llll. mr. prefect

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Tori was talking with Alicia when she noticed a familiar face in the corner of her eye. She grinned to herself. Cedric!

"Cedric! Hey!" Tori shouted, grabbing the fifth year's attention. The Hufflepuff boy turned in her direction as she stepped away from Alicia, who was talking to Lee, for a moment. He grinned, opening his arms up for a hug.

"Tori! How are you?" He asked her as she embraced him. "Good, how about you Cedric?" They broke apart, giving Tori time to notice his shiny new prefect badge. "Or should I say, Mr. Diggory, the new Prefect."

Cedric couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Don't. My father's been on that for an entire month." He lowered his voice as he talked, but Cedric's Dad must have heard his son mention him since he turned towards immediately.

"Ah, Cedric, I see you've found your friend... I don't think we've met before..." He looked at Tori with a friendly smile on his face, outstretching his hand for her to shake. "Dad, this is Tori." Cedric gestured to her. Tori smiled, shaking Mr. Diggory's hand. "It's nice to meet you, sir."

"Likewise, Miss Tori. Cedric's told me a lot about you. I'm very glad to have him making more friends. You're a fourth year, right?"

Tori and Cedric both nodded.

"I remember now, your on the Quidditch team. Chaser, yes? Gryffindor sure gives Hufflepuff a tough time, right son? Though, Cedric's been training hard. About to bring a win in this time, huh son?"

Cedric went red, closing his eyes. "Sure thing, Dad." He nudged Tori, who was laughing at him, in the arm. Mr. Diggory didn't seem to notice, going in about how he was very proud Cedric became Prefect.

"You trying for Prefect next year, Tori?" Mr. Diggory asked her. Tori shook her head, trying not to laugh in his face. "I think I've gotten in too much trouble for that, sir."

"Well as long as Cedric doesn't get yanked into that, you do that. Speaking of Prefect, Cedric don't you have to be getting to the Prefect's carriage soon?"

The boy was totally red in the face from embarrassment. "Yes Dad, just let me say goodbye."

"Right, of course, son. Goodbye, Tori. It was very nice to meet you."

"You two sir,"

Mr. Diggory turned away and began talking to another adult soon after. Cedric sighed, looking at his Dad. "I'm so sorry... he's... well... a proud man..."

Tori giggled, "Don't. It's cute... I mean, how he's so involved with your stuff." Cedric nodded, running his hands through his thick brown hair. "Well, I'll see you later."

"Whatever you say, Mr. Prefect!"

"Five points from Gryffindor!"

✧    ✦    ✧







"Merlin's beard, shut up!"

Angelina Johnson yelled, annoyed. She couldn't get a word out with Alicia and Lee, who were arguing about the Frog Choir. Tori chuckled to herself, tossing a piece of paper at George's head. He pretended to faint, leaning against Lee, who just ignored him.

Their compartment, like always, was chaotic. Wands lying about, several copies of The Daily Prophet on the floor, many treats from the trolley on their seats for them to share. Tori was chewing on a licorice wand at the moment.

There was a loud knock as Hermione Granger, Harry and Ron's friend, opened the compartment door. "Have you guys seen Harry and Ron? I can't find them..."

Tori glanced at the twins, who shrugged. "I... don't remember seeing them come on the train... but they must've..." She scrunched her face together, trying her best to think back.

Hermione frowned, rocking on her heels. "You can come sit with us, I'm sure Lee will move over." She sent a glare at the boy, who was taking up half the seat with his legs. Hermione took one look around the compartment before deciding.

"Thanks, but I'm going to look around some more." She continued off as George pulled out his box of Dr. Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks from his trunk.

"How bad do you think I'll get in trouble for lighting off one of these?" He asked, ready to use one up. "Do it!" Lee said. Do not." Alicia argued back.

"Here we go again," Angelina muttered, facing her attention to Tori. "So... Cedric?"

Tori rolled her eyes, a small smiling playing at her lips. "Oh, she's blushing!" Angelina laughed over Alicia and Lee's argument. "I am not!" Tori replied, even though she totally was.

"Fine. Don't tell me, but I'll get it out of you soon."

Boom! Boom!

"George! Lee!" Tori hissed, watching two blue sparks fly across the compartment's ceiling. She swiftly got up, immediately to check outside the compartment door. Luckily, hardly anyone seemed to notice. She scowled at them, causing the three boys to laugh.

"Idiots." She muttered, patting her hair down and taking another licorice wand.

✧    ✦    ✧

"I reckon Ginny's not nervous. Ron ruined the fun and debunked the whole 'fighting a troll' gag." Fred muttered to Tori, what sat next to him on his left. She chuckled lightly, glancing down the long table. She still didn't see Ron or Harry. She was about to point this out when the Great Hall's doors opened.

Tori knew by now the procedure. The first years come in, they get sorted, Dumbledore says some sort of speech that no one can make sense of, they eat, and then they all hurry off to bed for the new day of learning and getting into trouble.

Yeah, she knew what she was doing.

She watched as one by one each student was placed into different houses,





Lovegood was a Ravenclaw, Mathews was a Hufflepuff, Powers was a Gryffindor, and so on.

Tori clapped loudly, waiting for the W's to roll up. Ginny looked excited, she was hardly standing still. She's told Tori countless times shout how she's wanted to come ever since Bill had gotten his letter.

"Weasley, Ginevra!"

Tori smiled at the twins, watching Ginny run up and plop herald down in the chair, eagerly awaiting the sorting hat.

It seemed to talk with her for a moment and the shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Tori cheered loudly, giving the youngest Weasley a high five. The feast began shortly, and the day ended well.

tbis year is going to be a rollercoaster

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