Ten. The Intergalactic Tournament

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Gohan's POV
I threw off my purple Gi and then I grabbed one of dad's Gi's. I put it on, looking at myself in the mirror.
"Looks nice. You look just like your father." Mom said from behind me.
I smiled.
"Thanks mom." I replied.
"You ready to go to the Intergalactic Tournament now?" Mom asked.
"Yep, let's go. I hope Vegeta is there." I said and then I wrapped my arms around my mom.
We walked outside, then I held mom tighter as I flew off into the sky to Battle Island.
Vegeta's POV
I watched as Trunks got ready for the tournament. He was soon done, Trunks pulled off his sword from his back and placed it on the floor next to my bed.
"Are you coming father?" Trunks asks.
"No, I don't fight in lame Tournaments." I responded.
Trunks then walked outside, taking the women and the little Trunks with him.
It's been 4 months and this Bojack fellow still isn't here, we did revive the Namekian with the Namekian Dragonballs. I have forgotten about Bojack several times, maybe Kakarot was wrong. I shrugged and then I laid in bed, I turned on the TV to the channel that is broadcasting tournament.
Gohan's POV
I dodged a punch easily from a man, then I lightly punched him away. Right now is the preliminary round, every contestant is fighting all at once. We are on platforms that are hanging over the Sea. Considering we are fighting on an island, if you get knocked off the platform and fall into the sea below that makes them out. I then saw Trunks was also taking them on easily.
Same with Krillin, Tien, and Piccolo. Yamcha however is hiding on top of a pole, he's probably just gonna wait it out until the preliminary round is over.
I saw Piccolo kick them without trying, then Tien and Trunks both punched several guys at once! Krillin was dodging attacks and throwing his own at the random men, I then dodged a kick. I kicked the person who tried to kick me, he went crashing into several others.
"Hiyah!" Krillin yelled and spun kicked four men at once. They all went into the sea.
Trunks punched one, then he kicked another one, Tien was punching rapidly at other men. Piccolo is dodging attacks, and only retaliating when he wants to.
I then turned my attention back to all the other guys throwing attacks at me. I grabbed one by his wrist and swung him five other men. They all flew off the platform and into the sea.
"Yeah go Gohan! I love you sweetie!" Mom cheered for me.
"Mom.." I said embarrassed.
I then lept in the middle of a large group of men, they all lunged at me. I smirked and I punched them all down, I grabbed one's foot and threw him at the remaining men of the large group.
This is too easy!
I then felt my feet moving slowly, I turned around and saw several guys trying to push me off the platform. I then jumped in the air, since they were pushing back on me they all fell forward into the sea!
"Silly people." I said.
"Yah!!!!" a man yelled.
I caught his attack easily and then I kicked him back. He slid off the platform, another man that is three times my size ran at me.
He roared as he threw attacks at me rapidly, I ducked under his swing then I flung my first up into his chin. He fell back unconscious.
"Brother!" a man yelled behind me.
Must be this guy's brother, he is also huge and muscular. He roared and lunged at me, he threw attacks rapidly. I dodged them all, I then flicked his chest.
Even do I just flicked him he went sailing into the sky and landing in the water below. Suddenly a foot slammed against my face, I didn't feel the hit though. I grabbed the person's foot and then I realized it's a girl who is around my age.
She blushed as I held her ankle, I realized she's blushing because she's wearing a skirt and I can see her underwear.
"Sorry." I said and let her leg fall out of my hand.
She then started throwing punches, kicks, any kind of attack at me. I blocked them all, how am I going to get her out.
I can't punch her, or kick her, maybe I should pick her up and throw her off the platform. I wrapped my arms around her waist and walked to the edge, I then dropped her watching as she fell into the water.
"Sorry!!" I yelled at her as she swam to a ladder.
Another thing about the tournament is that the platform moves, which makes some people fall off it. Yamcha was still on the pole, relaxing not paying attention when suddenly his platform turned completely upside down making him fall into the sea. The same almost happened with Krillin, but he held onto the platform from the edge.
Soon there were just eight people left, the eight of us made it to the first round of the tournament!
"The winners of the preliminary round are Gohan, Tien, Trunks, Piccolo, Krillin, Sumo-man, cowboy ranger, and Mr. Pow!" the announcer yelled.
"Yes!" Krillin yelled.
Now we are fighting one on one on the platforms, since the preliminary round is over we can start the actual tournament.
"First match is Gohan vs Cowboy Ranger!!" The announcer yelled.
I walked up to him and bowed down, because he is older then me. He smirked.
"Kid I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to knock you out." Cowboy Ranger said and then he lunged at me.
I  lightly kicked him away, he went crashing into the sea.
"Gohan wins!! Second match is Trunks vs Tien!!"
I flew off the platform and then Tien and Trunks stood on it. Tien is as strong as Trunks whine Trunks isn't using Super Saiyan so this should be a good match.
"Hey Trunks, let's give em a good match." Tien said.
"Yeah." Trunks replied.
Then they got into their fighting stance.
Vegeta's POV
I gasped and looked around the room, something just happened. I felt several big ki's arrive somewhere, is this Bojack!? I grabbed Trunks' sword and ran outside towards the tournament.

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