viii. don't forget to write!

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"If that Christmas tree falls, I'm going to laugh," Fred announced as he nudged Tori, who sat next to him.

The pine tree was rather magnificent, it was a very tall, reaching almost to the ceiling. Hagrid had brought it in earlier that day for the students staying. Now, the tree was being filled with Christmas ornaments hung up by Professor Flitwick and a couple of students.

The Great Hall was rather empty. There was about an hour or so until everyone going home was to head towards the train. Most of Tori's friends were staying for Christmas, or packing, while the rest were headed home. Tori was watching Fred and George play Goblestones, but she couldn't focus. Her nerves were off the charts today. She truly didn't know how to feel about returning home.

She had gotten a letter from her mother, the first letter she got from any of her family, saying that she would be hoping she would come home for Christmas.

Fred reminded her that his offer still stood, and would. He told her about the Floo Powder network in his house and to use that if she needs it. Tori assured him she should be fine.

George has gotten sprayed in the face, causing Tori to pass him a tissue. "Gross." He muttered, wiping his face off. "Does anyone knows what's actually in that stuff?" Tori asked him, wrinkling her nose at the smell.

"Nope. It's like a guessing game." Fred smirked, handing his brother another tissue. "A really smelly guessing game."

The trio sat there for a while, talking about how they're were going to spend the holidays and how they couldn't wait to leave, well Fred and George said that one. If anything, Tori wanted to hold onto that moment forever.

Tori fed Athena some owl pellets when Professor McGonagall entered the Great Hall, announcing that all students leaving must come with her to Hogsmede.

Tori picked up her trunk and ushered Athena into her cage before picking that up as well. She followed the twins out, glancing back at the decorated hall.

Fred could definitely tell how nervous Tori was. She hadn't paid any attention when they were cracking jokes, she only smiled and nodded.

Fred was honestly nervous for her, and really hoped she would reconsider her options. But every time he asked her, she brushed him off and told him she'd be fine.

Each of the students loaded their trucks and pet cages onto the train, saying goodbye to the Professors who came out. Tori was still shaking, looking even more nervous than before.

Fred grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "You okay?" He asked her, Tori snapped out of whatever nervous daze she was in and nodded. Her cheeks went red but she told herself it was the cold.

"Alright, you two, not in front of me." George wrinkled his nose, glancing at their hands. Tori felt her cheeks get redder by the minute as she let go of Fred's hand and quickly scratched the back of her head.

It began to snow then, causing most of the students to rush in the train and crowd the hallways.

The Trio made their way in a straight line, looking for an empty cart. Cedric was standing against a window with some friends when Tori passed. They both smiled at each other before continuing onward. "Have a good holiday," He told her.

"You too!"

After a couple of minutes of searching, George found an empty cart, throwing himself onto one of the seats. Tori chuckled and sat down across from him before Fred pushed him off. George landed with an "oof" and glared up at his twin.

Tori rolled her eyes playfully. This was going to be an interesting ride

✧    ✦    ✧

Tori didn't mean to fall asleep, but the train was being held up because of the snow and she was already exhausted. When she woke up, she realized she had some random blanket on her.

Then she realized it wasn't a blanket, but a jacket. Tori stretched, making eye contact with George. "Wheres Fred?" She asked seeing he wasn't there.

"Well Hi to you too," George replied sarcastically. "He went to the bathroom, you okay? You were out for two hours or so."

Tori nodded, even though she didn't feel okay. She felt terrible and probably looked it too. She took the jacket off of her and saw the stitches in "F" on it. George smirked, "You were shivering, and well... I'm cold."

He gestured to his own jacket, which he was wearing. It was the same type as Fred's but had a "G" on it instead.

Tori found this very hard to believe, she yawned, putting Fred's jacket in his spot. Fred came back and greeted her with a smile, sitting down. But this time his arms were full of treats. George and Tori must have given him a weird look because he furrowed his eyebrows. "What? We're going to share!"

Tori and George grinned at each other as they thanked Fred. They dug in, Tori immediately taking a chocolate frog card. She opened it, putting the chocolate frog aside, luckily she got a good one, and looking at the card. George leaned over to see her card as well, "Blimey, I got Dumbledore. I have about twelve of him already." Tori muttered, flipping over to the back of the card. She read the same paragraph she knew too well before offering it over to the twins.

