end of season 1 the battle !

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(Sorry but I'm tired so we're just gonna do the Royale thing I wanted to do cause 1 I'm lazy 2 I'll make it up in the future also I wanna ask u guys which of the group out of charlie david tj troy , austin jack and Caleb which of them will survive the death with me? Tj troy david austin jack caleb which of my friends here would u rather have 4 of them fight with me against herobrine or 2? the one u pick is how many will join me so u guys decide)

(Tie breaker again finale Royale ring out team versus charlie troy and caleb vs rot nusa (naga twilightforest)
And lichen the lich from twilight forest to (I figured why not ?!)

as we're walking away from the Dodge ball from another fucking tie we walk up huge flights of stairs to a huge arena in the sky with water below .... (fuck I can't swim )
as we get ready it's a 3v3 with 2 opponents we never fought before fuck and we're not allowed to use are own weapons except me since mines technically bound to me

Troy finds a iron great sword on the ground as he holds it with both hands ready to strike at rot (rots weapons are 2 hoes xD)


it's me vs the lich girl

She has 3 shields circling her I got to destroy them even to hurt her fuck

Caleb has the naga girl it's a good thing he's the fastest of us

I'm balanced troys strength and durability calebs speed and stamina

Charlies pov

I swing my sword at the lich girl as she summons undead to aid her brilliant

I summon my vex to counter but I hear it's cheating so I can't this is bs

Jack switch place?

When u go over yea


The kings nod at this it's fine

I swing my sword down as I'm getting overwhelmed by this bullshit

I see Redstone on the ground I dodge and roll over it as I pick it up

I see a dispenser hehe it's time to blow their minds (my characters special power is creativity he can make things no one else can but he's gotta build it so yeah no much of a power more of a creative one )

I put the dropper down as I put logs as arms and legs and then a block sensory as the head I created a arrow golem girl!

Master do u need assistance ?

Yes bad

As u wish my master she opens fire at the undead minions

however she's getting a bit overwhelmed I summon on the strength I could do and knock them off the edge into the water below

I start to breath deeply as I struggle to stand that is until I see them throw a lucky potion?

I hear them say what's that potion I laugh to my self this will help greatly hehe

I pop the cork off and drink it

The lich girl is wondering why I'm smiling evilly 😈

I run faster than she could see me I swing my sword and destroy one of her shields she turns around and summons more undead I hop back as I knock them all flying back as I have fused my diamond knock back 10 sword with my evoker sword so they go flying anytime they try to hit me fools

Troys pov

I hear rot laughing about fighting me so u know what I'm gonna let him fight the inner me (he loves sans irl favorite game character so he's gonna reference him now )

it's a beautiful day outside birds are singing flowers are blooming on days like this people like u should be burning in hell I say as my eyes start to show a red like glare

I let him try to hit me as I dodge like it's nothing let's see how he likes being the weak one

Why can't I hit u what's going on your cheating! He yells out of anger

This is where it stops this is where it ends if u want to get past me u better try again u hear in the background

I kept dodging as he tries to hit me u can't hurt what u can't beat I'm your worst nightmare u won't be able to beat me fool I yell out

(I'm gonna make this a long one if I can it is the finale of season 1 I'll try 5000 words at best if I can no guarantees now maybe 3000 if I'm honest)

u hear it the background if u want to get past me u better try again

Go ahead and try to hit me if your able  your not gonna win well be here forever fighting in this world forever

I am the vengeful one I say

All the evil u have done has come back to bite u as me I say as I swing my sword as he barely ducks under it

I turn to see caleb running and jumping over the naga girl trying in vain to avoid her tail I'll help him when I'm done with this fool I say to myself as I run towards rot

Let me ask u something rot do u wanna have a bad time as my eye let's off a blue flame like glow I think that alchemy me and Austin been doing off screens is taking an effect I'm gonna be like sans hehe (yes he will be in the future sorry spoilers but he will be able to summon a bone storm in this fight but nothing else )

Is this the best u can do I say as I dodge all his attacks he gets up with tears in his eyes how pathetic after all he's done he crys? he should just be prepared to lose then I swing my sword down at him attacks he jumps at one of the items someone threw down for any of us it's poison it will give him strength not like it matters no wait that's ..... chemical x..... dear god .... OK now I gotta get serious this could be bad

As he drinks it he gets bigger and tougher and does a huge roar

I will crush u ! He yells

Bring it weakling I say

He runs towards me as swings his arm I dodge away but I see he punched threw the stone flooring not good

(Note tones of mods in this so heads up he will get something to help fight rot back but you just wait and see )

I see a diamond apple...... that's my own chance to beat him but the lich girl gets it before me and gets immense power charlie your in massive trouble now I hope u beat her

(Caleb is just running around shooting the naga girl when ever he can so yea not showing his pov)

I hold my sword ready until rot knocks it flying away damnit all

The lich girl has a wand that shoots enderpearls as a weapon at charlie he's dodging and blocking but barely he's getting pushed near the edge that is until a bright light envelopes his arms and he stands with a golden like armor like a paladin but his sword and changed as well he has a shield as well

He swings his sword in a horizontal like way and the lich is knocked back and bit as he holds his shield looks like he's unlocked a bit of his inner power I wonder can we do the same?

