•Ch. 4• {Imp}

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"I see that you decided to perhaps, become lazy instead of keeping an eye on him?" A familiar voice said as the red-head in front of him kept his head low as he kneeled. "Yes and I understand the consequences that I must face, your highness." The knight answered. He tried his best to keep his cool in front of the stern king in front of him. It was quite difficult to even continue to say anything else considering the deathly stare that Soraru's father was giving him.

He just wished that this would end soon enough. Though Araki admits that he wasn't too worried though, the king had seemed to have a soft spot for him. The male was higher in ranks compared to others though not as high as the white knight known as Yoichi. The king's personal knight.

The man in front of him sighed, not looking very pleased at the situation before he began to rise from his throne.

"Next time, do take the time to make sure that Soraru is safe and well. I don't want another incident like this to happen again." He stated, looking back at the red-head before his hand reached down to his pocket as he handed it to the white knight next to him. "As of now though, I want both you and Yoichi to look for him. Take anyone you'd like but I'm giving you this one chance to make up for this disappointing mistake."

Lifting up his head, Araki quickly bowed. "Thank you, your highness for granting me this chance."

"Lets see that you do well then this time. I have a lot of faith in you after all, Araki." He spoke, feeling his tone grow more gentle towards the male. Sometimes, he had to be stern to him, whether he liked it or not. Almost as if he was his own son as well at times. The young male has a lot to learn just like the prince after all.

"Of course and I can assure you that the results will be the best of the best." Araki responded, smiling at the king in front of him as the taller male beside the king gave him a smug look. "Though please try and keep up with us this time, will you?" The red-head only sighed before shaking his head. "Yes but I'm pretty sure the one who fell behind on something the last time was y—"


Wanting to add in even more of his own words, the red-eyed male decided to just lay it off at the moment. Why bother to deny this when the one in front of him would only end up mocking him at some point in the end. The white knight belonged to a wealthy family and was the first successful son who now takes pride as being the favored white knight of Alteria.

Araki on the other hand, wasn't. In fact, nowhere near like Yoichi when compared to their family history. The only reason why he got promoted was because of putting every ounce of his being to prove himself worthy. Along with the reason of him being good friends with the young prince of Alteria, Soraru.

After that, life had changed for him ever since. His family was now in good hands thanks to the king's kindness. Though not everything was the best, Yoichi always had the tendency to mock or be quite demanding most times whenever Araki was around. Yet the young male never really disliked the white knight. In a way, he actually admired him. It's just that he sometimes wished that the older male would be more respectful towards him.

"Anwyays, shall we move on then?"

"If I may ask, with what sire?" Araki questioned, looking over to the already leaving king as he stood up from his previous position. Though the ravenette could only smile, "With information of course, what else could it possibly be?" Well, just from that alone the two knights could already have a few ideas really. Though it was the king after all, anything else could happen.

"Well, as you already know... the Duke of Scenarío will be arriving soon. Along with the little lady." He explained, holding out the envelope that was from one of his pockets, "...and I'm sure you know how important it is to have Soraru attend this festival as well."

"Very well then."

As much as the red-head wanted to deny this, he then sighed before giving a small bow towards his king, "Yes... Understood.."

"Then I wish you both the best of luck." With that, the two males kneeled down to their king once more with the most respect that they could've ever shown. Having to now work together on the other hand was something that both knights would have to deal with. For now, they could only do what they've been asked to do without question. Yet even so, unfortunately for the king, not everyone was like this. Which leads us to the familiar welcoming atmosphere of a certain albino's room.

On the side of the other half of the room, the ravenette was sound asleep. Away from the rays of light that the sun had to offer. It was quiet, so very quiet. There were no noise coming from the outside at all and yet even the aroma of apple pie could be reached from where he slept. His body then turned to the side, keeping himself under the bedsheets for enough warmth while other footsteps could be heard.

As he walked past the hung pictures that were on his wall, the albino smiled as he gently began to shake his guest. "Morning~! Did you sleep well?" He asked, his smile widening, despite how obvious it was that the other male probably didn't want to get up. The prince turned his body to the opposite direction, away from the ruby-eyed male. "Ehh? Come on, it's already morning and I'll be late if I just leave you here on your own!" Mafumafu exclaimed, beginning to pull the blankets off of the ravenette. His guest may be a from the royal family, yes. Though it was beginning to be clear to the sleepy prince that the albino didn't care at all.

"...then just leave me here, simple." Soraru replied, slowly sitting up as he tried to reach for the blanket. Mafumafu on the other hand only sighed while puffing out his cheeks, "Eh? What happened to preparing?" Soraru stayed quiet, remembering that the other was right. It was his idea anyways from the first place and he had even gotten the albino to follow long with it.

"Alright, alright. I'm going, I'm going."

"Good! I'll wait for you downstairs then! You can also use the spare clothes in one of the drawers!"

As the albino happily began to head down the wooden stairs, the ravenette only sighed. Slowly getting up from the plain white bed that he was sleeping on as he looked over to the drawer. Mafumafu was right, there really were some spare clothes but not just any spare clothes. Very cleans ones that had seemed to be warm. Almost as if they were already prepared. Well, maybe because it was already since Soraru had reminded himself that he was still a guest in this household.

He then began to gently take the spare clothes. Though one of them were his, he gently picked up his white ruffled blouse that was neatly folded. Seeing that the blue little ribbon was also on it as well as he sighed, now beginning to change into today's attire. Yet as much as he was thankful for the albino, he still preferred to take his own that way he wouldn't have to ruin too much of anything.

