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Today I have to take my Abbaa Jaan to hospital for regular check up and I have to meet Ayeza also.Ya allah,this girl is so... busy .Yesterday she slept before I returned back from the wedding and today she went to the hospital early in the morning and I was not able to see my sisters face .

I took Abbaa Jaan to Ayeza's cabin . She will take care of all his tests as I have a meeting to attend.As I passed the hospital reception I saw her(Hayat) who was dressed in white coat with stethoscope around her neck and her brown here was tied in a lose pony tail with her hair parted  sideways and she was reading a file, may be a patients report .I don't know what happened to me but I walked towards her.

'Excuse me',I said.
She saw me and she again started reading her file.
'Sister,please attend the visitor',she asked the receptionist.She closed the file  and started walking away with full confidence.
Which means she ignored me 'The Usman Ali Khan'Really?Do I look that bad ,I thought and adjusted my tie.

'Ms. Hayat',I said and she stopped.
'I was talking  to you',I said.
She turned towards me and asked,'Yes sir,how may I help you?'
'Hayat listen Yesterday...I',I was about to apologise for yesterday but she interupted me in  middle by gesturing me with her left hand.

'Listen Mr. this is hospital.You cannot talk about personal matters here',she said and moved her face side ways.

'Hayat listen to me once.',I requested.
'Ok,fast I don't have time,'she replied.
'Hayat I......'.
'Dr. Hayat their is an emergency case .The patient is in labour pain',I was interupted by the wardboy.
'Ok I am coming',she said . She looked at me for once and went away with the wardboy.

I will deffinetly apologise to her today in evening at Azhar and Daaneen's reception party .Don't know why  her forgiveness has suddenly become so important to me,I thought and went outside the hospital.

In e̲v̲e̲n̲i̲n̲g̲ at A̲z̲h̲a̲r̲-̲D̲a̲n̲e̲e̲n̲'̲s̲ r̲e̲c̲e̲p̲t̲i̲o̲n̲ p̲a̲r̲t̲y̲.̲

Hayat was walking fastly fixing her earings with both the hands and grabbing her purse in between her arm pit  as she was late for the party due to an emergency case.

Suddenly she bumped into someone and unfortunately she was Izzah( fufi's daughter whom Imran had rejected) ,Hayat's purse fell down and her Id card came out of her purse which had her personal details.It had her mother and father's name.

'I am sorry aunty',Hayat apologised .Izzah saw the ID card and she bent down to pick up the card but before her Usman picked it up and read it.
Hayat was hell scared as she thought Usman will tell her truth to Izaah but instead,Usman forwarded the card to her and asked her to keep it safely.He assured her with his eyes that he is not going to reveal her secrets.

Izaah didn't liked Hayat because since the wedding ceremony she was observing Usman's eyes upon Hayat.She felt that Usman was interested in Hayat but Izzah wanted her daughter Farida to marry Usman as he is reach,powerful and handsome .She would not get any better match for her daughter than Usman.

Izzah fake smiled at them and went away.'I have to think for a plan soon in order  to make Usman my son-in-law,'thought Izah.

I saw she was holding her breath due to fear.May be she thought I will reveal her secret in front of Izah aunty.

'You can release your breath.She is gone',I said and chuckled.

She released her breath and said the most unexpected thing.
'Come again.I didn't here you,'I said.
She glared at me.
'Come on,I seriously didn't here you,'I said.
'So I was right about you,'she said and folded her hands in front of her chest.
  'What was right about me?',I asked smilingly.
'That you are a typical self-centered,egoistic billionaire,'she mocked at me by invisibly double coating those words with her hands.

I frowned at her and said 'you shouldn't judge a book by its cover Ms. Hayat'.
'Ok fine,Thanks,'she said it again.
'Now thats like a well behaved,well mannered,matured,good girl,' I commented in her style by double coating these words with my hands.
She glared at me with her big doe eyes.

'By the way you have to come for lunch with me to a restaurant tommorrow as I want to apologise for my previous misbehaviour',I said.

'Are you requesting me?',she asked me with her one eyebrow raised.
'Yes',I replied as if it was a fact.
'Well it seemed to me like an order.Seems like you are accustomed to giving orders.You can't request people right?',she asked.

I joined my hands together and fake smiled at her and said,
'Ok fine, I request you to please come with me for lunch tommorow as I want to appologise for my previous misbehaviour with you Ms.Hayat.',

'Good,I accept your apology and I am not going anywhere with you.The matter is closed ,You may leave now', Hayat said crossing her hands near her chest and moving her face sideways.

'But I haven't apologized yet. I was going to do it tomorrow at lunch',I said.
'But I forgive you',she said and started to walk away from me.
Finding no other option, I said the thing which was wrong but it felt right at that time while making a stern face and putting both the hands inside my pant's pocket.
'If you wont come with me tomorrow for lunch then I will reveal your secret'.And she stopped in her tracks.
She turned towards me and glared at me 'So I was right about you MR. USMAN ALI  KHAN.You are a selfish,egoistic man who cannot take no as an answer',she said with anger flaring in her eyes.
'You have no other option.Just let me apologise properly and then I wont disturb you ever.I promise.',I said.

She glared at me and said 'Ok'. I smiled victoriously.

'Azhar today is your reception and it's not possible that you dont sing a song,'said one of Azhar's friend.
'Ya sure,Daaneen I have a surprise for you and for that my partner in crime 'Hayat' will join me,Azhar said while goffering his hand to Hayat.Hayat gladely put her hand on his  and he took her to the  stage.
Hayat went to the stage and they started singing 'sanu ek pal chain na aawe'.
Daaneen smiled listening to their

Usman was very happy seeing Azhar , Hayat and Daaneen's friendship,he has heared many tales of   their friendship from Azhar's mouth.

  At Usman's bedroom

'Ya allah what is happening to me?What am I doing?I feel my actions are not in my control.Whenever I come close to her my heart starts beating rapidly and it feels like at that time my heart is controling my actions.It feels that my heart is dominating my brain whenever she is near me.Thats why I am applying such cheap tricks to stay close to her.

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