Twenty Two. "Give me Gohan back."

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Gohan's POV
I opened my eyes seeing lots of sunlight, then I looked around.
I'm naked.
Then I remembered what happened yesterday. But I don't feel Vegeta around me, I stood up, but then I fell back down.
"My legs. I can't feel them, and it's because of Vegeta doing it too hard." I growled.
I then noticed his clothes is still here, but where is he?
That's my mom! I crawled over to my clothes and tried dressing myself, I pulled on my shirt, pants, and then shoes.
Vegeta's clothes!
I grabbed Vegeta's clothes and threw them in the river. I watched as the current tried to wash it away, but it couldn't.
"He's wearing weighted armor!" I then flew to the river and pulled his armor out of the water, I then flung his clothes into the sky as far as I could.
"Gohan! There you are."
I turned around and saw mom standing there, but she was acting strange and she didn't have the bump on her tummy.
"Mom, where's the baby?" I asked suspiciously.
"Baby? What baby?" mom asked.
"Your not my mom!" I yelled and tried getting up, but since I couldn't I just blasted at her!
She deflected the blast away easily, then I realized who it is.
"Your Shiro!" I said.
She started to laugh, then suddenly her skin started melting. Once it was all melted, it revealed Shiro under that fake skin.
"How did you do know it was me?" Shiro asked.
"Because my mom is pregnant." I replied.
"I wish I had known that." Shiro said but then I asked another question.
"How did you change into my mom?"
"I have a shapeshifting technique, taught to me by my mother." Shiro said.
But he seemed to be hurt when he said the word mother, I wonder why.
"Anywho. I'm gonna kidnap you now, oh and if your wondering where Vegeta is at. He's dead." Shiro said like it was nothing.
My jaw dropped touching the floor.
"You killed Vegeta?" I growled and clenched my fists and lightening started flickering around me.
"YOU KILLED VEGETA!!??" I yelled and then I turned into Super Saiyan Two.
I lunged at Shiro, he sighed and grabbed my wrist. He then kicked me in the stomach sending me away, I hit the ground hard. I quickly got up and lunged at him again. I threw attacks rapidly, each one he dodged.
Then Shiro knees my stomach, sending a wad of spit out of my mouth. Then he spun kicked me, I went sliding away. Shiro appeared in front of me and then punched my face, sending me crashing into the river.
Shiro leaped into the river after me, I stood up and blasted repeatedly at Shiro. He deflected all my blasts easily and then he lunged at me.
I tried to block, but he grabbed my waist and plunged my head into the river.
The longest I can hold my breath is only a minute, which isn't good. I thrashed around in Shiro's hold, then I passed out when I couldn't breath anymore.
Vegeta's POV
I slowly opened my eyes, then I loked around my surroundings. I'm laying in a giant crater, what happened. Then I felt enormous pain in my arm, I looked at my arm and realized that it's mangled.
I held my arm in pain, I am only in my boxers. Blood and scratches are all over my body, what happened—
"I was fighting Shiro." I then quickly stood up and limped to where Gohan and I were yesterday.
When I got there, I couldn't find him.
"Shiro took him away." I growled and then I started flying in pain towards Gohan's house.
"Alright Vegeta, lucky for you I found this Senzu Bean in Gohan's room." Chichi said and then she walked over to me, handing me the bean.
I ate it and watched as my arm healed, along with all my other injuries. I thanked her and then I ran out the door.
I flew but then remembered I don't have any clothes, I turned around and flew back to Gohan's house. I walked right in and saw Chichi holding Trunks.
"I need clothes." I said.
"Okay. You look like your about Goku's size, so I'll give you his Gi." Chichi said and went to her room.
Then she came back and handed me a pair of Kakarot's clothes. I growled as I put them on, I look ridiculous in this, but it's better than nothing.
I ran outside again and started flying full speed to where I felt Shiro's ki.
I then arrived at a mansion, this must be his home. I'm floating over the city, looking down below at the mansion.
"Dad, we finally found you. We found Shiro in the East forest yesterday."
I turned around and saw Trunks bleeding out, holding Piccolo who is also beaten and bloody.
"Vegeta you can't beat Shiro alone. He nearly killed you all those other times." Piccolo said to me."
"I don't take orders from you, but if you wanna help me, you can help." I said and reached into the pants of this outfit, pulling out two Senzu Beans.
"We will." Trunks said.
I then tossed them the Senzu Beans, Trunks and Piccolo swallowed the beans. Then they healed.
Kakarot always has Senzu Beans in this Gi. Even when he's dead.
I then flew down to the mansion, I crashed right through the roof and landed in what I think is his living room. I saw Shiro undressing a unconscious Gohan.
"Vegeta? I thought I killed you." Shiro said.
"No one can kill the Saiyan Prince. Give me Gohan back or die!!!" I roared and lunged at him.
Then behind me, Trunks and Piccolo did the same. Shiro growled and we started throwing attacks rapidly at him, Shiro dodged them all then he punched me, kicked Trunks, and jabbed Piccolo. We all fell down.
I then turned into a Super Saiyan, Trunks doing the same. Piccolo roared and increased his power, we all then lunged at Shiro.
Shiro sighed. We all leaped at him again. I flung punches and kicks at him wildly, Trunks and Piccolo doing the same. Shiro growled and then he grabbed Piccolo, then he flung Piccolo at us.
Sending us crashing through several walls. We stopped crashing through walls when we landed in a giant bathroom. Shiro flew through the holes in the several walls, and landed in the bathroom.
"Well since I trust you guys with secrets. I can show you something." Shiro said.
Then suddenly his skin started melting, along with the clothes he was wearing. Revealing Frieza! Except he's blue?
"Now I know what your thinking. But I'm not Frieza, I'm his little brother. By the way my name is Froze not Shiro." His voice changed, not the warm voice he always had. But then it turned scratchy. Now I remember him! He would always rape me when I was a child.
"Anyways. I'm gonna kill you all." Shiro—I mean Froze said.
He then put a hand up, a giant fireball forming in his hand.
"Death Ball." Froze said.
The fireball started burning away all the other walls around the house.
"Now drop dead." Froze said and flung the blast down at us.

Hey guys!
Hope you liked the chapter, I wonder if any of you had figured out who Shiro was before I told you all. Comment and Vote. See ya in the next chapter!

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