The Final Battle pt 2

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It's been awhile hasn't it ? Sorry about that guys let's just say I need a break for a bit hehe 😅 anyways this is part 2 of 3 next part will be the longest one I can't type anyways hope u enjoy guys :) oh and also I'm trying something a bit different this time I'm doing the intro song thing I did in the past for the hell of it btw there will be spoilers in the song so spoiler alert! Then again I shortened it cause I'm kinda lazy lol also I'm going for a Anime kinda thing now cause I want to try something different lol oh and special shout out to netherdragon86 for telling me to take my time such a nice guy :)

Warning there is multiple lemons! (Each a different pov)

Another day another battle to come it seems that's are fate huh? When we entered this world I knew it wasn't gonna be a easy life but this isn't what I ever expected ..... it's funny huh...... what am I even saying?......I lost my best friend in this world ....... he's never coming back...... I miss u my friend I really dude I miss u both so much but I can't bring u back there's no way to ...... tj...... and caleb..... I will miss u guys but I mustn't dwell on the past right now I must push forward for the future of this world and for its survival ....


Intro song= we are one by 12stones

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

We walk alone in the unknown
A boy and his friends walk alone in a new world

We live to win another victory we are the young dying sons
A group of friends walk from another battle with swords in hands

We live to change the face of history so be afraid it's the price we pay
As they walk many foes come out of the shadows people run in fear as they stand their ground

The only easy day was yesterday so hear our voice we have a choice it's time to face it
They run back to back sword to sword as the fighting continues and their yells are heard

We are one we are one we are one we will stand together
They stand as one group together undivided 

Number one number one the chosen ones
They stand with their armour and weapons

We are one we are one we will fight forever we are one and we won't tire
They stand as one group with one goal to defeat their foes


I wake up again in are underground base as I do I feel a warm body against mine I smile a little knowing all to we'll who it is , it's my love andr the ender girl I met in this world who I fell for I love her so much she's the only reason I'm even sane to be fair but then again I don't give up I won't hehe I can't get up cause she won't let me I smile at this she's so protective of me since I "supposidly" died  or so they thought I survived it and well here we are sleeping or Rather she's hugging me in her sleep in a iron grip though even if we haven't exactly beaten entity yet I'd like to enjoy these moments cause they may be the last knowing these battles we will have in the future as I think of it I start to think of how it might end but I'm brought back to my thoughts by another body against my shoulder as I turn I see my well adopted sister anya she's a vampire ironically enough she's yawning and stretching as she gets up she sees I'm awake

Big bro? Your up? She asks me surprised

Yea..... but I want to enjoy these moments with u guys I love u all so much I say

Love u to bro anya says to me as she hugs me around the next until..... *growl*

She's hungry I know all to well what she wants

I know what u want anya it's OK just make it quick ok? I say

Thanks bro she says as she hugs me around the neck again only to bite me in the neck sucking my blood

After a few seconds of that oddly enough pleasing blood sucking she let's go and backs up and I turn to see her standing there with her red eyes oddly enough I've never actually seen her in well her true form this is a first to me she did mention it last night as she stands up .... I feel blood go down my nose as she stands up and I instantly cover my eyes

She's fidgeting as she realizes I shall her breasts I'm not a pervert and I won't ever be but seriously how'd I not notice she was nearly nude?! She has nothing on but underwear omg so embarrassing  at least andr isn't up...... I immediately  feel andr get off of me and look around at me and anya until ..... *whack*

Oww....... what was that for andr? I ask her after she had not only hit me in the head but also anya who might I add I still in her underwear!

