Case #4: Enfield Poltegriest

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Number 4 was false. Unlike in the movie, the priest never mentioned encountering flies in the home.

Behind the walls of a seemingly ordinary-looking house in a suburban street in London, terrifying incidents were taking place that left the inhabitants of the house permanently scarred.

The Enfield poltergeist is one of the most infamous haunting cases in history. It gained massive popularity because the eerie incidents were thoroughly investigated, recorded, and photographed.

The story began on the night of August 30, 1977, when single-mother Peggy Hodgson heard noises coming out of her daughters' bedroom. When she went to check on them, she was horrified to see a chest of drawers moving on its own from the side of the room toward the door. She described what happened as if some supernatural presence was trying to trap them inside the room.

The mother sought her neighbors for help who thought there might be burglars inside the house. They helped her search the house but found nothing. However, they all claimed that they had heard screeching and knocking sounds inside the house that followed them wherever they went. When the police arrived at the house, they proved to be similarly mystified. A female officer said that she witnessed a large armchair moving unassisted.

Next, the Hodgsons contacted the press, and many eyes were drawn to the incidents happening inside the Enfield house. Over the period of 18 months, more than 30 people, including neighbors, psychic researches, and journalists, said they witnessed objects thrown across the room, furniture moving of its own, and Janet—an 11-year-old—seeming to levitate several feet off the floor.

Society of Psychical Research investigators Maurice Grosse and Guy Lyon Playfair reported curious whistling and barking noises coming from Janet's direction—including a gruff voice.

Ed and Lorraine Warren also visited the house in 1978 and were convinced that a supernatural entity was to blame for the events. However, many believed that the whole thing was a hoax that Janet and her sister have created.

Now, it's time for you to investigate!

Do your own research and answer the questions below. And don't forget to tag your friends to challenge them.

Did the paranormal activity begin after the Hodgson girls play with a ouija board?

Did dozens of crosses in the house turn upside down?

There are real recordings in which Janet can be heard conveying a message via a guttural voice that supposedly belonged to an old man who had died in the living room of the house several years prior to the events. According to those recordings, how did the man die?

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