Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


Jungkook wasn't sure how and when he had fallen asleep. It had just happened at some point, Jimin still lying on top of him as they talked... about everything.

From what they would do now to stupid stories about awkward crush moments... it was nice and Jungkook still struggled to wrap his head around the fact that Jimin had feelings for him too.

He had assumed he was deep in the friendzone, but apparently not... even though Jimin already had a boyfriend.

A boyfriend who was currently softly shaking Jungkook's shoulder to wake him up.

Jungkook blinked tiredly, a little disoriented since he wasn't in his room.

"Hmm?" He groaned, pulling his arm out from underneath Jimin because it had fallen asleep and felt funny all over.

"How did it go?" Taehyung whispered, squatting down to get to Jungkook's eye level.

He was probably trying not to wake Jimin up.

"...I feel like what I think happened... can in no way be true. Like, there is no way this actually happened." Jungkook looked down at Jimin, who was peacefully sleeping, cheek squished against Jungkook's chest.

"I'm going to take the wild guess you two confessed to one another?"

Jungkook nodded slowly. This still didn't feel quite right. The fact that this had happened without Taehyung being there to give his okay just felt off.

After all he was dating Jimin... had been for the last half year.

"Is... do you really not mind?"

The last thing Jungkook had expected was for Taehyung to smile. Not just smile... for the smile to be this genuine.

"I thought I would in the beginning... but I really don't mind when it's you. I can see how happy Jimin is with you... and how much he needs you."

Taehyung reached his hand out, slowly running his fingers through Jimin's hair. "I know I can trust you with him and I trust him enough not to make either of us feel out of place."

Jungkook could feel his heart rate pick up a little at the soft way Taehyung was looking at Jimin.

This was what had made accepting that Jimin and Taehyung loved each other so easy for Jungkook. Because he could see it in the way they looked at one another.

Not just with happiness. With so much trust, love and affection. Like the other was the most precious thing in the world.

They were good for one another... and Jungkook hoped that he could be part of that too.

Give Jimin the love he deserved and make him feel protected and comfortable around him.

Even if he was just an omega. He wanted to be strong for Jimin.

Because Jimin had always been strong for him.

And he knew Taehyung and Jimin were just the same.

"I think we should wake him up. You're still sick and sleeping on the couch isn't good for you." Taehyung more so stated than offered.

While the thought of waking Jimin, who was sleeping so peacefully, pained his heart, he didn't try to object.

He felt a little worse now, mainly because his fevers always seemed to worsen as the day progressed and got especially bad at night.

So his bed sounded really tempting right now.

"Jimin?" Taehyung's voice was so soft whenever he spoke to Jimin. So much so that even Jungkook's omega felt affected, hopeful that the alpha's tone was directed at him.

It was just so sweet.

Jungkook watched as Jimin blinked tiredly, rubbing his eyes before burying his face more in Jungkook's t-shirt.

"Did you sleep well on there?" Taehyung teased, his eyes glinting as he reached out to ruffle Jimin's hair once again.

Jimin nodded, giggling sleepily, his eyes still closed and body pressed against Jungkook's.

"Jungkookie confessed to me."

Taehyung smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to Jimin's cheek.

"I know. I kept annoying him about it." Jungkook felt a little weird watching them kiss. Not bad weird... but weird.

"Thank you for annoying him... I probably wouldn't have managed to gather the courage myself."

That was new too. Carefully Jungkook sat up, trying to do so without making Jimin's body bend into uncomfortable positions.

"You wanted to confess too?" He asked curiously as Jimin sat up. He looked adorable. His t-shirt had slipped off his shoulder, his eyes swollen from sleep.

"I wanted to in theory... but it was scary." Jimin admitted, chuckling. Before he could say anything else Taehyung spoke up.

"I made some tea. I'll go get it." Jimin nodded, jokingly patting his ass as he turned around to get it.

Then he focused back on Jungkook.

"You know, I made all the first moves. I started cuddling with you, I started scenting you... I started kissing you. You always followed but I felt like... you were probably just doing it because you went along with whatever happened, not because you actually had an interest in me." Jimin admitted.

Jungkook couldn't believe Jimin was actually blushing.

"Alpha couples are rare, but omega couples are even rarer... the only place they do exist are porn websites because it's like a fetish to some people." Jimin muttered, grabbing Jungkook's hand and playing with his fingers.

"I was scared you'd reject me. You've already left before and I was scared that maybe I just made you uncomfortable with kissing you and so on... and then you were back but you were so awkward whenever I came close to you." Jimin chuckled, closing his eyes.

"In hindsight it makes sense because I have a boyfriend, but at the time I felt like maybe me getting too touchy feely with you was the reason you wanted some distance. So there was no way I could confess." Jimin shook his head. "We sure suck at communicating, don't we?"

Taehyung entered the room with the cups in his hands.

"You guys do. I feel like I knew more about some of this than you did just from hearing snippets from each side." Taehyung chuckled, handing one cup to Jungkook and then the other to Jimin.

Jimin smiled, clasping his small hands around the cup, looking up at Taehyung. "You're a treasure."

Jungkook watched them kiss once again. Such an open display of affection... he probably should have felt uncomfortable but instead he brought the tea up to his lips and took a sip.

"Thank you." His voice sounded surprisingly soft too. Wow, just for once his usually way too cold voice hadn't betrayed him.

He was glad. He really was thankful to Taehyung. For the tea and everything else.

"It's my pleasure."

Jungkook felt something spark up when Taehyung smiled at him... but he really didn't know how to place that feeling.

It was unlike anything he had ever felt.


Sorry for the slow updates. This story is not my priority rn and instead just for fun so sadly it's the first thing that gets pushed to the back when I'm busy but trust me I'll continue it!

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