He then made his way towards the mirror, staring at his reflection while he began to carefully tie the blue ribbon. Though his collar wasn't as tight, in fact. It was just a little loose but he didn't really mind. He went ahead and tied the ribbon anwyays. Now turning around to make sure he looked well, the mirror's reflection had something that caught Soraru's attention. On the other side of the room was what he guessed that was the albino's desk.

There was a box underneath on the right side of it, full of what seemed to be paper cranes. On top of the desk were more paper cranes, including an unfinished one on the side. "Just what was this guy even doing?" Soraru muttered, picking up one of the cranes in his hands as he began to examine it. Though now that he thought about it, he wouldn't even be surprised if there were more of these things laying around here.

"Ah, I should probably get downstairs now." He spoke, setting the paper crane down on the wooden desk as he proceeded to walk over towards the stairs. The more he stepped down, the more be could smell the scent of what he guessed was apple pie which was proven to be true after seeing the albino again.

Mafumafu was setting the table up as he wore an apron, placing the fragile plates on the table as he then turned to see the ravenette. "Soraru-san! You can just sit here, I'll serve you in a second." He said, smiling brightly as he went to the open window from the kitchen. He carefully used his mittens to pick it up while taking it to the table meanwhile the prince had taken his seat. Soraru eyed the kitchen, surprised to see at how decently clean it was, despite the male before him had been baking.

"Here, would you like anything else? Orange juice, tea, milk?"

"Milk is fine, thanks."

Giving a nod to his response, Mafumafu made his way to his cabinets and drawers looking for the milk. Though the ravenette began to notice the flowers in their vases around the window. "You have a lot of flowers here huh?" The prince spoke, looking around while the other male brought in two cups. "Mhm! I always like putting them there, you know. To get them enough sunlight." After he carefully poured the milk into his cup, Mafumafu placed it down for the sapphire-eyed male. Soraru giving a quick thank you also watched the albino sit down.

Mafumafu then placed his hands together, smiling. "Itadakimasu~" Of course, the prince had done the same before even taking a bite of the pie. Be lifted up the fork as he took a piece. To his surprise, it wasn't bad. Not bad at all. In fact, it was sweet yet not too entirely sweet that would usually make him dislike it. It was at a good balance, it was warm and it gave had this welcoming feeling to him. Yet even with this, he could feel the pair of ruby eyes staring at him intently while he sighed,

"It's good."

As he clapped his hands together, Mafumafu's smile had grow brighter. So bright that it was like the ravenette was looking at the sun, literally. At this point the prince was worried if he'd meet anyone else like this. He turned back down, continuing to eat the pie that was served to him in order to avoid going blind.

"I'm really glad! Really!"

"I mean, that's good and all but shouldn't you be eating too? It's going to get cold if you continue to talk to me." Soraru answered, taking another bite out of the pie as he heard the other apologize. The prince faintly smiled, staring at the pie before looking towards the window again. The streets seemed to be bustling with the amount of people. He guessed this was because of the upcoming festival.

The house on the other hand though, was odd. He didn't know why but everytime he looked, it was clean yet very quiet. Soraru began to wonder if this was normal for the ruby-eyed male to have this type of morning. Plain silence, cooking, cleaning, or whatever else he may have done. Perhaps that was another possible reason why the male had taken his offer.

"Ah, finished already? That was quick!"

"Huh?" Confused, the ravenette looked at his plate to notice the pie was pretty much gone. Had he unconsciously eaten it while thinking to himself? Perhaps. Though be never eats something this quick, especially a pie.

"I guess the prince himself really enjoyed my pie! I'm so happy~" The albino chirped, almost somehow instantly triggering the annoyance that the ravenette had. "Ah, no. I was just... I mean it was good but I didn't eat it that quickly because of that." He explained, turning away from the male as he noticed Mafumafu begin to pick up their plates. "Sureee..."

"Oi, I'm very sure of it so don't think highly of yourself either, mage."

"Eh? Is it my fault that the prince himself liked my pie?" The albino giggled, only making the other male want to stand up and bonk him in the head. "I— Just shut up, will you?"

"Hmph, fine~ Though you really need to learn to act nicer Soraru-san." Mafumafu said, smiling at the ravenette who only turned away. He'll admit, he expected the prince to be more kind and well, princelike to say the least. Yet this one on the other hand, was barely anything but a grumpy old man sitting on a chair. Now would be dare tell that to Soraru?

Of course he would.

Just not right now. Their main objective at the moment was to go meet Mafumafu's mentor. There he'll be able to learn the spells that's needed for beginning mages such as himself. Well, that's what he hoped at least. He began to wash the plates, making sure that they were clean and washed well before putting them to dry. It didn't take too long though as he did notice that the prince was looking around his house. He smiled, hoping that it was welcoming enough for the prince.

He wondered what type of life he had, despite just meeting yesterday. Mafumafu usually tends to try and get along with everyone. No matter how difficult it is, he always tries. Yet this is the first time that he's seen the prince of Alteria. No one ever hears about him much. No one even knows how he is or what role he even does. The king and queen just never mention him unless it's an important event. He sort of felt bad for him and to be honest, it was like his existence was never really acknowledged here.

Sure, he guessed that a few nobles would know but other than that, everyone else doesn't bother even asking how the prince is or anything like that. Because he's again, barely even mentioned. No wonder Mafumafu never really noticed until Soraru had told him himself. Though perhaps it was for the better. At least the prince would be seen more human with everyone else he meets because not many knows what he really looks like. Though this didn't mean that they should be as confident.

"Ah, you can go ahead and get ready but make sure to put your cloak back on." The albino said, looking over towards the male though it looked like the prince had already known. "Yeah, I know. We can't push our luck anyways."

