where the fuck are we?

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OK so I have one question how the fuck did me troy and austin get sucked into minecraft  and end up beside each other ? We weren't even in the same room or town wtf!

Charlie:where the fuck are we?

Austin:I think we are in minecraft.....

Troy:oh fuck.....

They see a chest and open it with a book in it

Charlie: a book .....

As they read it says hello sorry for bringing  u here but u may wanna stay after all there are many mob girls here from princess  to queens be careful however some are hostile towards some people even there own
I've given u some food in this chest with a little armour may it help u 3 I hope from n

Charlie: notch........ he summoned us .....

Austin:how can u be sure it's notch?

Troy:it's so notch

Charlie: so who does what ?

Troy:what do u mean?


Charlie:like who does what as a specific role I'm good at building

Austin: I'm potion brewer or bow man I'm not good at combat especially  close quarters

Troy:i am I'm the weapons expert and the brawler

Charlie:ok I'm good at crafting so I already got this from the chest Charlie tosses troy a stone sword

Troy:ok I'm a go hunt animals and get us beds

Charlie: there was 3 beds in the chest

Troy: oh....

Time skip Charlie has built a home with 3 floors with each bed on each floor troys bottom  Austin top floor and Charlies middle floor of the home

The sun hasn't set yet but Charlies not taking a chance however he does keep hearing a girl scream

Charlie gets out of bed puts on his leather armour and grabs his two stone swords

(Yes they got 3 leather sets troys got 1 iron sword and a iron pick for him Charlie and Austin don't got much but stone swords )

Charlie runs out side the house despite troy trying to stop him

Charlie:(whoever is screaming needs help I will help them no matter what mob they are )

The next thing Charlie sees makes him wanna throw up he sees a slime girl getting groped by a zombie with a crown on his head?

Charlie over hears what he says (yes it's that scene again )

it's not fair that all u girls ignore me because I'm a zombie I will make u my slave if I have to I don't care what u say your mine and that's that and this is awesome

Stop rot please stop 😢

By that time Austin and troy had over heard half of it and were ready for the battle

Charlie:dont go yet troy he says quietly

Charlie gets a torch out and lights it but he covered troys sword in coal and lights it on fire so he can kill zombies much faster cause there is a huge number of them with rot

Hey stop that!

Rot turns around to see 3 boys one with an iron sword that's on fire and a stone sword

The other has full leather (they all do) but 2 stone swords the one in the back had a bow with a few arrows  they seem to have put him on a advantage point where my men can't reach him...

Rot:who the hell are u?

Charlie:why should I tell someone  as ugly as u my name?

Troy: really ?

Austin:later we do that for now we gotta kick his ass

Troy: right!

But while there talking Charlie has already sneaked around the rocks better through and has got the girl outta harms way

Rot:come any closer and I'll ring her by her neck!

Troy:oh really now?

Austin:yea don't u notice someone's missing?

Rot:fuck grrrr u will rue the day u crossed me!

Troy:enough of this crap u die here and now!

Troy charges the zombies with no fear he starts to spin in a tornado like way and just mows down  zombies
Soon almost all are dead but 1 rot.....

Charlie having climbed to safety with the girl who's named jelly.... oddly enough had jumped from the high part of the cave and fell full force with both his swords cutting rot in 2

Rot dies as a bunch of xp runs into Charlies body

Troy:I'm so fucking dizzy

Time skip home and a new friend

Charlie: so jelly what happened how'd he get u?

Jelly:well I was outside my home land even though my father said I shouldn't and when I went to meet up with the other princesses they weren't were we agreed to meet up then I was captured  by him that rot .... he took me 3 days ago and brought me here where I don't know the way to my home is...... I'm  sorry to intrude but may I stay with u 3 please?

Charlie:sure but small problem we only got 3 beds....

Troy:wrong I got 3 wool here

Charlie gives troy 3 wood troy makes a bed ....

Charlie:my rooms the biggest  so I could make two rooms up there ....

