V (I): That light in your eyes

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The big night starts, but first there's something Peter needs to do ...


Thank you for reading

ready for some more Peter's bastardness and then something hotter? ;P

Chapter V (I): That light in your eyes

The smile Peter showed could have lit a whole room up.

"You're not kidding, are you?"

"I could never joke about something so important, love."

Peter was beside himself with joy and jumped on his neck, kissing him eagerly.

"Easy, tiger, save all this excitement for our bedroom." the vampire chuckled, parting from him. "It's going to be an endless night." he whispered in his ear.

"I wish so. Besides, I also know the perfect way to make it start. Let's go away from here." Peter established.

Once they got off Jerry's pick up, Peter allowed himself a moment to see all the debris that used to be Charlies' house, before rushing inside Jerry's house.

"Where are you going? You should know better than me where my bedroom is. Well, not my bedroom. Ours." Jerry teased him, thinking he was temporarily confused.

After all, it was more probable they made love in Peter's loft, or inside Jerry's pick-up, or in the backstage area, or...

- I'm going to need a icy shower if I keep recalling all the places where Peter and I had savage, hot sex! - Jerry mused, trying to distract himself.

"Shh! Don't make a noise," Peter warned him in a whisper. "I perfectly know where the bed is, but there's something I want to do before." Peter winked at him with an evil sneer, before going upstairs.

Jerry knew very well where those stairs brought to and he had seen a mischievous spark in his pupil's eyes.

-I'll do my best to make you always have that light in your eyes, I never want you to lose it, my love.-

If his baby wanted to play a little, before the important stuff, who was Jerry to deny him that fun?

Peter immediately recognized the white door of Amy's cell.

He knew where to find the key Jerry hid and he opened it, getting inside, with his best worried and breathess expression.

"Peter!" the blonde jolted, surprised, tugging at the chains that wrapped her ankles.

"We don't have time, Jerry could be here any moment!" he said, very serious.

"That's why you shouldn't be here, he will be mad! Leave, before he finds you." she grew agitated.

It wasn't clear if Amy cared about Peter's safety or she simply dreaded a furios reaction from Jerry towards her.

- She doesn't strike me as the altruist type, it will be the second reason, no doubt about it.- the soon-to-be vampire decided.

"I know what I'm doing, don't worry, I'm going to bring you back to Charlie," he said and then he stared at her with fake concern. "He didn't bite you... did he?"

"Nope, oddily he didn't." she whined.

Was it regret what Peter had heard in her tone?

"You said it as if you were disappointed by that. Stupid girl, you have no idea what you're talking about. Don't you know how it feels to be bitten? I mean a consensual bite."

"Something awful?" she dared to ask.

Peter shook his head negatively, almost bothered.

"It's pure ecstasy. The most powerful orgasm you can experience, thousands of times amplified." he explained, already daydreaming, that weird light back in his eyes

"Peter... what are you babbling about?" she asked him, scared.

She didn't like his speech and even less his look.

"However, this isn't the proper time, nor the place to talk about it, set me free!" she urged him.

"Set you free?" the illusionist chuckled amused. "Not going to happen." he added with an icy tone.

Amy was more and more confused.

"But... then why..."

She stopped, hearing some steps on the stairs.

"Oh no, it's him, he's coming!" she grew panic-stricken, wondering why Peter looked so calm.

She wasn't wrong. It was Jerry.

"Ah-ah-ah Peter," the vampire sangsong, getting in the room. "Where will you learn not to mind my business?"

"Never, probably." the illusionist challenged him. "Why don't you come here and punish me?"

Amy was staring at them puzzled.

- Something is so wrong. If I didn't know them better, I would say those two are ... flirting?- she wondered, stunned.

Jerry did as he was told. With few, large steps he rushed towards Peter and in even less time his mouth was on his.

Jerry had his back turned to Amy, while Peter could clearly see her and he kissed Jerry with his eyes opened. He kissed him eagerly, hungrily, staring at her all the time long, the challenge clear in his look.

"No! I can't' believe it. You and him... for all this time. You're such a bastard, Peter, a filthy scoundrel, a fucking double-cros... ooouch!"

Jerry's merciless slap on her cheek shut the girl up.

"No one can insult my fiàncèe!" he growled.

Peter kept staring at her, sneering and still hugging Jerry.

"You know, he's not only my boyfriend, he's about to become my Sire in a few hours." Peter informed her, proudly. "No matter how much I'd like to sink my brand new fangs into your stupid, useless neck in the most painful and slowest way possible, making you scream for hours, we need you alive, bitch!"

Amy was too shocked to reply.

"That's right, also because killing you would eventually mean to make you become a reborn, an undead, among us ... and we surely don't want such a awful thing to happen." Jerry coldly explained to her. "You only sow discord."