Mafumafu smiled, drying his hands with a small towel that was near by. He supposed that today will be interesting to have someone like the prince around. Though he did wonder, will he himself be having to protect Soraru each second? He hoped not, he really hoped not or else things would end up becoming difficult for the two. Because if the prince finds himself into trouble, how will the albino be able to save him and his own head?

"Hey, I think you forgot your staff." Soraru spoke, gently picking up the weapon as he stared at it. The albino only gave a nod as be began to take it from his hands, "Oh right! Thanks!" After some time of making sure that they had everything, the two males looked back and closed the door. Making sure that it was locked, the younger would try to open it and push the door in to make sure it was secured. Yet the moment that Soraru wanted to turn around, Mafumafu immediately began to grab his hand."C'mon, we can't be late remember?"

"Huh... and we're are we going exactly?" He asked, trying his best to also make the male let go of his hand. If anything, he wasn't very pleased with this type of contact at the moment. Being dragged around and almost getting hit by the swarms of people wasn't very pleasant. "We're going to meet my mentor!" He exclaimed, still not catching on from the discomfort and perhaps annoyance from the other male. It was of course until Soraru pretty much used his free hand to make the ruby-eyed male let go, whether Mafumafu had noticed or not.

As the two walked, they couldn't help but notice the trail that was leading out of the busy town. Instead it made its way towards the east of the area they were going to. It was until their attention had gone to a group of people who were surrounding to what seemed to be a very familiar mushroom haired actor alongside a tailor. Which to be honest, made Mafumafu sigh, "I feel bad for those two sometimes. Girls will usually flock over to them whenever they're alone..." He spoke, almost sounding a little sad. They were important people, everyone especially from their departments knew who they were. The ravenette began to turn again towards the albino, "I'm guessing they're popular around here huh?"

"They are and I'm proud of them but... It gets lonely now whenever they're off at work and stuff. Sometimes I can't even get to them without getting shoved away from people." Soraru silently looked over towards the two blondes, noticing their obvious discomfort from the amount of attention that they've been receiving. Yet even so he noticed the albino giving them a wave too, despite his two friends not noticing. He could tell that Mafumafu still loved them no matter what separates them.

Once again, he was reminded of his friend Araki. He really does miss him now that he thought about it. Whenever he was alone in his room, the knight was always there to talk to him while he worked. If anything, he actually felt more connected to him more than anyone else aside from another friend who he saw as a sister. His expression softened, remembering about both Lon and his knight. How they would use to hang out and walk around the castle garden whenever their families came to visit. Araki was still such a young boy, around his teen years while the ravenette and Lon would endlessly tease him about his silly old sword.

Such fun times it was.

"Say, Mafu. How long have you been wanting to be a mage?" Soraru asked, walking alongside the albino once more. Though Mafumafu could only tilt his head to the side several times, he then gave his response. "Well~ I've been wanting to be one since forever I guess. My dad used to be a mage back then, he was super, super strong! Like, the strongest mage I'd ever seen!" He exclaimed, smiling widely as he then began to look at his staff. "He was recognized by the king himself... I look up to him a lot still so ever since then, I've been studying to become a mage. It payed off though cause look! I've got my first staff now~"

Soraru couldn't help but chuckle with a smile, "A recognized mage huh... well, I guess you gotta keep working hard then if you want to be a good mage too." The moment he turned to look at Mafumafu, the mage had a wide smile on his face with sparkle in his eyes. "You smiled! You smiled and you don't look so salty for once!"

"Alright, you're getting on my nerves again so please shut up now." He groaned, looking away from the mage as they continued to walk. Though Mafumafu could only do a shrugged gesture as he spoke, "Well excuse me, Princess!"

"OI! Just because you and I aren't in a castle, doesn't mean you can simply disrespect me in a such a way. Also please refrain from saying that."

As much as he would've loved the mage to listen, he could only just sigh as he heard the audible giggles that came out of the albino's mouth. 'What an annoying voice....' he thought, crossing his arms while the other could only shake his head and smile. "This journey is seriously going to be the best~"

"Yeah.... right, definitely."

Mafumafu then pouted, tilting his head at the prince next to him. "Jeez... Don't sound so dead inside and lighten up a bit!" He laughed, patting the prince's back with gentle force. Well, at least what he had considered to be gentle force. In fact, it even made the ravenette flinch and even want to bonk the mage on the head again. He couldn't and yet he wanted to. Yet the more they walked, the more he felt himself slowly die inside whenever the albino began to to talk along the way. Now he began to wonder how much worse it's going to be with him around. It was his only option at the moment though. Besides, he figured that along the way, he could find someone else to venture with.

He smiled at the thought. A partner who was less annoying and more respectful. More calm. This would've certainly been nice and yet he started to regret his decision little by little. His death will probably be by the hands of a mage, a very annoying one. Ah, but he's mentioned that by now hasn't he?

As the little cottage was viewed from the distance, Mafumafu smiled widely before beginning to run over to it freely as he looked back at the prince, "C'mon, use those legs for once, you look like such an old man from over here!" He yelled, obviously enjoying his time as the other would give a distant glare. Yet even so, from behind the ruby-eyed male was a cat that meowed. Almost immediately flinching, the albino blinked. Staring at the cat that had a witch hat on its head, Mafumafu began to kneel down. Trying to keep his excited composure as he began to try and pat its head.

That was until that cat, who he thought was cat ended up almost scratching his hand when he tried. Instead, the ravenette could only begin to laugh at the male in front of him who's expression was well, amusing to him to say the least.

It was a girl, she had a pair of bright blue aquamarine colored eyes that ended up going well with her snowy white hair. She then huffed, crossing her arms before tilting her head at the beginning mage before her. "Excuse me, don't touch without permission. I am your mentor after all so please refrain from petting me!"