Troy:go ahead I may hurt her in my sleep

Austin:she's with u not me I make potions she may get hurt when around me

Jelly: so show me ?

Charlie grabs 32 wood blocks and some torches

He places the torches on her side and blocks it off with wood before putting a door and opens it and puts a bed down then closes it when she's in the bed

Jelly:thank u so much .....

Charlie:btw were all humans and if your wondering are gender were male

Jelly jumps out of the bed onto Charlie at the word male (there's very few males lol like bielby3847 story)

jelly: so your a boy ?

Charlie Removes his leather armour and she sees his blue eyes his light blue eyes and his cute smile

Jelly:sorry u see boys here in this world have been extinct for centuries the last one here was 3 men one named kyle one name dom and one named pat (reference to your story bielby3847 ) lol so I'm making this like a thousand years after your story bielby u mind?)

Charlie: I see.... but where teenagers I'm a good builder troys the weapon expert and Austins good at brewing and shooting a bow

Jelly:and I decide your my bf.....

Charlie: wh-what? 😶

Jelly:u heard me 😚

Charlie faints out of surprise 

Jelly: maybe I went to straight forward but I'm not letting him sleep on the ground

Jelly picks Charlie up like he would a girl and she throws back his covers and tucks him in before he wakes up

Time skip 1 week later

(So when I speak out of context like I don't say who says what that's Charlie writing a journal to keep up with his adventures in this world.)

So it's been nearly a 9 days in this world I have to wonder what happens if we die do we respawn or no? Hmm I'm curious but I'm not gonna try that out no way but regardless I really hope I'm ready for combat in the future since I'm good at building I could make red stone engineering I'm pretty good at red stone but I hope we are ready for what we must face n said we would fight an ancient evil I hope we're ready and from what I've seen I had a lot of mods when I was playing so all are games combined and so did the mods hmm I hope we can make guns cause if we can are enemies are fucked end of log...

Charlie is out gathering wood when he hears a girl scream again.....

It's a creeper girl ? She's scared of a cat  there seems to be a ender girl with her but there separated by a huge river the ender girl can't telephoto across

Charlie is alone so this is his pov lol

I have wood I could make her a bridge but I must not look her in the eyes

Andr help me says the creeper girl

Charlie walks out of the forest says need a hand?

The creeper girl says no I got andrs help

Charlie says I wasn't talking about u

Andr:yes I can not teleport across

Don't worry I'll build u a bridge and let me guess your both princesses ?


Andr: yes we are why do u ask?

Charlie: cause me and my buddy's got sent here by someone named n a few days ago we saved a slime girl called jelly

Done there u can get across now....

Andr doesn't walk across

Your an ender girl (facepalm)
I forgot your not normal your kind hates water ugh I'm an idiot sorry

He builds a big bridge that's stable and has a way in and out so no water can hit her

Andr walks through she hugs him as thanks then she grabs the cat and telephoto and day with it

The creeper girl asks if he can get her down

Charlie says I'm out of wood .....

The creeper girl says catch me then !

She jumps and he barely caught her but he caught her

He sets her down just as he does the ender girl is back looking angry

But cupa stops her stop andr I jumped and asked him to catch me.....

Andr:oh I'm so sorry please forgive me I almost hit u I thought u were gonna take her.....

Jelly walks on scene to see Charlie holding cupa she runs and slaps Charlie on to the ground and yell how dare u cheat on me Charlie gets up rubbing  his cheek but I wasn't ..... she jumped off the tree asking me to catch  her....

Cupa:yea also my names cupa and hey again jelly!

andr:do u have a home we may stay with u?

Time skip andrs with Charlie jelly doesn't believe Charlie and goes to sleep in Austins room
Cupas with troy cause she's got tnt

Charlies pov.......

Charlie feels something on his chest he opens his eye slightly to see the ender girl looking at him closely and hugging him

He says quietly what are u doing andr?

Andr jumps up and backs away afraid

Charlie gets up and walks to her he throws his arms around her she closes her eyes expecting pain but instead it's just a hug with him smiling

Andr:..... aren't u mad I was hugging u in your sleep?

