daily life

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This chapter will be mainly about the life everyday well this day anyway  so there just gonna chill and relax and have fun instead lol no battles maybe a little training but nothing to worry  about  yes Charlie is still healing so no training for him instead it will be troy


Charlie pov

Ugh I feel like hell 😧 well its the morning that's to be expected where is everyone one?
The 4 kings left to there own kingdoms awhile ago which I'm thankful for .... oh that's who's on top of me my little "sister" ....

Another day another Morning I wonder where andr cupa and skelly are?
.......... oh my god 😶😵 (no nose bleed emoji lol) I see them alright but there in swimsuits fucking hell did they have to pick ones that show off there body? More than what's necessary....

(Minus the zombie and villager)

fucking hell why do they need swim suits like that like wtf? Ugh huh? Sis is waking up sigh end of log

Good morning sister

Good morning brother so do u mind if I?

Fine just make it quick I say as I expose my neck to her

She just starts to drink my blood

I jut hug her while she does it ... shaking cause it reminds me so much of needles

Thanks big brother .... what's wrong?

There's things in my world called shots or needles that help people and your biting reminds me of it I really hate them not u but needles I fear them.... like my father...... like my father.....father....

Brother?...... Anya runs up to Charlie and hugs him trying to keep him from tearing up but it's no use

I miss ho-me I miss my m-mo-ther I miss my fa-th-er I miss my big b-rothers I miss my fami-ly 😭

Pov swap cupa
I hear crying is it Charlie?

Who cares he's a traitor said blazette

Who cares? U dare say that to him?! Troy yells in anger

Why do u care? Asked skelly

Isn't it obvious ? Me and him has been friends for 5 years he trusts me so do I if u don't trust him then u better stay away from me or u will regret it says troy with a death glare 😡

I know why he's crying it's not about any of u its about home anything that reminds him of home makes him wanna cry he's afraid he may never see them again ..... I'm not I'm OK with this but he's not u must understand his emotions are his greatest weakness and they betray him alot so either cheer him up or get out ! Said troy with anger

5 minutes later anyas pov

Man brother is strong for a human I guess it's just the sadness the others left him and now he is alone like always ..... poor brother they won't get near him ever hmph I'll protect u brother no one hurts u emotionally 

What do u want?!

Nothing but to comfort him I'm staying with him unlike everyone else they don't realize  but having a powerful  ally like herobrine isn't that bad as you'd think it's a very good advantage  so I'd take it said ghasly

Charlie just hugs her and crys while she stokes his bed hugging and trying to calm him down until andr cupa  silk cindy and wilokai walks in the room

Charlie says this out of pure anger and sadness LEAVE ME ALONE YOUR NOTHING BUT JERKS I HATE U ALL I NEVER WANT TO SEE U AGAIN!!


We're sorry please forgive us please ?

Troy walks in with an angry expression of pure death incarnate 😈😡

Anya I asked them to relax Charlies my best friend were like brothers almost

leave me alone.... just leave me alone .....

Oh I see what's going on this has nothing to do with any of us ..... said troy

Then what's it about? asked andr

He's having a panic attack he's bottled up a lot of the emotions he's had here for 2 weeks not a good idea if I says so my self it's like cupa when she had a nightmare about cats said troy

How to we calm him down? Asked anya

You all can't only those closest to him can sigh 😧 I'm the only one that close to him.... said troy

Troy turns Charlie around and hugs him like ghasly did

It's OK dude calm down I'll make sure to keep u safe man don't give up we still got hope we can win this so come on  get up what would your idol goku think of u?

Charlie starts to calm down but he's breathing heavily 

Give him time he needs it .... said troy....

Cupa who's still charged somehow walks over to Charlie and hugs him


It's gonna be OK calm down I'm here 😊

Cu-pa 😟 I'm sorry he says hugging her so strongly that cupa could of swore she heard a bone Crack

She let's go

Let's go swim huh?

I can't swim u all know that.....

Stop being so negative says blazette

She walks over to me and slaps me hard that it's left red

I shut up and just look at the ground 😔

Charlies mind (wait why am I being submissive?! What the hell wrong with me no I won't let her control me fuck that grrrrr I'll slap her right back!)

Charlie stands up walks over to blazette and slaps her

Blazette is just shocked  until she hears what he says


she smirks to herself

That's when it hit me she slapped me to make me snap out of it
There's no point of crying it won't do me any good I need to enjoy the days I have because the different  things in life is what makes life worth living ....

