Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


It was about a week later when Jungkook woke up feeling pretty hot.

The night had felt way too long and filled with nightmares, so when he realized he had a fever it wasn't too much of a surprise.

He ended up spending most of the morning watching movies, tightly wrapped in a blanket cocoon.

It was around noon when his phone vibrated. At least it wasn't a call, but Jungkook wasn't too happy when it showed Taehyung's name on the screen either.

Jungkook knew that he was probably a bad person and deserved to rot in hell... but he had been avoiding Taehyung this last week.

He wasn't even too sure why. It was just... Taehyung had always been so soft. All Jungkook had used to be able to think of was how good natured and sweet he was with Jimin.

But now that image he had of Taehyung conflicted with what he had seen back there at that party.

That Taehyung had been scary.

Jungkook knew Jimin could be scary too, but it was different. It felt different because his biology was different.

He simply didn't produce all these threatening pheromones an alpha produced.

That Taehyung had produced.

And Jungkook hated this because he liked Taehyung and he liked Taehyung's character but alphas scared the shit out of him.

All these weeks his head had registered Taehyung as just another omega Jungkook could stay relaxed around.

And now that that lie his head had made up to help Jungkook be comfortable had been challenged... Jungkook felt anxious at the thought of Taehyung coming here.

This was his place... his nest. And he was supposed to let an alpha in and they would be completely alone?

Jungkook knew that it shouldn't have mattered in theory. He knew that he could trust Taehyung... in theory.

There was no way he would do anything Jungkook didn't like.But that was all the logical part of his brain. The more primal instinctual part of his brain was on edge and anxious as he opened Taehyung's message.

Wow, they were so awkward. Jungkook couldn't help but grimace at how... tense that conversation felt.

Jungkook stared at his phone before groaning and burying his face in his pillow. He was such an awful person.

Taehyung was so sweet and attentive. Jungkook didn't deserve any of that.

Just how much of an asshole did one have to be to try to push Taehyung away?

He just... Jungkook wanted to have some peace and quiet. If it had been Jimin that would have been nice because Jungkook knew he could let go around Jimin.

But Taehyung... he knew he would be tense all afternoon if the alpha was in his apartment.

Jungkook was asleep on the sofa when his doorbell rang. He startled awake, feeling disoriented because it was almost like years had passed since he had fallen asleep, but then he remembered he was expecting a visitor and his stomach dropped.

He was about to open the door to an already intimidating alpha... in his sweatpants, a way too wide t-shirt and messy hair that, as usual, stood up in every direction.

As he moved towards the door he at least attempted to smooth down his hair, surprised at how dizzy he felt.

Either it was just from getting up too quickly or Jungkook was sicker than he had originally thought.

He unlocked the door, mentally preparing for the face he was about to see any second now.

Not that it actually could prepare him for seeing Taehyung.

Even after spending a few weeks with him because of Jimin, Jungkook still couldn't get over how attractive the alpha was.

If anyone could keep up with Jimin it was him. They both had such unique forms of beauty... Jungkook had a hard time processing it sometimes.

It made Jungkook feel even worse though. He was in his messy, wrinkled clothes and Taehyung stood there in a black turtleneck, looking straight out of a fashion magazine.

"Hey." Okay, Jungkook really had to get himself together.

That had sounded just as exhausted as he was... but Jungkook didn't want to be rude.

He was grateful to Taehyung for doing this... it just really couldn't have had worse timing.

He cleared his throat before forcing a smile. "Thanks for coming. I know you must be busy."

Taehyung smiled and guilt sparked in Jungkook again.

Why was Taehyung this nice when all Jungkook had done so far was cry to him, ignore him and now avoid him?

Jungkook knew he sure as hell wouldn't have put up with all of that.

"Don't worry about it. I didn't have any plans for today." Taehyung stepped into the apartment, his scent washing over Jungkook.

It was weird how even though Taehyung himself intimidated Jungkook, his scent helped him calm down.

Maybe because deep down even Jungkook's omega knew Taehyung was always good to him.

"If you want I can show you around... my apartment isn't big, but I should probably tell you where the bathroom and the kitchen are..."

He watched as Taehyung slipped out of his shoes.

"I already know. Remember when Jimin took you back here... when you two made up?"

Memories of that night flashed through Jungkook's mind. Right... Taehyung had brought him water.

"Thanks for back then too..."

Taehyung looked at him for a few seconds, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Everything alright? You seem a little off. Is the fever getting worse?"

For a long second Jungkook just stared at Taehyung, contemplating whether to be honest and tell him... but then he shook his head.

"No, I'm just tired."

Nevertheless... the fact that he even considered talking to Taehyung was a lot. Usually Jungkook's shoulders would be tense by now, his body automatically putting a distance between himself and the alpha.

But none of that happened.

Instead he just stood there, waiting for Taehyung to answer. Nervous, but not nearly as nervous as he had expected to be after what had happened at the party.

There was an alpha in his apartment and Jungkook wasn't freaking out.

"Sorry that I'm not being a good host, but I think I might go back to sleep for a bit now. Use my kitchen however you'd like and make yourself at home." Those words were mainly said out of politeness, but Jungkook really did want Taehyung to move around his apartment comfortably.

There were so many thoughts conflicting in his head right now though... he really just wanted to go to sleep to forget for a bit.

"Don't worry about me being here and make yourself comfortable." Taehyung's smile seemed so genuine and Jungkook just wanted to cry.

Why was Taehyung so nice to him when Jungkook kept thinking so badly of him?

It wasn't fair.

"I'll tell you once I'm done."

For a second Taehyung lifted his hand like he was going to pat Jungkook's head as he had done many times with Jimin... but then he dropped it again.

It was probably just a habit of his.

"Thank you." Jungkook forced himself to smile. He really had to get a grip and stop judging people just because of their biology.

He liked Taehyung. The fact that he was an alpha shouldn't have mattered. He. Liked. Taehyung.

Jungkook groaned as he dropped onto the bed. It felt invitingly soft under him... almost as if it was calling to him.

Jungkook followed the call, slipping under his blanket and pulling it up to his chin before curling up.

Slowly he forced himself to breathe deeply.

There was an alpha downstairs... but that alpha was nice and sweet. There was no need to be afraid of him.

There is no need to be afraid of Taehyung.

Jungkook repeated those words like a mantra as he drifted off to sleep.


I'm honestly surprised at how much more prewritten parts I have for this story like woooow

Btw I just opened a kofi a couple of days ago so if you guys wanna support me a little you can there!

It doesn't have to be much but even small donations can rlly help me since I live alone with my boyfriend and can mostly afford living but barely have any money left for anything else.

(You can find the link on my message board and when you scroll down on my profile description!)

It's rlly okay if you can't tho! I just thought I'd say it💕

Love you guys and I think I'll post some more soon... maybe even today... let's see👀

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