Me maybe Caleb unlikely I say to myself to focused on my own thoughts than my surroundings as I'm hit by rot and sent flying nearly off the edge he stands by the edge laughing at me it fills me with anger and hate

I feel a power within me surge as I fly back up and knocks him back (he pulled him self up and drop kicked rot )

I pull out my sword to notice it became bones a bone great sword same with both my dual swords is this my inner power?!

Hehe rot your in for a bad time I say as I walk forward with my dual bone swords but as I think to myself I just need one I hold my left hand up as it glows blue and bones appear in he sky and I send them at rot as they impale him hurting him he rips them out with a angry expression 😡

This ends now I say as me and him trade blows I hear a shield break

Charlies pov

My wings are out once more as I devastate her shields one by one she has 1 left until I can hit her but she keeps summoning undead and I'm starting to get overwhelmed she knocked my golem girl out had she not gotten that apple I would of beaten her already damnit there's gotta be a way to win this come on I say to myself as I block their attacks with my shield wait that's it I raise my shield up and slam it down as a ghostly like shield Flys forward destroying her undead I call this attack divine destruction!

I run towards her only to be pushed back by a mutant skeleton damnit she can summon theses things?

damnit there's always a way to win no matter the situations

I yell out as I'm knocked back everything has a weakness !

She laughs weakness I have none no one's ever beaten me not even anya hahahahah

I get angry at this for taunting my own adopted sis..... she's gonna regret that I say to myself as my body starts to get a bit bigger I grow a little taller until she notices she's a bit curious my sword grows to the size of a big bertha (mod look it up to lazy)

My right eye glows orange your filled with courage I hear a voice in the wind say creepy I say

(I am courage troys vengance calebs patience)

my armour changes to one with a orange heart on its golden and orange like ....

She backs away a bit as she hides behind her minions she orders them to charge at me

As one jumps to attack me I had already slashed it head off before it even hit me

(Fight with a true warrior begins ) (charlie)

I swing my sword as I knock her flying off

as I swing my sword she dodges but my wings take a life of their own I don't think people realize but in a way I am 2 beings in one I am 2 personalitys sharing this body and mind one a child who's carefree and one a teen who is serious  and cautious 2 who have worked together to survive In this world since day 1 and I am not giving up yet I look around as I see I've been awakened once more the old me shall control my wings I summon ghostly swords in front of my wings he grabs them cause he controls my wings I wield 6 swords with my wings and a 7th in my right hand posed to strike to defeat evil or all who oppose me but I look back awake troy to see he's still fighting rot as he shoots a gaster blaster at him burning and hurting rots body bad Damn toys getting a hang of his powers but from what I can tell he's getting slower and tired (OK btw he's not invincible when he becomes sans in the future his health is always 1 and his defense is 1 just like sans)

troy pov

Come on  try to hit me if your able u hear echoing in the wind

Rot slams the ground as troy dodges to the left rots getting angry

rot says I give up but his eyes say take the bait

Think u can try to spare me but did u think about all the lives that u stole u hear in the wind

Troy swings his sword down as bones fly from below rot and stab him he yells in pain 😡 he's still going how annoying (remember this is troys pov ) I swing my sword as more and more bones fly I raise my hands as he swings down and I block him with a gaster blaster but when I look over at charlie I see 2? What the fuck did he do? I'm so confused what in God's name did he do ?

Charlies pov ok so ace is the older personality Charlies the child one or better orginal

So as I feel the wings fall from my back stands a little me it's 2 on 1 now he wields 6 swords I wield a sword and shield let's see how they like this?!

She looks frightened but also confused to which I smirk at and tell everyone why there's 2 of us

I say so your confused who can blame u as I throw my hands up like it's no big deal shaking my head smiling I guess u could say we are 2 beings sharing a body when he gets knocked out I take control when he is with the girls that him not me I guess u could say I'm the warrior within him the one he keeps locked away until the time is right and now we're  gonna kick your ass! I say as i run towards her to fight her head on charlie blocks her minions and blocks them off as I charge at her full force I swing the sword down assets trap jaws surround me in a area and destroy any of her surrounding minions she can see the bloodlust in my eyes she knows she's not dealing with the good part she's dealing with the beast within I am the demon within I say as I charge at hear destroying her last shield now she's free ball to destroy I charge at her as she starts to try and make more shields but I'm not letting her I'm on the offense! I am ace and I'm the beast ready to kill for glory!

