xxvi. astronomy class

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"Turn your telescope to the left and up." Fred read off the star chart, Tori followed along, moving her telescope further upwards. "Okay, now I see..." Tori yawned mid-sentence, unable to finish what she was saying.

She didn't know why Astronomy class had to be at midnight every Wednesday, but it was exhausting. Especially after the quidditch practice that afternoon. Charlie had them run around the field twice before having them practice the Hawkshead Attacking Formation. He was on them this week since their first game against Slytherin was Friday.

"I see... Mars." Tori announced, having Fred sketch it down on their paper. They were lucky enough to be partners, Tori didn't really want to be with anyone else. She stared up at the red planet, watching it closely as if it was going to move.

A cold October breeze blew through the astronomy tower, making all of the students shiver. Tori wrapped her scarf around herself tighter, at least she knew to dress warmly. Most kids wore their scarves and Gryffindor was sharing the class with Ravenclaw so Tori would see the mix of blue and red everywhere.

"Alright, let's switch." Professor Sinistra told the class. Tori moved over to the map, glancing at Fred's penmanship before rewriting a couple of sentences. "I see... a Tori!" She glanced up to see the telescope pointed in her direction. Tori rolled her eyes and gestured to the sky. "You're supposed to be looking up there."

"I know." Fred chuckled, rearranging the telescope back on its previous path. "Okay, we need to compare how far Mars moves since school began." Tori read the instructions out loud, watching as Fred struggle with the telescope. Tori held back a laugh, covering her mouth to stop from people looking at her.

Professor Sinistra cleared her throat behind them, symbolizing she didn't find this funny. Tori quickly helped Fred put it back before weakly smiling at her Professor, who didn't smile back.

"You are going to get us in trouble!" Tori hissed, punching him in the arm. "Ow!" He whispered-shouted, sending her a glare. "Unlike you, I don't want another detention." She shook her head fiercely, focusing on her star map.

"You used to be fun," Fred complained. "No way, last time you said that you threw me into the lake and I almost drowned. I'm not standing up for you this time of you throw me off the tower." Tori told him sternly, a hint of a smile on her face. She turned back to the map, Fred chuckling.

Fred watched her out of the corner of his eye. She was looking up at the sky and jotting something down. He smiled to himself before looking back up in the telescope.

About another hour passed when they finished the map. They handed it to Professor Sinistra, who gave them a hall pass and nodded a farewell. Tori quickly packed up her things and waited for Fred to do the same. They walked down the steep spiral staircase in silence, and both of them even jumped off the last step.

Tori pulled out her wand, casting a spell. "Lumos!" The familiar white light touched the tip of her wand as the two made their way through the many corridors. They didn't want to be caught by Filch, even if they are just returning from class.

"Wonder if ol' Filch is looking for a dance partner." Fred talked loudly, making a few painting shush them. Tori raised an eyebrow, "Dance partner?" Fred nodded, turning down another corridor.

"You should have seen him. Georgie and I were getting out of a late detention when we came across him. He had the radio on, dancing to a Celestina Warbeck song with Ms. Norris! It was the best thing I have ever seen! Godric. I wish I had a picture." He laughed, mimicking a dance Filch must have performed.

"You want to join?"' He bowed, his hand stretched towards her. Tori bowed as well, putting her wand in between her fingers before grabbing his hand. They spun quickly around the hallway, leaping towards the end.

Fred spun her around, causing them both to burst out laughing. Tori grabbed her gut, almost positive she was going to burst a rib from laughing. Her enjoyment was quickly cut off when she heard a voice behind her. "What are you two doing out of bed?"

Tori turned to see Filch staring at them with a nasty grin. "We, uh, just came back from Astronomy, sir..." Tori told him, watching his crooked smile waver. Merlin's beard, he just loved to punish kids. "Do you have a pass?"

Tori dug through her pocket, handing him the signed hall pass. He glanced at the two of them angrily before muttering something about them getting a move on. Tori nodded but abruptly burst out, "Is Ms. Norris a good dance partner?"

Fred's eyes widened and he yanked Tori down the hallway while Filch tried to process what she said. "I can't believe you just said that to his face!" Fred looked so happy he would cry. "I didn't... it just came out!" Tori was shocked herself. Those twins were definitely a terrible influence.

"Whatever. That was brilliant, and I'm telling George and Lee." The two walked up the stairs and to the Fat Lady, who was surprisingly awake. "Password?" She asked, looking at the two like they were going to cause trouble.

"Sunsets," Tori called, thinking that it was pretty basic. The Fat Lady nodded, swinging open the door. Tori stepped inside, waiting for Fred. "Don't you think it's kind of ridiculous that we have to stay up late for class, and they just expect us to get up early the next day?" Tori yawned once again. She barely wanted to walk all the way up the stairs.

"I agree. Yet again, you're always the one to sleep in." He teased, causing Tori to roll her eyes. The two began to climb the stairs, as Fred continued to tease her. "It's not my fault I enjoy sleep." She whined, leaning against the Girl's dormitory door.

"I didn't say that. You ready for practice tomorrow?" Fred asked Tori sighed in response. "If I'm not sore from today..."

Fred laughed. "Me too." He yawned. "I'm headed to bed. Good night." Tori waved at him, "Night." She slipped inside the door and walked up the stairs. Tori strolled through the hallway, opening her dorm room.

She expected it to be dark but Alicia was leaning on one of the desks, asleep. Tori held back a laugh seeing the girl sprawled across books and papers while Angelina was actually asleep.

Tori changed into her pajamas before walking over to her friend. She was laying on some sheet music, almost drooling on it.

"Alicia... come on, mate." Tori shook her gently. "Come on, you're going to end up drooling." Her friend jerked awake, "Something wicked- oh. Tori, you're back."

"Yeah. And it's time for you to get actual sleep. Come on."

something wicked this way comes!

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