phone I saw that it was dead due to the battery and so I turned to Soo Young

“Soo Young can I borrow you’re phone for a second. Just want to call Jessica” I told her. She handed it to me as she went back to watching her show. I dialled her number and heard it ring a couple of times until I heard her pick up

“Hello” I barely heard

“Jessica” I said, hoping she could hear me, there was loud music in the background and voices going on

“Where are you” I asked concerned

“Um Taeyeon is that you” she said 

“Yes, Jessica where are you?” I asked

“Oh I am with some friends. I am so sorry for not telling calling you earlier it just happened by surprise” I heard giggling in the back.

“Jessica are you okay? Where are you” I said worried by the loud noise

“Im at a friends party” she giggled

“On a school night” I was disappointed in her

“Sorry mom” she laughed along with others

“Are you drunk?” I said

“Nooooo, I barely drank anything to be drunk” she said

“Where are you I’ll come get you” I said. I looked up and saw Soo Young hold up a piece of paper with an address. “Jessica I am coming to get you” I told her and hung up.

Both Soo Young and I were concerned with her odd behaviour. On are way there Soo Young had been telling me how weird she had been acting; like going out every night with this girl named Stella and partying.

“So she wasn’t sick?” I asked

“Um if you considering having a hang over every day as sick, yes” she said. 

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, this is not Jessica, not the Jessica I know and love, the Jessica that I grew up with, unless…no? it couldn’t be? I thought

We had arrived at the home and saw the large crowd of people, the music blaring loudly as huge groups congregated outside and the rest inside. We pushed are way through trying to spot Jessica.

We both decided to spilt up, Soo young checking upstairs and I continuing to search downstairs. As we were about to move apart I spotted a figure that was familiar to me, at first glance I wouldn’t have recognized it but as I continued to look at it and walk closer I knew who it was. I grabbed onto Soo Young and pointed to where Jessica was at. 

She was in the corner making out with what it seemed to be the same girl from the supermarket days ago. My eyes kept me from looking away. I stood there frozen, feeling betrayed by my best friend and having my heart pulled out by the one person I loved the most. For the first time I realized what was going on these past two weeks, I realized the honest truth

“Soo Young” I said softly, I heard her question me as she kept watching Jessica make out in the dark corner of the house. 

“Soo Young she knows” I said and walked away, not wanting to watch anymore, if I did I don’t think I would be able to make it out

“What do you mean she knows? Knows what?” Soo Young followed. 

Chapter 12 part 2

“What does she know” Soo Young yelled running towards me

“What else Soo Young” I stopped and glared at her “What is the big secret I’ve been keeping from her” 

“No, she couldn’t have, who would have told? I sure didn’t and I know for a fact that Yeon Hee wouldn’t have.” She said rubbing her head

“It doesn’t matter anymore, it doesn’t change the fact that she knows how I feel about her. Why else would she be acting this way? Why else would she be going out and partying every night for the past two weeks, getting drunk and making out with…” I began to break “why else would she break promises to me, and ignore me.”

“No Taeyeon, don’t think that. Maybe she is acting this way because of something else…her father, lately there’s been lots of tension in the house especially between those two.” Soo Young wrapped her arms around me and held me

“Like what? I made sure everything would be fine” I said quietly 

“What you mean” Soo Young questioning by my surprised confession

“Nothing, forget what I had just said. I just need to go. Jessica knows how I feel and this is her way of telling me she doesn’t feel the same way back” I struggled my way out of Soo Young’s arms and began to walk away

“Taeyeon-ah, Jessica wouldn’t tell you that way. Jessica is you’re best friend and she wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. You really do mean so much to her” Soo Young pleaded behind me

“It’s okay Soo Young, don’t bother. I used to think a lot of things with Jessica, but tonight I don’t know anymore. Tonight I realize there is no reason for me to hold onto hope that Jessica one day will realize she feels the same way as me. Tonight everything has ended.” I began to cry, tears were falling down, I had no reason why, I was lost. 

I thought for the longest time that I was strong enough to handle the truth; I thought I was handling the truth but tonight for some reason inside, I had woken up. I finally saw that Jessica could only be my friend and not a lover. Even though I watched her date other girls over the years, for some reason I kept hope despite me saying otherwise, inside I felt that I still had a chance but tonight seeing her with this girl made it different, watching Jessica making out with this girl had finally destroyed any hope I had left inside of me. 

“Jessica…friends forever, I will stop loving you now” I promised myself.

“Taeyeon-ah, argh” I heard Soo Young who I knew was struggling on whether to follow me or go back in for her cousin

“Soo Young go back, I’ll be fine, what’s important is Jessica getting home safely. So go on, I’ll be ok” I told her, I wiped my tears away and began to run away. 

“Taeyeon-ah, wait. Don’t go, you two can sort this out” she yelled. But I kept on running, not wanting to stay anywhere near that house. 

Next day…

“Oh my head” I winced as I saw the bright sun shine on me

“Wakey wakey sleephead” was all I heard

“Huh Taeyeon” I said not sure of who it was

“No you’re second worst nightmare” the voice said

“Soo Young, what are you doing, let me sleep” I said

“No deal, get up and go to school” she said as she then began to pull me by my arms out of bed and drag me on the floor to the washroom

“What are you doing, I don’t feel good” I whined

“I am so surprised. But either way you’re going to school. Whether I have to join you in the bathtub and get you changed my self” she was lecturing me “Just because you think you can go out and get drunk every night does not mean you can ditch school or you’re friends because you got a hangover or you decided to go through a late teenage rebellion” she pulled me inside the bathroom and placed me on the toilet seat leaving me to take care of myself. 

“seriously how did you get involved with a girl like Stella Kim, didn’t I warn you about her and her friends” Soo Young said as she shut the door on me making sure a loud bang followed

“Soo Young, owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww” I yelled holding my head in pain due to the hangover

As I arrived at school, I found myself trying to remember what occurred last night. I honestly didn’t remember. All i remember was hearing Taeyeon’s voice, her sweet voice and then Stella bringing me more drinks and then seeing Soo Young pulling me away from Stella’s arms. 

“What have I done, what have I’ve become” the only person that was running in my mind was Taeyeon; I knew I once again broke a promise. But I couldn’t tell her the reason why, this was something I had to bare alone, I had to learn to be on my own because I shouldn’t let Taeyeon feel like she always had to take care of me

I stood outside the door once again, watching Yuri and Taeyeon talk; the conversation though seemed to be one sided as Taeyeon seemed to be distracted. My mind flashed back to the phone call. I winced at remembering the pain I had put her through

I slowly opened the door and made my way to my seat. 

“Hey sica” yuri smiled happily. I just nodded and lightly smiled back at her. All the while I avoided my eyes from looking at Taeyeon

“Hi Jessica” taeyeon said not giving off any emotion. I looked at her and saw that she had been crying, her eyes still were red and a bit puffy. 

“Hi” I said softly, feeling such shame at my behaviour

The rest of the class it was silent, well at least on my and Taeyeon’s end. we didn’t talk at all to each other. She just sat there and listened to Yuri go on and on about how she was mad at Yoona for eating her bread. 

When the class ended Yuri quickly got up and left leaving both taeyeon and I alone together, most of students had cleared the class room, so the room had gone silent

“Um what are you doing” I asked

“Waiting for you” she said facing the front of the room, not even bothering to turn around to look at me

“Oh...why” I said surprised considering I would’ve stormed off it I did something like that 

“Why else, to walk to class together” she said softly “but if being my friend is so hard then I’ll go” 

“Taeyeon-ah don’t, I want to apologize to you for hurting you lately. I don’t mean to…it’s just that there is a lot that is going on right now” I was about to finish when taeyeon interrupted me

“Stop it” she stated strongly “Please Jessica just stop it” she turned to look at me for the second time today “There is no need for you to apologize I understand. But all I ask is for you to do me this one favour. I never ask for anything, but please promise this….please show up on Saturday, it is very important that you do. It is vital, especially if you want our relationship and I to mean anything, you will show. So show up Jessica, do not lie and blow me off again.” Her eyes were red and getting wet now, tears were now beginning to rise from her. I wasn’t sure how to react, I was confused by her requests, considering I expected her to yell and scream at me but instead she was asking me to make her a promise. I stared at her for a couple of minutes and nodded my head

“I promise Taeyeon I will show up on Saturday” I said sternly and then we both walked out together in silence. 

I got home and it seemed like once again it was empty. My mother off shopping, my sister probably at her best friend’s house and Soo Young probably off eating somewhere. I looked around wondering if anyone was home but didn’t care to look closely; all I wanted to do for the whole day was lye in my bed and sleep. I was heading up to my room when I heard my father call my name asking for me to join him in the living room

I followed him, as he then sat down in his favourite chair

“How have you been” he asked crossing his legs

“Since when do you care” I scoffed looking away

“Don’t take that tone with me” he stated strongly as he seemed to rise a little at the fact that I did not care for him “Of course I care, you’re my daughter” 

“Only through marriage” I glared, turning away from him “Hurry up and tell me what you want” 

“How are things with you and Stella? I hope going well, I did hear some things about what occurred last night” he smirked

“Everything is fine, and frankly it is none of you’re business” I said all I wanted to do was leave

“That is good, like I said all I do is need you to remain chummy with Stella until her father signs that contract, and then you can go off living happily like before with no worries about you’re mother and you’re sister” he smiled. 

I just walked away ashamed and disgusted at him and at myself. The night when I saw Taeyeon and Soo Young enter inside the house, my mind immediately went to what Yeon Hee had said

“Jessica doesn’t deserve you” those words spoken so strongly had repeated over and over for the past weeks, engraving into my head and allowing me to believe in it more. when I look back on my relationships with people Taeyeon was the most loyal and biggest supporter, what makes me think I am even up to her level, I was beneath her. It was true, Yeon Hee was right I never deserved someone like her. Taeyeon deserved better and I was going to make sure she found someone better. 

So I did the only thing I could think of and that was kiss Stella, but what I didn’t take into account was Stella kissing me back. Making what I was hoping for as an innocent kiss turn into something worse and not what I had wanted at all. But then again, it had got the job done it made Taeyeon realize I am not good enough for her. All I could do is wish she meets someone who could treat her as the amazing person she really is. But the instant my mind turned to Taeyeon with someone else made my heart ache and shatter. 

“I couldn’t have fallen for you, you’re my best friend, that’s all you ever been to me” I sighed running up the stairs and into my bedroom. 

Chapter 13

I ran out of the hotel in tears, I was holding onto my heels as I ran outside barefoot, regretting what I had just done.

“Jessica is this where you’ve been?” I heard a loud roar in front of me, I held back my tears for a second to look up and see my cousin staring at me in rage

“What do you want” I said as I tried to avoid her, walking away “I need to go” 

“That place better be to Taeyeon’s house” she said

“Of course it is” I said, she was walking behind me now “I have to go apologize for what I’ve done to her, for her hurting her so much” as I said that I felt my body give out and I collapsed onto the ground. In that second I felt my cousin’s arms wrap around me holding me tightly. 

“Sica what did you do, why are you like this, what is going on, tell me” she said softly into my ear

“I can’t I am too ashamed, you will never forgive me and Taeyeon most of all will never forgive me” I screamed into the night crying. 

“What makes you think that, whatever you did or have done will never be enough for both of us to hate you, none of you’re friends will hate you and most of all Taeyeon” she said still holding tightly onto me

“You don’t understand, I broke my promise to her and now everything is over” I cried

“Shhh no, you should know by now how much Taeyeon loves you, go to go her, she will forgive you. She loves you”

“No she told me if I don’t show up tonight that it shows her how much I mean to her, that our relationship depended on it. Soo Young I messed up and I hurt her” I cried into her arms “It’s true I don’t deserve her” 

“Jessica do you honestly believe that she will stop loving you, do you not see how much she cares for you, how long she has loved you? She has done a lot of things, things you don’t even know for you. Trust me she won’t hate you” she began to pet my hair “Taeyeon loves you with everything”

“But I broke our promise….” I trailed off

“Jessica if taeyeon didn’t love then how come she was the one who paid for Sun Ye's surgery?" she said

I stopped crying, sniffling back, "did i just hear you right?" i sniffed 

"Yes you did, it took some digging but i found out that it was Taeyeon and not you're father who did. And how long has it been since you been to Sun Ye’s memorial? Did you know every two weeks Taeyeon goes there bringing flowers to her in honour of you.” I sat there listening, my tears stopping and my mind shocked at what I was hearing “And do you know why she did this Jessica? Do you not see why she does everything for you, it’s because she loves you and she understood how important Sun Ye was to you so that mean that Sun Ye was important to her” my tears were coming down again “Taeyeon loves you, so go to her…fight for you’re relationship” 

We both got up; Soo Young still held onto me, we both decided that she would take me to Taeyeon’s house to go see her and tell her everything; from what was going on these weeks to my true feelings.

As I felt the air run through my hair, I felt calm, my mind flashing to Taeyeon’s smile and her voice singing in my head, I knew as long Taeyeon loved me there would still be hope. But this time I had to be the one to do the loving and to fight.

“So can I ask you what happened at the hotel” Soo Young said as she continued on driving me. 

“Nothing except I finally realized that I am in love with Taeyeon and I don’t want to lose her” I said softly and closed my eyes letting the wind wash through my hair “please Taeyeon don’t let this be the end”]

Chapter 13 part 2

I stood there; when I had arrived at Taeyeon’s house her mother opened the door for me and let me know that Taeyeon was in the back yard sitting at the table waiting. I quickly scurried my way to the back to see Taeyeon silently sitting there, her eyes dazed. I saw no tears or any sign of emotion from her; she sat still, like she was frozen in time. 

“Taeyeon” I said. I stepped closer towards her with my hand out, she looked up at me, her eyes becoming wet

“So you finally show” she then stood up, she was wearing a gorgeous black dress. It was what I got for her for Christmas last year as a joke because Taeyeon hated wearing stuff like that

“Taeyeon I am so sorry, I am so so sorry” I started to cry as I began to move closer

“Don’t, stop it” she backed away “I asked you, I told you, I made you promise me” her eyes becoming red and her posture becoming stern “You lied to me, I want to know why” she screamed

“Taeyeon calm down and let me explain, just sit” I said motioning to the chair

“No, I don’t want to hear it. Jessica I want you to listen” she pointed at me her voices barely audible 

“Why are you hurting me so much, why? What did I ever do to you” she cried harder 

“Taeyeon” I said as I ran to her, I quickly grabbed onto her, pulling her body toward me letting her lean onto me. I wanted to be the strong person Taeyeon deserved; I wanted to take care of her like she has done for me. We stood there standing still for a while we both continued to crying and holding onto each other tightly

As I listened to her muffle her tears back I knew it was the right time to tell her everything. Why I had become so distanced, why all the broken promises and that kissing she saw, I needed to tell her that it meant nothing and that my heart belongs to her. 

I was about to back away and speak up when I felt Taeyeon’s body let go and move away, she then lightly placed her hands onto my arms and gently set me into a chair. Taeyeon was still standing, wiping away her tears but she seemed determined to say something…

“Jessica I know that you know the truth of how I feel and it is quite obvious how you feel about it and about me. Judging by what has been going on lately” she cleared her throat “But I have been a fool to think that you would feel the same way as I do to you so-“ 

“Taeyeon you’re misunderstanding, please let me explain” I interrupted

“Jessica please let me talk, It is important that I do this” she looked at me. In my heart I wasn’t sure what was going to happen but my heart began to ache

“As I was saying it is fine that you don’t feel the same way but I wish you would have been okay enough to come and talk to me about it, instead of…” she took a breath “Either way I am going to move on and try to get over my feelings. But one thing I hope for the most is to continue being best friends like we said we would because…” 

The second she said that my heart had ripped apart, I needed to tell her if I didn’t it will be too late

“Taeyeon, listen” I said lowly, she was still talking not hearing me “Taeyeon let me explain, let me tell you the truth” I said louder. 

I looked up at her staring straight into her eyes for a long second and at the same time as I was going to tell her I loved her and that I didn’t want to be just friends anymore and the only thing I want is to love her she told me…

“I am going to Paris” 

And in that moment my heart stopped and the words I wanted to tell her jumped back inside

“Wha..what?” stood there shocked and confused, not sure if I had heard right.

“Next year I am going to Paris to study abroad, it was part of the prize I had won through the contest” she stated “And that is why I hope we can both get past this and continue to be friends. I don’t want to lose you as my friend” she said looking deep into my eyes. I could tell she was trying to read me. 

I wasn’t sure what to do or how do react, I was in pain. That was all I knew, but I remembered what kind of person she was and what she had done for me, all the sacrifices. So I walked slowly towards her trying to hold in my tears and my true feeling inside and I told her that I was happy for her…

“Taeyeon congratulations, I am so…so happy for you” I pretended to smiled as I wrapped my arms around her. My eyes were becoming watery, but I tried to play them off as tears of happiness rather tears of sadness. “Of course we can be friends, like I’ve always said and what we both promised each other friends forever” 

I don’t deserve Taeyeon and this is what is best for her. It was her dream come true to study art in Paris. In the end, instead of confessing my true feelings I instead decided to be Taeyeon’s best friend and give her what she deserved and this is what it is, It wasn’t my love because I am not good enough for her. Letting Taeyeon go to Paris was the best thing I could ever give to her. 

the end

Chapter 14

Time had past and once again the school year had finally ended, it was odd how things changed in a matter of months. 

Yuri and I were finding ourselves back to the way we were before our relationship. We were now always hanging out, going to see movies, or off on some random adventure because Yuri just needed to experience that, or needed to take a picture with that weird statue. It was great times once again; I had one of my best friends back.

Even though Yuri and I were once again hanging out more, the sad thing was Taeyeon and I were drifting apart. The girl who I would talk to everyday on the phone and at school was now fading out of my life.

We saw each other was everyday during class where she would for the past how many years of our life sit beside each other, but that was the most it amounted to. Instead of lengthy chatting over clothes, people we thought were cute, or the latest music and so on, Taeyeon and I would chat as peers and not as best friends, most of the time I felt as if Taeyeon and I listened to Yuri blabber on. 

Taeyeon though wasnâ??t by herself she now was hanging out with different people, she had become very close to Sun Mi (who are now like bff) when I found that out I thought what a small world we have. I noticed that she and tiffany were hanging out a lot more now too. As well Soo Young and her were spending more time together I think it had a lot to due to Soo Young being disappointed in me in how I handled things between taeyeon and I and how I didnâ??t admit my true feelings to her. But also I think Soo Young enjoyed the fact in setting up people on dates, she constantly set up Taeyeon with many of her friends, her model FRIENDS!!! I wasnâ??t sure if this was to help Taeyeon or to make me jealous either way it was working. 

Since Taeyeon had decided to go to Paris to study abroad the whole gang thought it would be fitting that we spend our last summer all together, which meant no going off vacationing to other countries, no going away to camp and so on. We all decided for the next two months of our summer vacation we would spend together living at Yuriâ??s family beach house. It was as you would say our last goodbye, considering in the fall it would be our last year all together, we would all be separating for good, or at least some of us. 

I knew Tiffany wanted to go study back in the states, she offered me to join her but I still wasnâ??t sure what I wanted all I knew was I wanted to move out of the house, I couldnâ??t stand living with that man anymore and Soo Young offered to join me in sharing a condo. Hyo was also debating studying in the states or staying in Seoul, while Yuri was definitely staying, she wanted to wait for Yoona and of course Taeyeon who was already set on moving to Paris in the fall leaving everyone behind early. 

The Last Goodbye Beginsâ?¦

Yuriâ??s Pov

I was running around all morning trying to get everything in order to make sure everything was perfect.