Because both of u are siblings she yells

To be fair I didn't notice till she opened the window that she was dressed like that I say rubbing my head

Tch and anya put some clothes on God damnit I say

Yes bro she says getting dressed I sigh at this it's just as it usually is all my mornings are like this I hope the guys don't have it as bad as I do I guess me being my old self weak and defenseless makes every girl cling to me it's weird I mean if some of the people from my world knew of this they would envy me but me I'm not much about harems in my opinion it makes things worst plus the clinging is kinda old...... as I write this down in my log I look over to see anya in her glory in her adult form she has eyes that are as red as blood and blonde hair

(not exactly this)


close my log or diary or whatever I call it , I mean I just woke up after all so I'm still a bit dizzy though I need to get dressed to so I ask andr and anya to please get out so I can change they ask why well andr mainly

Because even if I'm in a relationship with u I'm still shy I say blushing a bit looking at the ground

Until...... the door opens and I'm tackled by who else but  my other little sisters silk and silver

Come on I say annoyed at this and then I hear in the back of my head or mind reaper talking to

Want me to take a Crack at it? he asks

I sigh and say yes just get me dressed and them out I say with anger and annoyance to him

He says well someone looks a bit angry u might go super saiyan he says laughing until I give him a glare that could cut glass and he shuts his mouth

I got it he says taking over as I sit in my mind crossing my arms

On the outside of my mind or better in reality  everyone notices one thing my eyes went from their normal light blue color to a dark green

Get out of my room so I can change before I kick u all out reaper yells in my body

Yes sir! Everyone says running out my room as reaper slams the door shut

Thanks reaper I say as he walks by me in my mind and we high five each other

No problem let me out more why don't u he says jokingly

In reality I bet everyone's mad at me but I shrug  it off as I put on my usual clothes

A green t shirt that I was given a while back from cupa I don't mind the creeper symbol on it then some pants well solid black pants with the ender man symbol on it I got that from andr oddly enough then a necklace now I brought this from my world it's a necklace with a key at the end a key to my lock the heat I put on my diary I then put on the shoes I was given from a unique friend I made my shoes are actually armour in secret with frost walking enchant ments I got this from a villager named audrey and her friend freida freida was the one who made them she's a black smith but Audrey was the one who enchanted them she's a libraian after all I owe them that much so I asked for them and their entire  village to live with us they agreed because of our defenses I find it funny I got allies that you'd think would never work together but I did funny how life finds a way but as I put them on I notice one thing I had forgotten to do as I walk put of the door dressed I'm jumped on by andr and cupa hell even skelly this time

I stand my ground despite how heavy they are together I stand up and stomp my way to the main level where I see David waving to me I pull the girls off of me and tell them I'll accept any thing u all want later even ..... I take a deep breath at what I'm about to say ..... sex..... I say to which all 3 of them look at me wide eyed in shock I smirk and say let's just say u owe reaper one I say as I run over to David who's smiling at me despite he hardly smiles ever

What's up David I ask him as he holds a remote control to his latest  mining machine

Nothing much I see u need something I'm willing to bet am I right? he asks

Yea I need 4 diamond blocks 4 gold blocks 4 emerald blocks 4 obsidan blocks if u wouldn't mind I say to him

Damn so u need 16 blocks in total then he says typing away on his computer putting it all together and as he turns back to me he gives me all that I needed

Thanks I owe u one I say as I run off towards audrey who's near the top levels of are base

I stop when I'm in front of the villagers breathing heavily from running so much

Audrey walks over to me and crouches by me with some water asking me to drink I accept and chug about half of it

Thanks I need that I say

What's wrong do u need something? she asks

Yea.... 4 pumpkins I say

4? I suppose she says

I got them after she did a few trades

Thank u I promise u won't regret it I say as I hurry off again to my last stop Austin

As I walk in I see him as usual making potions

As I walk to him I'm blocked by mizore

What do u need ? she asks

Austin he's the only one who can make what I need I say

Austin turns around and says what do I need to make ?

Scroll of awakening I say

Awakening?..... oh I can make that it's easy he says as he gets to work after about 15 minutes he's done and he hands me 4

That enough ? he asks

Yea just enough I needed 4 exactly I say smiling

Now then I say as I put 4 blocks of Diamond in a golem shape in front of Austin

What are u doing Charlie? he asks curious

Giving u your own servant or better your own guard I say as I place a pumpkin where it would go for a golem

Now Austin I say holding out the scroll of awakening to him

Place this upon the middle block I say

If u say so he says

As he does a bright light fills the room and what stands is a golem girl again but she looks tougher than ruby but also she's completely blue unlike ruby who's grey incredible I smile at this we can make more golem girls I pump my fist in a gesture of success