"Eh?! It's not my fault that I thought you were a cute innocent cat!!" He exclaimed, now being able to feel his face heat up from embarrassment.

"Ah well, technically I am a cat actually but... Nevermind, just quiet down will you? You're so noisy!"

"....but so are you?!"

Behind the two was the prince himself, trying his best to suppress the urge of bonking the two on the head. If anything, one annoying person was enough. He didn't need another one, he really didn't. Soraru then let out a sigh, walking towards the cottage as he looked back at the two behind him. "Well? Are we starting or not?" He asked, gaining the attention from the albino's mentor as she grinned.

"Oh? Someone is eager huh~" She teased, earning a glare from the older male himself before she simply giggled. "Alright, alright then. Lets head in now shall we~?" Excitedly walking behind the two in front of him, Mafumafu held his staff tightly in hand. Grinning widely as the moment he stepped inside the warm atmosphere of the cottage.

The interior was held with noticeable bookshelves that he guessed had contained millions of spell books and many more. When it came to magic, you're bound to find many about it. Expensive yet very essential. On the side of a few cabinets were little potions that he guessed were most likely bought. Unless someone else had brewed them for the girl.

Though the girl, despite how much shorter she is.... Is Mafumafu's mentor. To be honest, he was surprised to see this. Did he mind?

No, not at all in fact. He was happy.

Now this was definitely a way to make the albino's day because not only was his mentor a very, very adorable mentor but she. was similar to a cat itself. But his love for cats never changed, ever since childhood had he loved cats. Simply everything that has to do with them had caught his attention. In short, he just loved them far too much. "Eh? What are you looking at you weirdo?" She muttered, using her staff to lightly bonk the albino despite their very much noticeable height difference. Well, not too different when compared to the ravenette but it still very noticeable non the less. His attention then went to had guessed to be the brewing station, a very essential need for a specific type of magic user. One who deals with potions. That being a witch.

Now he really did begin to wonder about who else was involved with his cat-like mentor. Perhaps another one? A real cat? If that were truly the case then that would signify that the world still indeed loved him. "Hey, focus will you? You keep looking around everywhere like a child." The prince spoke, setting himself to the side as he leaned onto the wall. Simply watching the other two from the sidelines as he sighed, "Well? Are you going to teach him yet or what?" Now turning to give the male a glare, she then pointed her staff at Soraru, not caring whether or not if it was a simple regular person. In a sense, it was simply the disrespect that she didn't appreciate. "I will till you decide to stop pestering me about it."

"Alright then." Now beginning to face the albino who was still somehow distracted by something else, yet even so the then noticed the glare that was soon given by the ravenette himself. Mafumafu laughed, scratching the back of his neck as he gave an awkward smile, "E-Eh... well... I'll try my best to learn from you miss- miss..."

"Just call me Mochi and no need for any formalities."

"Mochi... Mochi... Okay, okay!" He smiled, looking over towards Soraru, as if he was expecting something from the prince himself. Yet the older could merely sigh once more as he proceeded to add in a few of his own words. "Well then... I suppose he should go with you I guess?" The girl gave a laugh, grinning widely as she pointed at the male, "Oh no it's not going to be just him alright. Cause you're gonna be helping him!"

This.... couldn't get an possibly worse as it was for him.. Actually, no. This is possibly the only chance he will have when it came to learning more about self-defense. He did promise to help the mage anyways after all so no turning back now for him at this rate. "Alright, if I help. Then he'll improve as well later on?"

"Of course! As long he puts in the effort at least" The ravenette gave a nod, walking over to the albino as he patted his back."Make sure you put in the effort then because I know nothing and yet I'm actually going to try my best to help." He explained as Mafumafu gave a confident smile, "Will do. As long you do your part too." Of course, Soraru could only agree to this as he moved aside, allowing the mentor who was making her way through them. She looked around, rummaging through the tattered notes and such before holding a seemingly already rusty book. Though they did not question for the girl was far more experienced and so they trusted her words. Now beginning to carefully open the book, she used the little key that hung around her necklace. "Ah, may the weird one step over here for a sec?"

"Ehhhh, wait who?" Soraru shook his head as he gently pushed the slightly taller male upfront, "She means you smart one." He puffed out his cheeks, giving a small glare at the other's direction as he began to walk towards Mochi. The girl held the book in her hands, flipping the pages as it landed on one specifically. The albino then tried leaning over, his ruby-colored eyes landing on a set of words that were written. He looked over to Mochi, anticipating for something to hear from his mentor. Yet he could only catch a grin instead as noticed the girl pointing at the set of words. "See this? I'm going to need you to stand still for a moment." Mafumafu gave a nod, complying to his mentor's words as he stepped aside. Mochi then smiled, carefully picking up the book as she kept her staff in place as she lightly tapped the book with her staff.

"Alright, now close your eyes and whatever you do, don't get scared." The girl instructed, closing her eyes as she muttered incomprehensible words, allowing her staff that had the many colored crystals engraved in its material of wood to glow. The albino flinched, not allowing himself to move one inch as he noticed the odd atmosphere around them. It grew cold, yet not in a too uncomfortable type manner. It felt more... whimsical in a sense. Soraru on the other had would watch, allowing himself to examine on what was going on around them. Suddenly, a spirit-like figure of a bird appeared, glowing with light as it flew around the albino. Wind filled the house as it continued its way to look at the beginning mage. The feathers that had belonged to its wings dripped with water. as it droplet fell, it soon turned into the bits of ice, turning the wooden floor underneath the albino to glow in white. More things had occurred right after, this being the blooming flowers that filled the air with a flowery fragrance. Soon enough, the more they moved the more his skin begin to sting, almost as if he were shocked by something.