I had everything planned out, I just needed to make sure everything went off as I planned it out to be.

â??This has to work, it is the only wayâ? I thought to myself

Jessicaâ??s Pov

Taeyeon was driving us all to Yuriâ??s house; also tagging along was us was her new best friend Sun Mi, she had decided to join us for the first month because Taeyeon had constantly been bragging about the amazing scenery and the how amazing the night sky was up at the beach house. So it was only fitting that Sun Mi had wanted to join because the two would be able to practise there skills togehter. 

I sat in the back beside Soo Young who was playing on her DS and eating a bag of chips. While Taeyeon and her were enjoying themselves laughing at whatever they were talking about. I looked out the window trying to block out the image of the two. 

â??Seriously who invited herâ? I thought. â??I swear she had a boyfriend? Is the world turning gay?â? I know I am jealous and evil, I admit it. 

â??Ouchâ? I yelled out loud, everyone was looking at me. I just nodded my head in embarrassment, and the second Sun Mi and taeyeon looked away I turned to look at Soo young, and she just eyed me

â??I know what youâ??re thinking Jessica, Taeyeon is happy and trying to move on from the past. So let she and Sun Mi beâ? we continued to eye talk each other

â??Like I was going to do anything to her, but why did she have to invite her, like it wasnâ??t already awkward enough between Taeyeon and me.â?

â??Sun Mi means a lot to Taeyeon, she deserves to spend time with Taeyeon. Remember everyone is losing her not just youâ? Soo Young became soft and my eyes saddened by the truth

â??Jessica stop being so selfish, Taeyeon does a lot for others and especially for you, It is not my fault that you didnâ??t take youâ??re chance when you had it. So if Taeyeon wantsâ?? to invite Sun Mi then she can. Heck if Taeyeon wantsâ?? to invite the circus I am gameâ? Soo Young was now flailing her arms around. 

â??I hope you know that since weâ??re not talking out loud, you moving youâ??re arms around like that make you look crazyâ? I smirked at her, she now giving me the evil eye

â??Seriously though are they dating?â? my eyes becoming softer. Soo Young was about to answer but our eye talk got interrupted by none other then Taeyeon

â??Yah stupidâ??s, just because Sun Mi canâ??t understand the eye talk, doesnâ??t mean I canâ??t. So stop talking about me. My relationship with Sun Mi is none of youâ??re businessâ? she looked at us both with a strong glare

We both stopped our conversation and went back to silence, my eyes once again watching every car or tree past by. In the background all I could hear was laughter radiating from Taeyeon and Sun Mi. 

â??I hate you Kim Taeyeon why donâ??t you see what you are doing to meâ? I whispered â??Did you really move onâ?

As the car pulled up, I could already see Tiffany and Hyo waving at us and could see Yoona and Yuri approaching the car hand to hand, the two were giggling. Yuri then picked scooped up some ice from the cooler and tried to shove it down yoonaâ??s shirt. Tiffany and Hyo just kept laughing, Yoona though didnâ??t seem amused but her displeasure immediately changed once Yuri gave her a kiss on her cheek to apologize. 

We got out from the car to greet the others, Yuri ran up to me and Taeyeon and grabbed a hold of us both, and she wrapped her arms around our shoulders making us enter into a threesome which was really awkward. 

â??So happy my best friends are here, we are going to have such a good timeâ? she was jumping like a little doggie

â??Yuri I am lonelyâ? Yoona cutely whined, yuri then ran back to wrap her arms around her girl. I admit the couple were cute but sometimes it can be too much to see and I could see Taeyeon had agreed with me because she was doing a gagging sound, which mad me chuckle inside. But since Yuri had left to go stand beside Yoona again, that left me and Taeyeon together.

â??Aw look perfect, room partners are standing together. So it is agreed, that Soo Young and Sun Mi is it? Are going to share a room, Tiffany and Hyo are and Taeyeon and Sica?â? Yuri looked around, everyone seemed to nod okay except for Taeyeon and I. 

â??NO!â? I blabbed out, everyone turning to give me a blank stare â??Yah! You two shouldnâ??t be together who knows what you two will do, when itâ??s late at nightâ? I said pointing at Yuri and Yoona suspiciously

â??What makes you think we already havenâ??t done itâ? Yuri sticking out her tongue. 

In that moment I saw Yoona place her finger to her mouth shushing everyone and with her other hand holding a huge piece of ice, Yuri was about to turn around but it was to late. Yoona had already shoved it down her top causing Yuri to squeal. Everyone then busted out laughing at Yuriâ??s expression.

â??Serves you right for what you did to meâ? Yoona said but then bent down lower to give Yuri a kiss. 

â??See all meltedâ? she smiled staring straight at Yuri who couldnâ??t stay mad.

Everyone filed into the vehicles and we went on our way, hoping to make it up to the beach house before nightfall. This time though instead of Taeyeon at the front, it was Soo Young which left me and Taeyeon alone in the back. 

â??Going to be a long two monthsâ? I heard taeyeon whisper, I looked down sadden by her words, but she was right taeyeon and Iâ?¦what were taeyeon and i?

Chapter 15

Finally we had made it, the car trip there was spent with laughter in the front and silence in the back. It was all due to both Taeyeon and I falling asleep, first I did but woke up when Soo Young hit some bad roads and the car started to swerve a little.

Then after an hour Taeyeon had fallen asleep, I spent the rest of the drive watching her sleep peacefully. I remember whenever she would sleep over at my house, whenever I couldnâ??t sleep due to Taeyeonâ??s poor sleeping pattern or I like to call them night mares. She would some times yell out â??Helloâ? or â??Yesâ? every now and then I would just end up watching her. It amused me and then sooner or later I to would fall asleep. 

As I had watched her she held onto her sketch book tightly hugging it to her chest while a pencil barely hanging out from her fingers lay on top of the book. The car became silent but was suddenly filled with a slight sound of a snore. Everyone looked to see Taeyeon snore, Sun Mi then looked at me through the mirror and said â??I admit I wanted to room with Taetae but now that I am listening to that, I am happy you get toâ? she started to laugh along with Soo Young. I looked away wanting to slap her adorable face, â??How dare you insult my Taeyeonâ? I said to myself. 

Arrival 10 pm

â??Sica here is youâ??re love nest with your sweetie Taeyeonâ? Yuri smirking, after that night between Taeyeon and I, Taeyeon had decided to come out to her family and friends though we both decided to keep Taeyeon having feelings for me a secret. I on the other hand decided that I needed to tell someone about mine and I chose Yuri who I knew would understand me completely to divulge my secret with. But since the day I told her I find Yuri always trying to put me in an awkward situation with Taeyeon. 

Yuri like Soo Young had been trying to push me to tell Taeyeon the truth and I had over the months wanted to just yell it out to her but I just couldnâ??t bring myself to do it. It was hard to, whenever someone would mention the word Paris her eyes would light up and if I told her about my feelings I know what she would do and I didnâ??t want her to do that especially for me. 

â??Yuri yah!â? I smacked her on the arm glaring, knowing full well that if people found out about it I would kill her. Looking at the door it was obvious that Yuri had planned on Taeyeon and I rooming together judging by the name plates hanging on the door. 

â??I think she is helping Sun Mi with her bagsâ? Yuri said â??But donâ??t worry Sica, I can help you with yoursâ? she winked

â??No thank you, I didnâ??t pack too much anyway. So itâ??s nothing I canâ??t handleâ? I said flexing as I walk down when I saw taeyeon lugging up two leather brown bags

â??Hey those are mineâ? I said pointing at her

â??I knowâ? she said and continued to walk pass me and straight towards room. â??Can you open the doorâ? she asked. I quickly walked past her and clicked open the door happily

â??Oh crapâ? I said out loud

â??What, whatâ??s wrong?â? she said with concern 

â??uh there is oneâ?¦ bedâ? I said

â??What?!â? taeyeon yelled

1 second latterâ?¦

â??Yuri YAH!â? we both yelled

While most of the girls wanted to go downstairs to watch a movie I instead wanted to go to bed. I stared at the single queenâ??s sized bed that I would be sharing with Taeyeon for the next two months. On the surface I had acted as if I disliked the idea and was angry at Yuri for doing that to us but truthfully I was happy and not because of the reason you think I might be, well maybe a little. But the reason why it made me happy was it reminded me of old times, whenever Taeyeon and I would have sleepovers at each other houses we would always sleep in the same bed together and talk till dawn, well at least try to because you know how I can be when it comes to sleep. 

As I stared off into my thoughts, I realized Taeyeon was standing behind me in her pjâ??s and brushing her teeth. I turned to look at her questioningly

â??Are you going to bed to?â? I asked, she raised her hand motioning for me to wait and walked out. No longer then 30 seconds she had already come back and started to unravel a sleeping bag

â??Ah what are you doingâ? I asked her

â??Getting ready for bedâ? she said continuing on

â??But why the sleeping bagâ? I questioned

â??Um so I can sleep inâ? she smiled lightly

â??Why, do you not want to share with me?â? I asked, she immediately looked up surprised at me. I blushed lightly

â??Well wouldnâ??t it be awkwardâ? she stopped unravelling for a minute

â??No, Iâ??m fine with sleeping with youâ?¦ah I mean sleeping with you together on the same bedâ? I was becoming warm

â??Are you sureâ? she hesitated to say. 

I walked closer to her and placed my hand onto hers and pulled her away from the sleeping bag

â??Of course, it is also unfair if one of us gets the bed and the other the floor as well I am used to you sharing a bed with meâ? I went silent

â??Oh, wellâ?¦if youâ?¦feel that way. If you donâ??t mind, do you want to share the bedâ? she nervously asked me

I nodded my head but not too excitedly because I didnâ??t want to show Taeyeon how happy I was

â??Okay then, I guess we are sharing a bedâ? she then walked over to the right side and awkwardly slipped in between the sheets. I couldnâ??t help but laugh inside as I watched how dorky she looked. I then followed suit but instead of the right I walked to the far side and got in between the sheets. As we both laid there you could sense tension between us. It was a mix and hard to decipher what it was, I just knew I was scared and happy at the same time

â??Um I promise I wonâ??t do anythingâ? she said regretting at what she just said because it just made the tension even worse. She then began to place one of the extra pillows in between us but I immediately stopped her by grabbing onto her hands and pulling them toward me and laying both of our hands on my stomach. I held onto them tightly

â??Itâ??s okay Taeyeon, I am used to you like thisâ? I said and looked away not letting go of her hands, I could tell she was trying to remove them but I held onto them tighter as she tried to pull away.

â??Jessica I donâ??t want to make you feel uncomfortable around meâ? she said sighing â??So I will ask one of the girls to switch roomsâ?

â??No, who said I wanted that. Taeyeonâ?¦I want to share a room with you. Do you not realize that I am most comfortable with you?â? 

â??Are you seriousâ? she sounded shock as we both lay there in the dark, only the light shining through the window

â??Of course, did you know when you slept over sometimes; I would have a night mare and couldnâ??t get back to sleep. But what I always did that would settle me back down was watch you sleep.â? I giggled lightly â??Or I would listen to youâ??re pig like snoreâ? at the moment we both laughed â??Itâ??s like a nice lullabyâ? I laughed harder

â??I donâ??t know whether to feel happy or insulted by thatâ? taeyeon added laughing.

â??I am happy we are sharing a room togetherâ? I said turning my head to face hers. She also turned and smiled happily 

â??Me too Jessicaâ? 

â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦ was silence for a bit, I knew I couldnâ??t get to sleep, which was a surprise to both taeyeon and I because no matter what I usually can sleep through anything. But for some reason my eyes just wouldnâ??t close. I felt nervous sleeping next to Taeyeon; I never used to feel this way before, 

â??Jessica what are you thinking aboutâ? 

â??what makes you think I am thinkingâ?

â??Well usually youâ??re the first to sleep but right now youâ??re not and I am trying to get to sleep but I canâ??t cause of youâ??re thinkingâ? she lightly chuckled

â??Oh I am sorryâ? I sincerely said 

â??Whatâ??s wrongâ? she became serious all of a sudden

Silence again fell upon the roomâ?¦

â??I am going to miss youâ? I said, Iâ??ve wanted to tell her this for a long while but it was hard to consideringâ?¦but now was the perfect chance to tell her, â??I mean I really really am going to miss youâ? I let go of her hand and turned on my side away from her.

â??I will miss you to Jessica, I miss you even nowâ? she said I could suddenly feel her body closer to mine but then backing off

â??You doâ? I said I slightly turned back towards her

â??Of course, Jessica youâ??re my best friendâ? I cringed at those words, my heart sank deeper, I thought is this how Taeyeon felt every time I said those two words to her? I went back listening to her

â??weâ??ve grown apart and over the months Iâ??ve missed you everyday cause of it.â? She paused â??But I am happy that weâ??re here together nowâ? I turned to face her sweet smile

â??Jessicaâ? taeyeon happily sat up and turned on the light

â??taeyeonâ? I said as copied her actions, she just laughed and gave me a joking glare

â??Lets make a deal, a deal to start over as best friends. A deal that we will have a great summer together and we wonâ??t let the past interfere with our futureâ? she then stuck out her hand â??What do you thinkâ? she had a wide smile. 

I stared at her, she had this huge smile for the first time in a long time and it was directed towards me. Most of her smiles lately in the past months were all fake when she was around me. But tonight her smile was different it wasâ?¦sincere and honest. 

Did you really move on Taeyeon, do you love someone else and not me anymore? Those questions were running through my head at I stared into Taeyeonâ??s eyes, at that moment I would say my mind was saying do the right thing while everything else was telling me to just kiss her. Just then I saw the door open and Sun Mi walk in, she quickly walked toward Taeyeon and sat down beside her. She then leaned in to give her a light peck on the cheek; Taeyeon was turning a slight red when she did. 

I would be lying if I said I didnâ??t want to tear Sun Mi away from Taeyeon and tell her where to go. But I finally saw the happiness she brought her and decided to keep everything in.

â??Unnie the movie the girls decided to watch is scaryâ? she began to pout â??Come down and protect meâ? she smiled 

â??Ok, I will take care of youâ? she said and began to walk with Sun Mi holding each others hands. 

As I watched them I knew what I had to do, so I got up and ran to Taeyeon and Sun Mi who both looked surprised as they turned

â??You have a deal, I mean a promiseâ? I said giving her a barely there smile and a shaky hand, I was trying my hardest to hold in the tears I was feeling

The next morning I could feel the hot sun emit through the large windows, the covers had been pulled away and as my eyes began to wake I saw none other then the black pearl herself 

â??Yuri, what are you doingâ? I yawned at her

â??Nothing, just sitting here and waiting for you.â? she smiled

I looked around to see no one else

â??Where is Taeyeon?â? I asked as I got up

â??Oh she is with Sun Mi and everyone else down at the beachâ? she smiled 

â??And why are you here, and not with youâ??re Yoonaâ? I asked wondering 

â??Why canâ??t I wait for a friend? Besides Yoona is with them sheâ??ll be fine without me for a bitâ? 

I looked at her, she was acting weird lately. I hope everything is okay with her

â??How long have you been waitingâ? I asked her

â??Well for an hourâ? she looked up trying to remember

â??You should have just left meâ? I said feeling guilty

â??Now why would I want to do that, I had loads of fun listening to you moan Taeyeonâ??s name for the last hourâ? she began to giggle and run out the door but stopped turning to look back in â??Sica you should really take a quick shower you look a little hotâ? 

â??Yuri YAH!!!!!â? I screamed as I began to run after her. 

Chapter 16

It was a week into the first month of summer and it surely seemed that things were getting back to normal between taeyeon and I, though most of the time we spent together was at night while Sun Mi and her would spend most of the time together during the day. I honestly didn’t mind it because I enjoyed where it was the two of us alone. It was fun staying up late and just talking with her, one of the best things you can do when you’re friends with her is talk, our late night talks ranged from past to present memories between us to mindless random drabble of nothing and the only reason we talk about it is because we just didn’t want to fall asleep yet. 

I stared at Taeyeon and Sun Mi together sitting on the beach playing in the sand. At the moment the girls all decided to make Tiffany into a beautiful mushroom mermaid but were having loads of trouble because Tiffany couldn’t sit still for one second and kept begging for someone to itch her nose. 

“If you stare long enough I think you might just burn a hole through Taeyeon’s bathing suit. Oh wait I think that is what you want isn’t it” Yuri interrupted me with her giggle, I just scoffed and went back to reading my book but I more or less was just staring at it. 

“What makes you think I was looking at Taeyeon in the first place” I smirked and began to eye Yoona who was wearing a very small two piece

“Yah Sica! How dare you” she was about to smack me with her hand but I quickly got up and began to run away, I still had my head facing her watching her as she was charging towards me like one of the bulls you saw in Spain; i laughed her face was really red “Sica you’re dead” she screamed, I turned away to look straight a head but ending up colliding into something instead. I was on top rubbing my head because of the light pain I felt. 

When I opened my eyes I saw that it was Taeyeon whose head was turned at the side with her eyes closed, looking very vulnerable and helpless. My face instantly turned red at the realization that I was on top of Taeyeon half naked and of course it didn’t help that Taeyeon was making these moaning noises cause of the pain she felt. I watched her for a couple of seconds when she slowly turned to face me with her eyes open, I swear I saw her eyes bulge out the moment she saw that it was me and her face had instantly turned red when she saw that I was staring at her

“Uh I am sorry” I quickly got off of her looking away in embarrassment, she was also sitting up now and was looking away in embarrassment

“It’s okay, we both didn’t see where we were going” she stated, I could tell we were both nervous and mortified at what just happened

“Ah well I am just going to go back to my seat to read my book because I like my book, it’s a good book” I said as I shyly hung my head down still embarrassed especially about the thoughts that flashed in my mind when I was on top of her

“Ah me too, I think I am going to go stand over there because of the water, I like water because it’s blue...yea” she said and began to stand over where the water barely hit her toes. 

As I walked back to my chair I saw Yuri and Soo Young laughing they’re butts off at us pointing at me

“Wae o wae” I yelled at them but they kept on laughing “Oh shut up” I said in English plopping my body back into my chair and placing my book over my head all I wanted to do was scream at them and at myself. 

I was lying in my bed continuing to read, I decided to leave the girls at the beach early today. I just felt like spending time alone. As I read I could feel my eyelids begin to shut but suddenly was woken up again once I heard the door open and slam shut. It was taeyeon, who seemed to be upset at the moment as she tightly held onto her phone and walking back and forth. 

“Is everything okay” I asked wondered, she looked toward me finally suddenly regretting the fact she had interrupted my alone time

“Oh sorry Jessica, I totally forgot that you’d be in here. I didn’t mean to bother you’re nap, I’ll go” she looked sad but also frustrated

“Taeyeon are you okay” I asked again

“Not really but nothing I can’t handle” she gave out a wry smile

“Do you want to talk about it” I asked hoping I could offer my shoulder like the many times she had done for me

“um” she stood there for a moment debating whether or not to “only if you promise to keep this to your self and not tell anyone especially Sun Mi” she lightly smiled. I just nodded my head 

“Well” she then sat onto our bed facing me, she was getting closer and leaning in. I thought whatever this is her secret must be very important to her. 