Who is my master she asks

I point at Austin

He is I say

She walks to Austin and bows before him

Did u create me she asks

Yes I did but don't bow to me he says

As u wish she says standing up until she sees mizore who is a witch after all and tries to hit her

Stop I say as she turns to me with a laugh

Stop? Are u foolish she's a witch a enemy to my master she says

No she's not she's on are side all mobs are I mean look outside the window I say gesturing to the window

She looks out and her eyes are in shock

So all mobs are friends then ? she asks

Yes I say

Very well then she says as she stands beside Austin

Austin I'll leave the rest to u I say as I hurry off to blazette and wilokai

I finally found them in the training room with troy

Hey.... I say

What is it Charlie says troy annoyed

I got you 3 a new friend to train with but I got a better question who's gonna be her master? I ask

Master?..... a golem girl right ? Asks wilokai

Yea I say as I put all 4 obsidian blocks and a pumpkin in the golem shape like last time

I hold out the scroll of awakening to troy

He put it on the golem and she's born

....master? She asks troy

Yes I am your master he says

What is my name master ? She asks

I ponder to this and click my fingers and say how about ember ?

It sounds like u made your name apart of it troy says

Oh shit I didn't mean to make it I say laughing

Ember?..... I like it she says

I guess it's ember anyways all mobs in the base are friends don't attack ok I say

Yes of course she says as she hugs me

What's that for I ask

For the name she says

I must go now I say oh and troy she's immune to fire and lava also blast resistant as well as tough as obsidian  so enjoy your new training partner I say rushing off

Now this time it's a fair fight says troy as him and charlite fight blazette and wilokai

I run off to audrey this time and the villagers

Oh hey Charlie are u here to pay us back ? Asks audrey

U bet I say as I put down the same pattern as last time only this time it's a emerald golem and hand the scroll to Audrey

Please place this upon the center I say

As u wish she says and as she does a bright light happens again only this time to my shock it's a male golem

Mistress? He asks Audrey

Yes I am your mistress but can u just call me Audrey she asks

Yes audrey.... he says

I ponder a minute and snap my fingers

So I'm guessing because a girl out the scroll on it made u a boy when males do it you are female interesting I guess it's good to know that it won't be all girls I say smiling

I guess we can call u emeraly I say

Emeraly..... I like the sound of that can that be my name he asks

Of course and Charlie thank u audrey says hugging me

emeraly glares at me a little in jealousy 

Hey if u want to know what had to do to create u u should think of this she put the scroll on to bring u to life she gave me pumpkins from trades and David had to give me the emeralds he mined Austin gave me scrolls of awakening so in a since technically David Austin audrey are your creators I say

I see he says as he bows to me

What are u doing? I ask

U are the one who went through all the trouble and errands to create me as such u are my father thank u my father he says as he hugs me

It's nothing just do me a favor don't hurt anyone in the base unless they try to hurt the villagers ok? I say to him

Yes father he says

OK see u later I say running off to find ghasly who as usual is alone and I always feel bad about it

I find her crying alone as usual and hug her from behind she jumps a bit but relaxes when she realizes it's me hugging her

Don't cry I got something for u I say as I put all the blocks together for the finale golem boy

As I am done I hand her the scroll and tell her to put it there as she does another bright like happens and a golden golem boy is born

Are u my master he asks

Yes..... she says with tears

I'll call u goldie I say smiling

Goldie..... fits me well he says

Good cause u have siblings around they look similar to u some are boys others are girls and I want u to know this no mobs in this base are your enemy another thing I let her create u so she won't be lonely anymore I say

I see..... u have to much to deal with i assume he says with a glare

No..... it's just I'm afraid if she was to join my group of girls she may get hurt the currently 3 are very over protective of me they may try to harm her and I don't want that that's why I created u so she may never be lonely again I say

I see..... he says

In that case u are my father so thank u dad he says

It's nothing I just go before I get them angry I say

Goodbye father he says softly as he hugs ghasly

I run back to the main area where my home is anyways and turn to find 3 girls cupa andr and skelly

