lvi. mcgonagall's "punishment"

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To tell the truth, Tori was as surprised as Avalon was.

He doubled over, clutching his nose as one of the Slytherin chaser pushed her. Katie and Angelina came to the rescue, grabbing Tori and pushing him right back. This erupted into a huge screaming match with Wood and Flint as Fred and George started getting ready to fight. The chaser was still screaming at Tori, who was just watching her brother dramatically bend over and whine to Malfoy about how his nose was bleeding and probably broken.

She didn't even punch him that hard.

"Enough!" Professor McGonagall rushed over to the crowd, separating the fight. "Enough! All of you! Mr. Malfoy, please escort Mr. Silvers to the Hospital Wing, where he should see Madam Pomfry about his nose. Miss Silvers, come with me. Now."

Tori stepped away from her friends, saying nothing as she followed Professor McGonagall out of the field. Her mind was racing. She had really done it time.

She passed Alicia and Lee on her way out of the pitch. Lee looked like he wanted to give her a high five, but saw McGonagall's face and decided against it.

Professor McGonagall lead Tori back up the hill and into the huge castle, where students sat around and were all relaxing.

Tori followed the Professor into her classroom where she took a seat in her chair. It was obvious McGonagall was a bit flustered. She pulled out a handkerchief, wiping her brow

"Do you have anything to say for yourself, Miss Silvers?"




"... We do not take fighting lightly here at Hogwarts, you should know that. You should also know what there are many people who would love the opportunity to try out for your spot on the Quidditch team."

Tori stared at her shoes. She knew it. She blew it.

Professor McGonagall sighed. "Though, Miss Silvers, as not only your Professor but the head of your house, I do want a victory for Gryffindor this year... and whenever you'd like to admit it or not I did hear some rather startling things... so you will have a weeks detention with me in here starting tomorrow night."

Tori perked up, surprise written all over her face. "So I'm not off the team?" McGonagall shook her head, "Take this as a warning, Miss Silvers. I trust—" She was caught off my the doors opening to reveal a rather angry Snape.

"Punching a student in the face? This is highly problematic, Minerva!" Tori tired not to look surprised. She had never heard a teacher call another teacher by their first name. Yet again, it would be weird for them to call each other "professor".

"I have already taken care of it, Severus, but thank you for your concern."

"Giving your students a slap on the wrist is pathetic. Especially seeing Miss Silver's troubled record, she should be removed from the Quidditch team immediately!"

Tori frowned. Troubled record? Man, those twins were really doing a number on her reputation. McGonagall didn't seem to be on Snape's side, thank Godric.

"I have already take care of it. Miss Silvers was given a warning. Now if you would like to take that up with the Headmaster, I will gladly tell him that Mr. Silvers did in fact, provoke what was given to him!"

Snape look angry, and stormed off, muttering something. He opened the door, saying something to someone outside the door. McGonagall turned her attention backed to Tori, who scratched her head awkwardly.

"You may go, Miss Silvers. Meet me here tomorrow night at seven o'clock."

"Thank you, Professor." Tori said. She open the large brown door only to startled by almost the entire Gryffindor team standing there. Tori sighed, shutting the door behind her.

"So?" Wood demanded.

"I'm not off the team." Tori said.

Wood immediately sighed with relief as Katie and Angelina both hugged Tori. "So, what happened?"

"I have a weeks detention starting tomorrow."

"Weeks detention? That's nothing, McGonagall must really like you." Fred exclaimed.

Tori shrugged.

✧ ✦ ✧

It was a Saturday night, meaning everyone was relaxed in the common room. Some sat near the fire doing homework, some were playing exploding snaps, some were complimenting Tori on her incredible punch.

Lee was one of those people.

"You should have seen his face! Inspiring! Truly inspiring Tori!" Tori laughed, pushing the hair out of her eyes.

"Snape was furious. He wanted me off the team." She said, glancing around at Angelina and Katie. The girls chuckled, as Tori caught something in the corner of her eye. She got up, telling them she'd be back.

"What are you doing?" Tori asked Fred, taking a seat next to him. He was seated against a window, his legs curled up as he was writing something down in a notebook. Tori sat opposite him, looking outside.

"Nothing. Just sketching something." He replied, glancing up at her. "Can I see it?"

"Maybe. When it's done."

The two sat there, Fred drawing as Tori watched the world outside. Fred flipped over a piece of paper, starting something new. Tori didn't ask what.

She leaned her head against the cool glass, letting her skin soak it in. It felt nice, almost soothingly.

"You should probably go to Madam Pomfrey for that," Fred said out of the blue. Tori looked at him, puzzled. "What?"

"Your knuckles." He gestured to her hand, the one she punched Avalon with. Fred was right, she had a few small bruises on her hand.

She hadn't even noticed that.

"Oh." She said, opening and closing her hand. She glanced out the window at the night sky before shrugging. "I'll go see her tomorrow."

Fred nodded, going back to drawing. They sat there enjoying the small silence.

✧ ✦ ✧

"How come it's just you three up here?" Katie Bell asked, sitting on one of the empty beds in the girl's dormitory.

Tori looked over, rolling her eyes. Alicia groaned as well. "That's the doing of Alyssa and Iris." Angelina hitched her voice higher to sound like the girls who had left to stay in another room their first year.

"Do they even go here anymore?" Tori asked, hugging her pillow. "I literally never see them." Angelina laughed, throwing a pillow at Alicia.


"So, yeah. It has just been us three." Angelina ignored Alicia, brushing through her long dark hair. "That's so fun. My dormitory is so boring. All those girls want to do it talk about random nonsense that no one else can make sense of. They wouldn't even notice if I died."

"That... wait, you should just move up here with us." Tori perked up, looking at the third year with a smile. Katie raised an eyebrow, liking the idea.

"Yeah! It would be fun!" Alicia giggled. Angelina nodded. "You said they wouldn't notice if you... were gone, so you should come up here!"

"Just sleep here tonight! And if you like it, you can move in here!"

Katie looked thoughtful for a moment before she grinned excitedly. "Okay!"

thank you so much for 20,000 reads!

i can't believe this story has grown this big!

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