🌺16.Twist in the tale🌺

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Hayat was driving back home

Hayat 's pov:

Seems like this arrogant billionaire will not back off. I have to talk to my Ammi, but how will I tell her that I don't want to marry him.

Ya Allah, please help me. Take me out of this mess.

I parked my car and entered my home. I went to the terrace. Ammi was instructing the maid to dry the wheat grains.

"Ammi, I want to talk to you," I said to my mother hesitatingly.

My mother looked at me"yes my child, tell me, what do you want to say?"

"Ammi, you know these billionaires are not loyal to their wives. They have extramarital affairs. Yesterday only I and Usman were having lunch at the restaurant and one girl came and started flirting with him. She was literally trying to touch him" I shared my dilemma.

"Beta, you are wrong. Not every billionaire cheats their wives. He is different. He is Usman Ali Khan. You know, his father was also a billionaire. He loved his wife a lot. He was very loyal to his wife and I see his reflection in his son. Usman is just like him. He will never cheat on you. I and your Abba know their family for three decades. Of course, they are rich and powerful but they don't believe in extramarital affairs or more than one marriage. They are strictly against these things which pollute our society. Ok, tell me did he accepted  that woman's flirty attitude?"

"Ammi, I was sitting in front of him. So it was obvious that he will reject her advances but if I would have not been there, I don't know how he would have behaved "
which was true. I don't know him maybe he would have accepted her advances.

Now they were testing my patience. I said I don't want to marry then why are they forcing me? It is my life, right? I don't want to again get into this maze of love, marriage and relationship and also I and Usman are poles apart. We are two different people with different mindsets. How will I bear with him for entire life?

"Ammi please I don't want to marry. Please, it is my decision why you guys always try to force me. I have already talked to Usman and denied this proposal "

"What? What did you do?" Ammi grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me in anger.

"Hayat, how can you do this? We are your Guardian. Its high time now. We have given you so much liberty that is the reason you are doing whatever you want, isn't? Now it's enough. We will take your marriage decision. Did you get it?" shouted Ammi.

Ammi held her head with both her hand "Allah what did you do Hayat? What will they think of us? Ya Allah" cried Ammi and suddenly she started breathing heavily.

"What did you do Ha.....yat" she lost her balance.

"Ammi!"I cried and grabbed her body on time and I laid her head in my lap.

I instructed the maid to help me in taking ammi down the stairs. I and my maid placed ammi on the sofa in the living hall.

I examined my mother. Her blood pressure was high. Seems like she has got a panic attack and she fainted. We have to immediately take her to the hospital.

Abba Jaan and Shayan were not at home. Daneen have taken them to the mosque. Today she had come to meet us and Abba wanted to go to the mosque since many days and I was not free this week.

Suddenly Usman entered our house
"Hayat what happened to aunty," asked Usman.

"Usman, we have to take her to the hospital. Please help me"I requested him.

"Ok, let's go," said Usman and picked Ammi in his arms, carried her outside the house.

By the way, what is he doing here?
Ya Allah! How can I forget it?
He must have come to meet Shayan.

I went outside the house and I saw Usman was placing Ammi in the back seat of his car.

I sat near Ammi and placed her head in my lap. Usman drove the car with full speed.

At the hospital:

Hayat, Usman, Imran and Daneen were standing outside the ward waiting for the Doctor to come outside.

The Doctor came outside.
"Dr.Hayat, no need to worry. Your mother is out of danger. Her blood pressure is normal now but she is weak. So she will be admitted here for today" said the Doctor.

"Thank you, doctor," said Hayat.

"Take care," said the Doctor and went away.

By listening to the doctor's remark everybody took a sigh of relief.

"Usman bete, thanks for helping us.If you would have not reached there on time. Then don't know what would have happened" said Imran.

Usman went down on his knees and sat in front of Imran's wheelchair and held his hands affectionately.