Umm.... I say blushing madly

Mainly because cupa and andr are making out and I don't know how to react to this

So we decided we are gonna do it with u says skelly as she closes the door behind me and I jump back cause she scared me I Gulp and say in my mind I'm about to become a man oh dear oh dear I say to reaper who's laughing his ass off

Ready asks skelly in a lust filled gaze at me as she grabs me gently but firmly so I can't escape 

I man up this time I say to reaper in my mind

I sigh in reality and say yesterday me would say FUCK this shit I'm out but me today yes bring it on! I yell grabbing skelly by her shoulders and push her onto the floor

Lemon warning (also first time sorry if it sucks!)

This is the first time for me I kiss skelly and slowly start to make out with her after I of course threw my shirt off I wrestle my tongue with hers and finally we start to explore each other's mouths until I win in dominance

She wraps her arms around me as we make out until I can't breathe anymore and reel back to breathe and she sees my eyes are shining she smirks at this and turns me around to see a horny cupa and andr

In the next for seconds its a mystery to even me how I suddenly became nude and on the bed with a wet pussy of a creeper girl above me

I shake the thought as I hear in my mind reaper yelling out like fan saying do it make them scream your name he says

As cupa sits on my face she holds my arms up so I don't try to get away not like I'm gonna the minute he sweet scent hit me I was digging for diamonds (I'm sorry I had to lol)

Ahh...... she's panting from my constant barrage of licking until her vagina walls tighten around my tongue and a explosion of cum flies onto my face I wipe sorry me off and lick it off my arms until I'm pushed down by skelly who starts to make out with me again only this time I feel something warm on my rock hard dick

I can't see anything thanks to skelly but I hear moaning I'm so glad we have the door locked as the moaning increases in volume I hear a screen and something warm and thick run down my dick and I realize I may of just well had sex with andr and she got penetrated

I couldn't hold it any long and climaxed just as andr came after that I got up and look around to see the sheets a different white than before jeez but as much as I would of liked it to be done it's not as I'm turned around to see skelly looking at me from my dick she lowers her breasts with my dick in the middle as she pumps up and down until I climax again it goes everywhere on her breasts and face I can't move so good I sigh in happiness it was such a good day.


The Next Day

I feel warm bodies against me ..... I wake up to see All 3 of them on either side of me ..... that's right .... we did.... that..... I sink back into their embrace much to my body that wants to wake up I want to sleep more with the till I hear a yawn

Yawn~ good Morning girls says skelly

Good morning ~ says cupa along with andr as they stretch their arms

Should we wake charlie? Asks skelly

Maybe..... says cupa

I don't think we should says andr

I'm already  awake I say sitting up

Oh..... how long asks skelly

About 2 minutes before u all woke up I say

We're gonna get dressed alright says skelly

Sure should i leave I start to say till I realize I'm also nude...

No we all need to get dressed besides none of us got pregnant so your not a father says skelly stretching more

O....k...I say

As we are getting dressed I look around for my shirt only to see cupa putting it on

Cupa! I yell

Hehe it looks better on me she says

Give it here I say pulling it off her  as she giggles lightly from me doing this I may look a little angry but mainly cause I don't want to look like a weakling I've changed through my time in this world from the deadly battles to the amount of friends I have made its amazing the adventures we have had but it's coming to a end soon a deadly battle will take place to decide the fate of this world..... I wonder can I win..... can we?....I'm scared thinking of what would happen if we lost ..... I will avenge my fallen friends they were my best friends ..... just thinking about it is emotional ..... I won't lose this battle I'll fight entity till my last breathe even if it .... if I have to...... take him down with me...... I'm snapped put of my thoughts by a gentle hand on my shoulder I turn around to see andr looking at me with concern I take her hand off of me and hug her with tears going down my cheeks

Charlie are u ok.... asks cupa with concern

No..... I'm scared about this next battle what if I lose u all I'm so scared of losing everyone I care about I say

A feel a gentle hand on my shoulder and another on my head it's skelly and cupa

It's OK charlie we will win don't worry ok? Says cupa

Yea there's no way he can beat us as we are now besides u awakened your inner power remember says skelly

