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"Let me guess. You did something that was beyond embarrassing that you would regret it in your whole life."

Chan groaned in disappointment, "Yeah...I hate to say it."

Twenty, who was on the other line of the video call, hummed, "Yeah, I thought so."

The boy sighed as he lay down on his bed. After Jiro confessed to him, he immediately ran away and forgot about the awarding ceremony. He went home and groaned when he remembered that his bag was in the student council room. Maybe he could get it tomorrow or ask the student council for it. He couldn't still believe what Jiro said to him.

Chan kept asking himself if Jiro really meant it.

"What happened anyway?" Twenty asked.

"Jiro said he likes me."


Suddenly, a messy bed hair and shirtless Jeffrey came, out of nowhere, behind Twenty. Chan furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"I won't ask why you're in Twenty's house."

Jeffrey chuckled, "We celebrated."

Chan rolled his eyes, "Yeah--Anyway! We are not going to talk about how you celebrated. Jiro did confess to me a while ago."

"What did you do?" Twenty asked.

"I ran away."

"Oh...Wait, what the fuck, Chan?!"

Chan shrugged, "I-It was my reflex! I didn't know what to do! I don't even know if he was serious about it."

Jeffrey rolled his eyes, "Chan, you know Jiro better than us. He won't be confessing any of his feelings if he didn't mean it."

"I thought you wanted that," Twenty added.

Chan nodded, "Yeah. I'm beyond happy about it."


"But...I don't get it. Why was it suddenly me?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Twenty asked.

Chan sighed, "I don't know if I can face him after what I did."

Suddenly, he heard a knock from his bedroom door.

"Yeah?" Chan asked.

"Someone's here for you," his papa uttered.

The boy sat up, "Who is it?"

His bedroom door opened revealing his papa, Donghyuck, with someone that he least expecting to see in this time at night. Chan was immediately stood from the bed and ended the call. His papa wiggled his eyebrows before he exited the room and closing the door, leaving Chan with Jiro.


Jiro had his eyebrows furrowed and handed out a bag, Chan's forgotten bag. Chan was surprise but he slowly reached and grabbed for it.

"I came here for that," Jiro uttered, "Uncle Hyuck just pulled me in. I'm sorry if I was disturbing something."

Chan shook his head, "N-No..." he scratched his neck, "Jiro, I'm so--"

"You don't have to. I understand why you did that."

"Hear me out for a second," the boy uttered and fidgeted with his fingers, "I...I just didn't know what to do. I thought you liked Yanna. Why me all of a sudden?"

Jiro sighed, "I genuinely did. But it was different when it comes to you. I was in denial just because I thought you just see me as a best friend and older brother and I didn't want our friendship to end just because of a confession."

"Chan, you're more than anyone in my life."

The man felt his heart was beating too fast. He said everything and he was ready to leave the room. Suddenly, Chan came up to hug him tightly. The boy buried his face on his shoulder as he stayed there, still surprised what happened.

"Y-You don't even know how hurt I w-was when you said you liked someone else. I-It's been so many years t-that I waited for this..." Chan stuttered, "I was so afraid of losing you so I-I kept everything in. You aren't even making things obvious so I gave up on you but i-it was too hard for me. I can't m-move on that easily when I kept on being with you s-so I tried being distant but you got mad at me and--and--"

Jiro sighed before he immediately wrapped his arms around the boy's waist. Chan stopped at the action. He even squealed when the man carried him to the bed. He flopped down with Jiro beside him, snuggling against each other. Snuggling wasn't knew to them but it felt new after they confessed. Jiro lets his face against Chan's neck and breathed in the boy's scent. Chan calmed down and just made himself comfortable against the man.

"Then why did you decide to help me with Yanna?" Jiro asked.

Chan felt his hot breath against his skin. He just hummed while he caressed the man's jaw with his thumb.

"I wouldn't want to be obvious, doofus," Chan uttered, "I won't stop anything that, I think, will make you happy because I want you to be happy, Jiro."

The man chuckled, "I meant everything I said. I really like you and I'm happy with you."

Chan hummed contentedly. Jiro's arms wrapped around him and pulled him close. The boy smiled widely. He doesn't know how to describe the feeling but he loves it when he's with Jiro. Their hearts were steadily beating and they were under a comfortable atmosphere.

"What's inside the box anyway?" Chan asked.

Jiro hummed and pulled away. He supported his weight with his elbow and looked down at Chan. The boy looked back at him and blushed at how close their faces were. Jiro didn't think twice and leaned down to place his lips on Chan's.

Chan didn't expect it but you don't hear him complaining. His hands went up to hold on the man's jaw and nape, and kissed back. He closed his eyes and let Jiro lead it. Jiro moved to hover the small built as his hand went down to slide into Chan's shirt.

The boy gasped at the sudden touch which gave the man a chance to slide his tongue in. Chan hummed with Jiro tasting him. The man held the bare waist tightly and rubbed his thumb against the heated skin. A few more seconds, Jiro finally pulled away and flopped down beside Chan.

He heard the boy chuckled, "I was just asking what was in the box then you kissed me."

Jiro rolled his eyes, "You didn't want it?"

"Who said I don't?" The boy uttered as he stood from the bed, "Hey, answer me. What's inside the box? Also, where's the flower? I'll put it in a vase."

"I thought you didn't like it so I let Jie eat the macaroons and threw the flower away."

Chan looked back at him with furrowed eyebrows and pouted. He immediately went to punch Jiro on the chest.

"Why did you do that?!"

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