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Usman had not seen those eyes earlier but it looked familiar to him. Maybe he saw those eyes in his dreams.

'The ceremony is going outside then what are you doing in this room? wait, are you some spy in disguise of a guest? I haven't seen you earlier?' asked Usman in an intimidating way and he was holding her hand tightly in his fist.

'Even I haven't seen you earlier in this house. So, why should I reply to you?', asked the girl while trying to remove her hand from his tight grip.

'You are definitely a thief or a spy that's why you are trying to fool me with your words and I have listened to your conversation on the phone. You were about to steal something. Listen I won't leave you until you answer me', Usman said twisting her hand.

The girl shouted 'Ouch, Leave my hand. You cannot misbehave with me'.

'First, answer me then I will leave your hand. I know girls like you enter in such weddings as helpers and steel clothes, jewellery's when you get the opportunity, 'said Usman in an angry tone.

Suddenly the girl bit his hand with her teeth and she freed her hand from his tight grip.

'From which angle do I look like a thief to you?', the girl gestured him to look at her attire which she was wearing.

Usman saw her dress and yes she was dressed well and was looking as if she belonged to a good family.
'I don't know all this, just answer me what are you doing in Azhar's bedroom and to be more precise in a man's bedroom?'Usman asked showing his index finger to her.

'Listen, you Mr It's no......', the girl was interrupted by her aunt's(Azhar's mom)voice.

'Hayat-Usman what are you guys doing here? The Nikah is going to start soon, Come outside'.

'Oh yes yes I am coming outside', replied Hayat.

'Hayat beta(daughter) did you get Azhar's shoes?'.

'Oh yes aunty, I think I got it. Just one second', replied Hayat.

Hayat bent down and took out Azhar's shoes which were hidden inside the bed side's last drawer.
'Yes I got it', Hayat replied excitingly by swinging his shoes in the air.

Aunt smiled and gave her a high five.
'Well done beta and you should charge him a hefty amount for giving him his shoes back before rukhsati(bride lives her house and goes to her husband's house).'

'Of course my sweet aunt, I won't leave him this time, after all, he is my best friend and my to be brother-in-law and it's not that he is going to marry every day'.Hayat replied to her aunt.

'Let's go outside beta and Usman you also come outside Azhar is searching for you', said aunt while putting her arms around Hayat's shoulder and taking her away from Usman's sight.

'Idiot', murmured Hayat on Usman's face, glared at him with her big eyes and went away with her aunt.

Usman was taken aback by Hayat's bluntness.No one has ever dared to misbehave with him in such a way and that also telling idiot on his face was new to him after all, he was the great 'USMAN ALI KHAN'.

Ignoring his thoughts he went outside into the wedding venue.

The ring ceremony and Nikah(marriage) were over.
Throughout the ceremony, Usman was staring at Hayat secretly. He noticed she was wearing a golden coloured lehnga which was complementing her fair skin, she had brown middle length straight hairs, and she had applied a dark red lipgloss, she was almost 5 feet 5 inch Usman assumed. He noticed her posture she was standing confidently behind the bride and then he noticed her beautiful big eyes which were decorated with kohl and golden eye-makeup. Indeed, she looked like an angel and suddenly, Hayat caught him staring at her and she got uncomfortable and at that moment Usman averted his eyes.

'Oh God, Usman what are you doing, get a grip on yourself. Why are you staring at her', thaught Usman in his mind.

Usman had never noticed any girl in his lifetime till now. Girls tried to grab his attention in college and also when he stepped into this business world. Many actresses, models and other girls wanted to be his wife or have an affair with him because he was tall, dark, handsome and successful but he did not give any attention to them.No girl matched his expectation. He was a different man, not a womanizer. He wanted to be a one-woman man. He wanted a life partner who will always be with him and support him in his ups and downs. In spite of being a billionaire, he was a normal man who wanted to leave a normal life with his wife, his children. He wanted his own loving family one day(inshallah) as he was an orphan.

He saw Hayat was clicking pictures with the new couple and they were laughing. Azhar gestured Usman to come.

Usman went there and stood beside Hayat and she became a little bit conscious and the cameraman clicked their photo with the new couple.