Yea.... your right I say as I get dressed at last

I'm gonna go train if u don't mind I say to them

Sure says skelly andr and cupa smiling at me

I pick up my sword evoker and run off to to a secluded place in are base

A huge room David made for me it's polished floors are limestone and it has a ceiling decorated in glowstone to light it up I raise my sword and concentrate  as I let it's power take hold but this time I awaken a different form of my power to my own shock

As the light clears I check my self out it seems that the first time I awakened was only because it was the first it wasn't yet bonded completely to me but now it is excellent I smile as I get in a mirror David had set outside the room

I see a gauntlet on my left hand to my shock and on it I see a tiny dagger inside it that's like a hidden blade incredible I check out my right hand and see another gauntlet yet this one is smaller and seems to have a arrow mechanism  in it I grab my sword with my left hand and hold up my right arm and form a ball and the gauntlet fires 3 arrows at rapid fire I ball my fist up and raise it upward and look at it this is the next level isn't it? Or maybe it's what I want it to be I'm not sure whatever the reason it's gonna help me a lot I check myself over for anymore secret weapons.

I find that my legs are fully armored with golden and white like armour .... this is insane I'm so strong I notice one this however I seem to have grown in size and what I mean by that is it seems to have aged me temporarily cause I'm taller than andr surprisingly well maybe not I'm not sure really but I'm definitely  taller cool

I check my chest to see black and gold armour as I look to my left arm again I notice a circular disk I tap it and it expands and becomes a shield I look on the mirror and notice one this my wings their transparent  and glowing with power I wonder..... I face the various dummies that David left in that room and lash out with my wings just as I would in the past to my shock my wings are like a true vex now they went through the walls and destroyed the dummies as they come back to me I start to smile in excitement at the endless possibilities that I could do with my new strengths until I feel myself become lighter and I check my arm to see its transparent ..... no way.... I can become like a vex? Then that means I can I fly at the wall and go right through it as I do I land in the training room with a small thud I look at my sword and smile

If this is true then I could go transparent to pass through objects and avoid lava or arrows the only thing that can affect me is swords hehe well maybe I think arrows can still hit me but that's if if charge at them like some fool but if I fly through the ground then..... hehe I smile evilly at these new strengths and gently get on the ground and walk over to wilokai's training room with blazette

I open the door to a blazette getting knocked into the wall

Is this a bad time I ask curiously 

No we're  training do u want to join us or are u to much of a pussy to says wilokai

Your in luck I will but only so I can test this new form I say as I hold my sword up and point it at wilokai

So u finally grew some huh says blazette

Make all the jokes u want about me as I slash u to pieces I say flying straight at wilokai as she blocks my sword as sparks fly and the sound of 2 swords clashing echos through the base

As I send her skidding back she says how the hell did u get this strong

Simple it seems the first time was a test drive this is the real deal of my artifact plus it seems to have aged me by a few years oddly enough not that it matters i say holding my sword with my right arm ready to strike again

Interesting she says

Yea how show me a mob leaders true strength cause I'm about to show u mine! I yell

I fly towards her at faster speeds than ever before as slash her a few times thankfully this time we have healing potions outside the room just in case we get to serious

Come on is that all u got I say as a whirl wind of attacks keep pushing her back until I'm knocking to the side by blazette

2 on 1 huh I say as I strike my blade into the ground to slow my self from slamming into the wall

Your stronger I'll give until that but it's nothing compared to a true fighter wilokai says as she draws her second blade

She's dual wielding now

Dual wield huh? I say

And then blazette draws a huge sword that she has to until see both her hands for it has flames around the very metal flickering I guess they are getting Serious I guess I will to

So your pulling the gloves off huh? I ask

Yea and u better get serious as well she says

Fine by me I say as my collar around my armour seems to expand and swallow my head until it forms a helmet for me and inside the helmet I watch them with heighten  senses it seems not only does this transformation have the power of a vex but a evoker to cause now I can hear them easier hmm.... this is gonna be interesting

as they both charge me I dodge blazette and punch her in the chest and knock her flying back as I raise my sword to block both of wilokais swords as I do I kick her flying back

Not bad c.... says blazette

I wonder ..... I say

Wonder what asks wilokai confused

I grab my sword and look at its glowing white gem and red one .....hmmm......