“Well you see, i got a phone call from the bank refusing my request for a loan and that my trust fund had been frozen making it worthless until I am 21” she sighed, I knew exactly why the bank had frozen her money, it was all because of me “I guess my father got angry at me for spending too much of it on makeup.” She was lying to me, she still did not know I knew the truth, I figured if she wanted me to know then she would tell me on her own terms. i gave her a guilty smile as i watched her continue on

“Sun Mi was given scholarship money to go towards any school of her choice and I know that she to has had her heart set on the Paris Art school. Hence the whole reason she competed in the competition in the first place. So I thought to show her my gratitude and what she means to me, I thought I would help her pay for it but…” she looked sad “I guess my plan went down the drain….Ah well there goes my surprise to her” she smiled trying to play it off as nothing. I could tell though behind it she was upset that she couldn’t help Sun Mi

“She really means a lot to you doesn’t she” I asked, I felt bad for Taeyeon “I am sure that you will think of a way to help her though” I placed my hand on her shoulder to offer her my support and then began to brush her hair. “I can try to see if I can help” I said. Taeyeon then looked up and nodded no to my offer

“It’s okay; besides knowing Sun Mi she wouldn’t want to take a hand out, so it was a stupid pointless idea in the first place” she sighed frustrated

We sat there in silence, I knew that this was the perfect opportunity to repay Taeyeon for her loyal friendship but I wasn’t sure how I would be able to, like Taeyeon my trust fund was untouchable until I turned 21, that was written in stone by my grandmother who left both my sister and I our own funds in her will. And it was obvious I couldn’t go to my father for help considering what happened last time and combined with the fact that I hated him to much. 

“Aw please smile, I am sure you will think of something you’re a smart girl Taeyeon” I said smirking as I began to poke her cheek trying to get her mind off of this “Besides you have me” I kept poking her cheek, she always hated it when I did this to her and i could now tell she was beginning to get irritated 

“Jessica stop it” she tried to not smile but I could tell she was couldn’t handle anymore through the tiny giggle she gave out “Jessica stop or else” she warned as she turned her body away from me pretending to be mad. But that didn’t stop me from doing it. Instead of poking at her cheeks I now was poking her at the sides of her waist which I knew bothered her even more. I was giggling hard because I knew how much she hated it when people touched her there, she was trying to squirm away but I made sure to grab onto her pulling her into my lap and started to tickle her. 

Now that Taeyeon and I had agreed to start over again as friends I found it hard not to be playful with her, even though I knew it was wrong considering Taeyeon and Sun Mi were together I couldn’t help myself whenever I was with her especially when we were alone together. 

Taeyeon was laughing but I quickly stopped as I immediately found a pair of eyes on us. 

“Hi cousin” I said as taeyeon quickly got off the bed and stood up from me

“Hi you two, how are things going” she tried to ignore what she just saw “everyone was wondering if you wanted to eat at home or out” at the same time both Taeyeon and I said

“It’s doesn’t matter to us” we both looked at each other surprised and then looked away. I could see Soo Young trying not to grin

“Okay well I’ll let you guys know what the rest of us vote on” she then walked away but quickly peeked in again “enjoy whatever it was you were doing before” 

My face became red at what Soo Young was trying to insinuate. I turned away and lay back down, I could feel Taeyeon turn to look at me but she then decided to leave the room which left me alone once again, and all I wanted to do was scream. 

Taeyeon’s Pov

I was happy to have the whole summer to spend with my closes friends; it was such a surprise when Yuri came up with the idea in the first place especially since the whole purpose was cause of me. At first I admit I was not to eager at the idea considering that Jessica and I would be rooming together but ever since we made our deal I felt everything was back to normal and was happy with that. We were talking to each other a lot more and back to being our playful selves with each other, it reminded me how comfortable we were always together and how amazing it was to be with Jessica. 

I admit during the past few months I was scared that it would be years before Jessica and I get back to normal but it was such a relief that both of us were able to get past it in only a matter of months and not years. The only thing that I still had to deal with was my feelings for Jessica, they were still there and I doubt they would ever truly go away but doesn’t mean I couldn't try to move pass them; I always tell myself better to have her as a friend then not at all. Of course it helps a lot that I had amazing group of friends who cared for me. Especially Sun Mi who I found myself going to all the time whenever i missed Jessica. Sun Mi was the only person who could make me forget Jessica and how i feel about her whenever i was with her. 

I woke up just like every morning, I would always look to my side to watch Jessica still sleeping before I fully got up and got ready for the day. But today like yesterday and the day before that and the day before that she wasn’t on her side of the bed sleeping peacefully like the sleeping princess I grew up with. I was getting worried about her. Soo Young and I had talked about moving out with Jessica, I truly hoped that it had nothing to do with him but then again I found my mind thinking that it might have something to do with me. 

“Where are you Jessica” I sighed, she would be gone till noon each day and whenever she would come back she would be secretive. Sometimes if I waited for her in our room she would ask for me leave for a couple of minutes. 

“Are you hiding something” I said concerned for her. I didn’t want Jessica to pull away from me especially since I finally felt her coming back to me and our bond with each other repairing itself. 

I heard the door open and saw Jessica stepping in, her clothes were dirty and she was sweating heavily. I quickly got up onto my feet and ran to her

“Are you okay” I asked “Did something happen to you” I held onto her shoulders upset. She gently smiled at me and grabbed onto my hand trying to reassure me

“I am okay, just dirty from playing outside” she giggled “Nothing to worry about” she then let go of my hand and went straight into the closet to grab some fresh clothes and her towel that hung on one of the chairs

“I am going to take a shower now” and walked out

“Something is up and I need to find out” I said and walked out to go find Soo Young who I knew would at least know something. 

Jessica’s Pov

It is hot today, I felt sticky the whole entire morning I was outside picking little crabs. I knew it wasn’t the greatest job nor the best paying job but it would have to do. As long as I kept working and saving the earnings I made then I would at least be able to contribute something to Sun Mi, most likely help pay for her plane ticket to Paris with what I earn during the summer. As well if my planned worked then I would be able to get a hold of my trust fund by the end of the summer and use some of it to help aid her. I could feel the heat of sun get to me, 

"I can’t wait till this is over, I miss sleeping” I wiped the sweat off my forehead

“Are you okay?” a voice behind me said, I turned around to see a very tall male with a sheepish grin staring at me

“I am fine” I said and turned back to what I was doing ignoring his presence 

“Ok, I’ve never seen you around, did you move here recently” he asked getting all shy. I turned to him again and just nodded to lazy to tell him a real answer

“Uh hey if you’re not busy after…maybe I can show you around?”

I knew it once he asked me if I was okay I knew what he really wanted to ask. I turned to him giving him a fake sympathetic look 

“No thanks” and walked away. 

The second I had turned away from him I could hear a group of males laugh, guessing it was his friends who probably had dared him to ask me out. I did feel sorry for him somewhat he was handsome but not what I was truly looking for. 

Taeyeon Pov

It was almost noon time and I knew Jessica would be home, I told Sun Mi I couldn’t join her today because I was busy with something else. Of course Sun Mi being the cheerful and happy go lucky girl didn’t mind at all and said goodbye to me. 

I peeked through the window curtains as I watched a very sweaty Jessica walking toward the house; I quickly looked around the room and needed to find a place to hide. I stared at the closet for a moment but thought to obvious, and she would discover me right away. I looked at the bed and thought again to obvious but I had to hurry and hide because I could hear Jessica’s voice and footsteps near. 

“Under the bed it is” and I quickly hid underneath it. 

I listened to Jessica enter the room, she was singing along to the music she was listening to on her ipod. Jessica was always a good singer and sung for our school's choir. I saw her feet step closer to me and prayed she wouldn’t notice anything odd. She then knelt down on one knee. I started to pant at the thought I had been discovered but instead I saw her reach under the desk which occupied our room and revealed a large yellow envelope.

“What is that” I questioned myself

I suddenly saw her place a huge roll of money inside the envelope and then stick the envelope back underneath the desk hidden to the public but her. 

A million thoughts ran through my head, I was in shock at what I witnessed. Why the secrets, why hiding the money, why oh why? i wanted to just wanted to get up from the bed and confront her about what was going on. But then I watched her move around again until she leaned backward, she was now sitting on the bed and I listened to her dial a number. 

“Hello” she was speaking in English

“Can you put me through to Mr, Kim please” she said

“He is busy? In a meeting? Well can you tell him that Jessica Jung called, and tell him to call me back when he has time, it is urgent” she kept on talking to whoever was on the other line

“I am one of his clients as well his niece” she said and then said her good bye. 

She then got up and opened the closet and walked out closing the bedroom door. I quickly got up from underneath the bed and looked around. I was lost and confused at what was going on and bent down underneath to look at what was inside the envelope. In it I saw a large amount of money and a piece of paper. It had times scribbled on it and names such as London, Paris, Seoul and other city names scribbled and scratched off. 

“Jessica are you going to runaway?!” I sat there feeling my heart rip into two, I haven’t felt this way since the night of my celebration dinner. My eyes were beginning to water at the thought that Jessica was running away, “was is because of me?” “is it because of her father?” I was scared; I was scared at the thought of losing Jessica for good. 

I quickly placed everything back where it was and as I was bent down I heard the door open again

“What are you doing” Jessica’s sweet voiced filled the room. Trying to think off hand and avoid suspicion I started to groan, and tried to stifle back my tears

“Taeyeon are you ok” Jessica’s voice became higher. I grabbed onto my back groaning some more

“My back hurts” I faked another groan. I then felt Jessica’s hands holding onto me, I felt her wrap her arms around me, letting me lean onto her. Not thinking at all I then wrapped my own around her and held onto her in a tight hug

“Taeyeon are you ok? Where does it hurt?” she whispered into my ear, I didn’t answer her though, all I wanted was to immerse myself in this moment

“You shouldn’t get to close I am sticky and I smell” she giggled and I gave out a chuckle and a sniff. 

Chapter 17 part 1

I woke up when I felt my cell phone vibrate, it was five in the morning and I had to quickly make my way to the bus to be on time for work. I slowly got up and quickly changed into my clothes as I looked upon Taeyeon quietly sleeping. I watched her chest rise up and down, it was beautiful to watch her sleep, despite the slobber running down the side of her mouth. 

I quickly tip toed out our bedroom door and made my way to another exciting day at work. 

Taeyeon’s Pov

We were on the same bus together, I sat not to far behind Jessica as I watched her fall asleep on the bus, I giggled as I saw her head fall from side to side as the bus hit potholes because not even that could wake Jessica up from sleeping. I had been up for hours, not really going to bed when It was time because I wasn’t sure when Jessica left to wherever she was headed off to. I looked out the window and saw beautiful tress and the sun starting to rise for the morning shining onto the nice beach sand. 

Suddenly felt the bus pull up to a complete stop and passengers were getting off. I could still see Jessica still sleeping but watched as a young man around are age approached her and lightly tapped her to wake her up. She opened her eyes and politely smiled to him and got up. 

I was still on the bus as I watched Jessica then put on a pair of gloves and bring out a bucket and some other tools that were given to her by one of the older males who seemed to be telling her to work hard. 

I got off the bus to watch her more closely but quickly saw the same man stare at me

“You new here to?” he said I just nodded not sure what to say

“Well just put on these and take these and go observe what the others are doing” he then piled a whole bunch of items in my arms and pushed me toward where Jessica was at. 

I watched her for two hours digging into the ground and trying to pick up the tiny crabs. She was good but it was funny to watch her because you could see that Jessica Jung was not good at manual labour especially when it had to deal with digging in the muddy sand and looking for baby crabs.

The sun was shining brightly now and the heat was becoming unbearable, I could see Jessica’s sweat drip down her forehead and down to her neck, I figured it was time to confront her about what was going on with her when I stopped to see the same young male from the bus approach her holding onto a water bottle, he handed it to Jessica who happily accepted it. I watched the two for a couple of minutes, he was obviously interested in her and was definitely flirting but what made me angry was her flirting back, she is not even into guys. I quickly walked over to her making my way and not caring at all if I interrupted the two.

“Excuse me” I said and grabbed onto Jessica’s arm and pulled her away from the male. 

“Why are you such a flirt” I said, she just laughed and lightly hit me

“I was wondering when you would finally walk over to me” she giggled

Jessica Pov

“So I might sound desperate but I want to ask you again, do you want to hang together?” I was about answer him as I finally saw my little stalker charging at the side of me

“Ah sorry max I ahhhhhh have to go” I felt her grab onto my arm and pull me away from the cute gentlemen who for past few days has been trying to get me to go on a date with him. 

I watched her cutely stomp her feet angered at my flirting with him. I knew that it would be the perfect thing to do in order for her to finally reveal herself to me. Taeyeon ever since we were kids was always over protective of me especially when I was around boys.

If it weren’t for the fact that max had noticed someone following me and he telling me as I got off the bus then I wouldn’t have noticed her but when I saw her stumble onto the sand in her large green boots even though I couldn’t clearly see her face due to her wearing a bucket hat one of the ahjumma’s gave her, I could easily tell it was her by her mannerisms. 

She was pulling me far away from the others from the beach and closer to normal ground, we walked until we arrived near a group of large trees that shaded us both. She stared at me underneath a tree with anger. 

You’re so cute” I joked

“Jessica it’s not funny” she said in a very serious tone, I couldn’t help but laugh at her 

“I’m sorry you’re just adorable” I tried to hide my laugh behind my hand

“Don’t go” she said loudly which stopped me from laughing and had gained my attention instead

“Huh what do you mean don’t go” confused at her statement

“Don’t go, don’t leave me” there were no tears in her eyes. I was now leaning against the trunk struck by her words “whatever it is you’re running away from I promise to protect you” Taeyeon had stepped closer to me, close enough that I could feel her sweat come off her body

I watched her stare into my eyes for a long minute fighting with something in her head but she slowly and firmly leaned closer toward me and in less then a minute I could feel her soft lips touch mine. In one second I felt my whole body shiver at her insistent touch and soften due to the heat I felt by it.

My mind was unsure how to react, it was still in shock at the fact that I was kissing the girl I longed for months. On the other hand my body had reacted the way my heart had yearned for, I felt my legs tremble at Taeyeon’s deepening kiss as I now felt her tongue touch mine as she now was passionately kissing me harder

“Taeyeon…” I released a long moan as I pulled away to catch my breath, my face all red as I was truly blushing at my bodies reaction.

She quickly leaned in again to capture my mouth, Taeyeon not wanting to let me go. I felt in an instant all the pain these past few months had brought us disappear. 

but I needed to pull away, she belonged to someone else now

“Stop Taeyeon, I can’t” 

Chapter continued...

“Stop taeyeon, I can’t” I l listened to those words that repeated in my head. At that moment I was going to give up once again. but inside my mind and in my heart I couldn’t this time, this time I wanted to fight and not stop kissing her because this time inside I knew that she felt the same way I did even though she asked me to stop. 

I stared at her for a long minute, I watched her tears fall down her smooth skin and I slowly leaned in and kissed her lightly on her cheeks wanting to take those tears away

“Taeyeon…please…” I made my way to her mouth once again and kissed her hungrily this time by slipping my tongue in wanting to taste her once again. It didn’t matter to me if I interrupted her from refusing all I wanted was to go deeper and I didn’t care if she wanted it or not.

“Taeyeon…I love you, please stop” as she once again needed to catch her breath as she was heavily exhaling

“Don’t pull away” I said “I need you Jessica” I started to kiss the side of her face gently once again not wanting to let her go. 

I then unexpectedly felt her lips capture mine and she was now eagerly kissing me with the same want and need that was inside me and then she abruptly stopped to look at my face that expressed the happiness every time I touched her. 

We were now slowly and thoughtfully kissing each other for a while until I realized finally that she said those words that I have dreamt about and wished for, she told me she loved me

“Do you really love me” I asked shying away, inside I felt uneasy and unsure of her kiss to be real. 

I felt her soft hands lift my head forcing me to look into her eyes as she happily smiled at me with tears that were lightly trickling down her soft skin. At that moment I saw the look of regret and guilt settle in her expression. But despite what her eyes were telling me she nodded readily a yes over and over and we both found ourselves wrapped in each others arms 

“But Taeyeon we can’t do this anymore” she spoke with such guilt on her face, I was about to answer her but heard a voice yelling out for Jessica. We both looked and saw a tall figure approaching, we immediately let go of each other and made sure our appearances didn’t make it obvious of what had just occurred. 

Jessica and I both started to walk toward the young man 

“Hey I was wondering where you two went off to” he smiled at us well more at Jessica then anyone else. I looked away avoiding the two talking to each other. I was too distracted by what will happen next with Jessica and I. Jessica’s last words were “we can’t do this” but I know for sure that she wants to, just as much as I do. 

We got off the bus, I slightly walking ahead of her. For most of the ride home we sat together in silence, barely acknowledging each other and avoiding each others glances. 

As I entered inside the girls were laughing as they were sitting at a table playing cards. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me tightly

“Unnie you’re finally back, ho ho ho” my favourite alien started to do a light dance causing me to giggle

“Did you miss me” I happily asked, smiling widely, all Sun Mi did was nod and grabbed onto my arm

“I was worried where you went because you weren’t answering any of my messages, I got scared” she said. We both then saw Jessica appear from behind and quickly run upstairs passing us and not bothering to acknowledge anyone in the room.

“I am sorry Sun Mi-ah.” I hugged her and quietly whispered that I had to go do something and quickly went upstairs to see how Jessica was doing knowing full well she was upset

I quietly opened the door and gentle closed it and walked calmly toward Jessica who was on the bed with her knees up to her face. I joined her on the bed and naturally wrapped my arms around her

“Jessica” I said as I laid my head against hers

“Taeyeon don’t you feel guilty at all” she asked 

“No” I firmly stated

“How can you say that though, does Sun Mi mean anything to you?!" she said

“I know but I think she will be happy for us along with the rest of the girls” I tried to comfort her by brushing her hair away from her face

“How can you say! She will be so heartbroken and betrayed! I know what it’s like to have you’re heart ripped apart because of a stupid mistake” she moved away from my hold

“Jessica, why are you saying that, Sun Mi wants me to be happy, her heart won’t be broken cause of our feelings for each other. Actually she would probably want to know all the details” I lightly chuckle as Jessica’s face turned in to disgust

“I can’t believe how you are acting as if what happened today meant nothing" she was getting more and more upset

Meanwhile outside the room

“SHHHHHHHHH guys we don’t want them to hear us” Hyoyeon stated

“What are they saying” Tiffany asked as she was being pushed by Soo Young and Yuri who were also trying to listen

“I have to win, all the hard work in organizing this whole trip would have gone to waste” Yuri said as she held her fist up to her face but then saw herself being pushed over by Soo Young

“Yea yea whatever Kwon Yuri, if anyone is going to win it’s me” Yoona was giggling at Soo Young’s statement 

“Everyone shut up I can’t hear” Hyo stated again

“Um hey guys what are you doing” a sweet voice rung behind them, they all turned to see Sun Mi standing there looking at them with big eyes

“Ah…ah…ah…” Soo Young trying to think of something

“Cleaning the door, oh look it’s all done. Let’s go” Yuri said and everyone started to walk away

Back inside 

“Hey you’re the one who just called it a stupid mistake” I got serious “Now I don’t understand what you’re trying to say Jessica”

“What I’m trying to say is Sun Mi is you’re girlfriend, of course she is going to be heart broken to discover her girlfriend cheated on her with her friend!” she said angrily 

I stared at her silent for a few seconds and suddenly felt myself smile and begin to laugh. All I wanted to do at the moment was run up to her and kiss her and flick her on the head for being such a babo. But instead I got up continued on nodding my head as i laugh and walked out the door leaving her alone in the room, not even bothering to explain to her why. 

“That babo” I kept telling myself. For the rest of the day Jessica stayed in her room, and ignored everyone who tried to speak to her. The only time she came out was for dinner but even then she sat there silently eating her food and as soon as she was done went upstairs. 

Everyone left her alone they understood when the ice princess was upset that it is best to let her be until she is ready to open up. So for the rest of the night we spent either watching a movie and playing games with each other. But my mind kept thinking of her and how for such a smart girl she can be so dumb to. 