The urge to speak was so great and yet it was like Mochi had known this for she had moved her finger to instruct the beginning mage to stay quiet. In which he did. Inside of his chest, he felt a burning flame that didn't seem to stop. Yet it was so sudden, he wasn't sure if this was something as normal.

That was until everything then clicked.

Mochi began to laugh a little, covering her mouth as she turned to the other direction. This left Mafumafu confused, almost moving before on what seemed like a bird, flew through him. He felt somewhat normal in a way, yet still confused on the odd experience. "Well then, how was that for your first experience?" She asked, beginning to circle around her student. Though the albino could simply tilt his head as begun to think with the right set of words to use.

"It was weird but...."


Mafumafu gave a nod, looking around him to find the floor underneath them to be normal again. He jumped back, making a small squeak as the prince moved to the side, letting the male bump into the wall instead. To which the albino gave a small little glare, yet not enough to really intimidate the prince himself. This only lead Soraru to smirk in satisfaction from the other's reaction. Mochi on the other hand could only shake her head before walking upfront the two males as she placed her staff to the side, clapping her hands slightly as she smiled. "Well~ Well then~ There you have it-! You've officially earned the trust of the basic elements, an essential need for a beginning mage such as yourself."

"Ehhh..... already? Just like that?"

"Mhm, just like that! Besides, the more eager the mage is to learn, the more trust you earn!"

Mafumafu simply looked to the side, eyeing his staff as he begun to wave it around. Both of which who were watching him felt the same thing, which was confusion. Well, that was until the young mentor most likely had an idea on what the albino was trying to do. "You see, here. If you're trying to cast a spell or something, at least use one of these." She said, handing the beginning mage to what seemed to be a spell book. There she would proceed to instruct Mafumafu on how to use it, making sure to explain every little detail there was to know before attempting one of the spells. At the sidelines, Soraru would occasionally try to lean over to the side to at least catch a view at what Mochi was teaching. After a few more minutes, the girl would begin to help the ruby-eyed male to properly hold his staff well, making him read out a few words at first before explaining even further into the topic. Once being able to understand more clearly, the albino grinned widely in excitement.

"You sure you understand?" Mafumafu gave a nod, holding his staff tightly as he gave his response. "Yep~ I do!"

"Alright then, be my guest and try it outside because you see, I'm not about to risk my house for this."

"Alright! Then let's go~" Soraru and Mochi looked at each other, wondering if this would turn out well as student was hoping for. The mentor didn't look too worried though for she could only smile as she signaled the ravenette to move on ahead outside. To which he did. There he found the confident albino holding up his staff at the dummy that was nearby. He would sit on the wooden chair outside the cottage while the experienced mage would stand beside him as she watched.

Now making sure where he aimed was hoped to be correct, Mafumafu began to close his eyes. He steadied his breathing, slowly feeling the sudden warmth in his chest. It was that flaming passion he felt from before. As instructed from before, he held those words engraved in his mind. He waved his staff, sending a ball of flames at the dummy as his eyes soon lit up in happiness. Soon after he noticed that it had landed correctly, he looked over to Mochi who was gently clapping her hands. "Not bad for a beginner like yourself but you've got potential to grow farther than most perhaps."

Mochi eyed the burning dummy, quickly putting it out as she waved her staff as water was quickly splashed onto it. Soaking the dummy before she tilted her head, "Hm... since you've already gotten the hang of it, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to send you off to your first task." The two looked at her, both clearly interested even more as she continued on. "Alright, now don't think that I'm sending you off to some grand adventure alright? I'm currently in the need of a few herbs and such at the moment. I'll be sending you off for that and it'll do you good anyways since you might need to defend yourselves for precaution."

"Don't worry! Me and Soraru-san can definitely do this, right? Right?" Mochi began to let out a little laugh, shaking her head. "Sure, sure, sure. Though your friend here may need something too so here, an iron sword will do you some good for now at least." Soraru began to nod, thanking the mage as he began to hold the sword in his hands. He stared at it, smiling a little before he noticed the girl's stare. "You do know to use it, right?"

"Of course."

"Altight then, here's the map for the surroundings of Alteria, there you should spot where you are easily to along with the plains. Now you should be all set!"

As the two males began to say their goodbyes, both Mafumafu and Soraru made their way back through the paved trail with the map in their hands. It was oddly quiet for the most part considering the two were staring at the weapons that were given to them both. It was until some time that the two had noticed. Which had also led the ravenette slowly move away from the albino who was walking beside him on the path. "Sararu-san?" The albino called, gaining the other's attention and yet proceeded to move away even more. Once at a farther distance, in a reasonable amount really, he then turned to look at the beginning mage, "Yes? What is it?" He asked, waiting for the other male's response.

"You're heading the wrong path, Soraru-san."

"Ah, is that so? Thanks I guess."

"No problem~ Now, let's go see what this world has in store for us today!" He cheered, excitedly making his way down the path opposite from the ravennette as he waved, "C'mon! Can't keep these herbs waiting forever!" The prince could only nod, now beginning to make his way down the path where the male was headed in. The two would only have small conversations, occasionally making Soraru want to run away and yet he couldn't. Even he had desired to want to explore this huge vast world of his homeland from the start. In which this, the ruby-eyed male went ahead and smiled at the other, "Nervous?"

"Eh? Of course not, don't be ridiculous."

Mafumafu simply laughed, "I know, I know. I just wanted to talk to you more since you're always so quiet!" He explained, smiling before he took out his map. He tapped the prince beside him as he pointed at the map, "Alright~ Looks like we're headed for....central... central west plains?"