It's like 2 sides I wonder if I use the red one would I .... no.... that's always been there then does I'm interrupted  from my thoughts by a kick to the stomach that sends me into the wall by wilokai

U shouldn't let your guard down says wilokai

I get angry from hearing this as my wings start to move side to side and a aura seems to be around me a aura that is pure white

I look at her and slam my fist into the ground as I do beside both of them a bunch of solid white wings? Maybe I'm not sure myself fly from the ground wrapping around both them and whatever it is its tough cause they can't break free from It maybe it's magic if so then I hold up my left hand and the red gem suddenly turns white

And a white glow comes from my opened left hand and I fire forward a small but powerful white ball or energy I'm not even sure it's not like in dbz that much is for sure I smile saying

It seems not only for offense I have defensive modes interesting I say as I fire a bunch of the attacks I shall call this evoker blast !  I say

And I guess I was right to as they hit a ton of trap jaws erupted and bit and torn at the 2 until they fainted and I undo the rope I think I'll call that one vex trap and once the attack stops I see them hurt badly and I sigh saying

Shit I really over did it didn't i? Oh well I say picking them both up and placing them on the beds outside the training room and giving them both healing potions

As I get up to leave I see them stir and I say I over did it but still thanks for helping me learn me about me and my new strengths train hard and we will fight again perhaps I say walking out

As I do I hear moans upstairs and I think to myself who it could be as I walk back to my room


Come on touch me says mizore with lust

No funny business  I'm trying to work mizore says austin as he stirs more ingredients  into his alchemy  table

No more Austin yells 3 of the girls as they dog pile him with sapphire locking the door

He's surrounded by withia mizore and sapphire in the bed

What is it?.... he's stripped nude in less than a second

What the hell has gotten into u all? He says

U are my lover dummy so as this last week before the battle let's have some fun says mizore as she cups Austin's cheek with her hands and pulls him into a kiss that turns into a heated make out session until he feels his hands being placed upon 2 soft orbs withia's breasts

The wither

Please feel them their yours she says in a lustful voice he does as he as he has has a determined look as he squeezes her breasts  until mizore pulls back from the make out session and starts to strip the remainer of her clothes till she and the rest are completely nude

Ready for the main course? she asks Austin in a lust filled voice as she turns to his already hardened member

I see your little friend is she says as she slams down onto Austin member as blood slides down as she moans and bounces up and down on his member as withia starts to make out with Austin as he moans in their kissing from the pleasure he's getting until .... he moans i-m im Cumming and cum inside mizore

Ahh..... ahh... *pant*

Oh are u tired that was just one of us honey says mizore with a look of delight

(Let's just say Austin had a loved filled night)


Troy pov

As I'm walk back to the training room I see a slightly injured wilokai and a very angry and injured blazette

Damnit! How did he get that strong?! Yells blazette with annoyance

How did who get so strong? I ask as I walk though the door to the to them

Charlie he unlocked his true power of his artifact he became transparent and flew through the damn walls like a fucking ghost yells blazette with a angry look

I see.... so he has unlocked his huh? Well frankly I'm pretty sure I have as well I say as I pull out 2 healing potions and toss it to them smiling as I say why not fight me and see who's stronger? I say and ember make sure no one gets in I say as she walks off to the door as it closes with just me and wilokai and blazette who are fully healed now

Let's begin shall we I say as I look at my right arm which sudden opens to show the eye of a ender man or the eye of ender rather looking around and then at me as if asking are u ready? I nod then a flash of light surrounded me as it clears they see me standing  with a complete  purple armour and a purple sword along my left arm is ender pearls lined in my armour I smirk at this as I walk to then I notice I have a sword that's completely  black as a enderman of course it may sound racist from saying that it isn't what I have mean but regardless of that I notice at the center of the blade is a eye of ender as I walk towards them and stand just a few feet away from them I say let's begin shall we?