Troy pov

I can only blink amazed by this new strength of his then again it doesn't compare to my own even though I'm thinking about it rot takes this as a advantage and tries to smack me off the edge but I dodge it or better side stepped  it he gets mad and yells that's when I notice he's summoning undead all over the ring they Are going for anyone on are side shit not good calebs cornered and he goes off well fuck sake I see jack hop down and start chanting strange words I can't make sense of them but undead start to come from the ground with shields and swords and some with armour he's learned necromancy it's up to us 3 no one else can do this it's all us now I hear a teleport sound as andr appears near the younger charlie shit since hes technically 2 in 1 that means she can join the battle god damnit  I say as I block rots attack again

Pov swap charlie

No not andr please no not good I have no combat experience  against her crud I hear her say something

Just give up for me love please I don't want to hurt u but I will if I have to she says calmly and Coldly 😒

I want to give up but did I come all this way to give up no! No way in hell I transfer my wings to my older self he looks confused but he shrugs it off I grab a iron sword off the ground ready to face andr one armed style she sighs annoyed 😧 you made your choice love so now I'm not going easy on you I hear her say then the next thing I feel is being kneed hard in the gut it knocked the breath out of me as she teleports again and punchs me nearly off the edge as I'm hanging on with my hands with all I got andr w-wait I can't swim remember  I'll die I say she says it's your fault not mine as she's steps on my hands and I start to let go but as I start to fall I feel something within a power yet untapped awakening  by my courage by my by my friends as long as I have them behind me I can win no matter what! You hear a voice in the wind say you are filled with courage a light orange light envelopes me as I fall it glows as it Flys back up and lands in the ring ever one stops fighting except troy and rot to see what's going on they see me their but with orange like gauntlets that have and symbol on them as well as a giant sword that's orange and black that seems to glow with a certain power I feel as if this is my true power awakened I can see everyone here no matter how far from the ring it's like thermal vision almost this is this is  just wow I'm so so excited but also a bit curious of what I can do u hear the wing say u can do anything if u set your mind to it

I feel power but also passion because that's who I am sigh... andr this is where this stops u can't win we will grow stronger u can't beat us we grow stronger daily u can't win I am mercy I hear troy yell out I am vengance  I hear jack yell out and I am determination and we are your friend don't give up I want to have have a good fight I say I hear troy say just give up and die rot I hear jack say I will not lose I will not fall ever!
They see us and are determined eyes one of passion one of vengance and one of determination (yes I'm making a undertale reference )

I hear ace say I'm going back within in u and I'm gonna leave the rest to u he says as he fades away I he not my body I feel my wings start to change they turn orange and black but they seem sharper but I feel something else troy has hooked a gaster blaster to my back right between all my wings  it turns orange and fuses to my back it's like a jet pack? Interesting here we go I say

Troy raises his hand as bones appear in the sky I Raise mine as I summon my other six ghostly swords I make them fly towards andr and try to hit her but rot breaks them all grrrr troy keeps attacking rot but rot has only one goal killing me sigh he is annoying I hear troy say

I run towards rot with the jet gaster pushing me faster than even andr can teleport I punch rot so hard that I burst threw his body like goku did piccolo 

I then jump out of the way as troy charges gaster blaster and shoots rot off the edge we finally beat him and next is ..... endy fuck.....

I see her walk towards troy hmph he says you think just because your stronger than the mobs your stronger than me he says

Eyes on me love I hear andr say as she teleports up to me as kisses me on the nose

Sigh she's teasing me right now even if he a fight I hear ace say in my mind

I can feel the strength but I can't unleash it why can't I ? Is it I'm afraid to hurt her? I mean I love her but I don't wanna lose ..... what should I do damnit why why i want to use my new strength damnit it all grrr
I punch the ground in frustration  damnit she says sweetly what's wrong can't hurt me love?

She's pissing me off I'm about to burst into anger they have never seen me angry and for a reason no one has and they never should but is know it will happen sigh I'm sorry if is hurt u guys or girls to much I say out loud she starts laughing so does a lot of her side I sigh and I look up with the anger of a thousand suns