"It's actually just Central Plains. You see, over towards the north should be the forest where we can find the herbs since it's near the Whispering Woods anyways."

"Ehhhh.... how did you know that?"

"It's called reading, Mafu." The ravenette commented, slowly pointed it out for the male as the other would simply watch. Mafumafu smiled, giving a few nods here and there while the prince would explain. To be fair, he didn't really expect Soraru to know so much. He would even sometimes mention a few locations as he had continued on until the albino had understood. After clearing things up a bit, the two proceeded onto the path as they slowly began to hear the nearby birds that chirped. It was until they met with the sudden breeze of wind. The more they continued forward, the more things were revealed.

"Soraru-san, look! Look!" He exclaimed, smiling brightly as he looked over towards the prince beside him. "We're officially outside from town~ How does it feel to be looking to a field of wonders now?"

The prince would only chuckle as he stepped forward, taking in the beautiful view of the landscape that was before them and to be honest, it was a shame that they couldn't go anywhere just yet. All they could do was be in the plains and nothing more other than search for herbs. Though then again, this wasn't too bad either considering that again, he was always inside castle grounds.

"It's refreshing." He answered, slowly beginning to lower his hood with a small visible grin on his face. One of which had the albino smirk in slight satisfaction. "Well then~ I suppose we should get going now or should we stay here?"

"We're going."

Telling by how quickly he had given his response, Mafumafu giggled. Following the ravenette close behind as he held the map in his hands, talking while the prince would give occasional short responses here and there. While they were making their way into the plains, the albino began to point at his map, "Alright~ So we're supposed to head over near the Whispering Woods?"

"Mhm, exactly."

"Then we most definitely got this!"

Soraru would nod, having himself now being led by the taller male as he looked around their surroundings as the more they spoke. From afar they were able to see the few roaming docile animals, minding their own business as the two would simply pass by. Once and a while the ravenette would even spot a few spots where he guessed were the mining deposits that a few people with a specific job had to use. He grinned, seeing how a few of the birds would fly by before he felt his cloak getting softly tugged by a certain albino.

"What is it?" He asked, looking over at the ruby-eyed male before the other began, "Look, I think we're here." He stated, looking up from the map while Soraru would now begin to step forward. "Well? Let's keep going then. We don't have all day after all." Of course, the younger male would only comply as he could only catch up with the prince.

The forest seemed no different, it was quiet, peaceful, and welcoming. Nothing much out of the ordinary really. The plants had a rich green color while there was a few echoes that could be heard from the nearby waterfalls. It was quite sunny at the moment and the rays of sunlight could be seen through the trees. It was until they came at a stop, to which Mafumafu would look around as he let out a hum. "Should we look around here first?"

"I guess so since the herbs shouldn't be difficult to find anyways."

"Alright then! I guess we should get to searching then." He said, placing the map into a safe place before turning his attention towards the patch of grass that was on the ground underneath them. "Say Soraru-san?" The albino called as he crouched, earning the attention of the other male who searched around the trees around them. "Hm? What is it?"

"How long do you think this task will take?"

"Depends. If we don't focus it'll take longer but if we stay on track then it shouldn't take long." He replied, examining the patches of grass before he smirked, "Would you look at that? I've already found one." The beginning mage quickly ran over to the male as he leaned over, looking at the herb that the prince had found. "Ehh... already this quickly?''

"Mhm, I told you. It shouldn't take as long to find." Mafumafu smiled, crouching over as he began to help the prince on keeping the herbs in his hands. After collecting all that they had needed, they searched around the area a bit more, spotting a few herbs here and there. At some point even, the two began to have their own little competition on seeing who could find the most herbs around the area. Both of which were reluctant to lose to each other.

Mafumafu would occasionally poke fun at the prince, commenting about how he looked like an old man whenever he tried to run clearly through the trees. Meanwhile Soraru would only have a smug look whenever he found himself right against the beginning mage. It gave him satisfaction to see the younger silently sulk to the other direction yet even so, they seemed to have a good time with each other. Sure of course the males also bicker with each other too but it was the goal that seemed to matter at the moment. Well, was what had mattered at the moment because the two being able to find the needed ingredients for the mage who was waiting for them back at her cottage, still didn't want to leave this wonderful area.

They wanted to see more.

So here they now were, walking through the woods as they would both look at the map that was currently in the ravenette's hands. "...and here we have the town of Scenarío, that's the town they describe to have a very beautiful view. Apparently the town is next to the sea." He then smiled fondly, remembering about one of his good friends who resided in that town. This was something that the beginning mage had caught notice of before he gave a playful hum. "Do you know anyone there?"

"I do actually, it's a really good friend of mine."

"Eh? Here I thought that you didn't have any friends, how surprising." He didn't even have a chance to say anything else since he was met with an immediate smack on the head from the prince. Soraru sighed, looking at the albino with an expression of annoyance, "Of course I have a friend. Believe it or not, he's also just as precious to me like the friend from Scenarío." He explained, seeing the ruby-eyed male rub the spot on his head that was previously smacked thanks to the slightly shorter male beside him. He then began to question as he looked at the ravenette once more, "Who are your friends then?"

"Well... for starters, the one I mentioned first is Lon. She's the single daughter of the Duke himself and she's well... special. She's someone who's befriended me along with the other friend I have who's named Araki. He's my personal knight I guess you could say." He explained as the albino would listen closely before he grinned, "Does Soraru-san perhaps always think about them then?" The prince could only chuckle as he turned his head to meet the other's eyes, "Sometimes."

"What about you? Do you think of your friends on regular basis or something?"