As Yuri and Soo Young were fighting over the seat on the couch I decided I was tired and wanted to go see my beautiful ice princess. 

I crept open the door and turned on the lights, Jessica had her body turned away and wasn’t sure if she was sleeping or not. I quickly scanned the room and saw that the sleeping bag that I brought on the trip to go starwatchng with Sun Mi one night laid out perfectly on the floor for me to sleep in tonight at least that what I guessed. 

“Princess are you mad?” I said lowly trying not to laugh. Jessica you are adorable and that’s why I love you. I picked up my pillow off the sleeping bag 

“Don’t you even think about sleeping on this bed with me tonight” Jessica warned. I was trying not to laugh

“Oh and if I do? What’s going to happen” I said

“You’ll regret it” I started to laugh and threw my pillow on the bed and jumped onto it and quickly wrapped my arms around her pulling her into me.

“I want to sleep with you though” I said in my kid voice “Princess let me sleep with you” 

“Taeyeon let go of me now, I told you would regret if you placed that pillow on that bed” she kept trying to get away but I wouldn’t let that happen. We continued to struggle on the bed and I still continued on teasing her

“Jessica I want another kiss” I said puckering my lips as just was now trying to push me away and even started to kick me

“Stop it, I don’t like you…anymore!” she kept yelling out and I kept on laughing

“Why not” I said 

“Stop it or else” she whined “I am warning you” her voice was so adorable

Just then I suddenly felt pain hit as Jessica then elbowed me at the side causing me to fall off the bed

“AHHHHHHHHHH” I screamed out loudly. I suddenly felt Jessica arms around me immediately 

“Taeyeon-ah I am sorry I didn’t mean to hit you so hard” she said apologetically. I continued on holding onto my side moving backwards and forwards

“I am sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you but I did warn you” I knew that she felt bad but as much as I love her I enjoy bugging her just as much and i was in real pain

“Hey are you okay” Yoona said as she walked into the room. 

“No do I look okay” I said wincing in pain

“What happened how did you get hurt?” she crouched down to see if I was hurt anywhere else

“Jessica tried to beat me up because I didn’t want to sleep on the floor anymore” I lsaid and I noticed Jessica’s face scowl at me

“She is lying” she shouted

“Look whose in pain” I said smirking evily at Jessica while Yoona being such a doctor was still making sure I wasn’t badly hurt

“I am leaving” Jessica got up and was about to storm off 

“Not before you go get her some ice” Yoona said looking up at her “And tonight maybe as punishment you can sleep on the floor” she eyed Jessica who puffed her cheeks in anger

Jessica’s Pov

I laid here on the hard ground as I was now sleeping in Taeyeon’s sleeping bag, as punishment given out by Yoona I was forced to sleep on the ground tonight. At first I was mad but I figured that Taeyeon wouldn’t allow me to sleep on it for the rest of the night but two hours had past and she had yet to offer me back my side of the bed. I knew she wasn’t sleeping because she kept moving and sighing, I was getting frustrated 

“Kim Taeyeon, are you seriously going to make me sleep in the floor?!” I yelled at her

“You’re the one who beat me up, this is you’re punishment” she said

“I warned you” I fired back

“Fine then, but you still need a punishment”

“Sleeping on this hard floor for two hours is punishment enough, especially since I didn’t deserve one in the first place” I yelled and got up to go on the bed

“hey what do you think you’re doing” she yelled

“Sleeping on my side of the bed” I told her “And don’t you dare try to do anything” as I started to stuff pillows between us

“You still deserve a punishment” she yelled at me

“Fine then, give me one” I said wanting to go to sleep on the nice comfy bed

Taeyeon stared at me silently, she had her finger underneath her chin with a cute smirk

“Hurry up, I want to sleep” I said, she then snapped her fingers at me and leaned into me

“I want a kiss” she puckered and closed her eyes

“No!” I yelled

“Hey do you want to sleep with me or not?” she chuckled

“Yah! I don’t want to do either” I pushed her aside and sat on my side of the bed turning away from her

“I can’t believe this, you were the last person I thought would do something like that” I sadly stated, in that moment i wanted to cry but was comforted by Taeyeon's touch and gentle voice

“Jessica I would never do something like that, I would never hurt you or hurt anyone in that way” she said

“Then what are you doing now, what have we both done? Don’t care if you’re breaking Sun Mi’s heart” I told her, inside was so confused by the way Taeyeon was acting, she seemed so nonchalant about our betrayal as if it was nothing but in reality it was going to destroy someone. 

Silence again filled the air between us, the tension still high between us. Taeyeon then exhaled loudly which then broke the tension and cause me to face her once again

"Sun Mi’s heart won’t be broken because there is no heart to break. Jessica” she sighed and looked away for a second then peered at me again all serious “I am not with Sun Mi” she said softly

My mind in a instant became dazed I suddenly became confused and was wondering if I was seriously hearing right

“Jessica I am not with Sun Mi, she is not my girlfriend and we were never dating” she smiled “She has a boyfriend, you’ve met him” she started to giggle. 

I was so confused and baffled at her words that the only way my body and mind reacted was quickly me picking up my pillow and I starting to hit her with it, all I wanted to do was beat her up with it.

“Yah Jessica what are you doing” she yelled “Stop” she was trying to block me

“I hate you Kim Taeyeon” I kept repeating “Cherry Kim, Kim Cherry” I started to yell

“Yah, you promised never to say that name ever” She scream and then started to fight back with her own pillow until she grabbed onto my arms and pulled me down with her

It took us a while to settle down, I was still mad at her for her dirty trick she played but in the end it was my fault for misunderstanding her. 

“You’re face turned red when she kissed you” I said as we now were both laying in the dark watching the moon shine 

“Jessica, the only reason why I blushed was cause it was in front of you” she giggled “I felt embarrassed because of you” 

“Ohh...I am sorry for misunderstanding, but you should have said something earlier” I stated

“How am I suppose to know that you thought that way, I know I am you’re best friend but I am no mind reader Ice princess” 

“You’re not my best friend” I coldly stated. I could quickly sense her body and atmosphere tense up

“....You’re Kim Cherry” I started to laugh loudly and felt Taeyeon lightly hit my arm but then felt her pull my body into her and she snuggled against my back

“Um...Jessica” she said 

“Yea” I said as I felt my eyes begin to shut

“Um…don’t leave me, don’t runaway” she said as I heard her yawning

“Huh?! Runaway? What” I said as i was now confused and woken up once again “Yah what you mean runaway?” I said as I tried to wake her but she didn’t even move. 

Chapter 18

“Kim Taeyeon why are you avoiding me” I said as we both stood there watching Soo Young spy on a boy awkwardly

“I’m not” she avoided my gaze

“Yes you are” I stated urging her to admit the truth and fact

“Fine I am” she barked at me

“Yah! Why are you avoiding me Taeyeon” I pointed at her with a glare

“Then why did you say no to me” she stated crossing her arms against her chest and started to mumble angrily 


“See, can’t even give me a proper answer!” she was about to walk away when Soo Young suddenly started to wave us over

“Psst, guys get over here” she said as she signalled for us to crouch down as well

“What are you seriously doing, people are looking at us” I told her

“Shush, just look” she then pointed over telling us to look

“I don’t see anything” Taeyeon stated looking at Soo Young

“Are you guys serious, how can you not spot the hot looking guy over there” Soo Young said, both Taeyeon and I looked at each other freaked out by Soo Young’s behaviour. 

Growing up with Soo Young they’re is a few things…well actually ten things you get to know quickly about her, 

1. She likes Food

2. Is a straight up tomboy

3. She loves food

4. Can beat you up

5. freakishly strong

6. is a food god

7. she loves her family and friends


9. Doesn’t fall in love with boys, boys fall in love with her

10. Like’s the home shopping network (and I mean a lot)

So for Taeyeon and I crouching down on the ground behind a table spying on this supposedly “hot boy” is quite weird considering Soo Young never acts like this and never looks this way when it comes to anybody from the opposite sex. 

“Damn it, I should have brought Hyo and Fany. I forget sometimes that you’re both gay” she stated

“Hey just because we’re gay doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate a piece of fine looking meat from the opposite side” I laughed jokingly. As I said that I scanned the room and spotted none other then Max Changmin who was sitting beside the boy Soo Young was now currently and literally drooling over, this gave me an idea. 

“See there, the boy sitting right beside the one whom you seemed to really like is hot or at least handsome” I said smirking at Taeyeon. I could see Taeyeon act as if she didn’t hear me but also try to take a peek at who I pointed to. The instant she saw who it was her face turned red and had a mad scowl on it. I was totally laughing inside, I was trying to stifle it in as I continued to peek at Taeyeon become jealous. 

“He is okay, not my type” Soo Young still to busy to noticed what was going on between Taeyeon and I as she kept staring all love struck at the boy

“I hope you know I know that guy who is sitting beside him” I decided to be nice, she is my favourite relative and family after all

“What? Really?!” she grabbed onto my shirt in the most innocent way but from an onlookers point of view looked as if she was going to throw me up against a wall

“Introduce me!” she asked well more or less demanded me to, I just giggled and nodded a yes. The second I did Soo Young grabbed my hand and ran over there

At the boys table

The boys were sitting there laughing at something, as Soo Young and I approached, I swiftly noticed Max suddenly began to sit up and straighten his posture. I couldn’t help but laugh at the reaction; he then turned to me and stood up with a big grin on his face

“Hey Jessica, what brings you here” he smiled

“Ah just passing by” I said smiling back, totally trying to make Taeyeon jealous 

“Cool, do you want to sit down and hang a little with my friends” he offered as he started to introduce the group of guys

“Sure of course” Soo Young interrupted as I was about to refuse. I could see how happy Max became and then he quickly pulled out two chairs for us; one beside his friend whom Soo Young was all ready talking with and acting very girly and one beside himself. I bowed to me him thanking him and quickly turned to look over to see Taeyeon but no one was standing there anymore, she must of left the moment Max said hi I guess. At that moment I regretted my behaviour, I knew I went to far with making Taeyeon jealous. 

Back at the house

“No I will not” I kept repeating to Soo Young as we both entered the beach house

“Please, please, please, please” she was on her hands in knees now.

She seriously must like this guy especially for acting in such a childish way, she has never ever acted this way about a guy. She was like a crazy idol fan girl

“What’s so great about him” I said

“You wouldn’t understand, long story” she quietly whispered thinking I didn’t pick up on it.

“So what do you say” she said giving me her best aeygo

“No! seriously why don’t you ask Tiff or Hyo. Max would at least have a fifty percent chance with him, while a zero with me” I giggled

“Yah, Sica Max definitely has his eye on you” She said “Besides it’s one date tonight, you just have to join Sungmin and I for the movie and after that…I can’t take care of the rest” she winked

“Oh….fine, but only for the movie after that I am ditching you and the the suju and dbsk wannabes” I told her and walked into the kitchen.

I entered the kitchen to see Taeyeon making up lunch these delicious lunch boxes and totally ignoring my presence. 

“Unnie are you still mad at me” I pouted at her as I sat down eating the extra veggies she had cut up. She didn’t answer but kept on working

“Taetae don’t be mad you know that Max means nothing to me” I said sweetly. She still gave no answer, just then I heard two girls laughing as they came down the stairs excited

“Unnie I am so happy that we’re going to go star gazing” Sun Mi said, she was smiling so widely

“Me too, this is going to be so much fun, especially since I get to spend time with you two alone” Yoona started to jump happily

“Star gazing with You, Sun Mi and Taeyeon” I asked, the two young girls nodded “Oh can I join?” I asked looking towards Taeyeon whose expression became softer; if I looked much closer I could have sworn a small hint of a grin appear for two seconds

“Ah No, remember you’re going on a double date with you and Max,” Soo Young chimed in. 

Unexpectedly a loud bang filled the kitchen, everyone looked over at Taeyeon who was closing or rather slamming down on the cooler where she had placed the rest of the food inside. She then lifted the big cooler and walked out of the kitchen ignoring everyone; it was easy to see she was upset

“Thanks coz, thank you very much” I coldly stated as I looked at Soo Young who pretended like she did nothing wrong.

Taeyeon was in our room as she was now packing an over night back for tonight. She still continued on ignoring my presence in the room. 

“Taeyeon don’t be jealous” I said as I watched her pack on the bed we shared together. Her expression not even changing, we then saw Soo Young and Yuri barge through our room holding onto dresses. Then they were followed by fany and hyo who were carrying they’re makeup bags and other cosmetic tools.

“What is this I said” freaked by the sudden barrage 

“It’s the crew to help get ready for the date tonight” Soo Young said

“What makes you think I need help looking good” I cockily smiled

“We know you don’t need it, but Soo Young needs a quick lesson” Hyo stated as everyone else laughed except Taeyeon who continued on packing

“Oh here Sica you can wear this tonight” Hyo then threw at me a very small black dress and the suddenly another loud bang followed by another one filled the room. It was Taeyeon once again leaving and slamming the door shut

I stared at the door when I felt Fany pulled me away from everyone else, she led me to the bathroom.

“Seriously Jess what is going on with you two” she said worried

“Nothing…really” I was even unsure, I knew that Taeyeon got jealous of whenever I was with boys but she wouldn’t act this way

“Well it has to be something major because when Taeyeon got home, she looked as if she was going to breakdown and cry. No one knew what to do except for Sun Mi and Yoona who then got the idea to go star watching tonight to get her mind off of things. But even then it was a hard challenge to get her to agree” Fany looked so sad and listening to her mad me depressed I felt so shameful for the way I acted but finally had realized that it wasn’t Max that Taeyeon was angry about it was…

“Tiff I kind of said no to her, I think that’s what got her upset” I confessed guiltily looking towards the ground

“No about what?” she grabbed onto my hands

“I told her no…when she asked me out on a date” I shut me eyes and exhaled loudly

“You what?! why?” she asked confused 

“Well it took me by surprised you know, it hasn’t been that long since we both confessed to each other, I am still scared because she is my best friend to and I am just afraid of losing her and everything. I don’t want to ruin our relationship and…and she asked me while I was on the toilet. Seriously Tiff who does that, if a guy asked you on a date as you were peeing would you want to say yes’ I confessed

Tiffany just listened intently and was very understanding

“Seriously though you both need to talk to each other, it’s barely been one day and I am tired of hearing loud banging as well it was bad enough that everyone lost to Yoona and Sun Mi in the bet.” She sighed. “400 bucks” she nodded sadly

Taeyeon, Yoona, and Sun Mi had already left to head to the beach. Yuri was mad at Taeyeon because while Yuri and Yoona were saying their long goodbye’s to each other, when Yuri leaned in for a kiss Taeyeon had pulled Yoona away causing Yuri to kiss air instead. 

But soon after the girls left the boys had picked us up. I was now sitting in the middle beside Soo Young who was on my left and Max or Changmin but I prefer Max on my right. The whole night I was bored out of my mind, I kept on thinking about Taeyeon,

It was quite obvious the that Soo Young and Sungmin were so into each other, they spent the whole time talking and looking at each other ignoring Max and I the whole time. I didn’t mind it but what I did mind was Soo Young kept eating all the food. 

Meanwhile at the beach star gazing…

Yoona’s Pov 

“Oh good Sun Mi is a sleep here is my chance” I said to myself slowly heading to where Taeyeon-unnie was sitting peacefully watching the stars

“Unnie” I smiled, she turned to me calmly and smiled back, she seemed to be a lot happier now 

“What is on your mind Yoona” she smiled at me, she knew right away that I had an ulterior motive tonight other then star gazing

“Um unnie” I started to blush, I was so embarrassed at what I was going to ask her

“Don’t be embarrassed” she smiled

“Oh ok, ah…um…can you tell me what S.E.X. is like” Taeyeon’s face immediately went into shock, I watched her she seemed like she still recovering until finally

“Don’t do it, it is bad, it can kill you” she warned me staring straight into my eyes

“Kill you?!” I said “Really” she just nodded

“Well depends if you’re ah careful or not. But Yoona you shouldn’t really ask me. I am not the right person to as well the best advice I can give you is just to wait, wait for the person you love. But of course be careful if you do decide know...die” she got quiet

“But I am in love with Yuri, I love her very deeply” I said

“Even then just wait…just promise me, no promise yourself that you will wait till you’re older. Just because you may think you're ready doesn't mean you are no matter how you feel about someone." she looked at me. I nodded understanding what she meant to wait. I wanted to ask Taeyeon because I knew she would be the right one to ask.

“Ok I promise” I smiled “Um unnie” I asked as I played with my hands, she looked at me indicating to me to just spit it out

“Are you a virgin?” I shyly said, her eyes looked like a deer caught in the headlights

“Go to bed Yoona, its late” she pointed to my sleeping bag, her faced all red. 

At the restaurant 

Somehow Soo Young convinced me to join her at the restaurant after the movie as well sort of felt bad how Max was trying so hard to impress it was so sweet and if I was interested in boys I would easily fall for him. 

“We can share” Soo Young smiled

“That’s a good idea” Sungmin stated

What the heck was going on, Soo Young sharing food?! Soo Young never shares food not even with her own family. If our grandmother asked her she would still say no. 

“Can I have some then” I said just to tease Soo Young

“No!” she quickly yelled out. I just laughed at her

“We can share?” Max asked looking at me

“No” I said

‘Oh why not” Soo Young eyed me evily

“I’m suddenly not hungry, I think I am just going to go home” I said and started to walk away

I could tell Max was wondering what was wrong and followed me outside

“Is something the matter, it’s seems as if the whole night you were distracted or just didn’t want to be here” he looked downward

‘It’s not’s just something else.” I said and stopped to face him

“Oh well do you want to talk about it” he kindly offered

“No not really” I dryly said, it was the truth, I didn’t want to. The only person who I did want to was the exact cause of what I was feeling like right now

“Oh, do you not like me” he sadly asked

“No I do, but only as a friend” I told him. Yet again another truth all I could ever see Max was as a friend my heart belonged to someone else

“Okay, I understand. I hope one day you might change you’re mind” he said “do you need me to walk you home’ 

I just nodded a no and said goodbye, but then he asked me one last question

“Uh Jessica” I turned to face him again “Did I do something wrong tonight” he asked nervously

“No, it’s just…well…you’re too tall. I prefer shorter people well short people” I smiled and walked away. I could have told him the truth but feel that it would be better not to.

I kept walking, talking a midnight stroll along the beach. I didn’t feel at all well because I felt bad for hurting Taeyeon like that but I thought she would at least understand me, seriously I was on the toilet. I looked up at the stars and remembered that taeyeon was most likely looking up at them which made tonight all the better. I continued to walk until I saw a fire pit with figures surrounding it. I knew right away that it was Yoona, Sun Mi and Taeyeon and started to run towards them. Everyone seemed except Taeyeon was asleep she was sitting on the blanket looking straight out at the water and ignoring the gorgeous sky

“Taeyeon-ah” I sung softly her name. She looked at me then turned back to gaze at the water

“Ah don’t be like that, I am sorry for everything, I was just playing. Like you did me and about saying no, you asked me while I was on the toilet. That was not romantic at all” I said but she still seemed to be upset “Are you ok” I sat down beside her waving my hands in front of her face. She quickly grabbed onto my hand and looked at me with sad eyes, the same eyes that I remember so long ago.

“Taeyeon-ah whats wrong” I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist

“I got a call from Paris” she sounded anxious “They told me…” she was beginning to break 

“They told me they looked at my transcripts and reviewed my course count. They said I had enough to already be considered graduated…so they” she got quiet I felt her body tremble

“Go on, I rubbed my cheek against her shoulder as I listened

“Instead of taking one year off to study in Paris they offered for me to study for 4 years instead” I stopped rubbing my cheek against her shoulder and Taeyeon had finally looked down toward me. I didn’t dare look up nor peek at the side. 