Charlie:no ? Why would I be it's just a hug plus don't ender girls or men get angry if u look them in the eye?

Andr:no when u look I'm are eyes if u have good intentions we won't attack u if it's bad well u better run

Charlie:I see but he keeps hugging her

Andr:now we can cry like humans however human tears and are tears don't hurt us

Charlie: good to know 😢

Andr:what's wrong?

Charlie: I know Austin thinks this is awesome so does troy but I don't I'm afraid we will never get home I miss my world I miss everyone there 😭 I miss them I miss my father my mother I miss them ......

Andr immediately  grabs him forceful and pulls him into her chest she's very tall Charlie doesn't even come up to her neck he's comes up just below her breasts lol 

She's holds him while he crys she goes to her room after taking his bed and putting it beside hers she tucks him in with her and holds in as he falls asleep

Andr thinks softly to her self he's one of a kind boy he knows what's right he won't betray me I'm sure of it but he's really a big softie under neath hmm he's just like me alone I bet I bet he's been alone for a long time he isn't now though he's got me

Time skip 2 days later

Wahhhhhh owww wait where in the hell am i?

A house better than nothing !

Tj runs to the house

But sees Charlie

Time skip all is explained 

Tj: I'm good at crafting.....

Charlie:I'm a go build more rooms u guys go do stuff lol

Troy:like what?

Charlie:food ores etc

Tj:I stay here?

Charlie:yea u got nothing I'm glad I got u here he tosses tj and axe

Charlie:get me some wood?

Time skip they finished in record time

tj:that was easier than I expected 

The girls were back 2 hrs later with the guys

Charlie and tj have a room together as roomates there rooms are sectioned off

Andr teleports to Charlie and slaps him

Andr:why won't u sleep with me?

Troy gags

Austin snickers

Andr realized what she just said and teleports off but let here ender pearl and eye

Charlie breaks a window and throws a pearl where Andr when before grabbing his secret weapon a enchanted knock back 10 diamond sword yes 10! With sharpness 2

By the time he sees andr she's crying

Charlie:what have I done sigh maybe no I shouldn't do that she'd blame her self but she said she's been looking for something for a long time I bet it was this this eye of ender

Charlie teleports to her and hugs her even after she hits him she realized what she'd done but he stands back up he may be human but he won't fall down from that he will stand even if it hurts a lot to move he walks towards andr and drops all but 1 ender pearl but he hands her her eye of ender.....

Andr is just shocked as he throws the ender pearl away and teleports into the house but tj said forget this dude I'm going upstairs lol

Charlie sits the alone again with his diamond enchanted sword on his back it was a gift from n for him

Charlie: man I'm an idiot why did I do that how dumb am I sigh she will never forgive me ..... dammit why did I have to do that 😭 I'm such a dumbass fucking damnit 😭😭😭😭😭😭

He curls up on his bed crying himself to sleep but before he can continue Andr had grabbed him spun him around and was hugging him telling him to calm down she had over reacted but Charlie says no u didn't it's my fault u thought I liked my buddy more than u sorry u can leave I'm not worth your love.....

She slaps him hard but then kisses him softly

Guh why?

Andr:cause u know what's right and I forgive u and u found my eye or ender I lost this year's ago where'd u get it?

Charlie:I killed rot ..... and he dropped it

Andr:I see .... I have a sister after talking to her  a bit she said she wants to move in with u and me and we both share u.......  she's the ender dragon so please don't freak out......

Time skip 5 days

Log 2-4 it's been nearly half  a month here in mine craft I got a gf who's a ender girl sigh but I'm to shy to say I love her I really do sigh.... I hope she feels the same but I'm really nervous some one may find this then again I did hide it under the chest under my bed sigh I'm so scared some one will find this I'd be so embarrassed  well her sister id's coming the ender dragon so that will be interesting with again gift for me for finding her eye of ender but I said no but she ordered me to sigh...... I'm scared she's cute from her voice but she's kinda a bit scary well that's the end of this log

I say that as I put it  up under my bed in the chest but what I didn't see it that cupa had seen It all.....