Mafumafu awkwardly scratched the back his neck, "I do... a lot." He began, averting his eyes away from the pair of sapphire ones with a tiny smile. "Though in a way, that should be pretty obvious already that I do." The ravenette could only nod before staring at the ruby-colored gem that hung on a black chain on the side of the albino's pants. He then started to raise a brow as he slightly tilted his head, "What's that?" He pointed, making the beginning mage begin to grin, "It's something that a friend gave me, it's really pretty right? Like a ruby!"

"I can see that... though were they also friends with the other two guys you're with?"

"Yep! He was and we were always together actually." The younger said explained, having his smile beginning to falter. Though he turned to the other direction before the other male could notice. Instead, the albino ran up the near waterfall from earlier, leaving Soraru to only follow the other close behind. "Hey, don't just suddenly run off whenever you see something..." He muttered, looking at the scenery with Mafumafu. Though the taller male would huff, "I'm sure you would've done the same Soraru-san."

"Yes but not like that." He responded, giving the other a smirk before looking up at the sky, "Anyways, we should seriously get back now before we get you in trouble." Giving a nod, the albino would begin to walk back with Soraru. Though they weren't as satisfied, this still counted as a new experience.

"Uwaahhh, get back hereeee!!!"

Well, when they meant new experience, they weren't really expecting this to be a thing either.


"They've got the herbs!!!" The beginning mage yelled, running towards the little creatures that held the plants in their hands. All of which were scattering around and confusing the younger male from knowing where each had went. Though of course Soraru would try his best to help as well though to only end up falling even more behind than the albino had. Which had led him to not only lose his stamina, but had also caused Mafumafu to drag him by the arm. Simple to say the least, the prince wasn't pleased with any of this going on. To which he would gently force the ruby-eyed male to let go of him as they chased down the creatures that had possibly almost ruined their chances of returning with a good amount of herbs.

Though as much as they had wanted to say that they were handling this well, they couldn't. At this point the two males had fully given up on trying to find them. "Well... too bad for that then, we'll just have to collect more." Mafumafu muttered, shaking his head before the other would let out a sigh, "I suppose you're right... but isn't already a little late-?"

"I guess it is... but we can still collect more! Sides, it's just herbs right?"

"Hm.. sure."

The prince wouldn't even care at this point, instead he would follow the younger close behind as they would soon look behind the area that was around them. Well, at least when they did, the ravenette's eyes began to wander, taking notice of the odd atmosphere that was around them. "Oi, Mafu. Get over for a sec." He called, making the albino walk over to Soraru who kept repeatedly looking around them. Before he could say anything, his mouth was immediately covered from the male's hand. To his confusion, he had even tried making a complaint before the other would keep it closed again. "Quiet down for a sec..." He whispered, allowing the younger to nod his head.

For those few moments, they stood there silently, hearing the whispers that came from a certain direction in their path. A much as a certain beginning mage had wanted to comment, he could only stay behind the ravennette who had even turned to look at him in slight annoyance. "Oi... don't stay behind me, you have a staff don't you? You can take care of yourself." He quietly whispered as stepped to the side, ignoring the other's quiet complaint. It was until then that the two would then look at each other, deciding that it was alright to say a word again. "Soraru-san... maybe we should just..."

"Head back?"


To be fair, the prince wasn't surprised at all. In fact, it would be more of a relief to him as well if they left. "Let's just go..." He muttered, grabbing the other's wrist before he turned his head to meet a very annoyed albino. "Ehh... there they are!!! They came back!"

"Eh, Mafu no. It's fine, we can just restart like you said.." Soraru responded, pulling the other from suddenly running off. The younger though sighed in disappointment before he suddenly jolted from the sight of not only two, but five creatures charging at the pair. Though considering where they were, the beginning mage pulled out his staff and clumsily blocked one of the creatures attack. "Hm, not bad I guess but aren't you going to cast any spells?"

"Ehh... I am but you got to help out too you know..." The prince shrugged before giving a response, "Sure and by my way of helping, I going to give you some info." Looking back at the other from yet again, blocking another attack, the albino sighed."W-Well, go ahead and say it! I can't really block forever with them you know!!" Soraru gave a smile, allowing himself to enjoy the show of the albino struggling. "Fine. These are Imps, mischievous creatures they are though they've got pretty standard weaknesses. Yet even so... they do have the power to take a life away." He explained, earning a nod from Mafumafu who then proceeded to hold up his staff. Making sure he was out of the way, the ravenette stayed behind the beginning mage.

Closing his eyes tightly. the younger would begin to steady his breathing as begun to mutter out a few words. Light would soon begin to show itself, allowing the male behind him to stare in slight fascination. Yet even with this, the moment Mafumafu waved his staff, nothing was shown but a puff of smoke.

"You- I thought.... You did this and even acted like something amazing was going to happen and yet you created a single puff of smoke. How nice."

"I- I thought that it would work!!" Mafumafu exclaimed, holding his staff as he stepped back on impulse with a panicked expression. Though despite this, the older would only let out a sigh as he began to shake his head. "Guess I'll have to handle this then..." Stepping upfront with those words, the ravenette pulled out the sword that was given by the albino's mentor with a visible smirk on his face. To this, the other would simply watch Soraru aim the blade at the approaching imp in front of them. To be fair, he was leaving it up to the older considering that it was clear enough for himself to understand that he wasn't able to perform any spells. Well, at least for the time being that is. He wasn't sure on what had exactly gone wrong.

Mafumafu only shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts as he had seen perhaps one of the most disappointing moments this entire day in his life.

The prince himself had missed the blow.

"You suck!!!"

"Huh- Look, look, it was only a miss!" Soraru yelled back, as he looked over at the ruby-eyed male behind him. "Besides, if anything. You're far worse than I am at this."