My heart stopped once again…”don’t leave me” I whispered lowly

“Jessica…you should know” I quickly looked at her and stopped her from talking anymore with my lips. I held onto her tightly and kissed her, not wanting to hear her talk. All I was thinking was not to let her speak, then she wouldn’t have to say it and in that way she would still be in South Korea with me

Chapter 19

Now entering into the last month of the summer Taeyeon had been keeping her distance with me throughout the week. Ever since the night out on the beach she had become very aloof with me. I didn’t mind it at first; I truly understood as to why she would want to. I knew she didn’t want to hurt me considering that by the end of the summer she would be off to Paris for four years and she most likely wanted to keep herself detached from me because Taeyeon has always saw me to be weak and sensitive. But did Taeyeon not see that it was to late for all that? Did she not see how much I needed her? Or was she trying to protect herself and not me…

“I wish you wouldn’t think that you always needed to protect me Taeyeon-ah” I sighed as I wiped the steam from the bathroom window. I wasn’t sure what I hated the most; that Taeyeon and I talk as if there wasn’t anything between us or the fact that whenever I wanted to hold onto her or even kiss her she would find a way to avoid my touch. 

I was okay with that in the beginning as well because I’ve always known how shy Taeyeon had become with me since we both share the same feelings towards each other. But the fact that she was trying to find ways to avoid me from holding her hand was too much to bear now. 

It’s true I am more comfortable with such things like that and I wanted nothing more to show everyone especially Taeyeon that I wanted to be with her in every sense, emotionally and physically. 

“knock Knock” I heard the door, “I am still using it, you can wait” I said annoyed. 

I continued on to stare at my image in the mirror wondering what physical features Taeyeon had liked the most about me. I wonder if it was my eyes, mouth, nose and so on. I then started to look down lower, but started to giggle at the thought that had passed in my mind. 

It had been a long time now that I was occupying the washroom so I decided to quickly do my business while I still could without being interrupted. I sat on the toilet when another knock appeared

“I am busy can you wait for 2 minutes at most” I said

“Ah Jessica” a voice quietly echoed from the door

“Taeyeon” I questioned

“Yea” was all she said

“Can you wait, I am almost down” I said as I started to get up

“No, it’s not that…I just needed to talk” she said

“Oh well let me clean my hands and I will be out” I was surprised by her sudden request

“No, please stay in there, it’s perfect” she said

“No, I am done” I said as I wrapped the town tighter around my wet body

“I just wanted to ask you something so please stay in there”

I was seriously getting more and more annoyed at her, why does she want me to stay in there while she talks to me

“Taeyeon, why…it’s not like you’re going to ask me out on a date again” I joked but quickly stopped “Wait are you going to” I quickly tried to open the door but couldn’t as it was being held shut from the other side

“Yah Kim Taeyeon” I yelled “Are you seriously going to ask me out again while I am in the bathroom” I screamed at her

“Jessica I just feel more comfortable that way. Please just stay in there” she said

“No, what makes you think that I want to be asked out on date whenever I’m in the bathroom or on the toilet. I want you to ask me face to face” I was scolding her “until then, I refuse to go out on a date with you” I said. 

I could instantly sensel the door being let go and I took my chance and quickly opened the door and grabbed onto Taeyeon’s arm and yanked her in the bathroom with me. Finally I had here where I wanted her

“Hi” she said cutely waving at me

“Ask me” I told her

“Jessica I can’t you make me feel…” she looked down shyly 

“Why, Taeyeon are you afraid that I will reject you” I giggled “I already said that I would say yes if you asked me face to face. So trust me you don’t have anything to fear” 

Her body laid itself against the door you could tell she was nervous or scared because her body was stiff and tense

“Ok, um Jessica…will…you gooo…out with me” as she shakily and slowly said those words Soo Young yelled out from outside

“What is taking you so long!!” and unexpectedly had open the door which forced Taeyeon to fall flat on her back

“Oww” Taeyeon groaned, I couldn’t help but laugh at what had just happened, I crouched down to help Taeyeon sit up and began to rub her head.

“Taeyeon I didn’t know you were in there” Soo Young stood there not even bothering to apologize or help 

“But no wonder Jessica was taking forever in the bathroom…I really don’t want to know what you two were doing” she was shaking her head as she walked away 

“No! it’s not what it looks like!” She yelled out to Soo Young, I started to giggle harder. Taeyeon looked so embarrassed as she continued to rub her head “it hurts” she whined, I couldn’t help but smile only at her as I watched her stand up once again and take a deep breath

“Ah Jessica…will you go on a date with me next Saturday” she said awkwardly. Inside all I wanted was to say yes…but…

“NO!!! I will not” I then stepped passed her and walked away

“What do you mean, but you said~” i cut her off

“I said I wanted to be asked face to face but I also wanted to be asked in a romantic way” I laughed triumphantly. 

We all decided to go and hang out at the beach again, it was nice hot and humid day today and thought might as well use the nice weather to our advantage. For most of the trip it had rained a lot and a lot of the times we ended up just staying in and lazing around

As we walked slowly everyone was sort of in pairs, Tiff and hyo were at the front together, a lot of the guys as we walked pass were ogling them and some who were brave enough went up to one of them and asked for there numbers. 

Sun Mi and Yoona had become close, I think it was due to the age, they were both the youngest, so they could relate to each other a lot. 

Of course we had Soo Young and Yuri who I think were bickering at each other over something, those two have such strong personalities that whenever they were near each other, they always had to find some way to prove one was better then the other. But you could see how close friends they are and have become over this summer. 

Lastly it was Taeyeon and I, well I slightly was walking a head of her, she seemed like she was in her own world as she trudged slowly behind. 

“Hey Taeyeon, why are you so slow” Soo Young yelled towards Taeyeon to get her attention, she looked up 

“Are you still thinking about this morning in the bathroom with Sica” Soo Young smirked, Taeyeon’s face froze as everyone turned to face Taeyeon and I. She then quickly ran towards Soo Young, but Soo Young didn’t seem intimidated at all because she knew full well that Tayeon had nothing on her. Though an evil smirk appeared out of nowhere on Taeyeon’s face and she looked up at Soo Young

“Ah Soo Young, I really like you’re hickie” Taeyeon then pointed to Soo Young’s neck. Everyone then turned to her in shock. Soo Young quickly covered it.

“Soo Young you said you had yet to kiss Sungmin on the lips” Yuri questioned

“That’s because he is too busy~” Soo young then charged at Taeyeon as she was about to make a joke. The two girls were running around like one of the characters who saw in a cartoon or anime. 

“Taeyeon don’t think you’re getting away” soo young screamed

“Yah! You started it” Taeyeon yelled back as she looked at Soo Young while she continued on running away.


Mission: Asking Jung Soo Yeon out

Objective: Making sure it’s romantic, face to face and not while she is on the toilet or near a bathroom of any kind

Task: Lure Jessica away from the others to a secluded spot, ask her out????? 

“Is this all you wrote” Sun Mi and Yoona were staring at me with eyebrows raised 

“What is wrong with that?” I told them

“Uh, where is the idea and thought behind it” Yoona began to point her finger at my chest

“There is, just I haven’t figured out yet…this is just a draft…remember you said a draft” I fired back

“Unnie no romance at all in this plan” Sun Mi shaking her head 

“I know, Taeyeon, I always thought you had a romantic and sweet side to you. But this…this just shows me how much of a guy you are when it comes to being romantic” I farrowed my eyes at her in shock

“You are definitely going to need our help” Sun Mi looked at Yoona who nodded in agreement

All I wanted to do was strangle them both.

Meanwhile back inside

“Where is everyone” I looked at Tiffany who was on the phone giggling, she then looked up and pointed to the window. I walked across the living room and moved the curtains to the side and looked out seeing Taeyeon looking like she was going to strangle the little ones. 

“What are you doing” I nodded my head.

“Hey cousin” Soo Young appeared from behind. I turned to greet her 

“Hey” I said barely giving her a smile

“What you doing” she seemed curious

“Nothing particular” I walked to one of the chairs. 

Magically by some form of fate all of the girls well except Taeyeon, Yoona and Sun Mi had appeared in the living room. Something in my gut was telling me this wasn't by coincidence either.

“Are you okay” Hyo asked “We are curious to how you are feeling. All the girls including a Tiff who was now off the phone leaned in closer for my answer

“I’m okay” I said, trying to avoid the obvious

“Sica we are all worried about how you are dealing with all of this” Yuri said sounding very serious and mature. I was looking kind of in shock for a second.

“Look guys, I am fine” wanting to leave I tried to get up but my cousin immediately pushed me back down

“Stay” she eyed me

“Sica, we know that it must be killing you” Hyo said

“No, it isn’t really. I understand Taeyeon; she is my friend…my best friend to be exact. I’ve always known she wanted to study abroad so it was bound to happen. I am okay, seriously.... The only issue I have is that Taeyeon is keeping me at an arms length and she trying to ask me out again while I was in the bathroom. Now that is annoying.” The girls tried to hide the giggles at the fact that Taeyeon had tried once again to ask me out while I was in the bathroom

“Oh Jess give her a break, she doesn’t have a lot of experience when it comes to relationships and no offense Jess you’re a pretty intimidating person” Tiffany giving her two cents “Either way I hope you two find a way to be together. You both don’t have much longer” Tiffany was being brutally honest, I was sort of surprised but knew full well her honesty was out of love for the both of us and her want to see us both happy. Cause after the summer is over, she knew, everyone knew and especially I knew I was going to be miserable with Taeyeon gone…for four long years. 

Sun Mi and Yoona barged into the house giggling and talking to each other whispering, while Taeyeon walked slowly behind glaring at the two girls. She then looked over at us all sitting together like we were in a meeting. She stared at us for a minute then continued off walking upstairs pushing the younger ones with her. 

“What is up with those three” Soo Young said

“Im tired I’m going to bed” I said and got up, not even bothering to say anything to girls as I left

One by one I had finally made it to the room. But heard loud chuckling as i got closer to the door, 

“What’s going on” I said as I placed my hand on the handle

“Ah Jessica, why are you up here” Taeyeon’s voice said sounding very nervous i might add

“I want to go to bed, I’m tired” I whined, after the little family meeting downstairs I was getting fed up with everyone

“Oh” was all I heard and I heard scurring inside the room. Suddenly Taeyeon opened the door and grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs with her.

“Where are we going, what are you doing” I said, I was really in no mood

“Jessica I am in the mood for some red bean ice cream, let’s go get some” 

“What no, Taeyeon let me sleep” I tried to escape from her hold

“Nope I can’t do that” She said and we both continued on walking


We had stopped at a small shop across the beach; Taeyeon bought me a big extra cone because she knew that I was angry at her, but it didn’t do much to keep my anger at her down

“Jessica, do you like it?” She smiled innocently at me ignoring the fact I was mad at her. I gave her a fake yes

“Good” she then grabbed my hand and took the last pit of the cone, swallowing it all in her mouth before I could pull away and stop her.

“Yah!” i hollared at her

I raised my arm in anger and smacked her in the back, her face winced and she somewhat choked on some of the cone that she still had yet to swallow

“Serves you right” I smirked evilly, but soften up when I saw that her faces was a bit red “Sorry” I looked down

“It’s okay, I deserved it” she gave me a goofy grin. I looked away, I was reminded of what tiff had said, she is not even gone yet and I am miserable already

“What are you thinking about?” 

“Nothing really” I looked down at the sand as it was blowing away from me “Except how lonely and sad I am going to be without you” 

Taeyeon surprisingly took my hands and cupped them into her own; this forced me to look at her. We looked at each other and I could see her carefully leaning into my lips and softly begin to kiss me. I slightly pulled back shocked at Taeyeon sudden aggressiveness. Lately it had been me trying to initiate things with her and her refusing it most if the time, but I smiled and swiftly began to kiss her back. 

We sat kissing each other for a while, I pulled away from her grasp and she looked at me in surprise

“What’s wrong” she asked, I lightly smiled at her placing my fingers and brushing her bangs to the side

“Nothing, just wanting to look at you” I said, 

“Jessica I know I am drop dead gorgeous but please not while we are kissing” I glared at her wanting to hit her again for being such a smart ass. But it was apparent we both couldn’t contain our laughter and we both ended up on our sides laughing

It was time for us to go, I was feeling tired and so Taeyeon held her hand out and lifted me up and we both walked home holding onto each other. At that moment I felt happy, I leaned my head onto her shoulder and she leaned hers onto my head. I couldn’t help but smile, I was happy that Taeyeon was at least giving me this even if it wouldn’t last; I at least had this memory. 

“Taeyeon you should carry me on you’re back” I said lazily, I was tired and didn’t want to walk anymore. 

“What?! No! You think a little kid like me can carry someone like you” she backed away from me

“Ow but you’re my girlfriend! You’re going to let you’re girlfriend walk all the way home, especially when she is sleepy and dead tired from all that kissing… that you started by the way” I smirked at her

“Yah! Who said anything about you being my girlfriend?! When did we decide that? I’ve never taken you out on a date and as for the kissing, you wanted it too” she yelled at me

“What is with you in taking me out on a date?! Taeyeon you’re my girlfriend so you be a good little girlfriend and carry me home or I might just go look for someone else!” I fired back.

“No! Go find someone else, I don’t want you as my girlfriend anymore, you’re so demanding” she said and began to walk away

“See, you said girlfriend, you called me you’re girlfriend” I began to smile widely and pointed at her “Now carry me, I own you, you’re mine” I demanded but she then began to run

“Don’t run away from me; don’t think because you are running means anything. When we get back to the house you’re sleeping on the floor…again!!.” I screamed chasing her down the road “And no more kissing”

I woke up the next morning, I was dead tired and sore from all the running Taeyeon made me due, I had chased her all the way home and like I said, I made Taeyeon sleep in her sleeping bag on the floor. I crawled over to her side of the bed and looked down but saw no one. I rubbed my eyes and saw a tv set placed into my room, it had a tape on top and a note stuck onto the screen. 

“Play me” I read

I dragged my body over to the tv and placed the cassette tape in and turned it on. It was black then blue and suddenly out of nowhere tiffany’s face appeared. She was smiling widely and I could tell trying not to laugh

“Hey Jessica” she said as she waved to me in the tape, then out of no where Hyo appeared waving to

“You’re probably wondering what’s going on” 

Yuri’s face then came onto the screen 

“Well we all want to invite you”

Soo Young’s face appeared

“To Dinner with Taeyeon” 

a dorky pictured of Taeyeon in a chef’s hat appeared on the screen for a second then Sun Mi’s face then appeared on the screen

“Next Saturday on the beach” she giggled

Then they all gathered together outside of the house on the video, holding up signs and screaming out for me to say yes to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon then appeared, she looked like she had her pj’s on and she cleared her throat

“Jessica, will you go out with me…will you be my girlfriend?” she smiled and the video tape went blank

I sat there in disbelief; I totally wasn’t expecting something like this at all. I got up from the bed and looked out the window wondering if Taeyeon was outside playing. I walked out into the hall, luckily Yoona had walked out 

“Do you know where Taeyeon is?” I asked excitedly, she smiled and knew full well that I saw the video, she just pointed to the bathroom. I couldn’t help but giggle “Always the bathroom with us”

I walked up and knocked onto it softly

“Taeyeon-ah” I said nervously

“It’s not her” Soo Young said as she opened the door and walked out

“Oh sorry” I walked away but turned “Do you know where she is” I asked

“Hmmm well I knew she woke up early to go workout with Hyo, they both took a run. Maybe ask her” 

I headed staright to tiffany’s and hyo room and knocked, I entered the room to see Tiffany hugging her hello kitty doll and sleeping with her mouth open. Hyo was on her cell phone texting, she seemed very into it

“Hey do you know where Taeyeon is” I asked her, she looked up and smiled

“She told me she wanted to take a walk, she didn’t leave to long ago so if you run now you can probably catch up.” she then went back to texting

I quickly charged out of the room and down the stairs, and slipped on a pair of sandals that I saw in front of the door. I lightly jogged looking around to see where Taeyeon might have gone to. 


“Thank you umma, thank you for taking care of me and everything” I said nodding “I miss you to, I will see you very soon….love you, bye” I said as I closed my cell phone.

My mind once I said goodbye to my mom, went to Jessica, I looked at the time and it should be around the time she gotten up and that meant she would already have seen the tape and watched how cheesy it was. Just thinking of it made me cringe and gag, I can’t believe Yoona and Sun Mi talked me into that. 

Unexpectedly I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my waist and a head lay on my back. I knew who it was right away, not only did I recognize the hands but the smell, Jessica had the sweetest smile. It reminded me of all different fruits like mango and even her most hated types of fruit melons!!!

“Jessica” I smiled, I felt her nod her head against me, I just smiled at the touch. Somehow she just made me calm, I felt at peace and do not feel insecure with her, I truly am happy whenever I am with her “Why aren’t you asleep” I joked

“Because I want to be with you” she whispered “You’re a perfect pillow Taeyeon-ah” she giggled 

“Oh so you’re using me” I said

“What else are you good for” she fired back at me

“Hey” I said but laughed it off. 

For the next two weeks I promised to breathe her in, allowlng myself for once to love her how I wanted to. To take care of her, be with her and love her….for the next two weeks I promised to myself I would give Jessica my whole heart. 

“Hmmmmmm…I am good at something” I said smirking as an idea came into my head

“Oh what is it” she laughed

“I am good at this” I swiftly moved from her hold to face her, she was caught off guard and I took a hold of her and leaned in to kiss her again. I could feel her melt as I wrapped her into my arms tightly. But she quickly pulled back

“Who said you could kiss me” she frowned

“I can if I want to you’re my girlfriend” I smiled

“Who said anything about that, I haven’t said yes to anything” she turned away

“But yesterday you were claiming to be my girlfriend and you were even saying that you own me” I told her

“That was yesterday; today is a new day. Don’t think you can take advantage of me Kim Taeyeon” she warned

“Fine, goodbye” I began to walk away from her, leaving her behind not caring at all

“You can’t leave me” she screamed, I began to laugh

“Well what is your answer then” I asked looking at her intently

“Answer to what” she was playing coy. 

I looked at her I could continue on teasing her but all I wanted was to be with Jessica so I got serious and looked at her

“Will you be mine?” I said, she looked down at her feet, she sort of played with them and looked up shyly and slowly walked up to me and smoothly she wrapped herself around me and kiss me lightly on the lips

“Of course” she smiled happily


I was on my laptop looking up my emails and such; while talking to some of my friends from the US on my messengers when a message popped up from Taeyeon

TaeyeonisownedbySica says: Hi Jessica.  

I laughed at her screen name

SooYeon♥Cherries says: wae o wae why aren’t you here with me? Where is my pillow?!

TaeyeonisownedbySica says: Cause you’ll just use me, stop calling me pillow, :angry:  <_< 

SooYeon♥Cherries says: And why is that wrong? Last time I used you…you liked it as much as I did :sing: Where are you?

TaeyeonisownedbySica says: in Sun Mi’s and you’re cousin’s room…why? Jealous? Kekek

SooYeon♥Cherries says: Not really

TaeyeonisownedbySica says: LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SooYeon♥Cherries says: Well what are we doing next Saturday

TaeyeonisownedbySica says: None of your business…till Sat arrives at least

SooYeon♥Cherries says: Why can’t you tell me

TaeyeonisownedbySica says: It’s a surprise, if you keep asking I will eat a cucumber as punishment, *evil laugh* see how much you want you’re pillow now!