"No, its fine uncle. You don't need to thank me. It's all mercy of our Allah. He shows us the right path" said Usman with a warm smile.

"Yes, you are absolutely right son. Abba Jaan is lucky to have you" said Imran with a smile.

Usman chuckled at his previous remark.

"Ok son, it's getting late. You may go now. We will handle everything" said Imran.

"Allah Hafiz," said Usman and stood up. He looked at Hayat. Their eyes met. Usman again remembered her rejection. Hayat saw hurt and anger for her in his eyes and she looked away and Usman went away from there.

"Hayat, can you take me in your cabin? I want to talk to you and Daneen you take care of Nazma" ordered Imran.

Daneen nodded and Hayat took him inside her cabin.

"Hayat, come and sit in front of me" ordered Imran.

Hayat sat down on a chair which was in front of Imran's wheelchair.

"Listen Hayat, I know you are an independent and a brave girl, you are strong. You can handle your self in the worst situation but beta you are a Doctor you know nowadays human lifespan  has decreased from an average 80 years to an average of 60 years, isn't?"

Hayat looked at him with her teary eyes and silently nodded at his previous remark.

"Let me tell you the fact. We don't know for how many years your parents will be alive then after that you and Shayan will be alone in this world. Hayat you have to agree we need a family to stay happy, to be positive. Life is nothing without a family. This is the reason we are forcing you to get married.

Beta you know, earlier you have rejected many proposals and at that time we agreed with you but beta this time you are taking a wrong decision. Usman will be the best groom that I can search for you not because he is rich and powerful but because he is honest, he always keeps his promises, he will be the man whom you can trust and rely upon all your life, he will never leave you" Said Imran.

"I know it Hayat. Your father knows it. please trust your father for once. Please do this marriage for us"pleaded Imran.

Hayat was crying constantly. She wiped her tears and nodded.

"Ok, Abba I will marry Usman but please you and Ammi take care of yourself. I can't leave without both of you. Whatever you both will say, I will do it but please don't ever think of leaving me"cried Hayat.
Imran smiled with happiness and quickly wiped his tears and both father and daughter shared a tight hug.
Late at night:
11 pm:
Usman was reading a file while resting in his bed. Suddenly his phone beeped. He picked up the phone which was kept on the bedside table. He saw it was Hayat's call. He closed the file and picked up the call.

"Hello" Hayat.

"Ji boliye(Yes)" replied Usman.

"Actually, I want to meet you tomorrow. Are you free?" said Hayat hesitantly.

Usman became suspicious. He was not able to understand that after rejecting the proposal what she wants to talk. He thought it was something related to NGO work. His ego was telling him not to meet. His ego was constantly shouting 'tell her you are busy Usman'  but his heart won the battle.

"Ok, I will be free in the afternoon. I will meet you at the restaurant where we always meet sharp at 1:00 pm, Goodnight" said Usman.

"Good night," said Hayat slowly and Usman cut the call.

Hayat realised that he was angry with her so he didn't talk to her that much.

Abba Jaan and Ayeza entered Usman's room where he was thinking about the recent small talk he had with Hayat.

"Bhai(brother)!" cried Ayeza loudly with excitement.

Usman closed his ears with his hands."What happened Ayeza? Why are you shouting?" shouted Usman.

"Usman beta(son), Imran called right now. He said that Hayat is ready for the marriage" said Abba Jaan.

"What?" shouted Usman in disbelief.

"Yes bhai Jaan(brother), you listened it right. Hayat is ready to become my sister-in-law. They have invited us for the dinner tomorrow" said Ayeza excitingly.

Now Usman understood everything. Hayat must have called him to meet him tomorrow for talking something personal.


Tada I am back 🥳🥳

I have completed 16 chapters.
Can't believe it🥺🥺

Anyways are u liking the story?

Now their romance is going to start

Are you guys excited?

Tell me what all scenes do you want after their marraige,plzz 😁😁

Your writer,

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