F̲e̲w̲ h̲o̲u̲r̲s̲ l̲a̲t̲e̲r̲.̲
̲A̲z̲h̲a̲r̲'̲s̲ Abbaa Jaan's b̲e̲d̲ r̲o̲o̲m̲.̲
̲ Usman

I saw Hayat was sitting beside abbaa Jaan and was talking to him. Both had tears in their eyes.

I entered inside the bedroom and greeted Abba Jaan 'Asalam walekum Abba Jaan. How have you been?'.

Both startled by my voice turned towards me after wiping their tears.
'Walekum salam bete, I am fine. How are you? come sit beside me,' abbaa replied.

'Abbaa Jaan I think I should leave now. I will come to meet you afterwards,' said Hayat and stood up.

'Ok bete, take care,' replied Abbaa Jaan and kissed her forehead.
I saw her retreating figure.

'Abba Jaan are you taking your medicines on time?' I asked him.

He laughed and said 'Your foolish friend doesn't let me forget about my medicines. He is very strict towards my health you know'.
I smiled and after some random talks, I asked him the important question which was disturbing me since evening.

'Abbaa Jaan who was that girl who came to meet you earlier?'

'My son are you talking about Hayat?',abbaa jaan asked and I nodded.

'Well, she is my Imran's daughter. She is Hayat Imran Abbas. You remember she is Azhar's best friend who was studying with him in his medical college and she is also Daaneen's maternal cousin .', said Abbaa Jaan.

Then I remembered she is Hayat. Azhar always mentioned her in many conversations. She belongs to his Doctors friend circle.

'By Allah's grace she has become a successful gynaecologist and she has recently joined Azhar's hospital. Mashaallah, my Imran has given her good values. you know I am so happy to meet my brother's granddaughter'.

'Oh, she is Imran chachu's daughter. Imran chachu who left this home for marrying his love?' I asked.

'Yes my son you are getting it right,' replied Abbaa Jaan.

Azhar's Abba Jaan had a small brother who was the father of Imran Chachu.Abbaa jaan's brother and his wife died in a car accident and from that time Imran Chachu was living with Abbaa Jaan and his Fuffi(paternal aunt). As he grew up his Fuffi wanted him to marry her daughter 'Izah' but he chose to marry his love whom he met during his college days. He tried to convince his family but his Fuffi got angry as Izah tried to commit suicide due to rejection and he was thrown out of the house as he married his love and now Hayat is Imran chachu's daughter.
Hmm..interesting Usman thought.
Azhar was Abbaa Jaan's own grandson as he was the child Arbaz (Abba Jaan's second son).

'Remember Usman you should keep this information with your self as no one knows Hayat is Imran's daughter. She has only come here as Azhar's best friend otherwise, Izah(whom Imran had rejected to marry) will get angry.', said Abbaa Jaan in a warning tone.

'Ok Abbaa Jaan, your secret is safe with me', I replied and went away from there.

During rukhsati as I saw Hayat was laughing and demanding money from Azhar. I noticed how lively and a happy girl she was. She was joking with Azhar and everybody was laughing at her jokes.

'Azhar listen you have waited for Daaneen for so.....many years. Why are you extending your duration? Just give me 2 lakh rupees and I will give you your shoes and then take your bride', joked Hayat and I chuckled at her statement.

'You know what? you are not my best friend, you are.....you are very bad. You always take her side in everything. You never support me', accused Azhar and Hayat laughed at his statement.' ya, Allah, her laugh is so...melodious, thought Usman.

'Sorry bhai jaan(brother) , Your emotional blackmailing is not going to work this time. Come on you are India's one of the top heart surgeon. Two lakh rupees is nothing for you', Hayat replied wearing her black goggles and she was standing in between Azhar's way.

'You are a traitor Hayat. People like you become their best friends worst enemy. Just wait and watch your time is soon going to come, soon woman, I curse you,'Azhar cried dramatically.

'Usman my buddy please......help me,give her the money'.cried Azhar.

I went towards her and offered her money but instead, she glared at Azhar and then at me and went from there annoyingly. I smirked at her retreating figure.I think,I love to annoy her.


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