SooYeon♥Cherries says: You wouldn’t, you wouldn’t do that!!! 

SooYeon♥Cherries says: ??????????????????????????????? Taeyeon?

Chapter 20

I suddenly felt kisses slowly crawl up the side of my shoulder then onto my neck. I quickly turned to face the person who was making them and smiled at her

“Shouldn’t you be asleep” I smiled widely and grabbing onto her hand and placed it in mine

“I should but I prefer doing this right now” she gave out a teasing chuckle and quickly went back to kissing me. I could feel her hand find its way under my shirt and making its way higher. 

I knew Jessica wanted more, as our day’s together passed and we both gotten more comfortable together but always having the thought of Paris at the back of our minds; Jessica was becoming more aggressive now and I was finding myself more reluctant. 

She was the more experienced one out of the two of us, so she knew what she wanted and when she wanted it. While I was still inexperienced and new to everything, the only other relationship I had was Junsu and it really didn’t amount to anything except for close brother and sister relationship and now that Jessica and I were together she was a whole new experience for me. 

“Oh..ah.aa” I let out with a heavy breath. I felt her begin to nibble on my earlobe

“Do you like that” she giggled, I just laughed blushing at the fact of it making me feel this way

Jessica loved teasing me, she knew that and therefore she tended and seemed to be intent on being the one always in charge hence all the teasing. Though I didn’t mind sitting back allowing her to lead I just wish I could make her feel the same way she did for me. 

She sat up and quickly straddled me

“Ah what are you doing” I said stunned and freaked

“shush, let me do what I want” she smirked and I suddenly felt her hands reach back under my shirt and begin to push it up

“Um Jessica what are you doing” I was getting nervous but felt myself melt under her as she now was placing her lips all over my exposed stomach. 

“Jessica” I moaned, she could sense how good she was making me feel so she took the opportunity to sit back up again and begin to slowly take off her top. I slightly had my eyes closed but I could slowly see Jessica’s smooth and tan stomach beginning to appear with her black lacy bra beginning to show. Once I fully grasped at what she was doing I quickly pushed her hands back 

“What are you doing” I said as I pushed her away and climbed higher against the head board. She tried to contain her laughter

“What does it look like, are you scared” she smiled and she leaned in to kiss me on the cheek “Don’t be Taeyeon-ah” she teasingly whispered in my ears as she now was flicking her tongue against the lobe again

Instead of letting her tease me I came to my senses and pushed her away again

“Stop teasing” I half heartedly scolded

“I don’t want to tease anymore” she looked straight into my eyes for a couple of minutes; she was trying to reassure me and let me know that this is what she wanted. She began to lean into my lips as I was anticipating them and I was allowing my hands to reach out for her like some magnetic force pulling me towards her. 

“Hey Taeyeon, you ready to go” Hyo said outside the room. At the sound of Hyo’s voice we both froze but coming to my senses I quickly snuck myself away from Jessica and opened the door and placed my body in front of Hyo making sure to cover Jessica.

“Hey” hyo said in her runners and sweats

“Hey, okay lets go” I said trying to push her from seeing Jessica

“You’re wearing your pyjamas” she questioned oddly

“Ah yes I am, sweats are comfy but so are you’re favourite kind of pjs…come on lets go” I pushed her some more

“Well okay, bye Sica” she waved, I turned to see a Jessica with her back turned sleeping soundly now, all I could do was nod my head at her


Yoona’s Pov

“Yuri-ah” I screamed, she walked over angrily at me

“What” she coldly stared, it was the first time I’ve ever seen her look at me like this. 

“What is up with you lately” I said softly “Why are you being so cold and distant with me”

“Nothing, what do you keep asking” she said trying to stifle the anger

“Well lately I find you getting easier to upset and you seemed so annoyed by me” I looked down “you get mad over the littlest things now’ 

Instead of Yuri providing me with the usually loving comfort she stood there staring at me angered by my honest confession. A few seconds she walked out of our room. I could hear her bump into someone on the way

“Move” she harshly stated

“Sorry” I recognized the voice right away, it was Taeyeon. I wondered if she heard the whole fight

I saw her step into the room and slowly one by one she sat down beside me on the bed 

“you ok” she asked gently. I turned away not wanting her to see my tears. “It okay Yoona, you can cry in front of me” she touched my arm and I immediately leapt into her arms, holding onto her tightly

Taeyeon’s Pov

After my run with Hyoyeon I decided to go upstairs and take a shower, I was trying to take Yuri’s good advice and be more active and healthy but exercising with Hyo was so hard, I barely could keep up with that girl. I huffed my way up the stairs and decided that I wanted to make a quick stop and see the princess herself. I quietly crept through the hall not wanting to disturb the others but couldn’t help myself catch the yelling going on in Yuri’s and Yoona’s room and found myself from stopping and listening to the argument.

I leaned in and listened to it. Yoona was upset, I knew full well that over the weeks Yoona had been coming to me and confiding to me whenever she and Yuri got into a fight. At first you wouldn’t think those two would but if you look closer you could see the relationship was beginning to wear on both of them.

Yoona spending more time with Sun Mi and I; while Yuri with Soo Young, Tiffany, Hyo and Jessica. Basically I was with the kids and the older ones stuck together, I decided that I was best for me to go and began to step forward but was halted by Yuri who I bumped into. 

Her face was all red and when she looked at me it became even more. I moved out of her way not wanting to pick a fight and listened to her stomp away loudly. I quickly looked in to see Yoona upset, she was trying to be brave in front of me

As soon as I walked in I wanted to hug her but she turned away from me not wanting to show her tears and weakness. 

“You ok” I said gently and as soon as she leaped into my arms I began to rub her back letting her know everyone will okay.

After spending 20 minutes with Yoona I decided to let her be alone and reflect about what she told me. Yoona had repeatedly told me that Yuri most likely wanted to end things with her…that Yuri was changing and she didn’t know how long she could put up with it anymore.

I made my way to my room. I heard tears and some mumbling, so I made sure when I opened it that I wouldn’t make too much noise.

When I looked in I saw Jessica hugging Yuri who was crying in her arms, Jessica quickly spotted me and gave me a sympathetic smile. I just nodded and walked away shutting the door knowing it was best to let those two be alone. I began to walk wanting to just go a head with a shower but started to mentally smack myself as I stopped in my tracks; I had finally figured it out. I sighed out loud and mentally smacked myself for not noticing it sooner

“She can’t?!” I said and began to walk straight into the washroom, hoping that the shower would relieve the tension in my heart now and mind

After taking a longer then expected shower I immediately wrapped a towel around me and began to use it to dry me off. 

“You want help” I heard a voice behind. I turned and screamed out

“What are you doing in here?!” I lept and remembered to cover my body up from letting her from seeing it. 

She began to cover her mouth as she was laughing at the reaction

“Taeyeon don’t be shy with me” she said and walked closer, I began to back away

“No stay away, I don’t want you to see me like this” I said pushing her away

But she kept on laughing, I was getting mad

“Hey stop it, why are you laughing so hard what’s so funny” I said

“You’re what’s funny, you and you’re aegyo” she was trying to recover from the laughter “Yuri and you are so different” she said then walked out 

“What you mean” I said but there was no response


Well it seemed like Yoona and Yuri had somewhat patched things up, they were at least able to sit beside each other at the dinner table despite the fact neither did look or say anything to each other. Jessica and I were sitting together, she was to busy eating her plateful of food to notice anything, the setting of tonight’s meal seemed off.

“Here Taeyeon” Jessica said turning her attention to me and not her food for the first time tonight. Jessica then placed a small plate of food beside my bowl of rice

“Eat it” she smiled at me as she held her chopsticks to her mouth looking so innocent and sweet

“Oh…thanks I just love it when you microwave chopped pieces of ham for me. I love ham, hah.” I said trying to sound convincing. I could hear Tiff and Hyo hold in their laughter. 

“What about me Sica” Yuri smiled interrupting tiff and Hyo’s laughter. Jessica looked up and gave her a cold look

“Only my girlfriend gets my special made ham” she said and went back to eating her meal. 

Did something happen between them?! I thought. There was a tension in the air for sure. My eyes drew towards Yoona whose eyes were glazed over with tears that were beginning to fall. 

“I am going to go upstairs, I’m not feeling to well” she quietly said looking downward the whole time. Yuri didn’t even bother saying anything but continued to ogle down at her bowl of rice eating it bit by bit. I wanted to go talk to Yoona and show her that I cared but I unexpectedly felt a hand placed on my leg. I peeked down and noticed it was Jessica’s hand that was now lightly rubbing my thigh. She was still eating and not even making any eye contact with me; I guess it was her way of saying to just stay out of it. 

“I hate boys” soo young chimed in, almost everyone looked up at her questioning

“Did something bad happen with Sungmin Oppa” tiffany asked

“Yeah, he is a big as~” she said and started to grab more food onto her plate. 

“Soo Young” I said glaring at her then eyeing Sun Mi then her to let her know not in front of young ones. Again I felt Jessica squeeze my thigh with her hand, trying to calm me down

‘Taeyeon why aren’t you touching you’re ham” she said turning her head to look at me with innocent wide eyes trying to change the subject



After dinner was over Yuri went upstairs probably and hopefully to go talk to Yoona to make things right with her. But first I had try to attempt to talk to Yuri before but wasn't able to due to Jessica holding me back with her hand on my leg. She knew I wanted to meddle but she knew that I shouldn’t involve myself in something like this to. 

“Taeyeon-ah” she squeezed me from behind

“Using me as a pillow again” I laughed as I rubbed her arms as we both kind of stood there moving from side to side silently

“Mmmm” she moaned happily, “Here this is for you” Jessica said as she then brought out an envelope 

“Oh what is this” I asked stunned not expecting this at all

“Just open it” she urged shaking her head. I looked down at it wondering what it could be.

I slowly shook it just to make sure nothing bad was in it, she smacked me lightly

“It’s nothing bad, just open it” she smiled laughing at my reaction

“Ok ok” I mumbled as I began to rip into it but Jessica began to scold me 

“Open it neatly, don’t be an animal” she said.

I ignored her last statement, in order to make a point I ripped my way into the long envelope and chucked it away keeping what was inside in my hand to prove to her that just because we are together, I wasn’t going to be constantly bowing down to her. As she gave me her disappointing approval I peeked down and found my legs giving out. 

“What is this…a plane ticket?” I looked at it and saw “to Paris” I was shocked I didn’t know what to say. I looked at her thinking is this her ticket but saw her quickly nod no

“It’s not for me, it’s for Sun Mi” she then pointed down for me to read what was in the letter that came with the ticket. I quickly folded open the two page letter.

It stated that Sun Mi was invited to study at the Paris Art School for at two semesters on full scholarship and after that she would be granted a interview that would grant her full acceptance if they liked what they see in those two semesters. I looked up shocked but in awe of Jessica

“How did you do this, why?” I was lost for words

“Why else other then Sun Mi deserves a chance to study at one of the best art schools and…and the fact… that I love you…” she looked down shyly. She was trembling; I immediately stood up and held her into my arms tightly

“Thank you Jessica” still in shock “But you never had to do anything like this…but I do thank you Jessica for loving me…” and then I looked to face, I couldn’t really read it but I could tell she was a little disappointed in me, well more or less my reaction.

I continued to hold onto her shaking body, I was unsure what to think…just that I loved her and I don’t want to let her go.

“How did you even…how?” I was freaking out

“I won’t tell you a thing, except Donghae’s father has connections” she smirked

“Donghae?! Doesn’t he have the biggest crush on you? no wait isn’t he in love with you” I said becoming a bit jealous and curious as to how Jessica convinced him

“Taeyeon, don’t be jealous and don’t worry…he is my friend” she lightly began to touch the collar of my shirt and started to play with it “Go tell Sun Mi the good news” she pushed me to the door but quickly pulled me in for one last kiss

“I’ll be right back” I said and ran to knock on Sun Mi’s door. 

15 minutes later…

I could still hear the screaming from Sun Mi and Soo Young who were jumping up and down excitedly for Sun Mi. Sun Mi was in absolute shock she almost fainted, her legs giving out and she landing on the bed luckily it wasn’t anything serious. I started to chuckle as Sun Mi went on repeating that she had to call her umma and appa then her seungri (her boyfriend). 

I opened the door urgently wanting to see Jessica, I couldn’t believe that she did this all I wanted was to hold her in my arms and kiss her and tell her that I love her. But as soon as I opened the door my eyes laid upon Yoona sleeping soundly on my bed. I looked around wondering if Jessica was still in the room but knew right away Yoona was the only one occupying it. Suddenly I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I quickly turned around and saw Jessica who had her finger to her lips shushing me to be quiet for Yoona’s sake. She then grabbed onto my hand and began to pull me away from the room. 

“What’s going on” I was curious

“Yoona and Yuri just broke up” she whispered quietly and continued to pull me downstairs, despite all my attempts to stop her and get her to tell me what was going on and how it happened, I realized for the first time Jessica freakishly strong and I ended up failing every time. I watched her pick up one of the large blankets on the couch and held it against her as she continued to pull me outside. She then pushed me down on the bench outside the front door porch and then sat down laying her body over me then wrapping the blanket around us. 

“Always with the pillow” I joked as her head was lying on my chest

“Please you love it when I use you” she smirked

“So…” I said not sure what to say, well it was obvious what I wanted to ask but I just didn’t know how to

“Yoona broke up with Yuri…Yuri didn’t say why but lets just say Yuri’s done a lot of damage tonight…” she seemed agitated and frustrated. But it was hard to tell coming from Jessica how she was truly feeling. 

The atmosphere had become quiet, for a while we both ended up watching the stars, well I at least was. I wasn’t to sure about Jessica. As I ran my hand up and down her arm slowly to keep her warm from the chill from being outside, my mind kept wondering how all of a sudden Jessica was feeling down and a little upset when saying Yuri’s name, surprisingly Jessica began to talk

“Lets not talk about this tonight” she sighed “tell me about the stars…Sun Mi said she taught you everything about astronomy, so now you can teach it to me” I could feel her begin to cheer up and she then turned her body so that she was able to hug me.

“Well did you know that you can have a multi-system of stars together’ I asked, I could feel her head nodding, wasn’t sure if it was a yes or a no “the most common one is the binary star, where two stars are bound together and orbit each other…” she kept nodding her head “Jessica are you even listening?” I asked her and got no response “Jessica?” I asked one more time “Jessica did you fall asleep?” I said out loud in a heavy sigh. 

Chapter 21

Over the past days everyone was trying to still get over the fact that Yoona and Yuri had broken up. All of us, over the two months had gotten closer and had formed a stronger bond that was already there. But none of us had prepared for the surprising break up that had just occurred. The atmosphere in the whole house was awkward to say the least at times. 

Yuri and I had convinced Yoona to stay for the rest of the summer because we both felt that it wouldn’t be the same without her. Of course it didn’t help that I decided to handcuff myself to Yoona for 6 hours until she said yes and promised me, in which I had then finally let her go, but hey you gotta do what you gotta do right?

Even though things between Yuri and Yoona wasn't the most wonderful time for either of them it was definitely the opposite for Jessica and I who were becoming closer and found ourselves falling deeper and deeper with each other, well at least that is how i felt. 

It was honestly hard to read what was going on in Jessica’s head she had seemed to have a lot on her mind now that the end of the summer was fast approaching. It also didn't help that Jessica and Yuri were ok one minute and not ok the next, the feeling I was picking up was hot and cold. 

“Taeyeon-ah what are you writing” I heard a voice ring closely into my ear. I smiled slightly at the sound of it and her hot breath that was so near “Are you looking at porn” she questioned

“No! Never! besides you’re the one who looks up porn” I retorted giving her a look to remind her of the time when we were both doing homework together, Jessica needed to go to the bathroom. I decided while she was busy in there I needed to use her laptop and so when I went to go turn it on. Surprisingly enough the screen popped up and it was filled with these images of…let’s just call them of adult content. 

“That wasn’t me, it was Soo Young” she rebutted angrily. I turned to face her and nudged my head into the crook of her neck 

“Don’t be mad, I am just kidding” I said and I began to rub her arm

“Shush, besides it was pictures of the male anatomy that popped up, you should know I don’t have any interest in that. I am not a pervert” she was still angry at my joke.

Jessica was now sitting up on our bed with her arms crossed and her face turned away from me with the cutest Sica pout ever. 

I loved it whenever Jessica would get mad at me or jealous, she was so adorable. Despite I knowing how much it sucked to be on the receiving end of things like that but i couldn't help it. Whenever Jessica became possessive of me or if she was embarrassed by something it was and I admit proudly a total turn on for me.

“Jessica” I said as I shut my laptop and placed it onto the ground. I then sat up and made sure I was in front of her. “Oh princess” I said sweetly inching closer to her. 

She didn’t react to it, still holding the same position strongly. “Jessica, Jessica…oh Jessica” I was nearing closer and closer to her.

“Jessica…I want you” I said and then I began to lightly place kiss at the side of her cheek, she still didn’t move.

So I decided to do it again and again, I could feel her become less tense so I decided to let my kisses linger longer until I was now kissing her bottom lip passionately and was making my mouth move onto hers. 

I could feel her tremble slightly at my touch; I was now letting my hands roam the sides of her small waist and I was becoming more aggressive with my kissing. 

I suddenly felt her pull back; she breathed heavily staring at me in shock at my behaviour, but all I wanted was to kiss her so I pushed her down onto her back and resumed my kissing. But this time I was making my lips move lower and I was now pulling her shirt up off of her.

Jessica was now laying on the bed we shared together in nothing but her dark grey skirt and her black bra.

“Taeyeon” she moan lightly “What are you doing, what are you thinking” she sighed as she reached up towards me so she could pull me into her. Her hands were now finding its way under my shirt but I immediately pulled them away and held onto them up over her head. I wanted to tease her more, so I leaned in and began to use my tongue to lick down her neck and onto her chest, kissing deeper as I neared her breasts.

“AH Taeyeon-ah” she moaned, I felt her body arch up as she kept moaning. I was making my way lower as Jessica’s hands were struggling underneath my grasp. She was moaning, her voice becoming higher. 

“Taeyeon-ah” she kept repeating, I was enjoying every last second “Taeyeon-ah I want you to” she moaned hungrily. 

So I let go of her hands and the second I did Jessica quickly began to pull my shirt off of me, exposing my body to her and I to was now in nothing but my bra and a pair of shorts. 

I could feel the warmth of Jessica’s lips instantly touching every part of my body. Jessica was making her way, she wanted to mark her territory on me and I was now moaning for her, moaning her name…”Jessica”

We both were sitting up and are arms were wrapped around each other, Jessica kissing and sliding her tongue down my neck while I lightly gave her pecks on parts of her skin, I was more focused on my hands as they were now unhooking her bra.

‘knock knock’

Both of froze and looked at each other. Jessica immediately placed her fingers on my lips, which meant not to make any sounds.

“Jessica, Taeyeon?” a voice said. I knew that it was Yuri knocking “Can I talk to Jessica?” she asked. I wanted to just tell her no but Jessica kept nodding not to say anything.

“Jessica and Taeyeon I know you’re both in there it’s hard not to hear the moaning” she stated. Immediately Jessica and I looked at each other in disappointment and a bit of embarrassment. Jessica then quickly picked up her shirt which at first wsa my shirt until I told her. In which I began to laugh a little at her mistake, she quickly placed it on and walked to the door. 

“Yuri” she said annoyed

“Jessica, I really need to talk to you” Yuri seemed agitated as I listened to them

“Does it really have to be now?” she asked. I didn’t hear anything from Yuri so I assumed she was nodding.

