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"I thought Jiro likes Yanna."

Dahyun said while they were in the car. Mark couldn't drive them today so they had to have their personal driver. But it's good so both siblings could talk freely. They just couldn't talk something with their parents possibly listening to them, especially it'll be about Jiro. Donghyuck and Mark shipped Chan with Jiro. But Jiro doesn't know that. Good thing, their parents didn't let Chan down whenever Jiro's in the house.

"Yeah, he does," Chan said.

"But why does it look like he doesn't? He barely did anything," Dahyun groaned. She was trying to get some news about Jiro's attempts but she hasn't heard anything.

The boy raised a hand, "Before you say that, he actually put a letter inside Yanna's locker yesterday."

"Really? I should ask Yanna about that," she said, then she looked at his big brother with furrowed eyebrows. Chan noticed this so he looked back at him with an eyebrow raised, "You like him, don't you? You said it last time."

"I'm trying to move on now."

"Oh--Wait, what?!"

Chan placed his hand to cover his ear and winced at how loud his sister was being, "Don't shout at me!"

"What the fuck, Chan? Is that even a thing? You've been liking--loving him for years now. Then you'll just give up?!" she uttered.

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked away from her, "What choice do I have? I don't even have a chance."

"First of all, it's your fault for not confessing. So don't sulk. But I can't blame you. But still, Chan, you should've done something before someone does it."

Chan faked a cry, "You didn't have to say that..."

"I have a better love life than you."

The boy furrowed his eyebrows and gasped, "What? Are you saying you have a boyfriend, young lady?"

Dahyun smirked teasingly, "Not yet."

"Does papa and dad know this?" he asked. If his dad knows about it, he'll have his eyes on Dahyun all the time. Also, he won't let anyone court his daughter at this young age.

The lady just smiled sweetly at him and nodded, "Yes~"

"And I get to know it last?!"

Chan had some trouble focusing in class just because of what happened yesterday. It was bothering him the whole day. He covered his face with his palms just to hide his blushing cheeks. What if they really kissed? Then it'll just mess him up even more. So much for getting over Jiro. It just made it harder for him to do it. He sighed quietly and buried his face in his hands.

Then he felt his phone vibrated. He sneakily pulled it out and made sure it was under the table. He opened it and saw a message from the man he's currently thinking of. He felt his heart beating so fast but he tried calming down. He went over to read the message which made his eyebrows furrowed.

Jiro: you're not listening to the lesson

Chan looked over his shoulder and saw Jiro looking through the classroom's small window. The man has a smirk on his face, teasing his best friend a bit. But he pulled up a thumbs up. Chan pouted at him and pressed a finger against his lips, telling him to keep quiet and behave. Then his phone vibrated again.

Jiro: i'll wait for you

Jiro: let's eat together

Chan: we always do that

Chan: where's jeff???

Jiro: idk he isn't in his room, maybe at his bf

Chan: okay then wait for half an hour then

Jiro: what?!

Chan looked at Jiro by the window again. Jiro furrowed his eyebrows and knew that it was about his break time. It's impossible that someone will overtime for half an hour. Or the boy was just playing with him, or it's the professor's fault. But he was taken aback when Chan pulled out his tongue at him. The man raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes. He then looked down again to text him.

Jiro: i'll still wait for you

The boy stared at the message for a while before he his attention went to the professor. He didn't gave the man another glance, he might get caught. Chan might as well not fanboy over a simple text. To be fair, it isn't just a simple text to him that just didn't make his heart beat so fast again. Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder that made him look behind him.

"Isn't that Park Jiro from the third year?" one girl asked that was one of Chan's friends inside the class.

Chan nodded, "Why? He's my childhood friend."

"Not your boyfriend?"

The boy blushed at the question and immediately shook his head, "No, of course not," he whispered, not wanting to shout in the middle of the lesson.

The girl wiggled her eyebrows at him, "Really, Chan? But you like him, do you?"

Chan didn't want to answer that question. If he answered that, then that'll spread like fire in the whole department. Before he could give them an excuse, the professor dismissed them for break time which made Chan to dodge the question. He just smiled at her before he stood up, his bag in hand, and ran out of the room.

He unfortunately bumped against Jiro's body.

"You're in a hurry. Missed me?"

Chan pushed himself away from his best friend, "No! Now, let's go before you hear something you shouldn't."

The boy held the man by the hand and pulled him away from the classroom. Jiro was taken aback from Chan holding his hand. Sure, the boy was clingy but not to the point that he'll hold his hand in such a public place. It isn't their first time, but Jiro just felt different. The feeling made him to tighten the hold onto the small one. He not gonna lie, it made his heart skip but he denied it.

"Should've been with Yanna instead. I'll ask for her schedule if you want," Chan uttered when they were finally outside where the soccer field is. The next department would Yanna's which made Chan to remember her.

Jiro furrowed his eyebrows, "I-I don't want to look like a creep."

The boy looked back at him with an eyebrow raised, "But you didn't say that when you asked for my schedule."

"I'll let her be. Besides, I'll talk to her--"

"Right now."

Chan continued as he pointed at a girl who has took many books to carry. Jiro saw it but his confidence shrunk just looking at Yanna. The boy realized that he was still holding the man's hand. He immediately removed it and pushed Jiro.


"Help her."

Jiro shook his head, "You don't have anyone with you."

"I'm a grown guy, Jiro. Now, just go. Text me if things went well."

Chan pushed Jiro again until the man finally walked towards the girl and helped her with the books. The boy watched from afar but he looked away, not wanting to feel pain again.

A/N: this might take up up to 15 chapters HASHAHSHAHA i didn't expect that but idk i can't put the plot in just 10

also, tell me if this is getting boring, like i understand HAHSAHSHAHA just go to another fic

Love lots ♥

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