"Damn right, your selfishness, your coaxing, your prick tease attitude managed to make Ed and Charlie split, such an amazing and long-term friendship. Yeah, Ed told us everything. No way, you would be only a big damage to our family." Peter added.

"Your fam..." Amy repeated, disgusted. "You'll never manage to do that! Charlie will find me and I'll tell him everything about you!" she swore.

She really couldn't figure out why they were sneering so badly, one creepier than the other.

"Oh yeah, Charlie will find you, this is the plan." Jerry confirmed, with a wicked smile.

"I wasn't lying when I said I would bring you to him," Peter made her notice. "Too bad once we're done with you, you will be so full of sedatives you'll barely recall your own name." he burst out laughing with Jerry.

Not minding at her protests, her cries and her screams, they left the cell, closing the door behind their backs.

There would be time to take care of her.

Now both of them had a much more pleasant schedule .

Jerry threw Peter on the king size bed with black satin sheets and crawled over him.

Peter expected irruence from his lover, instead Jerry was going on so impossibly slowly, it was almost painful.

"I'm not even wearing a shirt, it's a fucking blouse, why does it take you so long to take it off me?" he snapped, eager, but Jerry wasn't listening to him and for every centimeter of the zipper he lowered, he spent all the proper time exploring every inch of bared skin with his lips, his tongue and his still human teeth, making his partner moan indecently.

"Patience, my dear, it's such a precious virtue." Jerry playfully reproached him, his mouth on his neck.

"Words coming from the one who blew a whole house up five minutes after the owners didn't let him in!" Peter struck back, letting a hand slip under his T-shirt, before violently taking it off from his head, ripping some hair off in the process.
"Screw the fucking patience, it's not my cup of tea!" he growled, exploring his chest and abs.

Jerry finally decided to please him, taking all his clothes off and doing the same with his own clothes, and then he backed off leaving the human naked, lying on the bed, exposed at his view.

"Well?" Peter wondered, a little puzzled.

"Do you remember when I told you we would make love in a way you had never experienced before?" Jerry murmured, languid, closing his eyes to concentrate better.

"Sure I do, but you're not doing any-fucking-thin... ooahhh!" the illusionist stopped, feeling a very odd sensation.
"But..whaaat?" he moaned, slave of intense pleasure.

"Feel me, Peter, feel anything of me," Jerry whispered, far from him and yet so impossibly close.

He had penetrated his mind and was making love with him from a distance, caressing him with his thoughts, making his nipples harder without even touching them.

Also Peter closed his eyes, to enjoy better those unusual but amazing sensations.
He could feel Jerry's kisses on his hair, his forehead, on his mouth, a long trail that started from his throat and finished with his groin, which made Peter burn with desire.
He could feel Jerry's hands on his face, his shoulders, his arms, between his legs.
He could feel his own erection growing harder and harder... and Jerry wasn't even physically touching him.

He could feel every of Jerry's ministrations in the hottest way and he reached the orgam without any decency.

"What a son of a bitch!" Peter chuckled as he was recovering. "This thing is fucking amazing! Why didn't you do that to me before?"

"I was just waiting for a special occasion, just like this one." Jerry explained.

He also needed to recover a bit from that intense, oh-so-pleasant experience.

"Could we do that again once I become a..."

"Sure, honey, it will be even more special with every sensation amplified." the vampire smiled at him "But I'll be the only one who can do that, at least at the beginning. This is something only a vampire who is at least a century old can learn. You'll have to be patient for real, my love."

"I'll be for sure if you entertain me like that!" the human grinned, excited. "So, when I'll be old enough, will you teach me how to do that?"

"Sure, baby, I'm going to teach you everything. I'll show you the world, I'll love you in every possible way and we'll have so much fun together, you can't even begin to imagine."

"Fantastic!" the other beamed. "Any chance that now we can make love... the traditional way?"

Just the time to ask it and his wish was granted in the most passionate way.

"Is it that moment?" Peter eagerly asked him, after donating himself to Jerry, with his body, hearth and soul for the very last time as a human being.

"Yes, that moment has come." Jerry nodded, staring at him with adoring eyes.

He cutted his neck with one of his sharp nails, letting his pupil drink that generous bleeding offer and Peter did, with a greed that was already proper of a vampire.
He drank until Jerry allowed him to do that and then Jerry gently pushed him away, kissing those lips smeared of his own blood.
It was such an erotic vision.

- And then, there's that light in your eyes ... - Jerry mused, watching him bewitched, having trouble to keep his self control.

He couldn't wait to make Peter his forever, but he wanted it to be something special and he wanted to enjoy it and to make him enjoy every single moment.



Get ready for a lot of bloodplay and hot, rather hot stuff ;)
Hope you'll like it, if you want to let me know I'll be very happy ^^

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