"Might as well take it," George said.

"Ron's been stealing a couple of ours to start his own. We need to stock up for three now. Want a bean?"

"Sure, but if you give me a vomit one, I'll hex you."

✧    ✦    ✧

When the train stopped it had been at least six hours since they left. The snow was terrible, but Tori didn't honestly mind. She had spent the entire time with her two best friends and she didn't want it to end.

"Thank you," Tori told the conductor, who was helping pass out trunks. She pulled hers over to the side with Athena's case and made sure she had everything. There was a loud yell of, "Victoria!" Tori turned to see her nine-year-old sister, Dove, run towards her. The young girl threw herself into her older sister's arms and began asking a ton of questions.

"Why didn't you write at all? Did you make any friends? Is the Slytherin common room dark? Can I hold your owl? Who are these guys?"

"Dove, Dove, Dove. Calm down please, these are my friends Fred and George." Tori gestured to them, mouthing a "sorry,"

"Don't be, I know what it's like," Fred whispered to her, gesturing to a woman with a young boy and an even younger girl. Tori immediately knew they were the Weasleys. They looked just like Fred and George!

She was about to go over and say hi when her parents came up to her. Tori dropped her smile, still having Dove hug her waist. Tori's father looked from Fred until George and at there hair, trying not to show his disgust. Avalon stood next to his father, rolling his eyes.

"Victoria," Her mother was the one to speak up, "Please say goodbye, we're leaving." Tori nodded and had Dove let go of her. She hugged George first, saying goodbye and that she would see him later and did the same to Fred who whispered, "Don't forget to write."

"I won't," She promised, and she intended to keep that promise. She waved goodbye, picking up her trunk. Reluctantly handing her sister her owl cage and followed her mother and father out of the train station. She looked back to see Fred and George being hugged by their mother. Both of them look super embarrassed, but Tori couldn't help but feel a tiny bit jealous.

✧    ✦    ✧

Tori was home. But it didn't really feel like it. The Silver Manor could have been compared to the Muggle White House. It was a big house painted white with pillars reaching the porch of the house. Tori felt weird walking up the steps. The last time she was coming down the steps was when she was headed to Hogwarts.

That was four months ago.

How things have changed since then. Once they stepped into the house her father called for the house-elf, "Luman!" The house-elf appeared immediately, "Master Silvers, your home." The house-elf bowed to Tori's father before awaiting orders. "Take Avalon's and Victoria's things up to their room please, then finish making dinner."

The house-elf nodded, "Of course, sir." He snapped his fingers twice. Both the trunks disappeared and then he did. Victoria's mother turned to her three children, "Go clean up before dinner."

Tori nodded and slowly followed Avalon up a grand staircase. He didn't talk to her but Dove sure did. She yapped on and on about how she had gotten a new doll and she flew on a broom for three minutes without falling off.

"Dove, that sounds amazing. Why don't you tell me all about it after dinner?" Tori asked her sister who eagerly nodded and ran into her room. Tori walked down the hallway to a closed door. Slowly, she opened it, entering.

Her room was tightly put together, much to her mother's approval. There were books on her desk by the window, which she remembered staring out of so often. Her bed was neatly made and she had a stuffed griffin on top of her sheets.

Athena sat in her cage on the desk, hooting once when she saw Tori. Pictures surrounded the room, posters of multiple quidditch teams, and a couple of the Weirdly Sisters.

Her trunk laid next to her bed, but she didn't feel like unpacking yet. Tori walked over to a framed picture of her family. Her mother was helping her hold Dove as a baby and Tori was smiling an almost toothless smile. Avalon was sitting on the other side, laughing his head off. The picture felt like a different world.

Tori put it down and flopped on her bed, staring at the ceiling above her. She began to think about the day, and how only hours ago she was with her best friends. While she was reminiscing Tori remembered something that she thought was off.

Dove had asked a weird question, "Is the Slytherin common room dark?"

The next chapters going to be such a rollercoaster you guys don't even know...

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