“Fine, meet me downstairs” Jessica then closed the door shut and marched her way onto the bed again. 

She leaned in and placed her lips on mine to kiss me

“Sorry I have to stop this” she said

“It’s okay” I said, my hands were now brushing her hair back into place

“No it’s not…I want you so badly” Jessica slightly giggled at her own statement

“I want you to Jessica. But Yuri is going through a hard time so we should be supportive of her and of any of our friends” I told her, she was giving me her ‘are you serious look’ “Besides I need to take care of a few things before Saturday.” I looked at her and smiled happily to her, she kissed me a gain

“I hate how you’re just so sweet and kind” she kissed me again “I love you” she said lowly and walked out the door not allowing me time to tell her how I felt.

It was Sun Mi, Yoona and I outside sitting out on the grass working on my plans for my date with Jessica Saturday. I was at first reluctant to let Yoona help considering but she insisted on it

“I want to go out with you” Sun Mi stated as Yoona chuckled “Me too, to bad I wasn’t the one dating you originally” she said. Sun Mi and I both looked at her with sympathy, Yoona was definitely still hurting about the breakup…Yuri was after all Yoona’s first relationship and I assumed first love. 

“Taeyeon you’re just so kind and all round good person” she said. Sun Mi grabbed onto her hand and leaned her head on her shoulder

“Yoona it will be okay” I could tell Yoona felt alittle better but she was still putting on a fake smile.

“Hey guys just want to say thanks for the help” the girls acted as if it was nothing and they were happy to do it.

“I think Jessica is going to love you more, especially with the things you set up for her” Yoona said, Sun Mi nodded to. 

“Well that’s what I really want her to know, that I love her even though we will be separated I want her to know I love her’ I said, the two younger girls started to laugh “I know its sappy” I started to throw pieces of grass at them. 

“Hey food’s ready!!!” Hyo shouted at us and we all immediately ran in.

The seats were somewhat full but Jessica and Yuri still had yet to make there appearance. We all sat down waiting for them, Yoona looked to me and we both started to chat with each other until finally Jessica had appeared. 

She smiled at me and was heading over but saw Yoona in her seat so she sat in Yoona’s instead much to her disappointment. Yuri suddenly appeared looking down, as I said hi she didn’t even bother to look at me or acknowledge it. 

The whole dinner seemed to go off without a hitch, everyone was laughing and talking. But instantly picked up on was Jessica and Yuri’s, the two seemed to avoid any contact of any kind with each other. I watched Jessica the whole night wondering what was wrong, I was worried about her. 

“Hey not feeling so good, I think I am going to go upstairs” I said

“Yah you trying to avoid dish duty with me” Tiff yelled at me

“No, it’s not even our night” I told her, trying hard not to laugh at her

“Oh, okay then go ahead” she gave me her trademark eye smile.

I walked slowly upstairs wondering when will Jessica decide to join me. We often did this in order to spend more time alone...talking, ok...more or less making out. I started to laugh at the thought.

I lyed down on the bed, face sprawl flat onto my pillow. I thought for a second hoping Jessica didn’t join me I was tired and laying down like this was so comfortable i could just fall asleep. Out of nowhere I suddenly felt hands make there way up my back and I felt a body lay on top of me and a pair of lips whispered into my ear.

“Taeyeon-ah” she giggled. I quickly turned around catching her off guard, Jessica squealed as I grabed onto her waist and pulled her down beside me. She then leaned in and started to kiss me gently

“Jessica I need to talk or we need to” I said as she continued on

“Oww why, it’s alone time” she said, I laughed

“It’s bad alone time not good alone time. Its talking alone time not make out alone time” I told her

“I prefer make out alone time” she said but she then sat up laying her body onto the head board and I did the same. 

“What do you want to talk about” she asked

“Are you okay, something bad happen” I asked gently. I could tell she became tense, she looked sad for a second but straighten her self up

“No, nothing is wrong. Why do you ask” she said sort of avoiding my gaze

“Because Yuri and you seemed to be on the outs again and Yuri was avoiding making eye contact and didn’t even acknowledge me at dinner” I told her

“Taeyeon everything is fine, just Yuri is going through something. You know she loves you and I love you” she then got up not allowing me to respond to her.

“Jessica what do you mean” I said walking after her

“taeyeon just remember that I love you, okay” she stopped me “I am going to go take a bath” she then walked out leaving me there stunned. What was going on, why suddenly so the lies and brushing me off. 

I wanted to talk to someone so decided to go to Tiffany and hyo’s room, the two knew a lot about relationships and knew how to deal with this. On my way I saw that Jessica had dropped her towel so I quickly picked it up making my way to the washroom before stopping at tiff and hyo’s room.

I knocked calling out her name but no response, so I decided to let myself in leaving the door open just a crack, I peeked first making sure I wasn’t walking in on her while she was undressing. But I saw that she wasn’t there, I noticed that her clothes and other items were set on the counter but she was nowhere to be found. 

Jessica where are you I thought looking around. I set her towel on the counter and stood there wondering where she might have gone off to, she had left the water running in the bath tub so as I bent down to shut it. I heard an unexpected voice

“Jessica are you in there?” Yuri said. I knew I should have said that it wasn’t her but it was me, taeyeon but something had forced me to keep shut

“Jessica we need to talk about it, I am sorry. Please forgive me.” She sounded so sad “Meet me later tonight at midnight down by the bridge? I think it’s best if we talk about what happened” she said, she didn’t wait for a response because I could hear footsteps walking away from the door. 

“What happened” I said to myself “What possibly could have happened between them” my heart began to ache. Suddenly I was startled by a smiling Jessica who looked shocked herself to find me here.

“You come to join” she joked, I looked at her I put on my best grin and told her no

“I found you’re towel and so I came to bring it to you” I pointed to it, she turned and raised her hands in the air “thanks I was looking for it” she turned and smiled at me, but it faded when she saw that I wasn’t happy at all

“Is everything okay” she asked looking concern as she approached me. I quickly stepped aside, moving closer to the door

“No everything is ok.” I turned but then looked back at her “Jessica you love me right?” I asked, she looked concerned that I had asked her that

“Of course” she stated

“And you wouldn’t hold anything back from me right? You would let me know if something was wrong right?” she stared at me unsure how to respond

“Of course…why I don’t understand why you are bringing these questions up” she asked but I quickly walked out not bothering to answer.

Yuri’s Pov

I was standing out on the cold night air, my body shaking

“Hurry Sica” I said out loud. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me “thank god you’re here I am so cold, is this you’re way for punishing me about kissing you again” I said when I turned around to look at her. My eyes bulged immediately and I felt like choking, 

“Taeyeon” I stuttered, she looked at me

“Kiss? What kiss” she asked softly, her eyes didn’t reveal anything she stood there looking stone cold

“Taeyeon its nothing, forget what I just said” I was trying to think of a way to cover this up. Jessica had wanted to tell Taeyeon herself

“I asked you about the kiss, what kiss?” she repeated

“the kiss meant nothing for us” I nervously stuttered out

“you both kissed each other” she stated coldly, I wasn’t sure what to say…I knew I kissed Jessica because I wanted to know if I truly and absolutely loved Yoona and I didn’t have anymore feelings for Sica which had risen once she and Taeyeon had gotten together, which then made me unsure about my feelings for her. So I had kissed her which made me confused and then there was a second time we had both kissed each other....

“Ah….no, It was only me who kissed her both times... Jessica loves you, Jessica is in love with you.” she looked at me, confused, she didn’t have tears running down her face but when you looked straight into her eyes you could see pain and sadness, I could see her mumble kisses, she then looked at me again for a long minute

“Well she seems to still love you” she said and began to run off

“Taeyeon it’s not like that you misunderstand” I began to run after her yelling.

As I reached the house, all I saw was Yoona standing there at the front porch waiting

“yoona do you know where Taeyeon went” I asked her, she scoffed at me 

“Why does it matter, you got what you always wanted” she harshly stated 

“Yoona you misunderstanding everything, let me explain”

“Not a chance I gave you time and space and allowed you to many chances to explain it to me, but you refused. So I am doing it to you” she walked away, leaving me alone.

“But Yoona I love you” I whispered lowly

I slowly made my way in, still looking around for Taeyeon, I walked upstairs and was happy to see Taeyeon standing outside her door

“Taeyeon, let me explain, let’s talk” I said as I walked closer towards her. She turned her head and was about to answer when Jessica popped up behind me and quickly made her way to Taeyeon’s side lovingly

“Taeyeon I am tired let’s go to bed” she said, Taeyeon turned to her putting on a fake smiled and nodded, she opened the door letting Jessica inside first and then she followed but looked at me in the eyes. I knew she was trying to tell me to let her be for now, and so I listened to my best friend and stayed put I owed her this much.

Jessica's Pov

I felt my life change in an instant the moment I realized I was in love with her. I felt everything around me change, I didn’t feel as lonely or weak and I certainly didn’t feel the need to sleep as much as I did because that meant I wouldn’t have as much time to spend with her. And when it comes to Taeyeon I wanted to spend every moment whether I was awake or asleep with her. 

I watched her as she slept peacefully beside me. I brushed the hair that had fallen in front of her face out of the way so I could look at her eyes, nose, lips and so on better. I loved everything about her and I knew she was the only one I wanted to be with forever. 

I instantly felt stirring as I now watched Taeyeon stretch and yawn herself to a fully active state. She looked at me and lightly smiled, I leaned in closer and kissed her on the lips

“Ew morning breath” I giggled, she glared at me, so in order to ease her I kissed her longer this time

“Mmmm” was all I heard

“Are you excited” I asked her, she looked at me and nodded lightly. “Are you still tired” I joked

“No I am up, I am just surprised you are” she said as she sat up stretching her arms out. I quickly got up to lay my head into her lap, she laughed at me but she suddenly began to brush my hair with her fingers.

“Um can I push the time later…like say 2?” she asked as she kept on brushing my hair

“Okay, may I ask why?” I looked into her eyes

“I just need to make things right, to correct something” she avoided my eye contact

“IS everything okay” I asked. She quickly got up and reminded me that we would meet at 2 down by the bridge. 

At the moment I felt a chill run down my spine, at the time I didn’t noticed how sad you were because I was to blinded by my happiness that I couldn’t see you’re pain. 

I walked downstairs I easily spotted Tiffany, Hyo and my cousin who were all conversing together, all of them turned to stare at me smiling.

“Someone is happy” hyo winked as I had a huge grin on my face

“Is Taeyeon that good” Soo Young stated, immediately Tiff whacked her 

“Soo Young, gross” she was touching the sides of her head “don’t even want to think of that” 

Hyo and I just couldn’t help but laugh at Tiffany. 

“Anyway, do you know what you’re wearing” Tiffany cheered up

“No I don’t even know what we’re doing or where we’re going” I said, just then Sun Mi and Yoona walked in carrying two bags. 

“Jessica” Sun Mi said a bit shocked.

“What are you still doing here” Yoona asked

“Um im going to eat breakfast” I told them as I sat down grabbing a spoon and dipping it into Soo Young’s breakfast. My cousin was now glaring at me threateningly as I put the spoonful into my mouth

“Oh…where is Taeyeon” Sun Mi asked

“She said she needed to do something so I am meeting her up at 2” I looked at them a bit confused. The two began to whisper to each other which was beginning to concern me

“Call Taeyeon” Sun MI said in a low whisper, the two began to walk away

“Guys is something wrong” I asked concerned

“Ah, no. none that we know of” Yoona said

“Bye” Sun Mi then dragged Yoona out of the kitchen

I continued to eat and listen to the conversation between the girls when I saw Yuri run down, her eyes widen when she spotted me

“Jessica, do you know where Taeyeon went” she asked scared

“No, not really” I said not looking at her

“Well did something happen between you two” she seemed worried

“No, why do you care” I was looking at her finally giving her my cold stare

“Jessica we need to talk, it’s important” she stated

“No, im eating leave me alone” I said, I was still angered about what she said to me earlier questioning my feelings for Taeyeon after the kiss.

“Seriously Jessica it’s important that we talk now” she said. I got up and quickly cleared the dish I was eating out of and walked past Yuri. 

“I am taking a shower please do not disturb or bother following” I coolly stated

The Date

I stood there waiting for her at the bridge it was now 2:30 and Taeyeon had still had yet to show up. I sighed, my heart felt like it was going to break as I stood there waiting

“Did you forget about me” I said closing me eyes. I let the sun shine on me, absorbing it’s heat to keep me calm. The next moment I opened them and to my surprise watched Taeyeon peddling on a bicycle that was heading towards me. My heart stood up as it saw her face getting closer and closer

“Taeyeon!” I yelled. Looking away “Where have you been” I stated. She quickly grabbed onto my hand and pulled me towards the bicycle. 

“We don’t have all day” she said “So hold on” she leaned in to kiss me on the cheek

“Why where are we going” I kept asking

“It’s a surprise I told you that already” she stated ‘Now shush and hold on tight” as she began to bike faster, my grip around her tightening as I was getting scared

“Taeyeon you’re going to fast” I screamed “Ahhhh Taeyeon-ah!!” 

We had suddenly slowed down and stopped near a body of water, she then asked me to get off 

“What why” I questioned, I was reluctant

“Because I told you so” she said, “now go down there” she pointed to a tree

“What you’re not coming with me” I asked

“Jessica do you not remember what I told you on the way here, that you have to listen to everything I tell you to do…or else this whole thing wouldn’t work” she lectured me “You promised me, you even did the cross my heart hope to die thing” she pouted with her eyes

“Fine, I’ll go. But I don’t see the purpose” I said getting annoyed. 

So I reluctantly made my way down still trying to figure out why she wanted me to. I saw nothing there. I looked up at her and she smiled and signalled for me to walk around. So I did, I walked around making sure that she had left something there for me as a surprise, she did say there were going to be a whole bunch of them today.

“Nothing taeyeon” I was now making my way back “Why did you make me do that” I asked

“Oh I just wanted to see if you would actually do it and you did, it made me so proud” she rubbed her hands on the top of my head which made my hair into a mess. Taeyeon then began to point and laugh at me. My eyes bulged in anger 

“Kim Taeyeon how dare you play a trick on me” I scolded I started to run after her but she then started to run down towards the water

I kept going after her, I was angered at the fact that she played a mean trick on me. I could hear her laughing and I admit I soon started to laugh as well. We kept on running for who knows how long, I was getting nervous as I couldn't see where she was anymore

“Taeyeon where are you” I yelled, “Taeyeon stop, please come out” I looked around for her. I was getting scared, I had heard a noise at the right of me and I quickly turned towards it. My heart began to flutter at what I saw hanging on one of the trees.

“A necklace" with a ring looped onto it, I quickly ran to grab it. I looked down at it and saw an inscription was made inside of it which I couldn’t really make out, it seemed that something was missing from it

“Always and…and what” I said out loud

“Do you like it” I turned my head to look up at her and nodded happily

“See you falling for my trick wasn’t such a waste now was it” she laughed lightly “You looked so adorable walking in a circle” she smiled I quickly ran up to her and hit her lightly on the chest

“Stop being so mean” I whined. 

“Okay, well let’s go” she grabbed onto my hand again

“Wait I want to put it on” I said, but she grabbed it away and put it into her pocket

“Hey that’s mine” I jumped up and down wanting her to give it back

“You can’t put it on yet, so behave” and we were off once again. 

Taeyeon’s Pov

I felt her arms around my body she would tighten whenever we would found ourselves going down hill. I enjoy every moment, the scent that she was giving off to the sound of her voice and to the tight squeeze she gave me whenever she was scared. I couldn’t help but smile but be sad at the same time.

I stopped the bicycle that I had rented from a shop nearby and parked it. Jessica stood there confused at where we were, I knew right away she was questioning why we were here and what we were going to do. 

I looked at her and took out a piece of cloth and stood behind her. I then began to wrap it around her eyes to blind her. 

“Taeyeon what are you doing’ she was getting scared, I immediately placed my hand onto her reassuring her there was no need to be scared with me and that she could trust me.

“It’s a surprise I told you” I laughed “now come” I said finishing tying up the blindfold and grabbing her hand and pulling her to the next destination. 

I kept debating whether to do this or not. I could tell that my heart was telling me to do the right thing but my mind was telling me “why not be mad, why not yell and scream at her” but I couldn’t. I loved her too much; Jessica meant more to me then my own life and my own happiness, so tonight I was going to give her true happiness.

“We’re here” I told her, finally letting her see

“An art gallery” she said surprised and curious

‘Yes, there is an exhibit that I want you to see inside” I pushed her slightly nudging her to go in

“You’re not coming with me” she asked sadly

“No I want you to see this alone. Don’t worry there are signs and someone to help you find you’re way if you get lost” I giggled at her. She looked at me scrunching her nose up

“Go please” 

Jessica's Pov

I walked inside slowly; very few people were inside looking at the pieces of artwork, I wasn’t sure what she wanted me to see. I didn’t have a good grasp of art; I always slept through the lessons or relied on Taeyeon to teach me and here I was without Taeyeon, I was beginning to regret agreeing to obey Taeyeon. 

As I walked in some more I saw the sign that direct me to go left

“Jessica go left” I laughed “oh Taeyeon always think of everything” I nodded, I followed every sign that had my name on it until it brought me to a closed off area, where I saw

“Sun Mi” standing in the middle of it, she was dressed in formal wear. She bowed down formally with her wide smile. My eyes immediately went around the room, staring in shock at every picture or piece of artwork of me hanging on the wall. 

“What’s going on here” I asked stunned at seeing a room full of picture of me smiling, sleeping, looking bored, annoyed, angry and sad.

“What does it look like” sun mi stated, “it’s Taeyeon’s gift to you” I walked around some more and noticed that Taeyeon had created pieces of the people we most cared about like; fany, hyo, soo young, yoona, sun mi, Yuri and even Sun Ye….

“How did she do this, when?” I looked at sun mi confused, she slightly laughed

“Whenever Taeyeon and I were painting together, instead of painting the scenery like I was Taeyeon always painted a portrait of you. It didn’t matter if we saw the most gorgeous bird or watch the most striking sunset, all she did was paint or draw or photograph you. 

My eyes were beginning to water, I was in pure shock, I wasn’t sure if I was awake. I was in disbelief of what I was looking at, and what was staring back at me. I made my way slowly around each wall that had moments of me in my happiest times and in my worst times. 

“You were always watching over me” I whispered lowly

I wasn’t sure how long I was in there, I didn’t want to go. All I wanted was to inspect every piece and carve it into my mind forever, so that I wouldn’t forget it.

“It’s time to go she should be on the beach waiting for you” Sun Mi stated looking at her watch. She then motioned for me to go.

I slowly made my way onto the street, it wasn’t hard for me to find my way because once I reached outside I saw Yoona standing beside a car wearing a black jacket and a hat

“Yoona are you even old enough to drive’ I chuckled, she embarrassingly blushed

“That’s why I am with her” Soo Young popped out of no where saluting me

“You’d probably be worse then Yoona” I stated

“So that’s why I am here” a energetic voiced rang through, I watched Tiffany as she moved forward onto her pink scooter. “Hop on” she motioned and we were off. 

Taeyeon's Pov

I stood on the beach alone, watching the wave’s crash onto the shore. I shut close my cell phone and slid it into my pocket. 

Suddenly I felt two arms wrapped around me and we were both now swaying to the wind. 

“Taeyeon” I heard her speak

“Shhhhhhh, just listen” I said and that it what we did. 

I sat in front of Jessica as she eagerly ate the dinner I had made and packed for us, we sat on the blanket that was sprawled out onto the sand. 