"Ehhh... but I don't wield swords Soraru-san! I don't use them!"

"Well... then I- Fine, sure. I messed up on this too but trust me, I really don't tend to miss like this all the time..." he muttered, looking away as if he was slightly embarrassed. To which he was though to be honest. The prince never really attacked anything that moves aside from a mere lifeless dummy that were in the castle grounds for him to use. Of course he'd duel with Araki once and a while though it wasn't really as often as he would've liked it to be. The only knowledge he knew were from the many books and maps he had read from the castle library.

"Soraru-san... I think we should um... go-?"

"Yeah, on it."

Swiftly taking the other male's arm, the prince began to lead the way through the many branches that were in their way. Doing everything he could, he even allowed the albino hold onto the map for a sense of direction. Behind them were the imps who were quickly making their way closer onto their path. Mafumafu on the other hand began to suddenly pull the prince backwards as what lied in front of them, was a dead end. "Soraru-san, we can try to climb up here." he explained, holding his hand out to the sapphire-eyed male. Soraru though, began to hesitate.

"Soraru-san... just take my hand will you?"


Gently grabbing onto it, the younger began his best to get a good grip on the older's hand in order to keep him from falling. Though he could feel the other's hands slightly shake, he shook his head. "If it's heights that you're afraid of, then you don't have to worry about that." he said, giving a little smile as he proceeded to climb. It was until a few rocks were being thrown at the pair, specifically their hands. Especially on the albino's side considering the fact that he was holding onto the other still. He then quickly held onto a nearby branch, helping the prince up. Pointing over to their right, Mafumafu began to take the lead once more. "Over here."

Following close behind, the ravenette had slowly began to notice the odd silence surrounding them, making him begin to grow suspicious. It was until then he heard the noise off falling water nearby.

"Oi, Mafu-!"

He quickly held the younger back after the albino had a close call. He did hear his name but with the fact that he looked behind him had caused himself to not realize the path in front of him. "Careful...." the prince spoke, frowning at the sight of a long drop in both discomfort and slight annoyance with the beginning mage. He really did need to look where he was going or else the prince would be left without a living mage. They then turned to the imps that finally caught up, both keeping themselves not too close to the edge. At this point they could only try their best to fend for themselves since really, there wasn't any point in running away anymore.

Soraru had his sword and Mafumafu with his staff, both of which were already clear with the fact that they were inexperienced with basic combat like this. They took a deep breath, wanting to both escape out of fear and prove to the other that they had at least something of use.

"Well.... this certainly isn't a pretty sight." a feminine voice said, more so above the tree tops that were around them. It was then where a pair of strong vines would grow from the ground, holding on to the imps tightly. The pair could only stare at the view in from of them, having to simply close their eyes as they took notice of the few more other vines beginning to jab into the imp's flesh more and more. The more it did, the more screaming from the mischievous creatures were heard. After a few more seconds, the imps that were caught would be lifeless and nothing more than that. Most of the other imps had either fled or died from the hands of their unknown savior who had yet to reveal themselves to them.

"Careful around here you two." They started, slowly appearing visible after staying among the treetops. "....This place is pretty dangerous considering it's near the Whispering Woods."

After taking further steps, their savior had revealed themselves. This being a short haired blonde with a pair of red eyes and a red streak on the side of her hair. Her outfit both in the main color of black and bits of purple and red. On top of her head was a witch's hat that on the end of it had a hanging white gem. "Anyways, I'm Kuro! Now what brings you two here?"

"Well... for starters, me and this guy here were collecting herbs for his first quest. It's for his mentor." the prince explained, showing a smile in order to act the most natural way he could towards the girl. Though Kuro only sighed in response from this, "No need to hide your highness." she spoke, smiling at him before staring at the two. "Well, for now here's the herbs that I'm guessing were stolen from before."

Gently accepting the herbs, the albino then beamed a smile. "Ah! Right, I'm Mafumafu and this is Soraru-san!!"

"Yes I know, as if I don't know the prince's name. Especially now considering that I tend to visit the castle gardens once and a while to deliver a few supplies to the king himself." Kuro explained, beginning to take notice to the albino's staff. "I'm guessing that the king gave you that?"

Giving a nod, the albino smiled proudly. "Mhm! He did!" The red-eyed girl started to shake her head before giving a sigh. "Well... You're going to need a new staff soon. The one he gave you is no good."

"Eh? What do you mean, Kuro-chan?"

"What I mean is that this staff isn't going to last you very long, especially the more you try to use it." Not only based on her appearance, but judging by the fact that the girl had a witch's hat, the two decided to take her knowledge in mind. Besides, if anything, it was Mafumafu who needed to know about this especially as well. Though the prince still listened either way in order to fulfill his part in this. After taking one more look at albino's staff, Kuro then smiled, "You know... if you ever plan at going to the town of Scenrío or at the Shop of Mysteries, you could get a more decent staff than whatever this is." Giving a happy nod, Mafumafu then proceeded to thank the red-eyed girl for her use of knowledge.

"Well? Shall we head back then?"

Looking over at the two, Kuro began to simply pull the pair along with her back on track. Well, in her way in seeing things for the least. "Mhm, we should."

"Sides, looks like you two are in for something special."

Well, this is the end of the second section! Hopefully it wasn't too bad though ;;;;
Anyways, aside from this.

Would you look at that- Kuro appeared huh? To be honest, I was sorta waiting for her to appear later on but I realized that if I did that, she'd have less time on here. I want the Utaites to be able to have the most time possible that way it doesn't seem like they're being pushed to the side. Not only that but each one has their important role to the story and in the world I made for this ww

Alright, that should be it now so I'm off—
Stay safe everyone! ww

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