You to?! Damnit to think humans to surpass us says blazette with anger

Surpass ?  Oh I see being beaten by us is hurting your pride so pathetic hahahaha I say laughing evilly as I pick up my sword with my right hand and my left and changes slightly turning completely dark as I feel it change I look at it to notice it's glowing a dark purple and I smirk realizing I can control stray ender men this is gonna be fun I think to myself

The next few minutes are a blur I teleported to them and kicked them flying as I hit and slashes them I'm unbeatable  until finally there both to weak to even stand I've won

I walk to them and hold out 2 potions of healing and say drink up

As they do they start to strip as I remain curious but otherwise confused as to why not that it matters

Your are mate says blazette when she's done stripping as she said that I look at her surprised 

Oh.... is that so very well i say turning off my artifact as I strip as well and get nude

The next minute I notice something my left eye became a eye of ender and I feel lust and desire the next few seconds felt like it were several hours and I wasn't wrong when I came to I had fucked then until the begged for it as they screamed my name .... holy shit I'm powerful.....

The next day

Charlie pov

So what happened to u guys I ask as I look between Austin and troy

We lost are virginity last night says Austin

Hehe your not the only ones so did I , I say I lost mine the night before u guys hahah looks like we're no longer virgins so we can call David one and he can't retorted us about being virgins  but in all seriousness I have some info u guys may wanna hear I say

And that is ? Says troy

Mobs can choose to be pregnant if they want to I'm betting they don't want to children yet so it's more than likely neither of us are gonna be dad's anytime soon I say

Good I don't think I could handle being a parent says troy

Yes and besides we have war to end next week against entity Remember?  Says Austin

Yea and besides I say standing up we aren't the same idiots that were in this world long ago we have grown up a lot since then it's been how many years we've been here? I think it's been 3 or more ? I ask

I believe we've been here for about 4 years says troy

So that means I'm 19 and so are you troy and Austin is I think is 20 then correct ? I ask

Yes that's right says Austin

Well I say sitting down let's do are very best to win this eh? I ask

Took the words right outta my mouth says troy

And guys if I don't make it u know how to revive me because of cupa right? I ask

Yea Austin says leaning closer as we whisper so no one can hear us

And it'll say this I want u troy to take my sword and strike my foe down for me will u u do that my friend? If I find am to fall in battle? I ask him

Of course I would be honored to troy says

Now then let's keep this little chat a secret shall we besides I think I hear moans again.... let me guess I he's jack Isn't it? I ask to which troy and Austin nods

Well day by day we get stronger besides I have heard theirs more than just one kind of intelligent race besides the mobs so how about we set out and find them today eh guys? I ask

Hell yea let's go says troy as he runs off to sharpen his tools and weapons

We meet back here in a hour I say

Yes sir says Austin

1 hr later

We ready to go guys? I ask behind me to Austin and troy

Yea let's do this says troy

Where do u 3 think your going? Asks ??

We turn around to see all of are loves staring at us

We are going on a voyage to find the other races of this world to help us beat entity I say

....*sigh* fine u guys go but don't get killed they say

Yes ma'm I say as I run off with my friends behind me just like in are younger days this this is the start to our battles to come until I see entity on a hill as we run by he slams down in front of us

So your off to find help? I'll humor myself and give u a year to prepare he says laughing

A year? I ask

Yes 1 year until then u better get ready he says as he disappears

We got 1 year to get these guys on are side we can do it besides I'm the lucky one after all I say

As I turn back to the 2 behind me I say let's do this we can't afford to fail I say as we run forward towards the mountains as above the clouds 2 ghostly figures are watching and smiling down at us in hopes we can pull this off

Its just another day in this war filled world another day for a adventure after all its just me and my friends Lost In Minecraft


Sorry it's it seemed lazy in some parts but the finale battle part 3 isn't soon as u would think I would like to Have 40 chapters like In the beginning  when I planned for this now there's a think theirs only going to be 2 races that will aid them and 1 is my favorite that I've wanted to add for so long I will say they love to  dig holes and leave it at that the other is humans

Now then that's the end of this long awaited chapter hehe hope u Enjoyed :)

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