Forty. Our Tenth Anniversary

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Gohan's POV
I yawned as I finished some paperwork, my pen nearly out of ink. Everyone else is asleep, I'm tired. I got up and walked to the bedroom, I saw Vegeta already asleep.
He looks so handsome, he still looks very young. I'm lucky to have such a beautiful man as my husband and mate, I got in bed snuggling up into him. Suddenly his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me against him, I smiled and then I shut my eyes as I fell asleep.
I woke up with the sun in my face, I looked around and saw that Vegeta isn't in bed anymore. I sat up, then I heard Trunks and Goku Jr starting to fight, I sighed.
I walked out of the room and downstairs to stop them from fighting, when they saw me they immediately stopped fighting.
"I've told you guys several times already, do not fight." I scolded.
They looked down and bowed down saying sorry. Trunks then grabbed my hand and led me outside.
"Since dad isn't here right now than can you train with us?" Goku Jr asked as they both led me to the Gravity Chamber.
Well, I do want to see how strong Vegeta has made them.
"Alright." I said.
They cheered and then we walked inside of the Gravity Chamber, Trunks walked over to the controls putting in numbers.
Suddenly the lights turned red and I felt extremely heavy, I can still handle this Gravity but it's still hard for me. Then I saw Trunks and Goku Jr walking in it like its nothing.
"You guys can handle this gravity?" I asked.
"Yep! Can't you, it's only 1000 times heavier then Earth's normal gravity." Goku Jr asked.
"Of course I can." I said while trying to be tough.
I transformed into a Super Saiyan and felt all the weight on me disappear.
"Phew. There we go. Now let's get started." I said.
"Yeah!" They both said.
They turned into Super Saiyans as well and lunged at me. I dodged an attack from Trunks, then I ducked under a kick from Goku Jr. They are fast, Vegeta has trained them well. In fact I think they are almost as strong as me!
Suddenly Trunks punched my stomach, then he kicked me towards Goku Jr. Goku Jr punched my face and then she blasted me in the stomach. I went sailing across the floor, I stood up quickly and then I saw them leap at me.
They both kicked me at the same time sending me crashing against the wall of the Gravity Chamber. I dented it and fell on the floor, I coughed blood out.
Trunks then lifted me up and set me on my feet.
"Are you okay mom?" He asked.
They call me mom because I gave birth to them like a woman.
"Yeah sweetie, I just haven't trained in a while." I replied.
"How long is a while?" Goku Jr asked.
"Seven years."
"What!?" They both asked.
"Ha ha ha, yeah."
"Daddy told me that you used to be the strongest one, that Hercule took credit for all the meanies you killed." Goku Jr said.
"Yeah, like Cell and Froze." Trunks added.
"Or Bojack!"
"He also helped fight Frieza and the androids." A new voice said from behind us.
I turned around and saw my little brother Goten standing at the door. He ran towards me and hugged me, I laughed as we hugged.
"Big brother!" Goten said as he hugged me.
"Goten, how come you didn't visit me last week?" I asked.
"Mom said I have to focus on studying." Goten replied.
"What!? No you are not going to be a disappointment like me Goten, you are going to train right now with these two." I said and pointed to my other two kids.
"Yay! I get to fight with Trunks and Goku Jr!" Goten said.
"Yep, you three be careful." I said as I left the gravity chamber.
I sat on my bed wondering where Vegeta could be, today is our anniversary so where is he?  Suddenly gloved hands went over my eyes, I screamed in fear and punched the person behind me who covered my eyes.
I heard a crack and turned around seeing Vegeta on the ground bleeding from his nose.
"Oh my kami! Vegeta I'm so sorry I thought you were a bad guy or something." I apologized as I helped him up.
"I brought you a present." Vegeta said.
"Really, what is it?"
"Since Kakarot never came back to life I thought I should get you his favorite thing in the whole world, his grandfather's Dragonball." Vegeta said as he handed me the four star Dragonball.
My eyes widened and I took the ball out of his hand, my eyes started watering and then my tears slipped out. I smiled and hugged Vegeta tightly.
"Thank you so much Vegeta! That's where you were this whole time right? Looking for the Dragonball?" I asked.
"Yep. Now it's your turn to give me my present." Vegeta said with a smirk.
"Gladly!" I said and kissed him.
Vegeta and I lay in bed naked, exhausted and sweaty. A blush still on my face, Vegeta had his arm around me and then he started kissing my neck.
"Wanna go another round?" Vegeta asked.
"No Vegeta I'm exhausted, next time." I replied.
"Oh and thanks for this gift Gohan, I loved it." Vegeta said.
I smiled and said your welcome to him.
My hole was still throbbing, dried cum all over our bodies and blankets, I love Vegeta so much.
"Vegeta I love you." I said.
"I love you too." Vegeta replied.
"You know what, I do wanna go another round. But this time I get to pick the position we do." I said.
"Yes of course!" Vegeta said.
"I wanna try the position called reversal cowgirl." I said seductively.
"I love it when we do that position, let's do it."
We then kissed again as I started to ride him.
The full moon outside shone light through the curtains as we made love, the bed creaking, our moans filling the room, and at that moment I realized I couldn't live without Vegeta, because I love him.

Hey guys!
There will only be one more chapter after this one, unfortunately I am ending the book soon. The next chapter really is more like a Flashback, so this was more like the last chapter sort of.
Question of the day is...will you be sad when I end the book?
Anyways vote, comment, and see ya in the next update!

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