I raise my hands (no spirit bomb lol) as my right arm glows with a orange aura andr looks Down right confused can't blame her but she won't be the same after this says ace in my head again this power maybe hard to control but I am gonna hit her with it she even says this after to infuriate me more I'll let u have the first hit she cause come on its not like u could really hurt me anyways she says closing her eyes I close mine till their slits I run towards her as she smirks with her eyes closed thinking or better yet knowing I won't hit who but she's wrong I punch her in the cheek as it turns slow motion some of the girls who are out are shocked even blazette andr is in shock at what I just did as she goes over the edge she can't teleport back that's right I sealed your power u fucking bitch I say as I let off steam I start cursing at her as she falls Damn that felt good I say to myself as I take a breather as andr teleports back up to the people out she smiles at me which down right creepers me out speaking of the creeps cupas up next she's even scared and she's charged she doesn't want to fight me I tell her come her but she won't I say fine is all explain to everyone then I guess u could say that's me when Im angry I'm sorry buts you really pushed me andr ok?! I have and nary breaking point and you pushed me passed it I say after this fight we win but jack just got knocked out by fucking endy sigh it's me and troy vesus the last 3 mob girls cupa (charged) endy and wilokai..... my mentor

troy and me stand side by side that is until i see a finger a few over the edge I ask troy to guard me he does he'd knocks them back as I pull jack back upon til us 3 vs the 3 mob girls me vs my mentor troy vs endy and Jack vs cupa 

I swing my right fist as a blade pops out of its side and wilokai ducks under it and kicks me back I see that the black symbols on my armour is black hearts hmph neat

I swing again only to get the same results I'm guessing that my outburst cost me a lot of energy fuck sake

This is where it stops this is where it's ends if if u want to get past me u better try again I hear in the wind

troy starts summoning bones and gaster blasters as he rides one avoiding Endy and attacking her bed the can looks like he's met his match but it can't be sure u never know

Wilokai has me on the ground with blood dripping down my forehead hell I can feel blood inside my armour damnit I can't keep this up much longer I promised anya  silk silver I'd win since they are to young to join this damnit I can't lose I promised you are filled with kindness u hear in the background

I feel my armour change colors it changed from orange to green I see my symbols are the same color black hearts so I'm guessing this power has different modes but for what ever reason I feel better somehow even though I'm still bleeding I feel a tree pop up beside me I hear lone say in the the background he's become one with nature ? I see the tree grows arms made of wood legs to its a tree ent? I summoned a tree ent? Cool!

He walks towards me picks me up as a green light envelopes me I'm healed fully?! Holy fuck  hell yea as he puts me down he disappears  interesting I wonder what else I can do I hear another voice in the wind say u are filled with love and strength a red and pinkish light envelopes  me  I see I'm red with pink hearts ? Interesting  I see her sword fly at me as i raise my arms to block her a huge pink heart block her attack what ? I say confused but ok I guess this ends now I say I pull her as she try to get away from me I hug hers but only so I can knock her out as I did that I pushed her off she wakes up less than 30 seconds later I feel a white light envelope  me but now I'm with no power it ended the minute my fight was over ..... what the hell is this power?? (Someone give me name for it lol)

I sit down and watch the others fight troys pov

I swing and Endy to only miss damnit she's annoying grrrr

I see an item on the ground invis? Charlie picks it up and drinks it he gives me a thumbs up as he dissappears I smirk since Endy doesn't know by the time she has me on the run I'm near the edge with Jack we're both about to fall till I hear charlie say dodge both of u! Endy and cupa look confused as hell as we dodge to the left and right as they are pushed off by a invisible charlie or so i though as I head 3 splashes below I just shake my head as I facepalm but I smile as he had just tackled them both off I look down to see him no where I see jack dive right into the water with a splash

Jack pov

Charlie u idiot don't u dare die on me your my best friend I can't lose u man I think of myself as i swim down I see him barely alive he's drowning I may be your buddy but andrs giving u cpr not me fuck that I grab him and hoist him up as I swim him back up to land

Time skip 10 minutes 

Andr has given him cpr so much sigh he may not make it but is keep hearing cupa say let him rest maybe he will live

Andr picks him up and takes us to her kingdom I guess we will stay here till he wakes up

Time skip 3 days

I fainted in battle I heard ( I'm writing or better is rewriting the story that got deleted since I'm awake )

I'm in the room as I run out I know I'm in andrs kingdom the guys and girls are on the couch except jack when I try to sit up he is beside me in a chair with a worried face like a true bro

Thank the gods your OK I hear him say

Of course I am I'm fine dude I will always be fine I say

He says well I'll tell andr your up so she and the others can nurse u ok?

Yea get some rest man u look tired I say as I try to move but I can't as I'm tackled by cupa skelly and andr

Sigh u 3 are a handful but I love u 3 all the same I smile as they smile they all kiss me with worried expressions 😢😟😭 I even see anya silk and silver with me they are  snuggling into me while I'm asleep they we're keeping me warm how cute hehe

Watch it that hurts I say  😨

Jack closes the door as he walks back to the others

As the screen fades to black u hear a incoherent  voice say

Uoy lliw lla eid rof ti sah neeb dlotrof ni dnegel

Enon evah reve detaefed em uoy llahs lla eid

If u figure out what it says then don't tell anyone 

I rewrite all that got deleted  got that was a pain well there you go that's season 1 finale

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