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Today he was going on lunch with Hayat and he was excited. He accepted the fact, Hayat was doing something to him. He took extra effort to get ready today. He adjusted his tie and looked himself in the mirror before going for lunch. He was waiting for her at the restaurant and he saw her coming towards him. She took her seat.
'What would you like to eat,' asked Usman eyeing the menu.
'Anything will be fine with me', she said.
'There is no dish named anything in this menu card Ms Hayat. See,' he forwarded her the card.
Hayat realised that he is a stubborn man. She rolled her eyes and ordered Chicken biryani for herself.
'So....tell me', said Hayat.
'What?', Usman asked.
'Arree....the important thing which you wanted to tell or to be more precise you wanted to say SORRY to me', Hayat said irritatingly.'
'Ya, that's why I have brought you here for the lunch. It was my way of asking your forgiveness,' replied Usman.
'So you won't say SORRY to me?' she asked.
'Is it important to express every feeling in words? Can't you feel I am sorry for my behaviour?' he asked.

'Oh don't fool me. You billionaires cannot say SORRY, as it hurts your ego, Isn't?' she asked dramatically.
'Ok, tell me one thing, are you having some personal enmity with billionaires? Why do you always speak ill about billionaires?' he asked.

'Because you billionaires are obnoxious, arrogant and self-centred. It's the fact', she said.

'Well, I don't know about other billionaires but I have my own reasons of being arrogant and I repeat it again 'You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, Ms.Hayat.First, you should try to know that person, understand him and for that, you have to come close to him,' replied Usman.

Hayat raised her eyes to look at him after listening to his last comment.
'I don't want to understand anyone', she replied folding her arms near her chest and looking sideways.

'Ok, by the way, I must tell about you that you are wrong at judging people, you misunderstand them very fastly', he commented.
Hayat glared at him after listening to his comment.

'You look more beautiful Hayat when you are angry. Inshallah, I will soon tell you this when you will be mine', Usman thought.

'You don't know anything about me and my past Mr.Khan.The number of tragedies which has happened in my life has taught me how to judge people and on what basis, so you have no rights to comment on my judgements,' she replied in an angry tone.

Hesitantly Usman asked:' If I am not wrong you are Azhar's best friend since college days. Still, his family don't know about you being Imran Uncle's daughter?
Why don't you tell them that you are his daughter?'

'No, only Abaa Jaan (Azhar's grandfather) and Azhar know about it,' she said.
Actually, I don't want to create tensions among family members. They are different people, they will not like me being part of their family as they still hate Abbu(father) and I don't want to become a part of their family either. We are happy without them. I have seen, no one takes his name at Azhar's house but you know, I haven't lived in a joint family which consisted of grandparents, uncle-aunty and my cousins. Dad doesn't express but he miss them, so.....'.

Usman interrupted, 'So you wanted to meet your abbu's family, wanted to feel their love and I have seen they admire you as you are Azhar's best friend. They treat you as your own daughter like they treat me as their own son and you fear, that if they get to know about you being Imran chachu's(uncles) daughter then you will lose their love'.
'Isn't it?' he asked.

Hayat raised her eyes and looked at him as Hayat was taken aback by his words. She was shocked. He understood her feelings even though she didn't tell him anything about it.

Sensing Hayat's eyes upon him. Usman became uncomfortable.
'Actually, my parents died when I was very young. I only have my grandfather as an elder with me.So...I can understand your feelings,' he answered her unasked question.

'I know about Azhar's family. If they break all ties with anyone or have enmity with someone then no matter what, they will not visit them during their death also, especially Izah fuffi, her children and her mother. They are very arrogant. Azhar's parents are nice people.

Honestly, I don't understand this society. These people can burn anyone in the fire of their arrogance and selfishness,'Usman said.

Hayat was impressed by his thoughts but she didn't let it come on her face.

The food arrived and was served to them by the waiter.
'Anyways, which type of food do you prefer? what do you do when you are free? I mine, what are your hobbies?' Usman asked while chewing on his food.

Hayat looked at him suspiciously and she inquired,'Are you taking my interview?'

'Oh no no no I was just asking you generally, general question. Just like that', he answered laughing nervously.
'Oh, I have listened you and Azhar singing and I must say you sing really well.
I have heard that you guys had a band during college days?', Usman asked.

'Well, thanks for the compliment and yes, we had a band. Azhar used to sing and play the piano, I used to sing and play the guitar and Haroon used to play the drum. I and Azhar had sung many title tracks for Daaneen's tv shows. Now also we are doing it whenever we are free for our Youtube channel,' replied Hayat.

'Azhar told me, you guys are planning for a live concert in order to collect some money for heart patients?'Usman asked.
'Yes, we are preparing for it. I guess, we have grabbed a huge fanbase now. So, why not use your talent for a good cause', she replied.
'Absolutely, If you have talent then you should show it and help others as much as you can,'Usman replied smilingly.

A few hours later.
Hayat's house.

Hayat entered the drawing room. She saw her Abbu(father) was reading newspaper sitting on a wheelchair.
Her father had lost his ability to walk in a car accident.
'Salam walekum abbu,' Hayat greeted him while hugging him from behind.
'Walekum salam.My child, where have you been since morning', he inquired.
'Abbu I went to the hospital in the morning as there was an emergency case and after that, on lunch with a friend'.
'Asalam walekum mama(mother),' she greeted her mother as she saw her coming into the drawing room.

'Walekum salam,' she replied.

'So what are your thoughts,' her mother asked Hayat.

'Regarding what?' Hayat asked.
'Listen Hayat, now all your friends are married. When are you going to marry? She asked,'Now your studies are also over and you are professionally successful by God's grace. At least think about us'.

'No....you are the wrong mama,' Hayat replied.
'What?' her mother asked.
'Not all my friends are married. Haroon is still unmarried and recently I have got one more friend. Ayeza, she is also unmarried,' Hayat replied jokingly.
'Ya Allah, this girl always test my patience,' cried her mother.

'Mamma don't start this conversation now. I said I don't want to marry now. Please leave this on God. Whenever he wants I will get married and I am not going to leave Shaayaam and go anywhere. He is my responsibility. I am his mother,' she replied irritatingly.

'Shaayaam is also our grandson, we are enough for him. We will take care of him. For him, you don't need to sacrifice your life. I want to see your own kids Hayat. I want to see you happily married. I want you to love again and leave your past,' her mama said.

Hayat stood up from her seat 'I have already left my past mama. I have moved on in my life', she replied and walked away into her room.

Hayat's bedroom

Hayat went and gently touched Shaayaam's hair and kissed him in his forehead. How can she leave him? She is his mother now. She cannot leave without him. She remembered she was twenty one when the storm came into their lives and changed everything.
So how was the chapter? Is Shaayaam Hayat's own son? What had happened to them in the past.
Let's wait and see in the chapter.😀😀
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