I get up and walk off but not before grabbing my sword

Where Are u going ? Asked skelly

He's obviously  gonna go train and with me no doubt said wilokai

No not with u with troy he's a better person to train with he knows all my weaknesses even some u missed
He can train me better than u can .... I said with a low tone

if u need us tell us at night ok? Said andr 

I will u 3 know that but only if anya can join us I say turning around with a glare or anger 😡

I walk off to the courtyard to see troy training alone as usual

U need to train with wilokai I'll just go now then said troy

No I wish to train with u unlike her u know all my weaknesses I said

I see.... troy said

Well then let's train but I'll go easy on u your still healing from that little stunt u tried troy said

Don't remind me that was the stupidest thing I could only I said back

Pov swap austin

Man I should of helped Charlie but I need to make potions to heal him it's better I'm just glad I got jelly to help me

Pov swap troy

Man Charlies getting better by the day he's not even using his armour while I got my iron armour and dual iron swords he's deadly he needs to use this power in the future seriously he's deadly

Damn he's cutting me good I guess I better get serious then

Pov swap balcony the girls 

He never fought like this when we trained said wilokai

That's easy to explain there both human so he can go all out better without much slip ups cause the skill level  between him and u is to high said anya

Jeez he doesn't he have a cut can that be the result of me and his training? Said wilokai.

We don't know yet troys getting serious now so let's see how he reacts said anya

Pov swap Charlie

So your getting serious now huh?

Yeah I am why u got a secret power with that sword ?

Sorta I can make it transform but it's powers  aren't unlocked also I'm not using my trap jaws or vex since we're both human are skills are on the same levels some what... said Charlie

troy smirks at this 😏

I hold my sword to the side with one hand and yell transform!

Pov swap wilokai

I don't know if he can feel this but I feel so much power in that blade that's untapped if he unlocks it he could rival me said wilokai

Interesting says blazette smiling 😏

Pov swap troy

What the hell his clothes changed to its like a holy knights but it doesn't seem to of done anything for him hmm I wonder what he could do if he unlocks this swords true power.....

Pov charlie

What the hell why the hell is my clothes white I look like a holy  assassin wth?

Hell even my hoods fixed now this is cool but I don't feel any stronger hmm

Evoker: this is the power of us your own spirit has manifested and created it's own clothes even for a small power up I don't know if u noticed but in this form your a little stronger and faster but not much maybe 2%

Well here goes nothing I say as I hold my sword with both hands

I run towards troy and swing in a vertical angle missing but I did cut his coat ....

Sorry troy but I can't afford to lose even if I said no vex....

Hundreds of vex are behind me some even have tiny  armour like iron and leather  but my vex crystal her swords diamond  and she has a diamond chest plate plus full iron with it

They overwhelm troy easily I put my sword on my back

Sorry man I just don't like losing

Its cool but next time don't transform ok?

Time skip pool......

Andr put me down damnit!

No .... I want u to stay her with me ok?

She says biting my neck causing me to moan

Warning  lime scene

She rubs my crotch area causing me to moan somewhat I keep moaning as she keeps teasing me
She then brings me in for a kiss but she wants acess to my mouth as I playfully  deny her 
So she bites my lip as I yelp she then uses that as a way to get into my mouth and are tongues touch were making out (first time doing a full lime scene not gonna lie....)(so if it sucks I'm sorry)
We break apart as we need to breath

We get out as we go to my room cupa and skelly follow

To be continued  so lemon or no? Cause it will be my first lemon in this story lol no or yes? XD I know I'm over doing this a bit but I got something big planned so yes? Or no?

OgBunny is tj in this lol check him out he got wattpad yesterday so shout out to my buddy irl

Vision120 so lemon or am I going to fast ? After all I'm gonna make these a series of 10 chapter as book just to do some fun besides maybe 15 chapters a book ? Idk am I rushing ? To fast or no? Your my guy for this lol

And who can I forget the man who gave me a little inspiration  from his own stories
bielby3847 thanks for your awesome books dude the whole house thing  is like yours lol in your story so yes that was from your book not my idea u don't mind if I use some things from your book do u? I promise not to go copy cat lol but I do want dom to talk to Charlie in a dream may I if u don't mind?

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