Bonus:deleted scenes

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SO yeah there's a few deleted scenes here as well as a lot of things in the future so yeah Leave now if u don't want any spoilers for the future so yes

The first deleted scene was actually during Charlie vs herobrine orginally Charlie would of left hero brine dead or so he thought with hero brine waking up barely alive as a very wounded troy that's close to death ends him as troy dies as well as a angry Charlie walks to confront entity 303 or course this will not be added cause it was a rushed idea so I scraped it but of course I couldn't keep it a secret so that's why there's a chapter here eh?

Anyways from this 1 scene above there's a lot of scraped ideas orginally austin was to die during the fight in hero brine with jack david and the others..... but that would of been rushed so instead I'm thinking of a different ending with some alive of course now SPOILERS HERE

During entity 303 I was at first going to make everyone be dead and Charlie at first goes crazy from not only reaper slowly taking over but from the lose of everyone until "someone" reminds him of himself or better a lot of people 6 in total now this is a scraped ending however but this is where it gets interesting  because my good friend TheRealZkep knows about my ending cause I shared it to him irl now then this ending is a reference to how trunks defeated merged zamasu "corrupted" now of course the ending with someone or better 6 people reminding Charlie of his orginal intentions is david tj Caleb  jack troy and austin in his mind or better his eyes he sees them dead with there items or artifacts as entity walks away from them a violent but powerful Shockwave happens sending him flying back as he turns around to see what the yellow light was  by the time entity gets up he sees a Charlie with golden and black armour with a golden gauntlet on his left hand on his right his sword is there on his back is a symbol of the book of power and on his right hand is the claw of ender

Now this of course was originally  how I wanted this story to end but or course I'm terrible at telling things such as this so I scraped it because 1 I don't want to stretch this season that much more and 2 I'm terrible at sad story's

But spoiler here

Charlie at one point I actually decided  him to die of course this was a very earlier idea and it was scraped as soon as future ideas took place I never decided how he would die it was a very small thought at the least

Anyways many ideas I can't even name have been scraped such as the idea of other friends being added from my buddy Shawn to many many more

But besides that I'm getting off topic my main idea towards my character Charlie is well this story will have no bullshit like other timelines or  alternate universe I've already done that to many times in past books so it's time for a new idea but regardless Charlie was originally  going to kill entity 303 alone ....after he killed entity he would see a flash of white light and then it all goes black when he comes to now there was 2 possible choices one I told zkep and the other I kept to my self I'm gonna tell them both or course there's a third I will talk about to

My first one was the one I told zkep it was well he woke up in a cold sweat breathing heavy he woke up irl but was it all a dream or was it real to begin with ..... readers pov (yes readers this was a long time ago need I remind u)

as the screen starts to fade to black u see a evoker sword lying on the desktop as the screen fades u hear a few words

The battle is over but this story has only begun

The second one was kinda silly really and really kinda bland after the battle Charlie wakes up on the ground as he gets up he sees what has happened and looks around hoping someones around he can talk to but no one's alive so he cries and cries with no comfort till one little dog starts to nuzzle his leg the same dog he healed a long time ago he looks down to see it and he hugs the dog softly cause he's the only pal he has left the dog let's him it's a very sad ending because as he gets up and walks up a cliff with the dog he looks out from the top of the cliff at the sunset with a smile a sad smile but one that's happy as he goes to work to build with his only friend he has now ....... I never could think of a sad ending tbh but this was as close as I could get now for the third one it's really stupid now another question why say this now? Well because I'm close to the ending of season 2 of course

Of course this third ending idea is well 2 ideas in one tbh now I scraped them both of course but one was the world resets thanks to notch and it's just a repeat except this time no herobrine or entity the problem is no one but the main 4 Charlie david troy and austin remember along side there lovers so it's a complete fuck over so I scraped it or course there was a second idea for this and it was for only Charlie to remember so i scraped it all together  the second idea was scraped because I couldn't do it mainly cause it's stupid Charlie gets sent to crazy craft to meet a new ally and well i scraped it cause 1 he didn't fight herobrine or entity in this idea and 2 it's stupid so I got rid of that one of course this idea wasn't scraped altogether  it will show up again only this time in season 3 with some added ideas here and there of course now then why give all this to you guys mainly cause u deserve it since a lot of stuff is gonna happen during season 3 that I plan to do also the fact I haven't updated in awhile so yea u guys deserve  this after such a huge wait and want to know why ? I'm kinda lazy at first I was like oh this is exactly  what I needed now I can update a lot the following month I didn't do jack shit and I felt bad cause I told myself I would of updated of course I can promise this I won't take a year to update unlike others no offense btw

Anyways I have a lot of scraped ideas none the less a lot I don't remember but some I do and there the main ones

One of them is at the end of it all Charlie and tj are on a burning and destroyed minecraft world as its has lava and death everywhere to which Charlie is 100 percent gone into insanity and lost all hope until tj saves his ass and dies in the process ..... Charlie loses control and entity dies from the sudden release  of power but when it all ends Charlie wakes up to see grass and trees around him in a sense Charlie had set the clocks back before it all happened only this time he's alone to start again what his friends had started with him..... I scraped it cause I didn't want a sad ending I want one that's yes sad but also he's not alone

Such as Charlie striking down troy because troy killed austin of course this was troys idea irl my buddy irl the real troy of course this story shouldn't be labeled  fanfic instead it should be friendfic or whatever but there was no labeled for it so I just put fan fic so yeah the main 7 or what's left are a lot of my good pals irl when I told them about this they wanted in of course so I added them of course jack was added but he is a friend a met a long time ago who I've kept in touch with since he lives in France now of course but I met him along time ago irl so yea he wanted in to

But now I think that's enough for what may be in store in the future of this series so yeah I hope u guys enjoyed reading this cause I sure put a lot of effort into these ideas at the time they were made sucks I scraped them but yeah so I hope that changes you guys views on this story and Vision120 for saying I rushed it it was planned a lot dude don't critize me that much dude for real at first it was helpful knowledge  but over time it got annoying no offense I understand u were trying to help me but I can't learn anything if u keep telling me everything well not everything but still I can't learn or get better if u keep helping me yards know?

Sorry vision don't hate me or be mad I just wanted u to know it's just annoying is all but I need to learn on my own tbh so yea I don't mind the help but some times it got old like a running gag dude I know u haven't been around since like season 1 and it's helped me a lot but still during that season it kinda got old

But that's the past me talking from then the new me looks back smiling mainly cause he helped point me in the right direction so thanks vision I owe u one dude :)

Anyways that's enough about that also I know this is a bit late and all but Merry Christmas   (late)

Happy holidays


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