Time skip 1 hr endy arrives with some diamond gear for me a diamond chest plate and iron leggings

I put them on with my sword at my side it's enchanted armour to neat protection 3 u breaking 3 on both of the armour and the wings eltrya it fits in the chest plate so I don't have to take it off neat

Endy hugs me thanking me for finding the eye of ender for her sis

She asked how I found it I just said luck I killed rot and he dropped it

At night cupa wakes the girls up but I'm awake with andr on the roof watching the stars

This is nice .....

Yeah it is andr.... 😓

Still worried about my sis?


Don't worry she can't hurt u cause is will -- hey andr! I found a journal of Charlies

Oh no no no no 😓😶

It's just a journal what could scare u like that it's yours now let's see she reads the first log then 2-4 she looks up smiling and blushing red she teleports to Charlie and starts hugging and rubbing on him

He-y kno-ck it off an-dr....

She has shoved him into her chest hugging him tightly but he can breath just fine its shut he's embarrassed

I knew I just knew u were good hehe she grabs him teleports back down with cupa cups gives him it back with a key and lock but she has another key for it she says she won't tell the others except andr if u every write in it again

He puts it back under his bed in the chest before he's tackled by cupa

Who gets on his bed and shakes her ass at him

Charlie quickly jumps on the ladder but his blue Hoodie is grabbed by endy as she hoisted him back up

U can't outrun or get away from us I want u they want u your the cutest  and nicest human we've ever met your ares

Austin help !

Austin pops his head down from upstairs and he sees what's going on your on your own dude but looks like u got a harlem nice

Flash back time

This may also help u its it's a strength potion that lasts 1 hr it may help when u need it most  but just in case it did make 4 more so have fun leader (no lemon scenes if that's what u guys may think lol the girls are up for a rude awakening )

Charlie rolls away from the bed and drinks the potion

Cupa sees it's name

It's a strength potion!

Endy: to be fair I don't wanna date u I just wanted to save u from my sis to tease her I'm going up stairs with your buddy hehe

Time skip 2 days

Skelly just joined them out of the blue and his trying to steal Charlie from cupa and andr

She shows off her breasts which are huge

The girl andr and skelly lol

but when she puts her breasts near Charlies face he smirks and shoves her back

That won't work on me tch hell it won't work on any of us all u want is a mate nothing more u see us as nothing but something for a legacy so no way am I dating u my relation ship is with andr and cupa

Skelly walks back a little surprised but as she does Charlie walks to troy and gives him a strength questions hr potion same to Austin so he can make more like it he keeps the other 2

Oh and Skelly btw I have traps all over this house thanks to tj right ?

Yea we do show the trap door!

A torch he pulls down and she walls down into a hole

Ouch !

Hehe that's why I'm not worried about intruders

A master of red stone? And a master builder ?

Don't give me all the credit anything that's related to combat is troys deal tj can craft anything faster than any of us Austin is master of potions anything u can make with alchemy he can

We work together were a Team!

(I think I've improved in writing Vision120 thank u for the help man)

cupa and andr jump on him Skelly having climbed back up runs up to him and jumps on them she say

OK your not a toy I'm sorry I didn't realize that forgive me but what mob are u?

Humans..... male.....

Skelly just stands there till she runs at Charlie but Charlie learned she he just side steps ares she runs into the wall

I'm not getting tackled by her again she nearly suffocated me with her breasts last time


Charlie carries Skelly up stairs as he makes sense room for them all  but he wants to sleep slope but they won't let him Cupas sleeping on his chest andrs hugging him and Skelly is under Charlie as she lays his head on her breasts he try to get ups but he can't cause they won't let him

Sigh good night everybody !

Girls:good night!


Austin:good night


End of chapter 1 most I've written ever holy hell now I'm thinking of adding 1 more person in this story who should it be? Jack ? James? David? I'm thinking David and Jack lol maybe later in the next chapter so there will be 6 of us

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