Twenty Five. Telling Mom

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Vegeta's POV
I walked out of the training room, Nappa meeting me outside with a proud look on his face.
"Good job Prince Vegeta. Your only 8 and your already stronger than me." Nappa said.
I ignored him and started walking to my room.
"Prince Vegeta, I know you don't like him but Lord Froze wants to see you again in his room." Nappa said.
My eyes widened, and I nearly started crying in fear. I growled and punched the wall of the spaceship.
"Alright. Let me go get dressed." I replied.
I walked into Froze's room and looked around. He's not here. Maybe I can just leave—
"Ah. Hello my lovely Prince."
I shivered in fear.
I turned around and looked at Froze.
He shut the door then locked it. He started walking towards me, a smirk on his face. I walked backwards until I hit the wall. Froze came closer and pushed me against the wall, then he bent down connecting our lips together.
I tried to push him away, but he was too strong! Froze continued to kiss me, forcefully pushing his tongue into my mouth.
His tongue tried to touch mine but I moved my tongue away from his when it got too close. Froze's hand groped my butt, his other hand gently rubbing my tail.
He pulled away and lifted me up, he walked towards his bed then he laid me down on it.
"We're gonna have fun again Prince Vegeta, okay." Froze said.
"No I don't want to! It always hurts too much!" I pleaded.
Froze slapped my face.
"Don't speak unless your told to." Froze growled and then he got on the bed too.
I could see his erection, since Icejins don't really wear clothes. Froze pulled my pants off and then he put his tip at my entrance.
He slammed it right it! I screamed in pain and then he started to thrust in and out at a fast pace. It hurt so much, I'm only eight years old. I shouldn't be mating at such a small age.
Froze went faster and faster, my crotch stayed limp and not hard because I'm not enjoying this. Froze noticed and grabbed my cock, he then started pumping it fast.
I bit my lip to contain my loud moans, he stroked me faster and faster as his thrusts went faster and faster.
He also started slowly stroking my tail, Froze then hit my G-spot making me moan loudly. I couldn't hold that moan back, he kept going at it.
Soon I had felt myself getting close to my climax, Froze was probably getting closer as well. Then I cummed all over my stomach, Froze then slapped my face.
"Why did you cum, I never allowed you to!" Froze growled.
He then slapped my butt hard, I winced and then I felt him cum inside of me. I was relieved it was finally over, Froze pulled out of me and laid beside me on the bed.
"I love you my Prince." Froze said.
I ignored him and then he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me close and I frowned, my tail was puffy with anger. Why can't he leave me alone?
I swear I'll kill him one day. For what his family did to my race, I'll kill them all. Frieza, Cold, Froze, and Cooler! I'll kill them all one day.
I opened my eyes and looked around. I'm in a small room, my arms are wrapped around a small frame. I looked down to see who I'm hugging, then I realize it's just Gohan.
I hugged him tighter, the moon outside shining light through the open window. It's a half moon, I looked at it and sighed. Remembering when I could turn into a Oozaru.
Gohan stirred in his sleep, Trunks was sleeping in his crib. I then remembered that we are in Gohan's house.
It's been a whole week since we defeated Froze, but now that I've seen him again I've been having nightmares about the times he would rape me as a child.
I unwrapped my arms from Gohan's waist and stood up. I walked to the window and looked up at the moon.
"We still haven't told his mother about us being together." I sighed.
We already told our friends about us, but not Chichi. Gohan said we would do it the day after we beat Froze, but he kept stalling.
Today we are telling her, no matter what she says. I then felt a pair of arms wrap around me and a head rest on my back.
"What's got you up this late at night?" Gohan asked sleepily.
"Just thinking about stuff. We are telling your mother about us okay." I said.
"No, I'm scared of what she might do." Gohan replied.
I turned me head to look at Gohan's face, he really looked scared.
"We have to brat, if we don't we'll have to keep hiding our relationship around your mother." I said.
Gohan sighed and nodded.
"Okay I'm fine with it Veggie." Gohan replied.
I smiled and spun around completely, then I kissed his forehead. He blushed and grabbed my hand, leading me back to the bed.
We got back in and snuggled into each other. I was about to fall asleep when Gohan said something.
"I'm going to hang out with Videl tomorrow. Okay." Gohan said.
"Okay, but don't let her do anything frisky." I said.
"Okay Veggie." Gohan replied.
Then we fell asleep.
I was holding Gohan's hand as we walked to his mother's room. I opened the door and saw Chichi rubbing her pregnant stomach.
When she saw us holding hands her eyes widened and her mouth gaped open.
"Mom. Vegeta and I are dating. Please be okay with this." Gohan said.
Chichi then frowned.
"No Gohan. I can't be okay with this, I want grandchildren. If you two are together, that can't happen." Chichi said.
That's not true, when a Saiyan is in a heat or during a red moon a male Saiyan can get pregnant, but only during those two occasions.
I was about so say that but that woman kept talking.
"I met up with that Videl girl you told me about and I liked her, I went to meet her father and we agreed to get you two married. So you and Vegeta can't be together." Chichi said.
"But mom, Videl and I are only friends!" Gohan yelled.
"She thinks differently, so I'm sorry Vegeta but you two cannot be together." Chichi said.
"Damn woman listen to me, a male Saiyan can get p—"
"I don't care what you have to say, get out of my house and take your son with you." Chichi said.
I clenched my fists tight, I growled and kept trying to hold back my anger.
"No mom! If Vegeta leaves then I leave too!" Gohan yelled.
"Your not leaving. Not unless you love him more then your pregnant mother, and if you do leave I will get rid of my baby and blame it all on you. Just like how I blame you for my husband's death." Chichi said.
Gohan stormed out of the room and I went after him.
We sat on his bed, I held his hands as he cried.
"Vegeta. She blames me for when dad died." Gohan cried.
"Don't listen to her Gohan. It's okay, I'll take Trunks and go. We'll be okay, I don't want your new little brother to die before his time." I said and then I walked to Trunks' crib and picked him up.
I kissed his forehead and smiled.
"I'll see you again soon Gohan, I promise." I walked out of the small house and started flying to Capsuke Corp.
When I arrived I looked at the building in confusion. The building has moss growing on it, and its still not rebuilt. The Gravity Chamber is still looking new.
Did Bulma's father and mother leave this place? I sighed and flew down to the destroyed building, when I was last here Dr. Briefs was working on rebuilding this place.
Did he give up?
I looked around the rubble, nowhere Trunks and I can sleep. We'll just go in the Gravity Chamber, I walked to the door and opened it.
I made sure the Gravity was turned off before I brought Trunks inside.
"I'll add a bed there, a crib there. Maybe a television set right there, and a refrigerator over there." I said to Trunks.
He looked at me with his big eyes not understanding what I'm talking about.
"Don't give me that look Trunks. Now go to sleep." I said and started rocking him in my arms.
He soon fell asleep and I kissed his forehead.
"I love you my son."

Hey guys!!
Chichi didn't accept their relationship! *GASP*
Hope you liked the chapter, comment, vote, share. Anyways see ya in the next update!

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