“Do you like it” I asked smiling happily as I watched her eat down that carbonara. She nodded but didn’t bother to look up at me

“You’re very hungry” I then began to pull the hair out of her face and rubbed her cheek lightly, she then stopped and nuzzled against it

“Taeyeon…thank you for everything. You made me happy, the happiest I have ever been” she said. I looked at her and smiled 


I set aside her food and began to clear the drinks and such away. I turned to her and asked her to close her eyes. I had one more surprise for her tonight 

“Taeyeon there is nothing else you could do that would top what I saw at the museum” she said as she was reluctant to shut her eyes, I quickly placed my hands onto her cheeks and stared into her eyes

“You promised to listen” I said, and so she closed her eyes tightly

I took out my last present and asked her to place her hands together and outward. I then took the envelope and placed it onto her hand. I looked at her one last time wanting to remember how beautiful and angelic she looked with the moon shining down on her.

“Jessica I will always love you…remember that. Remember that I will love you” I leaned in and gave her one final kiss, I tired to keep my tears from falling because I didn’t want to know how much it hurt to let her go. I could tell she wanted to say something to me but I had placed a finger against her lips and quieted her down. 

“Shhh” I then calmly got up and started to run away from the only person I would ever love and would allow to break my heart so much. 

I wiped my tears with my arm trying to conceal the pain wanting to scream out. 

Jessica's Pov

I sat there wondering what had just happened

“Taeyeon” no response “Taeyeon I am opening my eyes now’ still nothing. So I opened my eyes slowly to discover I was now alone under the moonlight. I immediately looked around 

“Taeyeon-ah!!” I yelled, I saw nothing. “Where are you, why did you leave me” tears began to fall down the sides of my cheek. 

My mind then quickly remembered the item I was holding tightly onto. I looked down at the white envelope

I quickly ripped it open and saw the same necklace from earlier fall out, but this time two rings hung on it. I pulled out the letter that was inside and opened it quickly


The person that makes you happiest is right in front of you,

Always and forever,


I was confused I shut my eyes trying to control the pain but I couldn’t. I opened my eyes again as I suddenly saw a figure approaching me

“Yuri…” I said out loud, she came closer as she saw me

“Jessica what are you doing here? Where is Taeyeon” she asked

Chapter 22

I ran onto the street calling out for a taxi, hoping that I would be able to catch her before she left the country for good. 


“Jessica, why are you here alone” Yuri asked as she stood right in front of me

“She’s gone, she left me, she said she wouldn’t but she did” I said lowly, still in shock

“What do you mean Jessica, where is Taeyeon’ she asked as she knelt down and placed her hands on my shoulder

“What do you think I mean, Taeyeon is gone. She left. Look around you do you see her at all” I said looking into her eyes

“No Taeyeon would never, she would never…Taeyeon loves you” Yuri repeated. I looked down at the necklace and touched the markings of the inscription on both of the rings

Always & Forever T+J 

“Liar…LIAR, she is such a liar” I began to scream out, Yuri immediately placed her arms around me, I just kept screaming liar over and over, fighting away Yuri’s hold. 

“Shhh Sica, Taeyeon loves you…shhh” she comforted me but none of it was helping as my tears streaked downward on my cheeks “You know she loves you” it took me a while to calm down. I struggled to breath due to the tears and screaming.

“Jessica Taeyeon loves you” she began to brushing my hair as she held me tighter. 

“Sica” a voice yelled from far way “…Yuri” again. I didn’t bother to look up but was stunned to hear 

“Hyo” Yuri questioned, I peeked to see Hyo then suddenly out of no where tiffany and Soo Young fast approaching

“fany, soo Young” Yuri questioned. “what are you all doing here” she said

“Well we went back to the house after we had did are part but when we got home all of us found these” all at once the girls took out a piece of paper and held it in front of both Yuri and I. 

“What is it” Yuri questioned cautiously

“Just read it” Fany pushed her letter to Yuri. Yuri then slowly took it and as she read it her eyes became wide. She then suddenly pulled out a white enevelope herself 

“What is it? Yuri?” I question as wiped my tears

“Um, Sica just read it” she then pushed both fany’s and her’s own letter into my hands. I lightly grabbed it not eagered to read what was inside. I slowly unfolded the two letters and became taken back at what I read.


Take care of her for me


And I then I read Yuri’s


Take care of her for me


I turned to face the girls confused at what was going on, I immediately grabbed onto both SOo Young’s and Hyo’s letters and they both had the same things written onto it. 

End of flashback

“Taeyeon I know you love me, but you’re just scared to.” I said as I got into a cab.

“Where are we heading to” the man said

“to the airport please as fast you can” I said.

“Sica wait up” I heard yelling coming towards the cab

“Yuri?” I opened the door and she quickly hopped in and we were off on are way to stop Taeyeon and Yoona


Yuri suddenly started to giggle, I stared at her coldly wondering why she was laughing at a time like this. I was still confused at what was going on.

Yuri looked at me and held onto the letter that I had received from her and she pointed down to it. 

“What?!” I stared at her lost, the girls then all began to pass around my letter, they two didn’t seem to grasp it but when they heard Sun Mi yelling out for us they all looked at each other with a questioning look. 

“What’s going on” I asked them again, I was now standing up to face them all. Sun Mi had reached as and gasped for her breath, she to holding onto a white letter, Soo Young immediately stole it from her. She then no longer then a minute later started to laugh along with Yuri, tiff and hyo suddenly joined to. It was Sun Mi and I who were left clueless. 

“Seriously what’s going on” I demanded to know. Yuri then took a hold of my hand and started to drag me away from the girls. 

“Where are we going?” 

“Sica are you that slow” she then pushed back all the letters given to us into my hand “read it and put it together” she stated staring at me firmly

I looked down and reread everything

“the person that makes you happiest is right in front of you”

“take care of her for me” 

Suddenly out of nowhere everything just clicked, images of Yuri, Hyo, Tiff, Soo Young and Sun Mi all of a sudden appearing…

I sighed in happiness and in pain finally realizing what Taeyeon had meant. But I don’t see why she left me like this, was it about the kiss…no it had to be something more. 

“Go after her Jessica” Yuri stated, I turned to her and gave her a nod

“I know where she is going” Sun Mi all of a sudden appearing looking at us with a serious stare “Yoona and I were talking when we saw Taeyeon running towards us with a bag, she said that she needed to use the car. But Yoona refused to allow her to without telling us why and so Taeyeon had agree to tell Yoona but not me and then the both of them were off. Hence why I ran toward the beach to look for you, I thought it was odd that Taeyeon was carrying a bag and wanting to go to the aiport. On my way to see you I found the letter in my coat poclet. Sorry I couldn’t do anything” she bowed her head 

“Airport with Yoona?” Yuri walked closer “Why?” 

“I don’t know, I was confused at the time that I wasn’t sure how to react because I was still stunned at seeing Yoona driving taeyeon off” Sun Mi continued 

“Yoona doesn’t know how to drive, she doesn’t have her license” I stated

“Well ummmm” Yuri began to scratch her head embarrassed. All I could do was glare at her disapprovingly

“What she begged me to teach her and she is hard to resist, especially with her pout” Yuri defended. I nodded un-approvingly 

“Oh please, like Taeyeon is any better. Running away…chicken1” 

“Hah…taeyeon is a sweetheart Yoona is the delinquent here. She probably put an idea like this into Taeyeon’s head in the first place…hmm I wonder where she gets that from.” I stuck my tongue out at her. Yuri then raised her fist

“Uh guys…you’re girlfriends are both delinquents” Sun Mi interrupted “Besides shouldn’t you be going after her” she said looking at me. 

I knew immediately I had to or else I would lose her forever and I couldn’t let that happen, I refused to let her think that she could leave like this without saying goodbye and without keeping her promise of always and forever.

End of flashback

Both Yuri and I had run into the entrance door of the airport, hoping that we would make it on time.

“We don’t even know where they would go,” Yuri chimed in “it is going to be useless, all this chasing after people who have given up on us” 

“Taeyeon hasn’t given up on me, how else do you explain the letters. She knows I love her but she is just…” I became silent as we reached near check out desks

“Do you see them” Yuri asked. I nodded a no; I stood up on one of the chairs hoping to get a better view of things. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a petite girl coming out of the women’s washroom wearing a red plaid long sleeve button up and a pair of old blue jeans with a black cap covering her face. At first I didn’t think anything of it but when I saw the design of her watch I knew.

“Taeyeon…Taeyeon!!” I yelled out, I noticed the girl right away had stepped back and then began to run.

“Taeyeon’ I kept yelling chasing after her

“Taeyeon, you see Taeyeon…what about Yoona” Yuri panicked.

All I did was continued to run ignoring the surroundings around me, as I looked back to see Yuri keeping up with me I turned my head to suddenly collide into another person.

“Owwww” I hit my head against the person hard. I held onto it. 

“Yoona” Yuri’s voice interrupted. I looked up and peeked through to see Yoona holding onto her shoulder

“What are you two both doing here” she said coldly

“Yoona tell me where Taeyeon is heading” I said 

“Why should I say anything to you” she looked away. I got up and headed towards her and grabbed onto her shoulders

“If you don’t tell me now I will make sure you will pay” I threaten not wanting to play games. 

“Paris flight 129, at terminal 8” she pointed to the direction. I smiled at her

“Yoona listen to what Yuri has to say, she loves you” I told her and began to run off after Taeyeon.

Yuri’s Pov

I stood there watching the slim tall girl continued to rub her shoulders. I wanted to walk to her and rub them for her but the way she looked at me just now showed how much she hated me.

So I took a deep breath and slowly walked toward her about to do something I’ve never really ever have done for anyone in my life not even Jessica. I put forth my hand signalling for her to take it. 

She stared at it reluctantly but finally placed her own hand into my own. The moment she stood up I pulled her into my arms and against my body, not wanting to ever let her go again. 

“Let go of me Kwon Yuri” she said, she was struggling, pushing her arms against me wanting to me to let her go. But I had promised myself that I would fight for her just now. 

“Why don’t you go after Jessica, why are you letting her go like that” she stated

“Because she loves her, Jessica loves Taeyeon and I, I love you’ I said staring right into her eyes. She looked away not wanting me to see hurt in her eyes

“Love, lie!” she coldly spat out

“No it’s not” I said wanting to reach out to her

“Yuri love doesn’t make you doubt” Yoona stated firmly

“Love makes you do a lot of things Yoona. It makes you feel things you have never thought you could but it also makes you feel things you don’t want to feel. But that is what love is” I sighed again “I know I did something terrible I should have never done it but that is how I am, I make mistakes I hurt the people I care about the most. I hurt you by kissing Jessica and creating fake feelings for her to push you away because I was confused. Loving you was beginning to confuse me and I hated that so I did what any impulsive person would do. I created false illusions in order to make me feel secure. When it comes to relationships or love I am the most insecure person you will ever meet. I don’t like that feeling of being with someone forever…but that was until I met you and I fell in love with you. For the first time I wanted to…I wanted to fight, I wanted to fight the insecurities that I feel inside and be with the only person who ever has made me feel that way.” I took another deep breath “and that person is you Yoona”

I looked at her in silence, watching to see if my words had gotten through

“I am sorry Yoona, I am sorry for kissing Jessica for doubting my love for you. I am sorry for everything I put you through” i hung my head lowly to her; all that was running through my head was this could be the last time I ever see her or talk to Yoona. 

Tears began to run down my cheeks as I had stood there waiting for Yoona to say something do something, I didn’t care what it was, hit me, slap me, yell at me, just anything from her would ease the pain in my heart. 

I had turned away thinking that this was the end but I felt a light touch graze against my hand. I looked up scared by it. I saw yoona with tears in her eyes but also smiling at me. 

“You fool. Babo” she kept telling me over and over as she then placed her hand into mine again.

Jessca’s Pov

I wasn’t sure how long I was running, I just know that I was beginning to run out of breath. I looked around to see terminal 8 getting near. Out of nowhere I saw Taeyeon sitting in one of the chairs, I could tell she spotted me as I began to slow down towards her. She got up and ignored me and began to walk away

‘Taeyeon stop, look at me and talk to me” I said out loud, she continued to ignore it

“You’re a coward” I yelled out and again she ignored it.

Knowing full well how stubborn this girl can be I decided to do the one thing she knew I wasn’t willing to do or ever do. 

“Kim Taeyeon…” I yelled out so loud that people had begun to stop and stare even causing Taeyeon to. 

“Kim Taeyeon…is this the kind of person you are…” I yelled “Are you that kind of girl that makes girls fall for them and then ditches them without saying a word” I screamed out, my words had caused people to whispered, some looked interested and other in disgust. I knew Taeyeon wouldn’t walk away from this now that I had put her in a spot like that. 

Taeyeon had turned all of a suddenly mouthing me to go and stop embarrassing myself with this lie

“Kim Taeyeon you’re a coward how could you do something like that to me, leave me alone after you~” I was about to finished but Taeyeon quickly leapt toward me covering my mouth with her hand and began to drag me away from the crowd into a somewhat more secluded area

“Jessica why are you here, go back now” she said and began to walk away again 

“Taeyeon why are you doing this to me, to us” I pleaded at I tried grabbing onto her arms

“It is what is best for us, for you” she said

“Wrong, it is what’s best for YOU!” I spun her around to face me “It is what is best for you not me and not for us” I said pointing at her angered by her assumption and I mean all of her assumptions

“Jessica just go, go back to Yuri” she walked out into the crowd again

“Coward!!!!” I screamed out again causing everyone to look at us again “you full well know there is nothing between Yuri and I” I told her 

“If there isn’t then why did you kiss her” she said 

“I never kissed her, I let Yuri kiss me…twice. Why? Because I know how she is and she felt confused so I allowed her to do so.” I took a deep breath “I know it was the wrong thing, and I know I hurt you terribly but my actions and for that I am sorry. But Taeyeon you expect me to believe that you think I still am in love with Yuri, when the truth is you’re just to scared of being with me” I stated firmly 

“Jessica I am not scared” she said looking towards me “I’ve loved you since middle school, no the moment I met you’ she had tears falling

“Kim Taeyeon is afraid of losing me, she is afraid that while she is gone for 4 years that she will lose Jessica Jung” I walked to her “You’re afraid that I will meet someone else during that time so running away like this…now is you’re way of saving yourself deeper heartbreak…am I right?!” I took another deep long breath “But I refuse to let this happen, I refuse to let you go and I refuse to let you break you’re promise to me” I began to kneel down on my one knee. 

“What are you doing” She said walking towards me beckoning for me to get up

“Jessica what are you doing” I heard Yuri and Yoona questioning behind me

“What do you think I am doing” I stated sternly not wanting to budge

“Seriously Jessica this is not a joke, get up now” Taeyeon then grabbed onto my arm trying to pull me up “Stop embarrassing yourself” I struggled away from her

“No, I am not embarrassing myself. I am proving to you about my love, no our love… now let me speak” I retorted

“Fine” she let go and backed away

“Marry me” I said, looking straight into her harden eyes, my heart beating so fast but yet so calmly and holding up one of the rings Tayeon had given me. For a long moment, everyone around us stood or leaned in closely wondering what was going to happen next. 

“No” she said and turned her back away from me “Yuri take Jessica away” she said.

“You serious” I said out loud “are you seriously going to end it like that” I said with tears beginning to flood my eyes but I refused to let them fall. “You don’t love me, you going to just say no and let me go like that…you coward” I said “Coward” I screamed out, yelling at her as I felt Yoona and Yuri’s hands on me picking me up. By then people in the cried were whispering to each other. I could even see tears of people crying as they looked on

“Coward! Kim Taeyeon you coward!!!!!!” I struggled away from Yuri and Yoona’s hold

“I AM NOT A COWARD” I heard Taeyeon’s voice boom out toward me, shocking me into my place. “Don’t you dare call me a coward again. Not after how long I waited for you” she pointed to her chest. She looked at me angered and hurt by what I was saying

“You know how easy it is to love you…Jessica I love you effortlessly. But it is also so hard to love you as well. Loving you has given me so much pleasure and yet so pain that it gets to a point that I can’t even control my life. So never call me a coward…never say that I am a coward when it comes to loving you…I may be a coward but not when it comes to my love for you. I would give you my own life and every part of my being to you”

Yuri and Yoona had stepped back from me and allowed me to step closer to Taeyeon. I took uneasy steps still unsure whether I should or not. I admit I didn’t know what to do 

“Jessica is it wrong to be scared…afraid…a coward to think of you falling out of love with me, to have you stop loving me” she said firmly “Four years is a long time…who knows what can happen while I am away” Taeyeon was beginning to break, I could see her words tremble and her body shake. 

“So tell me is it wrong to be scared to not want to be heartbroken when you meet someone else and want to love someone else.” She said

“Oh and you don’t think I have that fear to, that I don’t have the fear of losing you~” I wept 

“Jessica there will be no one after you there wasn’t anyone before you. It was always you and will only be you”

“Not the point, we can never predict what will happen…all I know and all I do want is you Taeyeon. To love you for the rest of my life…not as best friends but as…” I looked away and turned back to her "Why won't you just love me, why can't we love each other, why can't you love me and i love you. I want to be with you Taeyeon" i said. She looked down to the ground not sure of how to respond to me. 

"Do you mean that" she said looking into my eyes "Do you truly mean that, do you want to be with me" she asked over and over. I kept nodding yes, as tears slid down my cheeks

I could see the crowd beginning to walk away as flights where being announced through the speakers.

"Flight 129 is ready for boarding, flight 129" the voice rang out.

I stared toward Taeyeon who slowly walked toward me "Jessica I love you and i don't want to let you go" she said as she ran into my arms. 

"I love you to Taeyeon-ah" i sobbed. I calmly pulled away from the tight hold we had around each other 

"But you should go" i stated at first i was surprised at what i said but knew it was the right thing to do

"No i don't want to go anymore, i don't wan't to leave you alone" Taeyeon nodding and wanting to lean in for a kiss

"No Taeyeon go, it is you're dream. I don't want you to lose out on you're dream" i said "Besides four years? nothing" i joked as tears began to fall "And who says we won't see each other at all, holidays and i can visit you in Paris...I always wanted to experience Paris with the woman I love" I smiled 

"'re my dream now." Taeyeon said as she leaned in for a kiss. 

"Even so who says you can't have both of you're dreams come true" i said and pushed her away. "Here Taeyeon, you need this more then I. It is time for me to take care of you instead of you taking care of me." i then placed the necklace around her neck. 

I played with the two rings using my fingers running them over the inscription one last time. I looked at her with such firmness knowing full well that I would be spending the rest of my life with her. It didn't matter how long i needed to wait because in the end I knew we both belonged to each other. I instantly pushed away from her looking at her one last time as i could hear the announcement for Taeyeon's flight being called for. 

We both leaned in to kiss each other again. Both of us finding it hard to pull away but I suddenly could feel Taeyeon distances herself away from my hold and begin to walk to her terminal. I stood there watching her for a while, though found it to hard to watch her go so I turned away making my way slowly to Yoona and Yuri who were both crying. 

My head was hanging low when i heard her voice call out for me 


I turned to face her again but became quiet as I watched Taeyeon begin to kneel down on one knee. I felt my body freeze at the sight of her holding up a ring

“Jessica…” she eyes told me she was still unsure of herself. Though every muscle in my body was frozen I felt a warmth wrap itself all over me that had disappeared the moment Taeyeon let go of me

“Jessica…will you…” 

“Don’t say it Taeyeon” was all came out “You don’t have to ask” I cried as I fell down on my knees to face her. And I hugged her tightly into my arms

“Marry me…Jung Soo Yeon will you marry me” she said “I want to love you always and for~”

“Forever Taeyeon, I will always be yours forever…always and forever” 

the end

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